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Sasha: The Wallflower (The Wallflower Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Fletcher, R. J.

  Before Dina could respond sarcastically as she planned, she felt someone walk towards them. Looking up curiously, she was positively shocked to see the blonde woman from the club the other night-Sasha’s former friend, Faye. Without hesitation, her shackles were raised in warning as the beautiful young woman walked elegantly in a white dress that exposed her ample breasts and elegant back with 5-inch stilettos.

  Teagan, unaware of the tension between Dina and Faye, smiled warmly. “Faye! I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

  Faye smiled. Dina wanted to hurl at the obvious sense of entitlement the other woman displayed with the merest smile. “The CEO’s dog came in sick one day and he just happened to be quite attracted to me. We’ve been seeing each other for the past two weeks.”

  “How old is he? 60?” Dina laughed at her own joke. Not particularly interested in Faye’s response, she excused herself quickly. She found herself peacefully sipping upon her champagne at the edge of the dance floor, simultaneously keeping a watchful eye on Sasha, when a handsome man in a fitted suit stood next to her.

  She turned to him with a flirtatious smile. ‘This night may just be looking up,’ she thought when he returned her warm greeting.

  Dmitri guided Sasha across the crowded dance floor with ease. His hands itched to rip her sexy dress off and make love to her. Not afraid to show his clear lustful adoration, he eyed the cleavage revealed by the dress’s V-shape. Sasha, after following his gaze, cleared her throat to get his attention. He glanced up at her boldly, an arrogant grin decorating his handsome features.

  “Would it be okay if we went to a place where we could speak privately?”

  Sensing the seriousness in her tone, Dmitri nodded his head and led her from the dance floor to a quiet hallway. Though they weren’t completely alone, they were far enough where no one could overhear.

  “What is it, Sasha?” There was a look of concern on his face as he gazed down at her.

  “Well…” she unnecessarily cleared her throat. “I just wanted to say that…I’m really proud to be here with you, Dmitri.”

  His normally intense eyes softened considerably at her statement; he caressed the softness of her youthful cheeks. “And I’m happy that you are here with me, Sasha.”

  “I hope this relationship is as serious for you as it is for me. I-I’ve never wanted to give my all to someone as much as you. Not that I ever got the opportunity to begin with.” She laughed humorlessly. “Sometimes I have to pinch myself because there is always an inkling of doubt that this could be real. That someone like you could even want someone like me.”

  Her eyes sparkled with merriment as she continued. “But you do. After tonight, I know that for sure. I know that I mean something. And…”she gulped. “I-I know that…I love you.”

  The shock was clear as he gaped down at her. The hand that once softly rested against her cheek dropped suddenly. Fearing the worst, Sasha continued, “I just wanted you to know. I d-don’t expect anything.”

  His expression seemed filled with pity as he looked at her frantic appearance. They stood there for what seemed like several minutes, to Sasha an hour, until he finally began to speak. But just as he opened his mouth, his gaze caught something behind her. And his mouth hardened, his gaze narrowed at the unwelcomed guest.

  “Dmitri.” It was a cool greeting.

  Sasha turned on her heels at the man who stood behind her. Her heart was almost stuttering; she couldn’t determine whether it was with fear or hurt. Of all things, she had not expected Dmitri to be completely incapable of speech. He almost looked appalled at her confession. Her breathing increased as she tried to quell the panic that rose through her body. She desperately wanted to flee, to erase the silence that had followed her most heartfelt secret.

  But she was torn from her emotional reaction by the single word Dmitri spoke to this stranger that had interrupted them.


  Chapter Fourteen

  Sasha looked up and saw an older gentleman who looked eerily similar to Dmitri. Still handsome and physically fit, the man towered over her in a two-piece suit. His wealth was blatantly obvious by the Rolex watch and Italian leather shoes he wore. He seemed unaware of her presence as he and Dmitri seemed to be caught in a silent battle.

  Finally, Dmitri’s father spoke.

  “It has been a long time.” His statement was unnecessary and frustrated Dmitri who rolled his eyes in exasperation.

