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Right Fit Wrong Shoe

Page 16

by Varsha Dixit

  Mrs Sangeeta Behl, was the most active serial matchmaker of the city. A dog drooled at a piece of bone, and Mrs Behl salivated whenever she came across an eligible girl or boy. Her only parametre was age, anywhere between eighteen to who knows what. Everything else dekh lenge. ‘Nandini is more beautiful than you said. Right Deepak?’ The mother gushed, egging her son in the right direction.

  ‘Yes, Nandini you look out of this world!’ Deepak said, struggling to keep his tongue inside the mouth.

  ‘Only a desperate or immensely brave man would want to marry an alien!’ Nandini, ignoring her ever-blabbering conscience, pasted a suffering smile.

  ‘Well why don’t you youngsters talk? Come Lata, let me introduce you to Nandini’s mother.’ Mrs Behl and the other woman loped off, as quickly as they could with the pain in their ghutnas...erpetual affliction of all Indian women over thirty-five.

  ‘So what do you do?’ Deepak asked his tone more than friendly.

  ‘Where do I do what?’ Nandini asked, arching an eyebrow .

  ‘You know... in life?’

  ‘She maims and murders!’ sounded Aditya’s smooth voice over their shoulders.


  Return of the Jewel Thief

  'A ditya Sarin!’ He offered his hand to the other man, who initially appeared disgruntled at the interruption. Least affected, Aditya inserted himself between Nandini and Deepak.

  ‘Hello Mr Sarin. It’s a great party!’ Deepak crooned, realising he was talking to the host and a Sarin.

  ‘Nandini, could you sit with Bhabhi?’ Aditya requested.

  ‘Sure, nice meeting you Deepak.’ Biting her lip, Nandini swiftly walked away from them. Seema was really coming in handy.

  ‘What have you done to yourself ?’

  ‘I knew I married the wrong friend !’

  ‘How prethy you look, Maasi !’

  Sneha, Ankit and Advey Verma bumping into her, greeted her simultaneously.

  ‘Look at you, Ms Priyanka Chopra and Megan Fox, rolled into one.’ Nandini then turned to Ankit, ‘I told you at the day of the wedding itself! Thank you darling... you look very handsome yourself,’ Nandini cheerfully picked up the tot in her arms.

  ‘Please get us a drink and take your son too,’ Sneha, piped to her husband.

  ‘At least let’s meet the Sarins, and then you can harass Nandini!’ Ankit said, not falling for the ‘please get us a drink’ trick.

  ‘Kit, promise five minutes... and I’ll be right with you!’ Sneha vouched. Ankit holding his son, reluctantly, moved away from the two.

  ‘Okay, what’s going on?’ Sneha fired at Nandini.

  ‘Nothing, what do you mean?’ Nandini replied.

  ‘Nandi, why are you looking like a Christmas tree?’

  ‘Is it wrong to look your best?’

  ‘Of course not! But why today?’

  ‘Now that I have officially put myself in the meat market, I might as well look my best to attract the bestest,’ Nandini replied.

  ‘Not making anyone jealous are we?’ Sneha gave her a sly look.

  ‘I have no clue what you are talking about!’ Nandini countered, rolling her eyes.

  ‘Okay! Just a FYI, he’s coming this way, towards us.’

  ‘Who... Davy Jones?’ Nandini shot.

  Sneha chuckled. ‘Davy Jones is that character in the Pirate series that has no heart... right?’

  ‘Something like that!’ Nandini replied, snickering.

  ‘You don’t know! You have seen those movies like twenty thousand times! ’

  ‘Yup, for Johnny Depp!’ Nandini shot back. ‘Anyway, how far is he?’

  Sneha, a stiff smile, pasted on her lips, said, ‘Almost upon us, you can’t avoid—’

  ‘Bye! Bye then!’ Nandini whispered, traipsing off.

  ‘Nandini, come back...’ Sneha threatened, but the other girl was gone.

  Irritated, Aditya came to a standstill. He was too close to act as if he was headed beyond Sneha. ‘How are you?’ he asked, stiltedly.

  ‘Well, very well. Thank you,’ Sneha, equally awkward, responded.

  ‘Can I get you get a drink?’

  ‘My husband is getting me one, but thanks.’

  ‘Well then enjoy yourself.’ Aditya said, turning away from Sneha. He grabbed a passing waiter and guzzled a glass of neat scotch from the tray. Making his way through the crowds, Aditya purposely did not stop at any calls. Finally, he found Nandini! Again, she had company.

