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Giving It to the Bad Guy (Saints and Sinners MC Book 3)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m getting hungry,” Knife said. “Let’s eat.” He put his hand on her thigh as he looked over her shoulder, seeing what she’d get. Her hand shook a little, and he slowly caressed up the inside of her thigh, pushing the dress up. “What would you like, Sarah?” He knew what he wanted, and he was going to make sure that he got it.

  Chapter Four

  Elena and Pipe left pretty much after they finished dinner. Sarah wasn’t surprised as she saw the couple struggle to keep their hands off each other. Once they were gone, Knife had taken her onto the dance-floor and wrapped his arms around her.

  “So much for a double date, huh.”

  “They’re good together, and she’s good for him.”

  “It’s good to find someone who completes you like that.”

  He moved his hand down to cup her ass.

  “What are you going to do, Sarah?”


  “No, what do you want? I want you, and I’ll wait if this is too fast. What are you waiting for?”

  “I’m not waiting for anything.”

  “Then tell me what you want.”

  She sighed. “I’ve never done this, okay? Ralf, he’s been the only guy I’ve been with. I don’t know how this works. I’m not used to being this kind of woman.”

  “Ralf got you as a virgin.”

  Resting her head against his shoulder, she groaned. “Could we not say that out loud?”

  “Why not? There’s nothing wrong with being a virgin. This has got to be your decision. Do you want me to drop you off back home, take you to the clubhouse, or shall I go and find us a nice hotel room?”

  Licking her dry lips, she stared up into his startling blue eyes, and her breath hitched.

  “A hotel,” she said, whispering the words.

  “Are you on anything?”

  “I’m not sick.”

  Knife chuckled. “No, are you on anything to keep you protected from pregnancy?”

  “Oh, oh, now I do feel a little, erm, yeah, I’m not on anything. I thought you were asking if I was sick or something. Oh my God, I’m so stupid.”

  He tilted her head back with a finger beneath her chin. “You’re not stupid, babe. You’re just not used to this. Do you want to leave with me? I can stop at a late night pharmacy for some rubbers.”

  Oh my God.

  Oh my God.

  This is really going to happen.

  She was excited, nervous, and wet. Knife had always had this effect on her, and she had tried to ignore it. When she first met him, she hadn’t felt ready to take this next step. She couldn’t jump into another man’s bed so easily.

  Taking hold of his hand, she nodded. “I’m ready.”

  Knife led the way out of the bar, and she nibbled her lip as she saw his bike. “Do I have to wear a helmet?”

  “Yeah, you do.”

  “That’s not fair. You didn’t have to wear one.” She stuck her bottom lip out feeling more like a child than ever before.

  At his bike, he turned, cupped her cheeks, and tilted her head back. “I’m an experienced rider. You, my little virgin, are not.”

  “I’m not a—”

  He didn’t give her the chance to finish her sentence as he took possession of her mouth. One of his hands moved to sink into her hair, and the other moved down to cup her ass. Knife pulled her close to him, and the heat of his cock pressed against her stomach. He was so hard, and he was making her dizzy with need. She closed her eyes, moaning as he tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, and she opened for him, meeting him halfway.

  Her nipples puckered, and her pussy grew slick. She wanted him so badly. She pressed her thighs together to try to create some friction. Nothing was working. The need building inside her was only getting stronger.

  Knife pulled away. “I can’t wait to fuck you.”


  “Are you wet for me, baby?”


  He chuckled. “Come on, I’m not going to fuck you outside of a bar. I want a bed, or failing that, I want a wall.” She moaned, and he straddled his bike. “This one time, I’ll take my time. Climb on, I won’t make you wear a helmet.”

  Releasing a squeal, she straddled the back of his machine, holding him tightly. The dress pulled back to her knees, but she didn’t care. Her excitement was complete as he fired up the beast.