  “It’s been five years. Regardless, what are you doing here?”

  Dmitri’s father smiled. To Sasha, it seemed almost evil. “Well, my son is being honored by one of the most powerful PR agencies in the nation if not the world. Did you really expect me to miss that? What kind of father do you think I am?”

  His taunting remarks increased Dmitri’s ire. He reminded himself to always appear composed in front of his father who seemed to thrive on provoking others. Instead of responding to his father’s gibes, he said, “Well, I’m sure you would have a much more enjoyable time in the city at a different function. Perhaps one you’re actually invited to.”

  “And that’s where I grow disappointed in you, Dmitri. All the resources at your disposal and yet you remain completely unaware of the reach I have.” He stepped closer, almost as if he was itching for a physical altercation with his son. “I don’t need to be invited because my very presence as a Vikhrov is a gift. A name that I stripped you of if I remember correctly.”

  Sasha looked on in horror at the way he spoke to Dmitri, his own child. She could tell how much his presence and his words had affected Dmitri. It shocked her to almost see him look physically wounded at his father’s last statement. She had known they had split ties but now it seemed to have been more permanent than that. Had Dmitri been completely disowned? Did he no longer bear his family name?

  Suddenly, Dmitri’s father turned to her. His eyes seemed to stare through her as he sneered. In one glance, he had deemed her unworthy and she was not shocked. Nadia had done the same.

  “My apologies. I have forgotten my manners. I am Nikolai Vikhrov. And who may you be?” His sudden change in demeanor was suspicious and frightening in its abruptness.

  Glancing quickly at Dmitri, Sasha responded softly, “Sasha Harmon.”

  A mischievous glint spread across his handsome features and she held back a gasp of surprise at his resemblance to Dmitri in that moment.

  “You disappoint me even more, Dmitri. You actually had the gall to bring your whore to such a prestigious event?”

  The tension in the air escalated quickly. Before Sasha could make any appalling exclamations, Dmitri reacted instantly, grabbing onto Nikolai’s collar and whispering fiercely, “Don’t you dare speak of her that way. You can take your goddamn last name and fuck off!”

  Immediately, Sasha reached out and pulled him back before they attracted the attention of his colleagues. Despite her small size, he eventually released his father with a grumbled protest. Before any of them could speak, a tall woman with dark curly hair approached them with a stiff smile. She stood beside Nikolai, reaching out and taking his hand within her own. Sasha was struck by her beauty and elegance. She oozed grace and sophistication.

  “There seems to be quite a quarrel going on here. Hello, Dmitri. It is so nice to see you after so many years. I see you are doing well for yourself. Your father and I felt that we should celebrate your success. Didn’t we, darling?”

  Nikolai didn’t respond. Unaffected by his silence, the woman smiled at Sasha warmly.

  “Hello, dear. I’m Natalia, Nikolai’s wife and Dmitri’s step-mother.” She held out a hand. Sasha whispered her name once more as she grasped the hand held out invitingly in front of her. Sasha felt her nervousness increase tenfold at not only having just revealed her love to Dmitri and not receiving a response but also meeting both of his parents.

  The awkward silence that fell over all four of them made Sasha want to bury her head in the sand. She and Natalia continued to make eye-contact while
Dmitri and his father stared each other down in a silent standoff reminiscent of an old Western.

  Dina laughed out loud at the humor the attractive man had been so easy with since introducing themselves. With his hair slicked back and casual dress-shirt shaped nicely over his broad shoulders, tapering seductively to a trim waist and dress pants, Dina had been eyeing him closely in feminine appreciation since he first stepped beside her.

  Her flirtatious side immediately came out after a long hibernation.

  “So, what do you do, Dina?”

  Dina fluttered her eyelashes and flipped her curly hair behind her shoulder. “I work at an art gallery as an art consultant. I’m hoping to receive a promotion soon to become a curator.”

  He seemed genuinely surprised by her occupation. “Wow, that’s great! I assumed you worked with the PR firm.”

  She shook her head. “You?”