  A tap on his back made Aditya turn around. Gayatri stood there, remorse written large over her face. ‘I am sorry for all that I said. It was very wrong of me!’

  Aditya relented. ‘Do you really mean that?’

  ‘Yes I do, sorry Aditya.’

  Aditya brought Gayatri’s hands to his lips. ‘I have very high regard for you and don’t want anything to jeopardise our—-’ Aditya corrected himself just in time, replacing friendship with ‘relationship’. He pulled her close.

  Gayatri sniffed the air between them, ‘Have you been drinking?’

  ‘Yup, you mind?’ Aditya gave her a lopsided grin .

  Gayatri caught her breath. ‘Go right ahead! If this is how you behave after it.’

  ‘Hey love birds,’ interrupted a loud voice. A man not much older than Aditya was making his way towards them.

  Gayatri waved exuberantly. ‘You know him?’ Aditya asked.

  ‘That’s one my closest friends.’

  ‘Do I have competition?’ Aditya drawled.

  ‘Oh please no! If we were any closer we’d be brother and sister,’ Gayatri assured, cheerfully. Briefly, she disappeared in a bear hug. ‘Get off me you klutz! My hair!’ She complained, laughing.

  ‘Wow! You looking stunning! Congrats! You guys make a great couple.’ The newcomer heaped praise.

  ‘It is so good to see you. I am so glad you could make it, Nik. This is Aditya, my fiancée—’

  ‘You look familiar,’ Aditya said, shaking the other man’s hand.

  ‘Oh! Nikhil is all over the news. His company is a known trader of diamonds and other precious stones in the South East and quite a few parts of Europe,’ Gayatri informed.

  ‘Nikhil Chandel?’ Aditya remembered.

  ‘Guilty as charged! You are one lucky man for landing Guy.’ Nikhil extended a velvet box in Gayatri’s direction.

  ‘Nik, the engagement isn’t today,’ Gayatri, reminded.

  ‘I know Guy, but I am tied for a couple of weeks. This is the only time I could take out, to meet you and Aditya.’

  ‘Oh! C’mon Nik, you can’t do this?’ she protested.

  ‘I’ll be there at the wedding. However long it is!’ Nikhil assured. ‘Oh wow! I have changed my plans, I think I’ll stay on for the engagement and wedding and whatever comes in between and after,’ Nikhil crooned, gesturing at someone behind.

  Aditya and Gayatri shifted to see whom he pointed at. ‘Please tell me that gorgeous creature is available?’ Aditya’s mouth tightened, but Gayatri laughed.

  ‘You are in luck! That is Nandini, daughter of our family friends. She just announced her availability, today itself!’ Gayatri was all smiles.

  ‘Then why are we wasting time standing here. You’ve found your match, help me find mine!’ Nikhil coaxed.

  ‘Aren’t you going through a nasty divorce?’ Aditya bit out, the smile did not reach his eyes. Tabloids had been full of the sordid details on the Chandel wedding and the tumultuous divorce, merely a year and half later. The pitfalls of marrying a famous page 3 socialite.

  ‘Aditya!’ Gayatri reprimanded, embarrassed.

  ‘That’s okay Guy. To answer your question, Aditya, I was going through a nasty divorce which is thankfully over and done with,’ Nikhil responded, genially.

  Firmly grasping her friend’s arm, Gayatri led him to where Nandini stood with Seema and a few others.

  ‘This is Seema bhabhi and Nandini. And this is a very close friend of mine, Nikhil Chandel.’ Gayatri made the introductions.

ema and Nandini immediately recognised Nikhil; it was hard not to, with all the channels constantly running pieces about him and his estranged wife.

  ‘You’ve probably seen me on TV?’ Nikhil said, dryly.

  ‘Yup! Though you look better in person,’ Nandini bantered, taking the awkwardness away .

  ‘So do you!’ Nikhil replied. Within minutes, Nandini and Nikhil stood chattering nineteen to dozen. Suddenly Nikhil’s eyes narrowed and the glass in his hand jerked.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Nandini asked.

  ‘Yes, I’m fine! Thanks!’ he replied, even thought his gaze remained pegged at a certain someone.

  Nandini peeked in that direction. ‘That’s Sneha; she is happily married with an adorable eighteen-month-old.’

  Hastily, Nikhil glanced away. ‘She just resembles someone I once knew.’

