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A Flesh Golem's Ascension

Page 26

by John Domus Cruo

  I heard them laugh every now and then; apparently they had brought their food and drink here already and were enjoying the drink a little too much.

  By the state of relaxation they were in, I could guess that Thads hadn't come this way. He had abandoned them to their fate.

  I got to my feet and started exhaling my sleeping fog as I walked toward the center of the village.

  A drunken man came barreling around a building. I stabbed him in the throat with a bone spike before he could even register what had happened and left him bleeding on the ground as I moved on.

  I was getting nearer to the jubilant voices as the mass of goblin bodies got thicker. I looked around at the scene. I could see young ones still clutched in their mother's arms, old ones cut limbless, and warriors still grasping their stone weapons, refusing to let go of hope even in death. I could see one goblin in the distance. He was isolated, his face was caved in, and I could see a spike protruding from his arm.

  That's him. That's my son. Two men seemed to be in a fist fight not far away from him. One got knocked back and tripped over my disciple's body.

  "Damn goblin piece of shit! You tripped me!" the man said as he stood up and kicked the young goblin’s body.

  My legs carried me at a high speed as I flew at the man. I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the ground. Before he could even gasp, I was kicking him in the face. Everything started to turn to red mush as I furiously stomped him.

  "You don't get to kick my son!" I yelled as the other man stared at me with wide-eyed shock. His friend gurgled at my feet before loudly emptying his bowels. I heard the laughing stop. I think they're onto me.

  I drew my weapon as I lunged at him. I swung low, hitting him with enough impact to sever one of his legs as he spun in the air. He landed roughly on his head with an audible crunch then lay twitching.

  I looked back at my boy. I used Soul Steal. I wouldn’t risk letting him down again. I canceled Soul Steal.

  I exhaled a large gout of sleeping fog, filling the area around me as men came charging around the mud building to investigate the noise.

  They fell flat on their faces and I decapitated them. It would save me trouble later.

  I caught a glimpse of a man watching me from the corner. When he saw me look at him, he screamed and ran.

  "We're under attack!" he shrieked.

  I charged out into the open. The men around the fire were clumsily tying their weapons back on as the goblins writhed in the background behind the fire.

  I cast Weakness and a few of them fell back down to the ground. These men didn't have a cause to fight for; they had no motivations at all to prevent them from running away, and that's what a few of them did.

  "We have runners!" I yelled toward the forest as I charged forward using Dark Tendrils to keep most of them in place and rooted to the ground. They were all screaming now.

  I walked around the tangled mass of bodies and decapitated them slowly, using the teeth of my weapon to saw through their bone. I made sure to leave a few alive; I wouldn't let them die so easily. There was a large man rooted in front of a chest. I'm assuming that he was their boss for this excursion. Behind him was the large bonfire. The goblins were tied to posts in front of the fire at a practiced distance that kept them burning but still alive.

  I cast Dark Tendrils once more and walked over to the goblins. I cut them down as they clawed at me in horror.

  "I gob's god. I sorry I not here earlier." I told them as they continued to writhe around in agony.

  I set them on the ground a distance away from the fire and used Fleshcrafting to mend what I could. I had to discard what was already too burnt. There was another row of goblins tied to a large log behind them. I guessed that those pricks had intended to do this all night.

  I heard screams from the forest as an idea hit me.

  "You untie." I said as I pointed the charred goblins to the goblins tied to the log.

  I had already killed many of the men, but there were still about a dozen of them left.

  I activated Soul Steal and received seven souls.

  I grabbed the fat one as he screamed in protest and tried to use his girth to escape me.

  "I wonder if you'll smell like pork." I growled as a look of realization flashed across his sweaty face.

  "No! You can't mean to..." His eyes were streaming tears, and his fat face shot drool when he continued to speak. "But I'm human! Human!" He struggled against me with all his weight, but it was pointless.

