My Stepbrother the Ultimate Collection (Five Complete Box Sets)

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My Stepbrother the Ultimate Collection (Five Complete Box Sets) Page 42

by Cindy Wilder

“Sounds good,” my dad said, as Laura gasped.

  “Let us talk it over. We'll figure out someplace good,” Kyle said.

  I wanted to burst into laughter watching Laura's face contort at the thought of being normal. It made me wonder what my father saw in her.

  When dinner was over, I grabbed my book and headed for the porch. I laughed when I saw a stack of blankets waiting for me. What a punk, I thought. He really was starting to grow on me.

  We actually had a nice evening out the next day. Laura seemed to relax a little. I guess we couldn't expect much the first time. We agreed on a family restaurant. When it was over, we tried to get them to go to the movies, but Laura wasn't having it. My dad suggested that I go with Kyle while he took Laura home. It was so funny watching her. She expected everyone to cater to her every moment. It was ridiculous.

  Kyle drove to the movies. We saw a comedy that had just come out. There was no way I was getting him to watch a girlie movie. I had a feeling his head would have exploded if I had pulled him into one. We got popcorn and sodas. It was actually a lot of fun.

  The next week went by quicker than the last. I couldn't believe how fast the summer was going. Kyle was out for the day, and Rosie was busy with her normal cleaning. It was quiet and raining out. I went down to the basement to look for my stuff. I had never liked the basement growing up. It was creepy to me. Everything was dark, and I heard strange noises when I was down there. My dad always thought it was crazy that I never wanted to go down alone. He thought it was unreasonable. Everything always had to make sense to him.

  I flipped the light switch up and stepped down on the first step with caution. A creak sound filled the air, and I jumped. You are so ridiculous, I thought to myself. I quickly took the steps two at a time and flipped the light at the bottom on. When I looked around, I had to laugh. It really was nice down there. I wondered why Kyle hadn't taken it over. Not much had changed those last two years. I knew my dad didn't have the time to move things around. It was most likely beneath Laura to venture into the basement. Rosie was probably the only one besides Kyle to step foot down there. As my eyes scanned the room, I saw some boxes stacked nicely along one wall.

  I pulled one to the ground and removed the lid. It was a box full of books that I used to read. I took my time going through each box and leaving out things I wanted to take to my room with me. There were boxes all around me. I looked at my watch to see three hours had gone by. When I opened the last box, it made me emotional. I really missed living there with Rosie. It had always been the place I considered home. No matter where my mom took me, I never thought of it as home. It was sad that I felt like an outsider with her. I really felt like I had no place of my own. One day, I was going to have a place that was mine. The more I thought about everything, the more emotional I got. I didn't notice the tears on my cheek until one of them fell onto the picture I was holding of me and my parents.

  I jumped when I heard a noise behind me. When I turned to look, I didn't see anything. Maybe it was just something settling, I thought. I knew I was getting way too old to be afraid of things. I stood up and walked around the entire basement, but I didn't see anything. Quickly, I put all of the boxes back, grabbed the stuff for my room, and ran up the stairs. I looked back to make sure the lights were off, closed the door, and hurried up to put my things away.

  When my bedroom door swung open, I jumped. I didn't realize anyone was home with me. A yelp flew out of my mouth and filled the empty air. Kyle stood in the doorway laughing.

  “Have you ever heard of knocking?” I asked. “When did you get back?”

  “A few minutes ago,” he said. “Get some shoes on.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “We're going to the mall,” he said.

  “No,” I answered.

  “Yes,” he said sternly. “It's raining and crappy out. There's nothing to do here. Grab some damn shoes, or I will throw you over my shoulder and take you there in your bare feet.”

  “Why are you so bossy?” I asked, as I grabbed a pair of shoes and slipped them onto my feet.

  He shook his head, grabbed my hand, and pulled me out the door and down the stairs. His car was already in the driveway. I pulled away from him and moved toward the passenger door. He laughed, pulled my hand into his, shoved his keys in it, and stood in front of me.

