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Lilith's Legacy

Page 6

by Aubrey Ross

The Prime Leader’s roar shook the room. Lilith faced him squarely, proud and unafraid. Jetrel ran to her, shielding her with his body as Balam stepped down from the dais.

  “Get—my—fruit!” Each word impacted the chamber with physical force.

  “Not yet.”

  Balam lashed out. Jetrel lunged to intercept the blow, but Lilith shoved him to the floor. Stunned, Jetrel watched Lilith grab Balam’s wrist and force his arm to his side.

  “Until you partake, Sire, I am stronger than you.” She let go of his wrist yet held her ground. “I don’t want your kingdom. I want what’s rightfully mine and nothing more.”

  Arioch helped Jetrel to his feet, his expression fascinated. “How is this possible? What has she done?”

  Panting, his lips curled back in a silent snarl, Balam glared at Lilith. “State your terms.”

  Jetrel and Arioch exchanged astonished glances. Balam was giving in?

  “Declare me Cat Clan leader. That will give me the authority to do the rest.”

  “No female has ever been clan leader,” Arioch said. “No clan will follow you.”

  “They will if I am allied with Serpent Clan, if the Prime Leader himself approves my appointment.”

  Again Arioch turned to his brother. “Why do you not destroy her where she stands?”

  “I cannot!”

  “They struck a bargain while she was in the Light.” Jetrel took Lilith’s chin and drew her face toward his. “What have you done?”

  Balam laughed. Stomping back to the dais, he sat and gestured toward Lilith. “She has outmaneuvered me, plain and simple. The new leader of…Pussy Clan has officially entered the game.”

  Lilith ignored the slur and twisted her chin away from Jetrel’s hand. “Is the other piece for Arioch?”

  “Yes. As often as he annoys me, he is my brother. Did you bring one for your lover? Do you intend to share our secret with Jetrel?”

  Looking at her lover, a tight knot formed in the pit of her stomach. She couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t desired Jetrel. He filled her dreams and fantasies, never drifted far from her thoughts. Even during her years with Sammael, she’d secretly longed for Jetrel.

  When she’d left her talisman in the doorway, offering herself as a mate, she’d meant the invitation for Jetrel. Instead, Sammael, the older brother and clan leader, had presumed it was left for him. If it were not for that horrible misunderstanding, she would have been mated to Jetrel all along.

  Eternity would be empty without him.

  “Yes. We will include Jetrel.”

  “Then this is a three-way alliance,” Balam said. “Shadow, Serpent, and—”

  “Cat Clan,” she finished before he could repeat the derogatory phrase.

  The chamber door swung open and one of the guards stepped inside. “Byleth has arrived,” the guard announced.

  “Who is Byleth?” Balam asked.

  “My handmaiden. She’s here to bear witness against Sammael.”

  “If he truly broke a blood oath, it gives you reason to replace him as clan leader. I suspect your real motivation is not going to be discussed with the other clans.”

  Balam nodded in agreement with his brother’s assessment. “Let her in.”

  Byleth was a hybrid demon, born of two different clans. Her long silky hair came from her Cat Clan mother, while her Raptor Clan father graced her with golden eyes and angular features.

  Without speaking she shed her garments and bowed to Arioch. Her pale flesh gleamed in the firelight, her full breasts swaying as she moved. Lustful appreciation ignited in Arioch’s gaze, but he didn’t touch Byleth. The servant went to the dais and knelt before Balam’s throne, her face near the floor.

  “You could learn deportment from your handmaiden,” Balam told Lilith. “Byleth, did you witness a blood oath between your mistress and her mate?”

  “I did, Sire.”

  “Look at me. I would rather not converse with the back of your head.”

  She raised her torso, remaining on her knees.


  Byleth glanced at Lilith before she spoke, then her bright gaze settled on Balam. “Sammael took advantage of the demonic custom of sexual tribute, Sire. As I understand it, the custom is meant to solidify political allegiance during formal meetings and important negotiations.”

  “You understand a lot for a handmaiden.”

