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Abducted And Enslaved For The Talistaun

Page 2

by W. L. Dowd

  Down lower, on either side of the miniature seat, there were wooded studs that extended outward from the vertical main at a very wide angle from the stubby seat. Each of these extended about 2 feet outward, before turning down toward floor to support the rack in an upright position. And of course these studs also had several leather straps screwed directly to them, all the way to the floor.

  It didn’t take much imagination for Angie to quickly realize how this thing would work. She immediately pictured herself perched on the tiny ledge, just barely supporting her tail bone, her arms extended and stretched outward from her body and strapped tightly to the horizontal board, while her legs were spread wide and strapped tightly to the lower boards extending outward and down from the seat. Her nightmarish vision saw her body stretched open, fully exposed, and helplessly vulnerable in the middle of her garage!

  Then, just when those nightmarish thoughts finished dancing through her head, she felt her skirt being unclasped and unzipped at her side.

  “There we go,” came echoing from the Colonel. “Shall we see what’s hidden behind the rest of these clothes?”

  Immediately, her skirt fell to the floor around her black heels, while at the same time her blouse was pulled off her shoulders and down her arms to her cuffed hands.

  “MMMMMM, Mmmmmm, MMMMM,” echoed from behind the large ball gag. Her muffled cries of protest and distress now filled the garage. Feeling her clothes fall away from her body, Angie’s worst fears began to consume her.

  “Oh my….. You are every bit as beautiful and stunning as we were told you would be!”

  Taking a switch blade from his belt holder, he released the blade with a crisp snapping sound and approached her.

  “Now let’s see what’s hiding behind this bra and panties shall we?”

  She tried to twist and turn away from the shiny blade, but like before, it was a useless effort. Terrified and helpless to fight back, her wide eyes followed the long thin blade as it slipped under the front of her bra.

  With very little resistance, the razor sharp knife sliced through the fabric between the bra’s cups, thus releasing her healthy breasts. Immediately the bra sprung away from her body, exposing her impressive globes. Instantly, the fresh air washed across her exposed nipples caused them to stiffen instantly.

  With two more quick swipes of his knife, the two remaining straps were cut away and her basic white bra was thrown to the side.

  “Oh my god, would you look at these spectacular girls standing at attention!” exclaimed the Colonel.

  “MMMMMmmmmmmmffffffffffffff,” escaped from Angie’s gagged mouth as her breathing became even more rapid and shallow. Even though she saw it coming, the sudden release of her large breasts as they sprung from her chest caught her off guard.

  “Now let’s see what we have going on down below,” said the Colonel.

  Angie’s wide frantic eyes were once again following the sharp blade as the Colonel slowly lowered it to his next defenseless target.

  Not allowing Angie an opportunity to adjust to her suddenly exposed tits, he slipped the cold blade of the knife between the waistband of her white panties and her hip. The seemingly ice cold steel caused her to suddenly inhale deeply. She knew she was about to lose her last piece of clothing, the only piece left that covered her most coveted man prize.

  Realizing she was only a couple of knife swipes away from total nakedness, she unsuccessfully tried to jerk away one last time. But the soldier holding her elbows still had a solid grip on them. Then, with amazing speed and precision, her plain white panties were cut away and thrown to the side in the blink of an eye.

  Angie had never felt so naked and exposed. Her entire gorgeous body was now fully exposed to the four men. With only her black heels on her feet and her blouse dangling from her cuffed wrists, she was helplessly naked and vulnerable as she stood there on display. Feeling her nipples stiffing to the point of being uncomfortable, she glanced down to see her rock hard buds and goose-bump covered areoles projecting outward from the ends of her jutting breasts.

  “Hmmm, Hmmm, you are a fine package my dear,” said the Colonel.

  Still standing directly in front of her, he cupped her heaving breasts in his large manly hands and began to knead them. Gently at first, he slowly and methodically started to massage her firm healthy globes as he inspected their fullness.