  They pulled out of the parking lot, and she saw they passed a couple of the Saints and Sinners pulling into the lot. She didn’t look toward them as they were part of her past. Squeezing Knife a little tighter, she leaned her head back, loving the rush of wind whip across her face. Her hair waved behind her as they rode a little faster.

  “This is fantastic,” she said, screaming.

  Knife worked the roads like the expert he was, and she gave herself over to his power.

  I want this.

  I can’t wait for tonight.

  The one constant that she wanted in the past year had been Knife. Should she feel guilty about that? She didn’t know.

  He’d been right though. Most of her life she’d only followed what others wanted. Ralf had wanted to move in with her, so she’d gone along with it. She had dated him because he kept on persisting.

  This was not about him anymore. This was about what she wanted, and she wanted to be with Knife. The way he made her feel, it was unlike anything she’d ever experienced.

  He pulled up outside of a pharmacy, and she climbed off, this time without landing on her ass, which she was grateful for.

  Knife took her hand and they made their way inside the small building. He went straight to the section for condoms and picked up five boxes.


  “Yeah, I’m always prepared.”

  Her cheeks were on fire as they made their way up to the counter.

  The woman on the counter looked at them and then at the large selection of condoms. If Sarah could, she’d have buried her head in Knife’s back. Instead, she tightened her hand in his.

  “Do you want a bag?”

  “Yeah, we do.” Knife pulled out his wallet, paying the woman.

  “That was so embarrassing,” Sarah said once they were outside.

  “We won’t be the first people she’s served tonight. There’ll be a lot of kids coming to buy condoms.”


  “Yep. I don’t have a problem. More kids need to learn to bag their shit up.” Knife tucked the bag of condoms in a satchel that was attached to the bike. Climbing on behind him, she held tightly.

  She didn’t know how much time had passed before he was pulling into the parking lot of a nice looking motel.

  There was a red sign to say there were vacancies and also that they were open.

  Following Knife inside, she waited for the key. He paid for the room, and then they were outside the far room on the first floor.

  He opened the door, and she entered, going straight to the curtains to draw them closed.

  Knife closed the door, and she turned to him, fisting her hands at her sides. This was all new to her, and now she was nervous as hell.

  He flicked the light on, and the bulb created a nice glow within the room.

  “Could we turn it off?”

  “You’ve not got a chance. When I fuck you, Sarah, I’m going to be watching you. I’m going to see you, and I’m not going to take you in the dark.” He stepped up close to her, and he held onto her shoulders. The tips of his fingers stroked beneath the edge of her dress. Down his hands went going to her breasts. He cupped them in his hands, but he didn’t look down. His gaze remained on hers, and she loved it. There was no way she could walk away. He stroked her nipples then moved down, touching over her stomach.

  She tried to suck in the evidence of her more rounded stomach, but he wasn’t having any of it.

  “There’s no need to hide from me, baby. Your body is sexy as fuck.” He rounded her stomach, to grab her hips, then down to her ass. “Ever
y single inch of you is perfection. No one should tell you otherwise. These tits, they’re full, and I bet you’ve got large nipples, red, and begging to be sucked.” He stroked her pointed nipples, before moving down. “Your hips are for real men that need something to hold onto.” He didn’t stop there. Knife pressed his hand between her thighs, stroking her pussy. “I can see from your face how responsive you are. I bet you’ve got a nice, fat cunt ready for my dick. I’m not a small man, Sarah. I’m a large man, and I need a good, full woman to take me. I want that woman to be you.”

  “Knife,” she said his name, moaning at the same time.

  He reached behind her, and started to lower the zipper. “Are you ready to take me, baby? Because I’m ready to call you my own.”


  Pulling her dress down, Knife wasn’t surprised when she tried to cover herself up. He wasn’t going to allow that shit to happen. Sarah had no reason to hide from him, and he wasn’t going to allow her to ever think that shit was acceptable.