  “My father is Agreas, Leader of Raptor Clan. I was conceived during just such a tribute.”


  “Sammael demanded sexual tribute from anyone entering his presence, not just those wishing to establish their acceptance of his authority. It became a humiliation for his mate, my mistress.”

  Balam shifted his gaze to Lilith, though he continued to question her servant. “How did the blood oath come about?”

  “Her frustration escalated over time, but she was forced to take action when a party from Shark Clan proposed a joint venture with Cat Clan. Sammael…”

  “Go on. Were you witness to the events or is this what your mistress has told you?”

  “I was there, as was the entire Cat Clan Council. Sammael shared Dark Splendor with each and every member of the Shark Clan delegation. One at a time to begin with, but toward the end… It was disgraceful.”

  “How many?”

  “Sixteen. Male, female, one was barely old enough to mate. Sammael took his pleasure while the boy screamed.”

  “Why was this never reported to me?” he asked Lilith.

  “Shark Clan’s venture was approved, and I chose to deal with Sammael in my own way. I told him I would denounce him publicly if he continued to misuse his authority and swore I would bear him no children until he proved himself worthy of offspring. He promised he’d accept oral tribute only at the Council of Seven and fertility festivals as the custom demands, and he would share Dark Splendor with no one but me. After what he’d done, I demanded a blood oath detailing these stipulations. Byleth and Sammael’s manservant witnessed the pact.”

  Balam looked into Byleth’s eyes. “Did you witness this oath? Did Sammael offer it freely?”

  “I did, and he did.”

  “Three members of the Shark Clan remained behind to oversee the venture,” Lilith continued, anxious to have the tale finished. “One of them was Azza.”

  Arioch laughed. “That Shark Clan slut has spread her thighs for half of hell. Sammael broke a blood oath to fuck Azza?”

  Balam dismissed Byleth, unwilling to continue the conversation in her presence. “You found Sammael with Azza?”

  “He had her spread out on the ceremonial altar as if he were claiming a mate.”

  The significance wasn’t lost on the others, Lilith saw from their disgusted expressions. Sexual tribute was an intricate part of demonic culture. Festivals and ceremonies all contained various forms of sexual expression. But once a demon mated the rules changed—specific limits were put on the acceptable forms of tribute. Sammael had flouted these strictures, demonstrating his disrespect for Lilith as well as the hierarchy of hell.

  “And you fled into the Light?” Balam asked.

  “Yes, brother dear, let’s talk about the Light.” Arioch moved closer to Balam, accenting the striking similarity in their appearance. “Jetrel reported some rather interesting developments. What do you know about the humans being driven from the garden?”

  Balam grinned, his dark eyes flashing. “Whenever I entered the garden, I was unable to shift from my animal form. I listened and learned, but I couldn’t accomplish many of my goals while restricted to my serpent’s body.”

  “But Lilith was able to maintain her demonic form,” Jetrel said. “What did you have her do?”

  “And what did you do for her?” Arioch wanted to know.

  “I simply pointed out the injustice of forbidden fruit.” Balam laughed. “And now Lilith will make us all immortal.”

  * * *

  Jetrel stared down at the fruit cradled in his palm. “I thought it would b
e bigger.”

  “Wait until you taste it. It’s like nothing you’ve ever had before.”

  He took a bite. “I know this taste. The flavor was in your mouth the last time I kissed you.” Juice dripped onto his chin and she caught it with her thumb, lifting it to her mouth. He watched her pink tongue explore the liquid. His cock hardened enviously.

  Pulling a chunk from the fruit, he painted her lips with the juice. “Will this really make me immortal?”

  “Balam heard the cherubim say anyone who eats from the Tree of Life will live forever. That’s why God drove the humans out of the garden. They had already eaten from the Tree of Knowledge. If they ate from the Tree of Life, it would have made them immortal.”

  “There was more to it than that. God only forbid them one thing and Balam tricked them into—”

  “You’re defending them again.”

  He said nothing. He and Lilith might never see eye to eye regarding the humans, but nothing could diminish his desire for her.