  Inhaling deeply, Angie released a long deep groan as she felt his groping hands working her sensitive globes. With Angie now straining against his touch, he placed his large and surprising soft thumbs over her rock hard nipples and then began to gently stroke them back and forth in unison.

  The intense sensation shot through her body like electricity, making her knees buckle. Fortunately, the man holding her from behind was ready and prevented her from hitting the floor with a thud.

  “And you’re a sensitive one too. I do think you’re going to enjoy our rack.”

  Glancing over to the wooden unit with a look of panic in her eyes, Angie knew that her time strapped to the awful thing would be torturous and intensely humiliating. And judging by the bulges that were developing in the men’s pants, she feared her womanhood would not escape being violated and stretched by their swelling shafts.

  With her body now quivering under the assault of the Colonel’s thumbs, he smiled and blurted out rather loudly, “Gentleman, let’s get her mounted.”

  Pulling her forward, Angie stepped out of the skirt that laid on the floor around her ankles, and reluctantly walked to the rack. Now standing in front of the rack, still in disbelief at what was happening to her, her hands were un-cuffed and her blouse was pulled from her wrists. With all four men participating in the effort, she was helpless to stop them from spinning her backward against the frame, and forcing her down on the stubby ledge.

  Next, two leather straps were quickly wrapped around her mid-section, one just under her heaving tits and another one lower at her hips. Pulled tightly around her body, her torso was now strapped to the main vertical support. Then with amazing efficiency, the four men had her arms stretched out straight from her shoulders and strapped firmly to the horizontal board. With her torso and arms immobilized, it was easy for them to pull her legs wide apart and strap them to the boards that ran outward in near opposing directions from the miniature seat. With apparent experience, her legs were soon strapped tightly to the frame, as the last of the straps were pulled tight around her ankles.

  Just as she had envisioned, she now found herself cruelly mounted to the wooden rack, her feet several inches off the floor, with her naked body obscenely exposed and her pussy remarkably vulnerable!

  Positioning himself between her outstretched legs, the Colonel reached down and ran two fingers through her stretched and spread slit. She winced and grunted in response to his touch, before closing her eyes tight. It was Angie’s way of trying to escape the awful moment.

  “Now this won’t do, you’re completely dry, even after I plumped up your sensitive nips with my thumbs. I can see we’ll need to take some aggressive steps to get you into the mood……. And that pussy hair will need to go too. I can see you do a nice job keeping yourself nicely trimmed, but that still won‘t do. But worry, we’ll take care of that for you later.”

  Gently stroking the underside of her chin with his fingertips, he spoke out with a very foreboding and chilling voice. “Angelina dear, does the General have this much trouble getting you wet!”

  Still sitting with her eyes closed, an entirely new level of panic set-in for Angie. How did this maniac know her husband was a General? Suddenly she feared there was a whole lot more behind her abduction than a group of horny soldiers looking for a good fuck. It was all starting to make sense now; they were going to use her to get to her husband!

  “Sergeant, retrieve the elixir from the pack.”

  “Yes Sir!” he replied. Rummaging through the black backpack he pulled a small bottle from the satchel and handed it to the Colonel.

  Taking the bottle
of clear liquid from the Sergeant, he held it up in front of Angie’s face as he began vigorously shaking it about. Unable to help herself, she opened her eyes to see what was splashing back and forth before her.

  “Are you familiar with Nano technology my dear?”

  With her terrified eyes now locked onto the small bottle of liquid, she gently shook her head ‘No’.

  “Well, it’s really quite simple. Suspended within this fluid, there are literally millions of microscopic machines, otherwise known as nanites. These nearly invisible robotic machines are so small that it takes a super microscope just to see them. And here’s the really neat part, once these specially designed nanites are ingested, they quickly find their way into your body’s blood stream. From there, there isn’t a location in your pretty little body that these mini monsters can’t reach.”

  Pausing to enjoy the look of terror in her eyes, a wide grin over took his face as he watched Angie begin to frantically shake her head in objection.