  Gripping her wrists, he shook his head. “Don’t do that, babe. You’ve got nothing to hide from me.” He lowered her hands down to her sides, and did the same with the dress. She wore a black lace bra beneath that didn’t show him enough skin. Leaving the dress at her waist, he fingered the straps of her bra, and peeled them down her arms. When they were loose at her elbows, he fingered the edge of the lace, watching her quiver. Removing the lace, he tugged them down, and finally allowed himself the pleasure of seeing her naked tits. They were large just as he imagined, with big, red nipples that were currently puckered. He wanted her so badly. His cock pressed against the front of his jeans, begging for attention.

  He ignored it. Right now, he focused on her. Flicking the catch at the back of the bra, he threw it away from him, not caring where it landed. “Fuck, Sarah, you’re better than I imagined.”

  “You’ve imagined me?”

  “Hell, yeah, I’ve imagined, and my own thoughts have not done you justice.” Cupping her tits, he ran his thumb across each nipple, watching her reaction. She moaned, arching her back just a little. Leaning forward, he took one of her beaded nipples between his teeth. He bit down, then sucked the hard bud into his mouth. She cried out, and her hands sank into the hair at the back of his neck. Pushing the dress down past her hips, he released her first nipple to make sure the dress had fallen to the floor. When he saw it had, he went to her second nipple, and sucked on the hard tip. Using his teeth, he bit just a little harder and then smoothed out the pain with his tongue. Dragging his tongue across the valley of her breasts, he did the same to the other. Stroking her naked back, he kissed up her chest, taking her mouth once again.

  Moving away, he tugged his shirt over his head and threw it to the floor. She stood in her panties, and he took hold of her hand. “I know you’re shy, but here with me, there’s no need to be.” It was refreshing to have a woman be so submissive, and that was what Sarah was, submissive. This wasn’t in the sense of BDSM. He was not a Dom, and he wasn’t into whips, chains, or shit like that. He was more than creative without it.

  Placing her fingers against his belt, he put his hands at the back of his head. “Take it off.”

  “You want me to remove your belt?”

  “Babe, you’re naked apart from those pretty lace panties. Get me as naked as you.” He quickly kicked off his boots and left himself open for her.

  Her hands shook a little as she removed his belt. His body moved this way and that as she tugged.

  Knife couldn’t look away as he watched her work. Her tits shook with each movement, and he was mesmerized by the sight. His cock tightened even more, and he wondered for a second what she would think of his cock.

  The one department his family hadn’t failed him was with his dick. At a young age, he’d had girls panting after him. A lot of guys hated him as he could satisfy a great deal of women, and he learned how to get the best out of a woman.

  To him, getting off wasn’t just about fucking. He loved to have a woman screaming, bringing her to the peak of pleasure, and to keep her orgasm constant. Knife never stopped until they were begging, and then he made sure to have them screaming his name.

  “You ever removed a man’s pants before?” he asked, chuckling as he turned left then right.

  “Not really.” Her cheeks were a lovely shade of red.

  Removing his hand from the back of his head, he stroked her cheek. “I love this color on you.”

  “I can’t help it. I seem to be constantly blushing in your company.”

  “And you’ve not even seen what I can do.” He stepped away, pushing his jeans down, followed by his boxer briefs. He’d always been a briefs man. The last thing he wanted was for his junk to feel like it was being strangled. Stepping up close, he banded one arm around her waist, and with the other, he gave the offending underwear a yank. He didn’t give up until they were torn.

  She gasped. “I liked those.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you get more pairs.” He let them fall to the floor and moved her back so that the backs of her feet hit the bed.

  Sarah fell onto the covers, and he urged her back so she was against the pillows. Only when he was satisfied, he straddled her thighs, and stared down at her. She was completely naked, and at his mercy.

  Wrapping his fingers around his cock, he watched as her gaze followed the movement of his hands.

  “Wow,” she said, going to her elbows to stare. “Erm, you’re big. You ever thought of being a porn star?”

  Bursting out laughing, he took hold of her hand once again and wrapped her fingers around his length. “My dick is not for sale.”