  “You're driving,”

  “I don't want to,” I said nervously.

  “Come on,” he said.

  “Why?” I asked. “Why does it matter who drives?”

  “It just does,” he answered in a rough tone.

  “I don't want to,” I snapped, as I let go of the keys and walked away.

  “Bullshit,” he yelled at me.

  “Fuck you,” I yelled back.

  “Talk to me, Carrie.”

  I heard his feet against the driveway. He was right behind me. I didn't say a word. He grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.

  “Fucking talk to me,” he snapped. “Why won't you drive?”

  That was it. I was so done with him and his attitude about me. I stood on my toes and got right in his face.

  “I don't know how,” I yelled. “I don't have a license. Are you happy? The spoiled, rich girl doesn't have a car. I don't have a damn phone. I don't have a laptop. I don't have a tablet. I don't have shit. Almost everything I own was in that suitcase when I came here. I'm so sick of all of your rude, judgmental comments. Do you hear me?”

  He didn't say a word as he pulled me toward his car and opened the passenger door. I looked at him and shook my head.

  “Get in the car,” he snapped.

  I folded my arms over my chest and moved from foot to foot.

  “Get your ass in the car now,” he said slowly but sternly.

  I let out a huff, as I got into the car and slammed the door. He walked around the car and got in.

  “I don't feel like going to the mall,” I said.

  “We aren't,” he said.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, as I reached for the door handle.

  “Don't,” he snapped. “You're going to learn to drive. By the time I leave here, you will have a license. You cannot spend an entire month sitting in the house. I won't be here to annoy, and Rosie will get sick of you if you're in her business all day. Have you ever driven before at all?”

  “No,” I said quietly. “I'm by myself most of the time. I've never had the chance.”

  He drove us to an empty school parking lot. We spent the next two hours there. I was so scared. He laughed so hard as he watched my face the first time I got into the driver seat and pulled forward. I hadn't laughed in two years as much as I had in those two hours. His car really was nice. We went over some basic stuff but knew we had to get back for dinner.

  We talked on the drive back to the house about him leaving for the service. I asked him if he was nervous that he might have to go to war. He said he wasn't but his face answered differently. I knew he wanted to get away from his mom, and I honestly couldn't blame him. I was counting the days until my freedom as well.

  The next morning, I worked outside with Rosie. That woman worked harder than I ever thought she did. I had no idea how she got everything done in such a short amount of time. She used to take care of me on top of everything else. I knew I needed to do something nice for her before I left to go home. Who knew if my mom was going to pull something stupid and prevent me from seeing my dad the following summer.

  By the time I headed back into the house, sweat was dripping down my face. I opened my door and gasped. All of the boxes of my stuff were in neat stacks in the corner of my room. Kyle had brought them all up from the basement. On my way to the bathroom, I stopped outside of his room and opened the door. He was half asleep in bed. I watched him barely open his eyes and turn to face me.

  “Have you ever heard of knocking?” he asked.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “For what?”

  “Bringing up my stuff and teaching me to driv
e,” I said.

  He smiled but kept his eyes closed. Damn he was so cute. I wanted to kiss those soft, smiling lips so badly.

  “No problem,” he said.

  After my shower, I got under my covers and closed my eyes. I could hear Kyle's music from the other room and wondered if he was working out again. It only took a moment for me to drift off to sleep.

  I could see Kyle. He was right there in front of me. When he pulled me into his arms, I looked into his sexy eyes. He had on jogging shorts and a tight t-shirt. My hands grabbed his arms and felt the hard muscle bulging beneath the sleeves of his shirt. His lips crashed down on mine and I felt my breath leave my body. When he tugged my lower lip, I opened my mouth to his. His tongue licked across my lip making my entire body shiver. When his tongue entered my mouth, I moaned out his name. I pressed my body against his and rubbed my hand down his hard chest to his abs. He explored every inch of my mouth before tangling his tongue with mine. I moaned his name, as I soaked up everything his body was doing to me. His hand dove into my hair, as he held me tightly to him. It was a million times better than I had ever imagined. He deepened our kiss.

