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Justice (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 1)

Page 4

by Catty Diva

  As she waited for him to return, a mix of excitement and worry rolling over her. The knock at the door startled her. It was far too soon to be Justice. She stayed silent hoping whoever it was would just leave.

  “Open up for me, Envy.” Fuck! It was Stan and it sounded like he was alone.

  “Go away, Stan. You seem like a nice guy, but I’m not drawn to you as a man.”

  “You don’t mean that. I can tell you like me.”

  “You are just wishing and dreaming. I’m not meant for you, you’d best go before you’re caught.”

  “I’ll go for now, but I’ll be back.”

  “Don’t, this won’t end well for you.”

  She tried to listen for sounds, but only caught a step once in a while. Suddenly something slammed against the door. The whole frame shook and it seemed that for a skinny man that didn’t look strong, Stan was determined to get in no matter what he had to do. Envy slid her dresser in front of the door. It would slow him down but not stop him.

  As she waited for Stan to break in, all hell broke loose. Alarms of every kind imaginable rang out and guards rushed by her room. Had Stan left? She heard a thump, like a body dropping and knew that he hadn’t.

  “Envy?” The soft growly voice asked.

  She slid the dresser away and opened the door throwing herself into the strong arms of Justice. “It’s done?”

  “Yes, we’d best be gone. The guards are all alert for a change. All they know is he’s dead and everyone seems to be glad.”

  “He was a selfish, horrible man who punished people for the slightest infraction.”

  “I’ve heard his son is worse, and now he’ll be in charge.”

  “That makes me feel sad for all those left behind.”

  “Have you not met his son?” Justice asked as he led her out of the room.

  “I’ve seen him at a distance but his father never allowed me near him. He never explained why.”

  Justice made a choking sound. “I can guess why.”

  “Why?” She asked with curiosity in her voice.

  “He was afraid his son would plot to steal you away.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Sh, someone comes.” He caught her arm and dragged her to a nearby door. He tried the door knob and it was unlocked. They made it inside seconds before someone moved by in the hallway.

  “He’s finally dead?” A male asked.

  “As a doornail, looks like natural causes.” A female answered.

  “Hmm, a good assassin can make things look that way. We need to keep everyone on lockdown until the police get here. Regardless of what you believe, they will want to do a full investigation. I’ll alert the guards at the gate, no one leaves and only authorized personnel come in.”

  “Whatever works for you. The old man’s barely hung on to life. He dies and you’re surprised? I hope this doesn’t mean I’m stuck here, too? I have a date tonight.”

  “You will be here longer than anyone. Haven’t you ever had a patient die before? The kind of money you make means they had to be rich. This is just business as usual regardless of how they die.”

  “Fine, I’ll be in my suite.” She huffed and they could hear her walking away.

  “Dumb bitch. Great ass, though,” he said as his steps echoed in the hall.

  “Now that those two are gone, it’s time to go, Envy,” Justice whispered in her ear. It made her wonder how he planned to get them out with the compound on lockdown.

  They made it to the exterior door with no more difficulties. Opening it didn’t look like a challenge to Justice, who did it in seconds. Now they were outside in a section of the yard that had plants growing everywhere. The garden hadn’t been tamed since the master could no longer see it. The gardeners still were paid, even though they didn’t bother to do any work. Working their way to the wall was easy, but climbing it without a rope would be hard.

  She shouldn’t have worried because Justice pulled a thin but extremely tough rope off his belt. A snick sounded and the end opened into a hook. Problem solved. Justice threw the rope over the wall and reeled it in. The hook caught and he pulled hard on it, but it didn’t give. He climbed over first with the skills of a monkey. Envy followed, not as gracefully, but fast as well. He caught her as she dropped down off the wall and set her on the ground. Jumping as high as he could, he grabbed the hook pulling it loose and rolling up the rope. It went back where he had stored it before.

  “We have to move now. I don’t want them to find our transportation.” He led the way around the compound to the other side. Vines and bushes scratched her, but she didn’t feel them as her heart pounded and she was dizzy with fear.

  They moved quickly, but not fast enough. “I hear sounds of pursuit.”