  I tied him to the middle post as his pants caught fire and he began screaming. He pissed himself as if in an effort to put out the blaze that was gradually engulfing him.

  I walked back around to the goblins as more screams came from the woods behind me.

  "Come, you watch, you drink." I gestured to the bloody ground on the other side of the fire. I carried the ones who could not walk and sat them down.

  I grabbed another man and tied him to the next pole as he and the fat man screamed obscenities at me. I tied the final man to the last post and sat with the goblins as we watched them struggle and plead. The last one just kept repeating, "This can't be happening!" over and over again as I smiled at him.

  This seemed to have quite the effect on the remaining men as they struggled frantically against the Tendrils.

  I walked around and Fleshcrafted their wrists together while removing their Achilles tendons.

  I went to my son's body and brought it to the pile of dead men. I would make him a new body.

  "Mors, I want to impart everything I can to him. I want him to have a body similar to mine, but we must recreate his face. I still want him to be himself."

  "Yes, Master,” she replied somberly, as if sensing my sadness.

  I started Fleshcrafting, and we got to work. I combined three bodies into him, thickening his muscle and bone density. I had been itching to try something new. I continued to condense it, making him skinnier than me but much denser. I focused on fast-twitch muscle fiber.

  He was now almost my height but had a more angular frame. I lengthened his arms to fall below his knees as mine did originally. I gave a set of two bone spikes per arm, one to shoot forward from the forearm and one to shoot backwards from the elbow. All four spikes were around sixteen inches and protruded a few inches from his skin. I looked at his face and fixed his teeth to be like mine.

  I changed his skin tone to a light grey color and removed the wisps of hair he had, leaving him bald.

  I imparted all abilities to him and changed his eye color to match mine. I used Blend, and everything smoothed out.

  I walked around a while using Soul Steal on all the dead bandits in the area and opened my soul window.

  I dragged all their skills over Soul of A Goblin Disciple. I looked at his skills.


  Hunting: level 2

  Fishing: level 2

  Farming: level 2

  Hide: level 3

  Stealth: level 4

  Swordsmanship: level 4

  Archery: level 4

  Knifework: level 4

  Daggerwork: level 5

  It's likely that this group was mainly farmers, hunters, and inexperienced cutthroats. Still, he's fairly well balanced now.

  "Mors, teach him English."

  I dragged his soul over to the body.

  His eyes shot open as he screamed, "God John! Please save..." His voice cut off as he saw me.

  His eyes went wet as he hugged me. "I knew you would come! I told the other gobs, but they didn't believe me," he said as he wept. He may have had a grown-up body now, but he was still a kid and a messy crier.

  His eyes flitted behind me as he noticed the screaming from the fire.

  I remembered how Reginauld had told me just how much it means to be named. To name a goblin is to claim them as a member of your family, to take responsibility for them and their safety.

  "I've decided I will name you Athan. It's a part of my name, and you're a part of my famil
y." I said as he turned his attention back to me.

  His bottom lip quivered, but his tears momentarily stopped as he spoke. "A part of your family?"

  "Yes. I've realized it only recently, but I think of you like a son, as Leera and Lina do." I said softly.

  He hugged me again as he sobbed loudly. He pulled back his snot-covered face and spoke. "Why did you do all of this? I don't deserve it. I'm just a gob, I can't be the son of a god."

  "But you are. I've seen your merits, I've heard your prayers, and I came here — for you. Now puff out your chest, my boy, and show me that you are a man worthy of that honor."

  His eyes sparkled as they had in the cave that night. He wiped his face and noticed his new body for the first time.

  "I will honor you, father,” he said strongly in a voice that was deeper than he was used to.

  He stood up.

  "Don't forget pants. I once heard that gobs don't wear them, but I'll be damned if my son walks around in a loincloth." I said.

  He looked around and started undressing a tall bandit. Ah, my boy's first pair of Normal Guy pants. He put on all of the bandit's leather armor, plus the shoes and sword and dagger belt.