  “And once these little devils are in place, we use a targeted radio frequency to control them. What does that mean you ask yourself? Well it means that with the use of a small PDA hand held computer with a transmitter, we can instantly bring the nanites to life. And with a few simple commands, we can do unbelievable things to you. Your entire body, from your brain to your toes, will be at the mercy of the nanites and our commands. We’ll be able to instantly stop your heart, or make you orgasm so violently that you’ll pass out! That’s if we don’t direct them to prevent you the mercy of fainting.”

  Angie was now in a full state of panic, she was desperately trying to communicate with her captures but the large ball gag made that impossible. Her blood instantly ran cold as the realization of her predicament set in. The thought of what they might do to her, to get to Jack, was overwhelming. Angie knew the tortures that these ‘hired guns’ were capable of inflicting to get what they want. Grunting and groaning and moaning, they all understood what she was trying to plead, but that had no effect on them.

  “Now it’s time for you to drink up my dear! When we remove your gag, you WILL drink this potion.”

  From behind her, one of the men unbuckled the gag and dislodged it from between her teeth. She immediately began pleading.

  “NO, NO, please don’t do this to me PLEASE. Don’t make me swallow that stuff, I’m begging you! I’ll do anything you want, I will, I promise……. If I knew where Jack was I would tell you, honestly I would. Please don‘t do this!”

  Twisting the cap off the 2 oz. bottle, he stepped even closer to Angie.

  Completely immobile and unable to resist, Angie watched his strong hand wrap around the back of her head to hold it steady. Then he pressed the opening of the bottle to her lips and said, “Drink it!”

  When she refused to open her lips, he grabbed a hand full of her beautiful blonde hair and pulled her head backward until she was looking up at the ceiling. And with the bottle’s opening still pressed tight against her sealed lips, another hand suddenly appeared from behind and pinched her nose shut.

  She knew it was only a matter of time before she would have to open her mouth to breathe, and that would allow the nanites in. Angie fought it until she got so dizzy and scared that she couldn’t hold out any longer. As her lips finally parted to take in some fresh oxygen, the nanite laced liquid filled her mouth. She tried desperately not to swallow, but with her head held back she couldn’t stop the surprisingly slimy fluid from slipping down her throat.

  The nanite juice had a strong peppermint flavor to it, and it felt incredibly warm as it slowly made its way to her stomach. She could feel it descending every inch of the way as it entered her belly. The sensation made her entire body shiver and break out with goose bumps. This appeared to be the sign of success they were looking for, as they suddenly released their grip on her nose and head.

  “There, now that wasn’t so bad.”

  Unsure what to say or do next, Angie could only sit there with a stunned look on her face while her body began to digest the warm nanite juice. Angie knew she couldn’t stop it from happening; her body was now going about what it did naturally. Helpless to prevent it, the invasive nanites were quickly being absorbed into her blood stream.

  “All we need to do now is to wait for your daughter and her husband to arrive.”

  Angie’s eyes almost popped out of her head as she looked to the Colonel with yet another new look of surprised panic on her face.

  Seeing her frantic expression, he responded. “You think we didn’t know about your dinner plans with Ashley and Jason? We’ve been closely monitoring all your communications for weeks now. We know just about everything about you my dear. It’s unfortunate that you didn’t unwittingly provide us with the whereabouts of the General. We waited patiently for many weeks, but you never let it slip. Now we have to extract that information from you!”

  “But I don’t know where he is, or how to get in-touch with him. Honestly, I don’t know anything. And neither do Ashley or Jason, please, you have to believe me.”

  “Well that might prove to be unfortunate Angelina. We have a mission, and failure is not an option. One way or another, you will help us get to the General.”

  “But, but, we have no idea how to reach him. We haven’t spoken with him in a year or longer…… Please, leave my daughter out of this. Take me, do what you want to me, just leave Ashley alone, I’m begging you!”

  ”Sorry Mom, can’t do that. If having you in our grasp is good, having the entire family is even better!”

  Realizing she wasn’t going to be able to reason with these monsters, yet another wave of concern flooded over her.

