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by Crescent, Sam

  “Someone looking like a monster will be noticed, Zero,” Tiny said.

  “Not necessarily,” Whizz said. “It’s easy in this day and age to get lost. Look what happened with Snitch, and that fucker wasn’t even trying. Alan had the money to change his face and start over. No one is looking for Alan Lynch as he’s presumed dead. Why go looking for a dead man?”

  “Fuck.” Tiny cursed, stepping away to look outside the window. “We don’t have a clue why this fucker waited so long. Why didn’t you come to us?” he asked, turning back to glare at him. “You were a prospect and could have come to us at any time. Why didn’t you?”

  “I was new, and I didn’t want to get you involved in my shit. I had no intention of coming back,” Zero said.

  “What?” Butch asked.

  “I didn’t know if I was going to survive, and to be honest, I didn’t care.”

  The others around him cursed.

  “I was a prospect. I wasn’t going to bring you in on my mess. My best friend had died in my arms. The only thing I wanted to do was take out the fucker who did it and threatened Prue. I did what I set out to do. I protected her, or at least I thought I protected her, but I didn’t because he’s back.”

  “You were twenty-three years old,” Tiny said. “A fucking baby.”

  “I’ve been firing a gun since I was ten and fighting at fifteen. I took him out, and I didn’t care if I lived or died. He killed my best friend. Trevor died in my arms, and he asked one thing from me, to keep his sister safe, and I failed.” Zero repeated himself so the club would understand that he did what he’d had to do. If he could go back he wouldn’t change a fucking thing, apart from watching the building burn to the ground.

  He stood up, fisting his hands begging for something to hurt. As he paced the room, the anger was filling him. Whenever this happened he went out on his bike.

  “I need to get out of here.”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Tiny said.

  Zero felt the crew’s eyes on him. Slamming his fist against the wall, he lashed out needing to feel the bite of pain from the hit.

  “Take him down to the gym,” Tiny said. “You want to fight then the brothers will fight you back.”


  Prue hurt all over. It hurt to move, and she was so scared as she opened her eyes. She thought about her brother and then frowned. Trevor was dead. He wasn’t going to be coming to help her. What the hell had happened? Opening her eyes, she looked around the dark hospital room, scared, terrified, and shocked.

  Where was she? Her memories were all fuzzy.

  “Hello, Prue.” The voice that spoke was dark, filled with danger. She didn’t recognize the voice, but she heard the threat inside it. No one besides Zero knew her real name. Waking up, she started to become aware of herself, the blankness disappearing as all of her memories returned in full force. Zero was the main focus of her thoughts. Prue remembered she’d been on the way to see him. She knew he only went by Zero now, not Lucas. The night her brother died, so had Lucas. “You must mean so much to Zero. He posted a guard inside the hospital, but it’s so easy getting around when you wear the right uniform. This hospital sure needs a lot of money and resources. The place is understaffed on every front.”

  She looked around the darkened room trying to find the owner of the voice. “Who are you? What do you want?” she asked. The machine monitoring her heart showed her fear. Her heart was racing. The pain increased, and she saw a clip had been placed on the morphine that was supposed to be going into her body to ease the pain.

  “I’m not anything of importance,” he said, getting to his feet. “In fact, we’ve never actually met. I never got that privilege years ago.” She saw the outline of him as he came into view, and she gasped.

  His face was distorted. The faded silver lines showed so many scars, but there were also scars that he couldn’t get rid of, burn marks down one side of his face. “Ah, I see you know who I am now. I’m surprised Zero told you about what happened. He was so determined to protect you. Your little boyfriend thought no one would come to my aid. I’m going to show him what real pain feels like.” He reached out to touch her face.

  Tears filled her eyes. “Alan?”

  “The very one, but I’m not as pretty as I used to be. Another thing to add to the list of things to thank Zero for. He’s not going by Lucas anymore, I must remember that. He’s Zero now. Strange name if you ask me.”