  Vibha interrupted them. ‘Nandini come inside, the rituals are about to begin.’

  ‘What rituals?’ Nikhil asked.

  ‘It’s my daughter-in-law’s “god bharai”; Indian style baby shower,’ Vibha explained for the umpteenth time. The gathering was spotted with several UFOs (un-understanding foreign objects).

  ‘I get goed bharai. I was born and brought up in Jaipur,’ Nikhil said.

  Soon all the women trooped into the large hall inside. Seema was made to sit on the huge sofa, all by herself. She resembled an over-fed, over-dressed turkey. Lucky for her, thanksgiving was not one of the few zillion traditions celebrated in the country.

  ‘Where is Nandini?’ Vibha muttered, looking around. She spied her standing at some distance. ‘Nandi, come here! Help me with all this.’

  Discreetly, Nandini pointed at Gayatri. The gesture was duly noted by Gayatri who made her way towards her future M-I-L. ‘Maybe the neighbourhood is not so bad after all,’ Gayatri muttered.


  Aakhir Kyon?

  N andini unnoticed by others, quietly exited the hall. The incessant questioning by Mrs Behl and her coterie, the strangling smell of perfumes and the loud chatter got to her. Speedily, Nandini made her way to the other side of the house – the softly lit and tranquil, koi pond beckoned her. Muted sounds of shehnai fell on her ears and the pleasant breeze teased her hair.

  Settling on the overlooking bench, Nandini observed the fishes, quietly, dart through lotus stems and weeds. ‘Want to trade places with me? I’m drowning here!’ she whispered to the sea life below her. The fishes darted away from her. Even the slowpoke tortoise dived off a rock it was resting on.

  ‘Good choice.’ Deeply breathing in the cool air, Nandini embraced the calmness of the night.

  ‘Why? It’s the belle of the ball herself!’ Aditya drawled emerging from the shadows. Surprised, Nandini choked on her breath and hacked loudly .

  Aditya, swiftly, closed the distance between them. He alternately patted and stroked Nandini’s back.

  Alarmed by Aditya’s nearness and the effect of his hand, Nandini was quick to get to her feet and scramble some distance away. ‘What are you doing here?’ she piped, on finally getting her voice back.

  ‘In case you haven’t noticed, I do live here.’

  ‘Whatever!’ Nandini mouthed stepping forward, intending to get back in the house. Eager to escape.

  Aditya moved in front, blocking her way.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Nandini exclaimed, stepping back.

  ‘Why, the hurry to get inside... missing all your groupies?’ Aditya stepped closer, his eyes glittering.

  ‘I have no clue, what you are talking about!’ Nandini arched her brow, haughtily.

  ‘I am talking about the numerous silly women and their equally moronic sons, all fawning over you. Maybe you should pass out copies of your resume,’ Aditya jeered, lowering on the bench, Nandini had just been on. He stretched his legs out, effectively preventing her flight.

  ‘Good idea. Let me get working on that!’ Nandini responded, flippantly. She attempted going around him.

  Aditya shot to his feet, this time too close for comfort. ‘You like that Chandel chap, don’t you? I saw you talking and giggling with him. He probably told you the size of his bank balance!’ Nandini’s determined efforts of avoiding him infuriated Aditya.

  ‘Aditya listen to me—’.

  Slinging an arm around her waist, Aditya tugged Nandini close, so close that their bodies touched. ‘If you want, I could give him tips on how to make you purr!’ he taunted .

  ‘Why bother? I am sure Nikhil is more of an expert than you!’ Nandini blurted out. How dare Adi throw that part of our relationship in my face, she thought incensed.

  ‘How would you know? Is he, also, a part of your sordid past ?’ Aditya snarled, tightening his grip on Nandini.

  ‘Stop it! Let me go !’ Nandini screamed, wrestling to free herself. In the struggle, she lost her footing. Aditya tried steadying Nandini, instead, accidentally, bumped her on the shoulder. Nandini fell hard against the bench.

  ‘Damn! Are you alright?’ Aditya muttered, contrite. He reached out to help.

  ‘Don’t touch me!’ Nandini shrieked, slapping Aditya’s hands away. Feverishly, she got to her feet, tears of anger stinging her eyes!

  ‘I am so sorry!’ Aditya whispered, extending his hand out to touch her face.

  Nandini smacked his hand, hard. Possessed, she bellowed, ‘You have achieved success and affluence more than one can imagine! The woman of your dreams is yours for taking! And from me you’ve exacted your revenge. Then why the hell, can’t you leave me alone? Why Aditya? ’

  Aditya had no smart wisecrack forthcoming this time. His eyes appeared muddled.