  He looked back at me and stifled another sniffle. He hardened his resolve and got himself together before walking over to the other goblins and beginning a conversation as they examined him in amazement.

  He noticed the men burning by the fire and smiled wickedly.

  I felt the ground shake slightly as I saw the two oni running toward me. They were covered in blood and muck. Liz appeared beside me with Nex on her back. They seemed to somehow remain clean, though Nex was missing a few daggers and Liz had a cut on her shoulder.

  Nex hopped down and looked around at the bodies. As she scanned the dead goblins, her teeth clenched. She walked around to each and chirped, I assumed calling their names. She dragged them into a line and began closing their eyes.

  A loud shriek came from the fire. I guessed last man finally realized that this was real as his adrenaline wore off.

  Nex wandered over to the fire as a tear rolled down her face.

  That's right, her family had been roasted this way. I didn’t know if this was cathartic or damaging to her. From what she told me on our trip, she was spared the same fate by a large man with an axe when she went to investigate where her family had disappeared to.

  She looked back at me as she let the tears flow from her eyes. Her mouth formed a sad smile.

  I walked over to her and knelt down to hug her. She kissed me for a moment and said, "I know I've said it many times since we met, but thank you." I kissed her salty tears away as I held her close.

  "Athan, come." I said, and my son rose to his feet. He now towered over the goblins around him. He ran and was in front of me a few seconds later.

  "This is my mate, Nex." I said as he looked her over.

  "Nex, this is my son." I said as I gestured to Athan.

  "Wow, she's as beautiful as mom and, um, mom," he said awkwardly as if unsure how to address his former parents.

  Nex spoke in goblin and did the cute chirp I knew was her name. Athen looked shocked as he looked from her to me and nodded. He said something that sounded like a dog's yelp while pointing to himself, and it was Nex's turn to be shocked.

  "That makes sense, she was always the strongest," he said as he smiled at Nex.

  "But you were always the weakest," she said while laughing.

  "Not anymore!" he said in a voice that sounded like a jilted teen’s.

  The oni sat as Reginauld and his children hopped down and approached.

  Reginauld looked at the dead goblins and shook his head, then he looked up at the burning men and nodded with a smile.

  "Hello, John,” he said as he approached. "I approve."

  "And who is this fine lad?" he said as he held his hand out to Athan.

  "I'm Athan, I used to be — " a yelp.

  Reginauld's eyes went wide as he patted Athan's hand and spoke to me. "A fine choice, Chief, a fine choice."

  "I think so, too." I said as I patted Athan's head.

  I noticed Liz and the little gobs watching the fire. The kids had angry looks on their faces as they stared at the men. I could feel the hatred radiating, from them. Liz on the other hand, smiled as if she were watching a sunset.

  Nex hugged herself up beside me as we all watched.

  The fat man had stopped screaming, and I guessed he was unconscious.

  I told Athan to finish him off then swap him for the next one.

  He walked up to the large man and thrust his spike into his chest. He then untied him and carried him like he was nothing over toward the incapacitated men on the ground. He let the crispy, fat man fall like a sack of potatoes as he walked over to the next bandit and grabbed him roughly. The bandit squirmed and pleaded as Athen ripped his arms apart only to tie them back together behind the post the fat man had occupied.

  Liz grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Nex.

  "There's something I need to show you." She practically dragged me along into the forest.

  We reached a large tree and she maneuvered me in front of it, facing her. She pressed me against it with all her strength as she pulled off her shirt. She pressed her naked body into me so hard that I couldn't breath. She undid my leather armor, throwing it to the side.

  "I told you, I won't take no for an answer," she said through heavy breaths.

  She moved her arms down, untying my pants as the twins responded in full force, pressing against her.

  We made love while gazing into each other's eyes during the height of our pleasure. Soon after, Nex joined us as I satisfied them both over and over again. They were now my mates, and I felt a unique connection to them both as we all reached mutual climax.