  Her lips gleamed invitingly. Jetrel traced their fullness with his tongue, savoring the combined sweetness of fruit juice and Lilith. What was it about this woman that affected him so deeply? With their ability to control outward appearance, many Shadow Clan females were extremely beautiful.

  He traced the arch of her eyebrow, the straight line of her nose, the high curve of her cheek. All the while her gaze caressed his face.




  She emanated a strength of spirit that fascinated him.

  Covering her mouth with his, he offered her a lingering taste of the Fruit of Life. “I want to become immortal while feasting from your naked body.”

  Her throaty chuckle taunted him. She rubbed against his chest, sliding the cool material of her gown against his heated skin. “What if I get hungry? I enjoy feasting as much as you.”

  “I’m sure I can find something to sate your hunger.”

  He angled his head, sealed his mouth over hers, and delved deeply with his tongue. Her velvet heat enveloped him, made him ravenous for more. He carefully navigated past her teeth and curled his tongue around hers, stroking, consuming.

  Her scent filled his head, her taste enticed him. He wanted all of her at once, yet he wanted to savor her—forever.

  “Why me?” he whispered into her open mouth. “Why share this gift with me?”

  She stiffened against him and pulled her mouth away. “Strategy. Balam told me to bring him two pieces of the fruit. I would have been outnumbered.”

  Chuckling, Jetrel teased her lips with his fingertip, then pushed into the moist interior of her mouth. “That doesn’t really answer the question. Why me?”

  “Give me back the fruit. If you didn’t want—”

  He silenced her with a long, lingering kiss. “The connection between us is powerful and unique. I will hear you admit it one day. But for now I’ll accept your passion.”

  Lilith molded herself to Jetrel, absorbing his heat and strength through her very pores. She didn’t understand the emotions he unleashed within her, but he was right. A powerful connection existed between them.

  He swept her into his arms and placed her in the middle of the bed. This was her sanctuary. No male had ever entered this room before Jetrel. Sammael always summoned her to his chamber, never daring to invade her private domain.

  Jetrel’s presence marked the beginning of a new era. A time she would share with this man. Her equal. Her lover.

  Her mate?

  Time would tell. They would soon have the rest of eternity to define their relationship.

  Jetrel spread a square cloth on the small table beside the bed and placed the Fruit of Life upon it. “Cut this up for me.”

  Lengthening her fingernail, Lilith sliced the fruit into succulent chunks, then retracted her claw.

  “Thank you.” He grinned, reaching for the laces at the front of his black leather pants. “Off with that gown. I want you naked.”

  “Say please.”

  He laughed. “Please.”

  She watched as he shucked his pants, enjoying the bunch and flex of his muscles as he bent and twisted. Hell help her, he had a spectacular body! Highly defined while remaining sleek.

  “You’re still dressed.”

  “You distracted me.”

  His cock rose proud and thick from a nest of blue-threaded ebony curls. She licked her lips, anticipating the heated slide of his flesh in and out of her mouth.

  He grasped the hem of her dress and pulled it off over her head. Blue fire ignited within his gaze, revealing his rising passion.

  “Lie back.”

  She did and he straddled her hips, his cock arching toward her eagerly. He pulled her hands above her head and conjured Shadow cords, commanding the translucent fibers around her slender wrists.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice sounded sharp even in her own ears.

  “I spread myself for your pleasure and allowed you to do whatever you wanted. Now it’s my turn.”

  Tugging against the Shadow cords, Lilith fought back a wave of panic. Sammael bound her often, controlled her, brutally dominated her. His strength alone made resistance futile, but he liked watching her struggle against the chains.

  “Let me go! There’s no reason for this.”

  Jetrel took her face between his palms, gazing deeply into her eyes. “I’m not Sammael. I will never hurt you.”

  “Then loosen the cords.” Her throat burned and tears blurred her vision. “I can’t… I don’t want to be helpless. Even with you.”

  Gently he caressed her cheek, his gaze thoughtful and tender. “I want you to trust me enough to accept the cords. I won’t be satisfied until you do. But I will force nothing on you.” He dissolved the smoky fibers, freeing her.