  “I’m not an employee for the firm either. In fact, I actually am employed in hotel management at the moment. That may change in the future though.”

  “Can I ask how you are connected to this event in particular? It seems the type to be very exclusive.”

  He laughed and took a sip of his drink. “I’m-”

  “Related to one of the honorees.”

  They both turned to find Slade standing before them. Dina was more than shocked to see him as it seemed as if he had been avoiding her all night. He had to have seen her at least once after all. She decided the best course of action so as not to reveal her bitterness at his rejection was to remain silent. He obviously seemed to know the attractive man she spoke with.

  “Slade? Can I help you?”

  Instead of answering her romantic pursuer, Slade smiled down at her gently. “I’m sorry to interrupt this riveting conversation but may I have a word with you, Dina?”

  Dina narrowed her eyes, suspicious of his motives. Reluctantly, she chose to concede. “Fine.” Before walking away, she turned back, “I’m sorry, Dominic. Would you mind?”

  Slade and Dominic’s eyes connected above her head. There was a challenge in Slade’s eyes he was unused to. They knew of each other through Dmitri of course, but Dominic had always assumed Slade to be the less aggressive-type. He had obviously been wrong. The man almost seemed jealous.

  “Of course, I plan to be here all night,” Dominic stated with a suggestive smile. He was genuinely attracted to Dina and wouldn’t give in at the merest sign of potential competition.

  With that confirmed, Dina followed Slade away from the edge of the dance floor to a deserted corner of the room. Guests were enjoying themselves with music, food, and conversation before any formal introductions and speeches were made by the heads of the PR firm.

  “What do you want, Slade?” She decided it was best to cut to the chase.

  “Are you here with Dominic Vikhrov?” He looked positively flabbergasted at the very idea.

  She folded her arms on her chest and cocked her hip to the side. Who was he to question who she was with? He hadn’t spoken to her in over a month despite the connection they had made from his times visiting the diner and their eventual date. Not a word! But now that she was finally making the effort to move on, Slade showed up. “I don’t think you have the right to be asking me that but no, I did not come with Dominic. However, that has no influence on whether I’m leaving with him or not,” she added for good measure.

  Slade’s eyes narrowed down at her. “I know you are angry with me, Dina. And you have every right to be but don’t make any rash decisions simply for an immature vendetta.”

  “What did you just say to me?”

  Sensing her rising anger, Slade tried a different tactic. He sighed deeply and shook his head. “Look, I didn’t mean to come off like I’m questioning you. I just wanted to get the chance to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed that day we had together, and I wish I could have returned your calls but…”

  “But, what?” she snapped.

  “There are factors I have been forced to consider that are out of my control and have influenced who I can decide to have a…future with.”

  She looked at him, confused. For a moment she didn’t know what to say. “…what?”

  He sighed. “I can’t tell you everything right now. I wish I could but things are so indefinite.” Unable to help himself, he reached out and touched her gently across her bare shoulders. “I have no right to ask this of you either but I have to. Will you give me another chance? Will you wait for me?”

  Dina found herself shaking her head. “How can I? I don’t know what you’re even talking about.” She suddenly took a step away from him. “Are you involved in something illegal? ‘Cuz I want nothing to do with that. I don’t care how fucking sexy you are.”

  Slade smiled. “Thank you. No, I am not involved in anything illegal. You have my word on that.”

  Dina wanted to shake him with her frustration. Why was he being so cryptic? “Just tell me.”

  A silence fell once more between them. She assumed he was searching for another excuse to avoid telling her the truth about his one-month disappearance. She was wrong.

  “I’ve been travelling back and forth to Korea in the hopes of fighting an arranged marriage.”

  Dina couldn’t help her mouth falling open in shock. Well, that was definitely the last thing she expected to hear from him.

  “Despite your efforts, Nadia came to her senses and realized that in her time of need she needs her family.” Nikolai placed special emphasis on the word ‘family’ as he glared at his son.