  “Yeah, we have a good lead on them. We were away from the house when they began following us. Either they’re after you or they’re thieves looking to score.” They continued moving and the sounds neither got closer nor farther away. “We’re here,” Justice said pulling something out of his pocket that made a clicking sound. He handed her a helmet. “Climb on behind me.”

  Envy did as she was instructed. The bike was big and covered with chrome. She’d been taught to ride one, but it had been nothing like this. Justice looked at her, waiting impatiently, so she slid on behind him. He started it and revved the motor as he tore out of there. She heard popping noises and realized they were shooting at them. Justice turned around and headed right back at them.

  She could make out Stan as he took one of the guards out that had a gun drawn. It was an action that would probably cause him to be disciplined later. The rest jumped out of the way rolling on the ground, probably happy to be alive. Now she began to wonder where they were going, how they would get there, and if they would really make it out of the nightmare that was her life.

  They drove on going further and further from the compound and the town near it. How far they’d gone, she couldn’t say, but her thighs hurt from holding on and she was hungry, thirsty, and fatigued. If he didn’t stop soon, she would have to ask him to and she didn’t want to do that. Envy was pushed to the end of her ability to go on when he finally pulled over. They both got off the bike.

  “The rest of the way, we go on foot. It’s not a long walk. Let’s take a break first.” He said as he handed her a drink and a protein bar.

  Envy slid to the ground in relief before she took a bite followed by a drink. The protein bar was dry but palatable. Justice watched her closely, not eating or sitting, but he did take a sip on a drink. It was clear to her now that she was seriously out of shape. The trip had not taken much out of him while she was exhausted and ready to fall into a bed to sleep.

  “Let me know when you’re ready and we’ll finish the trip.”

  Envy finished her protein bar then guzzled her drink. She didn’t think Justice would appreciate being kept waiting for long. Every muscle seemed to hurt and she was walking awkwardly. Justice stepped toward her and picked her up, carrying her effortlessly. She should protest, but if she did he might put her down. Right now, she would only slow them down. Besides, it felt safe and sexy to be in his arms pressed up against his body. His scent washed over her and she breathed in deeply.

  “It won’t be long.” He whispered in her ear soothingly. How ironic that this male who dealt in death was comforting her.

  Envy didn’t know how much time had passed or how far they had gone, she’d been lulled to sleep by tiredness and his warm protection. Trust was hard for her, but for some reason, she trusted this man. They came upon a building and he slowed, then came to a stop.

  “Don’t speak, Sweetheart. Let me do the talking.” As she looked around at the empty building they had stepped inside, she wondered for a moment if he was losing it.

  It was only seconds later people appeared right out of the walls. A big attractive guy, well-muscled, and radiating with the power of command, stepped up to them. “Just two of you?” He asked, looking them over as if he was analyz
ing their strengths. Justice nodded. “Something you need to know. An alert went out for her. That bastard’s son claims she’s his step-sister.”

  “Is that true?” Justice asked looking at Envy.

  “No, the master said he knew my mother, but she rejected him.” Envy denied.

  “Maybe they were married first but the girl is grown. He’d have no claim on her. The man is insisting she was kidnapped.” The leader told them.

  “Will this make things harder for us?” Justice asked.

  “Won’t make it easier.” The leader admitted. “For now, let’s get you settled in and we’ll set up a pickup for a few days away.”

  Envy looked around and saw everyone else had disappeared. The leader led them to the wall where he opened a panel they walked through. They descended down a curved stairway going down into the ground below. There was only a slight earthy scent making her think this place had been here a long time. He led them to a room at the end of a hall.

  “If you need anything, holler. I hope to talk to you later to catch up on what Georgie is doing.” Justice nodded and the man left closing the door as he went.

  Envy arched her brow. “Who is Georgie?”

  “The contact that set this up for us,” Justice admitted. “I couldn’t have done this without her. If you’re through asking questions, why don’t you take a shower and then I’ll check out your scratches?”

  Envy nodded, he made sense. Some of the scratches burned and she had areas that itched. Going into the bathroom, she closed the door, suddenly feeling shy about getting naked under his scrutiny. Getting to the shower, she turned on the water and set the temperature before stepping under the stream of water. Damn, some of the scratches burned. When she was done cleaning up, she dried and stepped back into the room covered by a large towel.