  At long last, we each lay there spent. I had Liz on my right and Nex on my left as we snuggled each other, nude under the moonlight.

  I noticed the sound of insects in the distance as Liz moved forward to kiss me again. Nex moved herself up and kissed us both before settling herself back into my armpit. I remained there for a while just listening to them breathing, enjoying the feeling of their warm skin pressed against me. Liz nuzzled her nose against my neck as Nex threw her leg across my waist.

  We fell asleep there in the forest all tangled together while I thought about how to restore the goblin village.

  Chapter 34: Plans — John

  Nothing could prepare me for the horror of what I awoke to — Bob's smiling face inches away from mine. I stifled a screech as I figured out what I was looking at.

  "Damnit, Bob! Be careful with that mug of yours. You almost gave me a heart attack." I said as a shrill screech came from Liz and ice began forming in the air above us.

  "Liz! Stop, it's just Bob." The ice in the air dissipated, turning into cold water that rained down on us all.

  Liz wiggled away from me in a rush to find her shirt as Nex and I gasped from the unexpected shower. Bob shook his fur, spraying us and everything in the area with a mix of dirt, blood, and water.

  "Mornin’ Boss!" Bob said cheerily.

  "Morning, Bob. Maybe nudge me or try calling my name next time instead of just staring at me." I said with a hint of annoyance.

  "But you all looked so sweet cuddled up together, I couldn't resist. Anyway, we got problems! Older sis is dead again, and there's this village we need to enlighten," he said with an angry expression.

  "How the hell did that happen? You didn't..." I said worriedly.

  "What!? No, no, these girls aren't in my strike zone. They're all just too damn adorable. I prefer a girl with a bit of gristle." Bob stared off in space for a moment, then shook his head and seemed to focus before resuming. "It's the town, Rosie's home. They're killin' the kids there."

  "They're what!? Oh god, just how fucked up is this place?"

  Athen came running up toward me, pointing a sword at Bob nervously.

  "Athen, chill, this is Bob. Bob, this is my son, Athen." As I spo
ke, Athen lowered his weapon. Bob looked from Nex to me to Athen and raised an eyebrow.

  Athen spoke as he and Bob shook hands. "I just got done roasting the last of them. Is it okay if we eat them now? We're all starving."

  "Oh, yeah, that's fine, but don't eat their heads, and be sure to leave one body per dead goblin." I responded.

  Bob shook his head and laughed to himself as Athen ran back towards the goblin village.

  "What exactly is so funny?" I asked Bob.

  "You don't even realize it, do ya?" he responded as he shook his head. He once again looked from Nex to me. "I knew goblins were fast breeders, but damn!"

  "No, he's not from Nex and me. He's actually Lina and Leera's kid from their previous life, so I adopted him. He's also my disciple." I responded as Nex began to sit up.

  "Actually, he is my child, as well. You took me as a mate, so I am also the mother of any children you have, whether or not I birth them." She spoke with her unique accent.

  Just why the hell does she have an accent? That question had been bothering me for a while. Reginauld doesn't, unless you count proper English as an accent. Come to think of it, though, Bob does sound kind of like a person from the east coast.

  I closed my eyes for a moment.


  She appeared and curtsied. "Yes, Master?"

  "Why do Nex and Bob both seem to have accents?"

  "It's related to their personalities. In their native languages, they may have spoken in an informal dialect, as Bob does, or they may have strong cultural ties, like Nex."

  "So Bob can speak normally, he just subconsciously opts to speak that way?"

  "Yes, and Nex speaks with a slight goblin accent because she's so tied to her culture that it's part of her identity."

  "Thank you, Mors!" I said as she smiled and vanished.

  I felt Nex's arms wrapping around mine as I opened my eyes.

  "I will also bring you many, many children,” she said as her eyes glowed.


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