  Even with Natalia and Sasha’s attempts at subverting the tension through polite greetings and warm smiles, Nikolai and Dmitri adamantly refused to participate. Instead, they continued to share hostile glares and loud grunts of displeasure. Sasha had already grown a dislike for Dmitri’s parents from the little information she had gained from him but this greeting hardened her resolve. She knew that despite Dmitri’s tough exterior, his family’s actions continued to hurt him. Even without his awareness.

  “You two are both fools,” Dmitri spouted to his parents. “You refuse to see how sick she is and you are only hurting her.”

  Nikolai scoffed. “Nadia told us everything! You know what hurt her? Her brother, who claims to be doing the best for her, choosing his whore over his own sister!”

  Sasha sensed Dmitri snap. Faster than she thought she could even move, she reached out and grasped his arm, pulling him away before he could throw a punch at his own father. “Dmitri!” she yelled out to get his attention. Even as she pulled him back, his fiery eyes stayed on Nikolai.

  “Dmitri!” she said once more. Finally, he looked down at her. Sudden realization of his surroundings seemed to kick in as he glanced around and saw the horrified look on the faces of other people in the room. He jerked roughly from her grasp, sent one last glaring look at his parents, and briskly walked away.

  Sasha knew of his embarrassment and immediately followed in his wake.

  “Nikolai,” Natalia chastised her husband in a whisper.

  He grunted and decided to stay silent.

  Sasha grimaced in her heels as she practically jogged through the main area of the great ballroom, perennially excusing herself when she bumped into someone. She could clearly see Dmitri’s rigid back as he walked hurriedly to the entrance of the hotel. She wasn’t able to catch up to him until he dramatically stopped in his tracks, his shoulders moving in quick succession with his heavy breathing.

  Immediately, Sasha reached toward his fisted hands, grasping them softly within her own to soothe the tension that coursed so vibrantly through his body. Stepping closer to him, she noticed his efforts to avoid meeting her eyes. Taking control of the situation, she roughly grabbed his chin within her right hand and forced him to look down at her.

  “Don’t block me out, Dmitri! Talk to me.”

  He rolled his eyes and shoved himself away, ripping his head from her grasp. “What do you want me to say? I wanted to hurt my own father for disrespecting you, for
disrespecting us?”

  “Yes! Tell me anything! Just don’t run away from me.”

  They stood there, silent for several minutes. It wasn’t until they both heard the beginning of the honorary procession that they dared rip themselves away from the bubble they had secluded themselves into. Without speaking a word, Dmitri grabbed her hand within his own and walked her back into the ballroom to their seats. All throughout the night, she observed him, humbly accepting his congratulations, instinctively speaking with his comrades without the slightest sign of distress, and through it all he not only avoided meeting her eyes but pretended to be blissfully unaware of his parents’ presence in the ballroom.

  Their ride back to his home was a silent one. Sasha had not planned on spending the night with him but couldn’t in good conscious leave him stewing over the unfortunate events that had taken place. She continually looked over at his stony complexion, wondering what she could do to return the genuine smile he had greeted her with at the beginning of the night.

  When the deathly silence continued even after they had entered his apartment, Sasha was at her wit’s end. It angered her that such a precious moment had been ruined due to his family’s presence. And it angered her even more that the cause was his younger sister; someone he cared so much for but was obviously too spoilt to realize how much she was loved. Sasha knew part of her resentment stemmed from her own jealousy; what she wouldn’t have given to have a family so torn apart over her well-being. And to make matters worse, the conflict between him and his family was putting a strain on their relationship. It seemed as soon as they overcame one obstacle, five more popped up. Firm in her love for him and wanting to see him happy, Sasha promised herself that she would make things right between Dmitri and Nadia.

  Hearing him moving around in his office, of which he had enclosed himself since they returned, her eyes narrowed in determination. Acting quickly, she made her way to the master bathroom, gorgeously decorated in a classic black and white pattern. The Jacuzzi bathtub was large enough for three grown men and Sasha knew the best way to calm Dmitri’s grated nerves was to pamper him. After setting up the tub, filling it with bath salts and scented oil, Sasha lightly tapped on his office door.


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