  “Carrie,” he moaned, as his hand moved down my arm.

  “Kyle,” I moaned.

  “Carrie,” he said again, as his hand shook my arm.

  I pulled away from his kiss and opened my eyes. Light filled the room. When my eyes focused, I saw Kyle kneeling next to me with a huge smile on his face.

  “Shit,” I yelled, as I shot up from my bed.

  “Maybe I should start knocking,” he said with humor. “I'm not sure what I just walked in on.”

  “Get out of my room right now,” I yelled.

  “Dinner's ready,” he said, as he walked out of the room and his laughter filled the hallway.

  I walked quietly to the dining room for dinner. He looked up with a smile and winked. I let out a growl on my way by.

  The next few weeks were amazing. I spent so much time with Rosie. She even took me shopping for clothes. I knew my dad had told her to do it. We had a blast. I cooked so many meals with her and kept up the flowers. Kyle even dug in the dirt a few times with us. The three of us shared some great moments. My dad was spending a little more time with me. I swam with Kyle a few times but made sure to watch him swim laps from my window each morning.

  He took me out to drive at least four times a week. We talked a lot during those times and laughed just as much. He made me smile constantly. I learned more about his mom and what his life was like before she married my dad. It actually made me feel good that they were married. I knew Kyle's life was better because of my father.

  His birthday passed, and he was preparing to leave.

  I told him things about growing up before the divorce. He couldn't believe my mom was the one that left. We talked about her keeping me from my dad and the last couple of years. I told him about the call I heard my dad make to my mom. He couldn't believe my mom kept all of the money and had even sold my car before I even knew it existed. She was such a horrible person. I honestly wasn't sure how I was going to live with her. He gave her money for me for holidays and parties. She spent it all on herself. All those times she mentioned lawyer fees when she never once paid them. My dad had been in town so many times, but she refused to let me see him. I was glad that he kept fighting for me.

  Kyle showed me how to parallel park so many times. I could tell he was frustrated that I still hadn't gotten it. It made no sense to me either. I had to figure it out. Time was getting closer for him to leave. He worked so hard teaching me. I wanted him to know that I had accomplished everything. Without him knowing, I had Rosie take me out several times. I practiced it for hours.

  The last day he took me driving, I had him get out and watch. He was leaving the next day, and I wanted to make him proud. I parked that car like a champ. When I was successfully parked, I could see the huge smile on his face. He pulled my door open. I jumped out of the car and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “We did it,” I yelled. “Did you see that? I just parallel parked. I can't believe it.”

  He held me tight and swung me from side to side. There was so much excitement in the air, as I pulled back and looked into his eyes.

  “Thank you so much,” I said, as I held his cheeks in my hands. “Nobody has ever taken the time to show me anything before. I don't know what to say. I'm going to miss you, Kyle.”

  “I'm leaving,” he said sadly. “I won't be here when you get your license. Promise me that you'll get it, Carrie. I want you to drive my car the rest of the summer. You can have it. I'm sure your dad will get you a new one. Have him sell mine when you're done with it. I'm not sure when I'll be home again.”

  “I promise,” I said. “I'm going to miss you so damn bad. You've kind of grown on me.”

  “I'm going to miss you too,” he said. “I'm sorry for judging you. I feel so bad for doing that. I had it all wrong. Thank you for opening up to me this summer. You have no idea how much I care about you.”

  Without thinking, I leaned forward and covered his lips with mine. He didn't pull away. I felt his hands in my hair, as he pulled me closer. My body went back against the car, and he was pushed up against me. I wanted to be closer to him so badly but knew it wasn't a good idea. He slid his tongue across my bottom lip before pulling it down with his teeth and entering my mouth. My tongue went right to his. I was going to memorize every bit of him and that kiss. Our tongues fought each other as they tangled together. When he pulled back, I gasped to catch my breath. I knew in that moment that I was going to be with him one day. He was going to be my first. I was going to wait for him.