  “Oh my god….. You can’t leave me like this! You can’t let the kids see me this way. Please, Jason’s never seen me naked; you can’t let him see me like this.”

  “Well, he’s in for a real treat then, isn’t he?”

  “Noooooooooo, no, no, oh my god, please NO!”

  “Sergeant, re-gag our captive. I don’t want her alerting our soon to arrive guests.”

  “Yes Sir,” replied the Sergeant. Springing into action, he eagerly jammed the orange ball gag back in her mouth and roughly strapped it in tight.

  With Angie re-gagged, the Colonel stepped forward with a large photo in hand. Turning it for Angie to see close up, she was stunned to see a woman suspended by her ankles with her legs held wide apart by a spreader bar, with her arms tightly restrained behind her in an arm binder. And In addition to all this, there were thin cords extending from her nipples to eye bolts in the floor; cords that were pulled tight and clearly kept the woman from swinging about. But it was the painful looking red stripes and welts covering her naked body that terrified Angie the most. Suspended by her ankles and secured by her nipples, this woman clearly suffered horribly at the receiving end of a whip.

  Allowing Angie plenty of time to soak in the sight of the awful picture, he finally slid it to the side, exposing another photo behind it. And as shocking as the first photo may have been, the second photo and much closer view of the woman’s inverted upper body was much worse. In the second photo, Angie could clearly see the barbell piercings that penetrated the woman’s large nipples, and the nipple lassos that were wrapped around her pierced nubs behind the jewelry. Unable to slip off her violated pleasure buds, the thin cords of the lassos were drawn tight to the eyelets on the floor, pulling the tips of her generous tits downward.

  But it was the face in the photo that caused her heart to skip several beats. Gagged with a large black ball gag, and with her long red hair pulled back tight in a ponytail, the tear streaked face was clearly that of her sister in-law.

  Seeing Angie’s breathing become even more rapid and labored when she finally recognized the woman in the picture, the Colonel continued.

  “Just in case you’re wondering how we found you….. Tina here finally gave you up. As you can see, it took some convincing, but the General’s little sister finally spilled her guts.”

Mmmmmmmm, MMMMMmmmmmmm,” cried Angie as she shook her head in astonished disbelief.

  “You know, I must admit, I thought the nipple piercings would have done the trick, but this girl is tougher than I gave her credit for. In the end, it was the relentless bullwhip that got her talking.”

  Angie’s eyes were unable to blink as she stared at the photo in shock. Tina was Jack’s much younger sister. Nearly 18 years younger than Jack, Tina was much closer to Ashley’s age than she was her brother. In fact, Ashley and Tina were rather close and hung out together a lot before the days of the Talistaun.

  “Let me make this perfectly clear for you Angelina. If you don’t cooperate as the evening unfolds, your daughter will end up just like your sister in-law! Do you understand me?”

  Angie was unable to respond, her head was just too jumbled with frantic thoughts and fear as she stared at the awful photo of Tina.

  “DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!” yelled the Colonel.

  The sudden yelling jarred Angie back to the moment and she slowly began to nod her head ‘Yes’ in response.

  “Very good! I think it’s time to lie in wait for our next victims,” said the Colonel, as the men disappeared behind her to hide in the shadows.

  Chapter 2 - The Kids Arrive

  Naked, gagged, and stretched wide on the rack, Angelina’s exposed body was strapped tightly in place, leaving her to stare helplessly at the backside of the garage door. Angie knew it wouldn’t be long before the kids would be arriving for dinner, and get most the terrifying shock of their young lives.

  With the men out of sight once again, she was left to sit alone in the middle of the garage bay and wait. The terrifying and frantic thought of her daughter, and especially Jason, seeing her like she was, completely consumed her tormented mind. She’d never felt so humiliatingly exposed as she glanced down over her immobile body to see her rock hard nipples extending from the tips of her large firm mounds. And looking between her thrusting globes, she could see the top edge of her neatly trimmed bush just below the lower strap, as the garage’s cool air penetrating her gapping pussy lips.


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