  She rubbed her thumb across his leaking tip, and he groaned. It felt good to have her hands on him.

  Running his hands up her body, he cupped her breasts. Pressing them together, he pushed his two thumbs between the valley. “I want to fuck your tits, Sarah. There’s a lot I want to do to you, and I want your permission to do everything.”


  “Nothing will go beyond these walls. What we share together, will remain that way.”


  “Good.” He leaned down, flicking the tips of each of her breasts before moving to the valley between. Knife got it nice and wet with his tongue. As he crawled up her body, Sarah released his length, and he pressed her tits together. “I’ll give you a little tester today, baby.” He pushed his dick between her tits and slid it up. She leaned up, and he moaned. “Use that tongue and lick the tip.”

  Sarah’s tongue darted out, licking his slit, and taking some of his pre-cum. It was fucking hot, and after a couple of pumps, he moved away.

  “If I’m not careful I’ll blow over your face and tits. Our first time, it’s not going to end that way.”

  He climbed off the bed and moved her toward the edge. His cock stood out in front of him. Flipping her onto her stomach, he cupped both of her ass cheeks, spreading them. Moving her up to her knees, he spread her cheeks again, and stared at her weeping cunt, and the puckered hole of her anus.

  “You ever been fucked in the ass?”


  “Do you like it?”


  “I’ll make sure you like it.” Sliding his hand between her thighs, he watched as her pussy took his finger to the knuckle. She was incredibly tight, and he groaned as she sucked him in. Adding a second finger to her pussy, he pressed his thumb against her clit, teasing her.

  She cried out, rocking her cunt on his hand. Lifting his other thumb, he sucked his digit, getting it nice and slick. Pressing his thumb against her ass, he leaned down, and with his saliva, he moistened her asshole.

  Sarah tensed up as he applied pressure, fighting past the tight ring of muscles that was threatening to keep him out. Once his thumb passed those restricting muscles, he started to pump inside her ass, matching the pace of the fingers inside her pussy.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re so damn wet.” She turned her head to look at h
im, and he flicked her clit with his thumb as he thrust inside her. His own cock was leaking pre-cum. Pulling his fingers out of her pussy, he covered his cock with her cum, coating his length. “Look at how wet you are.”

  With his thumb in her ass, he moved his finger to her pussy, and pushed them inside, and with his now free hand, he gripped his cock, working the length.

  From the first moment that he met Sarah, he’d been imagining so many dirty things, and now, he was going to get the opportunity to play them out.

  Removing his hands from her ass, he stepped back. “I’m just going to wash my hands. Lie back, and spread those thighs.”


  “What did I tell you, Sarah? No hiding from me.”

  He made his way toward the bathroom and washed his hands before making his way back into the bedroom. Sarah was in the center of the bed with her legs splayed open, which was exactly what he wanted. Sliding his hand against the inside of her thigh, he watched her visibly shake.

  “You’re a good girl, doing as I ask. Your body is fucking sexy, and I can’t wait to taste every single inch of you.” He pinched her big toe, and stood at the end of the bed, staring into her eyes. Knife took his time so she knew that his focus was on her, and not her pussy in front of him. “Are you wet for me, baby?”

  “You know I am.”

  “Then tell me again.”

  “Yes, I’m wet for you.”

  “Your pussy is all for me?”

  “Yes, it’s all for you.”

  “No one else?” he asked, kneeling on the bed.


  He moved between her thighs and cupped the lips of her sex. Still with his gaze on her, he ran one of his thumbs through her aching wet slit. “This pussy belongs to me, Sarah. The moment I put my mouth on you and my dick inside you, you’ll become mine. You won’t be able to get away from me.”

  “I bet you say that to all of the girls.”

  “I’ve only said it this once.” Finally, he leaned forward and sucked her clit into his mouth. She was fucking heaven, and Knife felt exactly as he knew he would. Sarah tasted and felt exactly like home. She was his woman.


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