  We drove back to the house in silence.

  I had my shorts and t-shirt on and crawled under the covers. The taste of his tongue was still there. It was like I could feel him against me. My hand slid under my sheet, as I thought about him. I had pleasured myself several times before. He was right in the next room. I thought about what it would be like when I turned eighteen. Would he ever want to be with me, I wondered? I thought about him coming home, wrapping me in his arms, and kissing me just as deep as he had earlier. He was the one I wanted, and I knew that I would wait for him. It didn't matter how long it took until we were together. My fingers slid under my shorts. I thought about what it would be like when it finally happened. My eyes closed and my head fell back as I moved my finger across my clit. What was he doing on the other side of that wall, I wondered? Was he pleasuring himself? Did he have his shaft in his hand? Was he stroking himself and thinking about me? My other hand went to my breast. The thin fabric of my t-shirt beneath my hand heightened the intense feeling. I rolled my nipple through my fingers and tugged it as I rubbed my clit.

  His muscles were so tight. I wanted to rub my hands down his chest. It was like he was right there. My fingers moved down my pussy and into my folds. I brought my other hand down to take over rubbing my clit. As I slid one finger into my pussy, my back arched and I let out a soft moan. I moved it in and out as I sped up the pace of my fingers on my clit. My body moved against the soft sheets. I wanted to kiss him again. One day I would. As my finger entered me deep and fast, I pinched my clit between my fingers. I could feel my juices running down my thigh. What would it feel like to have him down there, I wondered? I wanted to feel him inside of me. I plunged my finger in deep and hard. My tongue licked across my lip. I moaned in the cool air of my room, as my pussy tightened and sucked my finger.

  He was all I could think about, as I finally drifted off to sleep.

  Everything was quiet in the morning. I watched Kyle move around the house, as he prepared to leave. He had his bags ready and waiting by the door. When the bell rang, I knew I was going to break down. I needed to be strong. He was probably stressed enough. I watched him hug his mom. She didn't seem very sad at all. He hugged my dad next. I watched him run up the stairs and come back down moments later. It didn't make much sense. He didn't come back with anything. When he hugged Rosie, I saw her shoulde
rs shake.

  “I'm going to miss you, Kyle,” she said. “I made you a few things to take with you. I'll send packages. You let me know what you want.”

  He shook his head, as he took the bag from her. When he turned to me, I could feel my lips quiver. He pulled me into his arms.

  “Thank you,” I said. “Thank you for everything. I'm going to miss you. I can't wait to see you again. Be careful.”

  He tightened his hold and then pulled away. I watched him quickly grab his bags in his other hand and hurry out the door. We watched as the car drove down the drive.

  I ran up to my room and collapsed onto my bed in a pile of tears. Those two months had flown by. When I moved my hand above my head, I felt something. I lifted my head to see a box on my bed with a letter on top of it.


  I really am going to miss you. You promised you would get your license and drive my car. Have fun. I know you don't have a phone, and I want to be able to talk to you. Don't say anything to your dad about it. The bill is in my name, and I'm paying for it. I want to know what's going on with you and Rosie. Send me pictures, texts, and emails. I'll call you when I get there. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to talk, but I'll figure it out. Thank you for making my summer a good one. I'll miss you.


  I opened the box to find a brand-new phone. He had it charged and his number programmed in already. I laughed when I saw an email address already set up for me. It made me smile knowing that I would be able to talk to him. I immediately sent him my first text.

  Me: Thank you so much! This is my first text. I can't wait to talk to you. I miss you already. It's going to be boring without you here.

  Kyle: I'm glad you liked it. I'll let you know when I get where I need to be. Have a good month with Rosie. Tell her I miss her too. She's the only one that knows about the phone.

  Me: Okay. She'll never tell. Be careful.

  I put the phone in a drawer and walked down to my dad's office. He was on the phone but motioned for me to come in. I sat down on his couch and waited. When he was finished talking, he walked over and sat down next to me.


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