  “You’re dead,” she said, whimpering. His finger was running up and down her cheek. She couldn’t move. The fear tightened inside her, gripping her. She was held in place by that very fear. Zero told her all about what he’d done to this man. Prue thought he was dead, yet here he was, ready to hurt her.

  “I was dead, or at least he thought I was dead,” Alan said, looking down at her, smiling. She’d never seen a look so evil before in her life. “Zero needs to learn to check or watch when he’s killed someone. I wasn’t dead, and there was someone special in my life who dragged me out of the building. She saved me.”

  Who would save this monster?

  “You killed my brother.”

  “He was selling me out. I treated him like I do all traitors. I kill them. It wasn’t personal. Trevor knew what he was getting into, and if he didn’t, then he was a fucking fool. A dead fool now.”

  She whimpered as his fingers glided around her neck. He could kill her so easily.

  “I can feel your pulse.” His fingers caressed over the pulse in her neck, the threat there in every touch. “It would be so easy to take all that away. No one is here to stop me or to protect you. You’re at my mercy to do with as I please.”

  Reaching up, she gripped his arm, trying to stop him. “Please, don’t.”

  “I’ve been watching you, Prue. You’re innocent. It’s a shame really. If it wasn’t for your brother and Zero, I would have left you alone.” He tightened his grip cutting off her air supply. Scratching at his arm, she panicked, the pain making it hard for her to struggle. Alan leaned in close. “I was going to give him a quick death, but after everything I’ve gone through, the years of pain and getting back to where I am, I’m going to take my time.”

  His lips were so close to her ear.

  Her vision was getting blurry, but he suddenly released his hold. His hand lay around her neck, but there was nowhere else for her to go. Whatever he had planned, she would have to take it, hoping that Zero would save her again.

  “I’m going to play a game, and you’re going to be a messenger,” he said. His hand glided down her neck to land on her breast. She cried out, going to stop him from touching her. A knife landed against her throat. “I don’t think so, pet. You will let me do what I want, or I will make it hurt a hell of a lot better.”

  “Please,” she said, hating herself for begging her brother’s killer for mercy. “Don’t kill me.”

  “You’re in no position to beg, baby. Now, release my hand.”

  Hands shaking, she moved away, fisting her palms at her sides. She sank her nails into her skin, trying to find some sanity over what was happening.

  This was why Zero tried to kill him and failed. Tears spilling out of her eyes, she bit into her lip to stop herself from calling out.

  “I’m surprised Zero hasn’t fucked you. You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said.

  She was disgusted with him. His hand moved down her body drawing the blanket down with him.

  Nails sinking into her flesh, she closed her eyes trying to find a happy place as his hand covered her mound.

  Don’t think. Don’t think. Don’t think.

  Feeling ill she concentrated on the blade of his knife against her neck.

  He touched her over the hospital gown. “See, all you need is the right incentive to give me what I want,” he said. “I could fuck you right here and now, and all it would take is the blade against your throat to let me.”

  Not making a noise, she prayed for a nurse to find her and to take him away.

ease, please, please.

  She chanted the words over and over again, begging for some relief. Prue was happy for anyone to come to her rescue and stop him.

  “However, I will fuck you when the time is right.” He removed the blade and replaced the blanket over her legs.

  Opening her eyes, she saw he was smiling. The tears fell thick and fast from her eyes. “Why won’t you just kill me and get it over with?” Her voice broke, and she felt like such a coward.

  “Why do that when I can have so much fun keeping you alive?” Alan gazed across the room. She saw he was thinking. What did Zero do to him to make him so vicious? Wait, she knew what he did, but why was he back now? Fuck. Her thoughts were all over the place. Had Zero told her the truth, or had he kept some of the shit he’d done to Alan from her? “You know, Zero taught me something ten years ago. He taught me that patience can make this game fun.”


  “Consider it a game of cat and mouse. Guess what you are?” he asked.

  The evil lurking in his eyes kept her quiet.