  Lilith exhaled and raised one hand to his hair. Removing the leather thong, she sifted the long strands through her fingers. “Trust doesn’t come easy for me.”

  “I know.” He rubbed his thumb back and forth across her bottom lip. “Relax. We’ll never do anything you’re not ready to do.”

  Moved beyond words by his gentleness, she returned her arms to their position above her head, holding herself captive for him. He kissed her softly, leisurely. His tongue stroked, his teeth nipped, but he never ventured beyond her parted lips.

  His body shifted as he reached for a piece of fruit, but his mouth never separated from hers. On and on he kissed her, making her desperate for the intimate thrust of his tongue.

  “Hold this for me.”

  He placed a piece of fruit between her teeth. Licking and nibbling, he ate from her mouth. His tongue passed over her bottom lip, seeking the sweet residue. She closed her lips around his tongue and sucked him into her mouth. A deep growl escaped his throat.

  Wild, demanding, he thrust boldly, encouraging her response with throaty moans. The exotic flavor heightened their pleasure, reminding them of the eternal bond they forged.

  He trailed more fruit along her neck and crushed it into the hollow above her collarbone. Tingling heat followed in the wake of his stroking tongue. She arched, thrusting her breasts upward as he sucked the fibers of fruit from her skin.

  Grabbing another slice, he continued the teasing process. Her nipples tightened painfully as he saturated the sensitive crests with cool juice. He crushed the chunk into pulp and spread it around her nipple, decorating the blue-tinged bud.

  His warm mouth covered one mound, sucking the fruit from her flesh and lingering to tease the pebble-hard tip. He licked and sucked, then licked some more. Lilith squirmed beneath him, her breath coming in shallow pants. Her breasts felt tight and achy, needing the firm pressure of his hands.

  Trailing his tongue over to her other breast, he began the titillating process all over again. She tossed her head and laced her fingers together, resisting the urge to touch him. He’d cared enough to release the Shadow cords. She offered her surrender in return.

  Jetrel took the last
slice of fruit and settled between her thighs. Her waist-length black hair spread out against the bed, creating a dramatic backdrop for her smooth, ivory skin. He studied her plump mound and the blue folds already slick with passion.

  She responded freely, offering herself without reservation. His demonic nature demanded that he conquer and consume, but he knew what her passivity cost her. Her proud spirit bowed to no one, yet she yielded to him.

  Determined to savor the moment, he pushed her legs wide, parted her, and wedged the fruit in the very heart of her pussy. Her slick folds closed around it until only the rounded tip remained visible.

  “It tingles.” She wiggled. A deep flush spread over her breasts and blossomed across her cheeks.

  “I don’t want this to end. I want to feast on you forever.”

  She grinned. “This may be the last piece of fruit, but my body is always available to assuage your hunger.”

  Lowering his face between her legs, he inhaled her musk and the fruit’s tangy fragrance. His senses whirled, intoxicated by the heady combination. He licked her delicate flesh. The fruit added an exotic flavor to her response. Her cream soaked the fruit, coating his tongue and filling his mouth. He drank deeply, lapping at the saturated fruit until it dissolved completely.

  She groaned, rocking her hips as he tongued her core. He held her thighs wide, devouring her with bold thrusts and firm suction.

  He traced her slit from back to front over and over, deliberately avoiding her swollen nub. “This little berry is as delicious as the Fruit of Life.” He closed his lips around her clit.

  She cried out, her hips lifting off the bed as he sucked her tenderly.

  “Please, Jetrel. No more teasing.”

  Pushing two fingers deep into her passage, he shifted his tongue to her clit and gently circled. Her inner muscles rippled and clenched as orgasm claimed her. She cried out sharply, clamping his fingers, then releasing in a series of smaller spasms.

  “Grab the backs of your knees. Open wide.”

  She didn’t hesitate. Pulling back on her legs, she offered him everything.

  Jetrel pushed his cock into her slowly, filling her, stretching her. He had never been this aroused before. Tight. She clasped him so forcefully it intensified his aching need.


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