  ‘I have had enough of your nonsense! I, too, have moved on, and you’ll just have to deal with it.’ Nandini brushed her tears away. Livid, she stepped around him and this time Aditya did not come in her way.

  Swiftly, Nandini went into the house. She did not stop there, only increased her pace. Through the house, into the driveway, she now ran. The need to increase the physical distance between her and Aditya swarmed her. Once inside her room with the door bolted, only did Nandini pause.

  Tossing the jewellery on the vanity, she rammed her nightdress over her head. The expensive traditional outfit lay in a heap on the floor. She then went onto scrub her face, clear it of every trace of makeup. Taking the weight off her shaky legs, Nandini finally collapsed on the bed and made a call. ‘Dad, it’s me—’.

  ‘Why are you calling me from your cell? Where are you?’ Nirbhay demanded.

  ‘I am at home! I am OKAY, but cannot say the same for my clothes. I spilled some food on them,’ Nandini lied, keeping her voice light.

  ‘Fine, so you are coming back after changing them?’

  ‘No Dad! I have had enough of Mrs Behl and the gang. I think I’ll call it a night.’

  ‘I saw the bevy of your admirers. Sadly, quite a few middle aged women!’ Nirbhay teased.

  ‘Ha ha! Anyway, just let mom know that I’m off to bed,’ Nandini said.

  ‘Shall I send her over?’ Nirbhay asked.

  Nandini instantly, declined the suggestion. ‘No! Please no! If mom comes here she will want to know, each little detail of every conversation that I had tonight.’

  ‘Fine! Then you go to bed. I’ll be home soon, after the announcement of Adi’s engagement.’

  ‘Cool! Goodnight Dad.’ Nandini ended the call. The hot tears burning behind her eyes trickled out.

  An hour or so later, fireworks went off in the adjoining house. A drained Nandini heard them. Why does a breaking heart make no noise? Thinking, she closed her tired eyes .

  Sarin Mansion: 4:01 am

  Vibha Sarin tossed and turned on the bed, any trace of sleep miles away. Questions ran amok in her mind. Why did Adi behave the way he did today? Maybe I should tell him everything?

  Her thoughts stood interrupted, by the sound of soft footfalls on the staircase. A few minutes later, came the sounds of the front door opening and then, quickly, shutting.

  Getting out of her bed, Vibha h
urriedly donned the nightgown. Opening the door of her room, she peered out. The whole house appeared shrouded in darkness. Just then, she heard the garage open and a car purred on the driveway.

  Vibha rushed down the stairs and yanked open the front door, only to catch a glimpse of Aditya’s Reventon Lamborghini (an engagement gift from Ajit and Seema) exit the driveway.

  Mystified, Vibha made her way to Adi’s room and switched the lights on. The bed was empty; the door to the gigantic walk- in closet stood open. His last night’s suit lay on the floor.

  Mrs Sarin was about to exit the room to get Ajit, when a large yellow post-it, stuck in the middle of the headboard distracted her. Grabbing it, she adjusted her head at a distance that allowed her to read, without her glasses.

  It read:

  I am going away for a few days, to straighten my head

  out. I will not be available to anyone.

  Mom & Gayatri – On my return, I shall quietly take all

  the verbal abuse, you both heap on me.

  AB – Simone has all the details of my meetings, video and

  con call, as well as the paperwork on the ongoing projects.

  Thanks in advance for filling in for me.

  Bhabhi – You and your ten children should take ample

  rest and stay away from the stairs.



  Gharwali, Baharwali

  'A gain, you have been crying?’ Sneha accused, entering their shared office, next morning.

  ‘Nah! Just passed a sleepless night,’ Nandini hedged. Sneha did not push her.

  ‘Even I didn’t sleep well last night!’ the other girl returned.

  ‘Sneh, are you alright?’ Nandini asked.

  ‘Ya, I’m fine. Why?’

  ‘You just accepted what I said at face value; no volleys of abuses and threats of total barbadi. Are you sure you are okay?’

  ‘I am fine kulta! Just a few cobwebs... all clear now,’ Sneha responded, symbolically clawing the air in front of her. ‘Where did you disappear off to last night?’

  ‘I went home, because I spilled some food on my clothes. And then really didn’t feel like coming back to the madness,’ Nandini replied .


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