  “The game is going to begin. I hope Zero is ready for what I’m about to do.” Alan leaned down, invading her space once again. “You’re going to be so much fun. I see now who I can use to make him suffer.”

  “Why wait all these years?” she asked.

  “There’s nothing like waiting to make the game so much sweeter. Enjoy what you’ve got left of your life, Prue. It’s going to be fucking fun.” He kissed her head and left.

  When he left she panicked and started to scream. The nurse charged in, releasing the clip on her morphine. A man covered in ink and wearing The Skulls leather jacket entered the room.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, staring from her to the nurse.

  “You shouldn’t be in here,” the nurse said.

  “I don’t give a fuck.”

  Prue was panicking. She was scared of what was about to happen. Whatever Alan had planned, he was going to relish every second of making them both suffer.

  “Get Zero. Please, I need him. Get Zero.”

  The biker nodded and left the room.

  “You need to calm down, honey.”

  “No, I need him. Please, he needs to know what’s going on.”

  Another doctor entered the room. Her heart was racing. Perspiration dotted her brow.

  I have to get out of here. Zero is in danger. I’ve got to warn him.

  “What’s going on?” the doctor asked.

  “She’s panicking. We need to calm her down.”

  Prue shook her head. She couldn’t speak as she struggled to breathe. No, she couldn’t calm down. Alan could get to her no matter where she was. No one cared. The only person she could trust was Zero. Where was he? Why wasn’t he here? A mask was placed over her mouth, and she was eased down on the bed. Staring at the nurse she saw the nurse was telling her to calm down, but Prue couldn’t hear the words.

  She couldn’t be calm. The sudden sting in her arm had her gasping. Slowly, ever so slowly she started to feel heavy.

  No, I have to warn Zero. He is in danger. We are both in danger.


  Butch sat at the bar sipping a whiskey as he thought about all he’d heard. He remembered the time Zero was talking about as he’d been shouting at him over the phone. He always wondered what happened to his friend during that time, but once Zero returned, he never asked. Thinking back, he recalled the change within him, which had to be down to losing his best friend. Closing his eyes, he took a swallow of the liquid as he felt arms band around him. “Hey, baby, are you ready for a fuck?”

  Opening his eyes, he glanced behind him at the sweet-butt hanging off him. She had long, dyed blonde hair and was wearing a short skirt and bikini top. All of her body was on display leaving nothing to the imagination. He’d played with Carla many times. She liked to fuck hard, but he wasn’t in the mood for fucking or doing anything. Zero was in trouble. Butch needed to keep his shit about him for whatever was about to go down.

  “No, go and fuck another brother,” he said, shrugging her off.

  “I don’t want to. My pussy wants you.”

  Shaking his head, he moved away from the bar and left the clubhouse. He needed a ride. Getting onto his bike, he left the compound. Butch wasn’t wearing a helmet, and he made his way into town without any trouble. Straddling his bike he watched the people who were going about their business, walking, talking, romancing and shit.

  Fuck, none of them were having to deal with a new enemy. Most of the people in Fort Wills were worrying about the mundane shit. Zero would never be on his own again. His enemy was the club’s enemy. Getting off his bike, Butch walked through town, going around the back of the shops, and he stopped short when he saw the church in his sights. He’d never been to church. Neither had any of the brothers, apart from when they had gone for Angel’s wedding.

  He entered the church grounds and saw the door was open, spilling light out into the night. There lay plenty of gravestones on his way toward the door, leaving him depressed. So much death surrounded him and The Skulls at present. How were they all supposed to survive?

  What the fuck are you doing?

  Ignoring the voice inside his head, he entered the church. No one was inside, but the altar was alight with several candles. Sitting at the back, he stared at the statue in front of him. Something about Zero’s story made Butch feel sick. Whoever was after Zero wasn’t going to play by the rules. Butch didn’t know how he knew this, only that he did. Someone who waited ten years wasn’t going to play nice, and this was going to be different for all of them, not just Zero.

  Ten years of hatred, the scars, the pain. Alan, whoever he was, would make Zero pay ten times over. The club was going to be hurting by the time this was all over.

  A feminine hum filled the air. Glancing to the side he watched a woman with long brown hair enter the church. She wasn’t wearing religious clothing but a pair of jeans and a plain white shirt. It was late, but she was carrying an armful of books. Her hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail. The length fell below her ass, her hair was so long.

  She was curvy as well. The shirt highlighted her full tits and small waist as it clung to her skin.

  When she turned around, he heard her gasp.

  “I’m so sorry. I’ll be quiet and leave you to your prayers,” she said, turning away.

  “No, you don’t need to leave. I wasn’t praying.” He stood up then sat down as he didn’t want to scare her.

  “Why come to church if you don’t want to pray? Would you like me to get the Father?” she asked, pointing to the door.

  “Are you a nun?” he asked.

  “No, I work in town at the florists’ shop, and for fun I help out here,” she said. He watched as she took several steps toward him. She held the books against her chest like a lifeline.

  “You shouldn’t tell anyone about yourself. Some people would take advantage.”

  Her cheeks went bright red, and she withdrew her hand.

  “Sorry. My mom says I need to learn to shut up a bit.” She smiled even though it didn’t reach her eyes.

  “Shit, I’m sorry. Crap, now I’m cursing in church.”

  She giggled. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure He’ll forgive you.”

  Smiling, Butch was curious about her. “What’s your name?”

  “I’m Cheryl Barnes. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Butch, I’m a member of The Skulls,” he said, taking her hand. Her hand was so soft and tiny inside his. What the fuck was happening to him?

  “I know of The Skulls. It’s nice to meet you, Butch.” She handed him a Bible and turned to leave.

  “Where did you say you worked?”

  “At the florist. I’ve made several arrangements for Lash and Tiny. They like my arrangements. It’s nice to meet you.” She made her way back to leave Bibles in her wake.

  Well, fuck him.

  Chapter Two

  “What the hell happened?” Zero asked,
entering the hospital. Blaine was standing inside the reception area. The moment he got the call he stopped fighting with his brothers to get down to the hospital. Prue was far more important than his need to get his ass kicked.

  “I don’t know. She had a massive panic attack and started calling for you. The doctors have sedated her,” Blaine said. “Nothing would calm her down.”

  “Prue doesn’t have panic attacks. She’s always dealt with everything straight away,” he said. Going toward the ICU he brushed past the nurses and went to her bedside. She was sleeping, and he couldn’t see anything wrong with her. It was like nothing had changed from the moment he last saw her.

  Taking one of her hands inside his, he looked down to see the bruising of her nails. She’d dug them into her fist hard enough to leave bruises. What the fuck? Prue wasn’t like this. None of this made sense to him, not the panic attacks or the bruises on her hands. Something had to have happened to scare her.

  “What happened to you?” he asked, trying to figure everything out.

  “She’s not going to wake up for some time,” the doctor said. “We had to sedate her, but she will be okay.”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  “I insist you leave.”

  “No, the last time I left she had a panic attack. I’m not leaving her side, and you’re not going to make me.” He glared at the doctor ready to commit murder if they didn’t listen to him. A couple of hours he was gone and something had happened. There was no way he was leaving her now. Prue needed him.

  The doctor stared at him for several minutes and then left. Grabbing the chair in the far corner Zero dragged it toward the bed.

  “Hey, Prue. I’m here. Nothing is going to happen to you.” He kept talking to her, holding her hand tightly.

  He’d failed her again. Something wasn’t right. Prue never panicked. Even when her parents died, she hadn’t panicked.

  “The Skulls know everything. They’re going to help us, baby.” Cutting off his speech, he tried to fight back the sudden need to cry.

  Fuck, he wasn’t a pussy, and he refused to cry. Prue and his club needed him strong. Breaking down and crying wasn’t going to solve any of the problems he now had.


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