  “Come sit next to me.” Justice directed. He sat on the bed, with a first aid kit next to him.

  She did as instructed and he began to check out her arms salving any scratches he found with an antibiotic ointment. Next, he worked on her legs and she was amazed at how gentle his touch was for such a big bastard. Envy had learned some bad language early in the labs and it had been reinforced in her security training. It was rarely used because her master punished her for it. A smile ghosted over her lips at the thought of him finally being dead.

  “They gave us one room?” She raised one eyebrow in question.

  “Either they assumed we are together, or this is all they have.” She nodded in understanding. They should be grateful for what they got.

  “I think that’s the last one unless there are some where I can’t see?”

  “No, that’s all.” Her stomach took that as a sign to growl like a ravenous beast.

  Justice chuckled, the sound of honest mirth. “You must have smelled the food they brought in.” He got up and went to a cart she hadn’t noticed, rolling it over to them. Pulling off the lid and setting it behind them on the bed, two plates were in front of them both piled high with food that didn’t smell half bad. “Here.” He handed her some silverware. There was an empty glass by each plate and a large jug with fluid in it.

  He dug in, eating quickly and efficiently. He paused to pour them both some of the drink, then went back to eating. Envy took a cautious taste, decided it was alright, and then dug in too.

  Justice finished first and just sat watching her. Once she was done, they put everything back on the tray except the jug that was still over half full, and the two glasses. Justice rolled the cart out of the room and placed it next to the door.

  He came back into the room, closed and locked the door. “They brought you a nightgown.” He picked it up off the dresser which was the only furniture in the room besides the bed. Tossing it at her, he began to strip. Her mouth dropped open as she watched him. Once he was naked, he strutted to the bathroom. “I’m taking my shower now.” He said as he closed the door behind him.

  Envy wondered why he was worried about privacy now. She could understand with a delectable body like his, why he wouldn’t be shy about showing it off. Most men seemed to like her body, but she didn’t have the confidence Justice did. Men seemed less concerned with their nudity than women as far as she’d seen. It was true, though, she didn’t have much experience with people of either sex.

  After a while, she wondered what he was doing in there so long. Turning back the covers, she laid down and rested her eyes for just a moment. The next thing she knew, a clean smelling and very warm Justice had rolled halfway on top of her with one big leg pulling her up against him.

  The man smelled wonderful and he felt even better. The large and rock hard cock pressed against her had her thinking naughty thoughts especially since she knew how good he could make her feel. Her eyes went to his face and his eyes were now open and looking at her. She shivered feeling like prey caught by an apex predator.

  “You’re awake.” He whispered. She nodded and he moved so quickly her head spun. No longer was he partly next to her, now he was on top with his body surrounding her.

  Justice gave her no time to think as his lips dropped down and he consumed her with the same passion he had used before. Just the memory of their one time together combined with the feel and the scent of him made her burn and get wet. The kiss drove her wild making her ache inside for him and him alone. He moved slowly, seducing her with a passion beyond her wildest imagination. The man captured her completely and her only thought was joining with him so deeply, they were one.

  She opened herself totally, giving her body, her soul, and her heart to this incredible man without even a thought about safeguarding herself. Those thoughts would come later. Her lips parted and his tongue darted in. He explored, plummeting into her mouth to duel with her tongue. Pulling back, he moved down her body kissing and licking her to an even higher level of heated abandon. Stopping at her breasts, he worshiped them one at a time until her nipples were so hard they hurt. Lower he moved, laving her belly button and moving on. Her thighs clenched in anticipation and her belly tightened. When his head was just about level with her pussy, she could feel his hot breath on her soaked nether lips and the weight of his look as he stared at her most private parts.

  One hand slid under her ass tilting her up for easier access. The other moved to her nether lips, sliding one finger in and stretching her. His head lowered as his tongue snaked out to take a taste of her honey and he moaned, a sexy sound from deep in his throat. It made her get even wetter and now he lapped up her juices as he finger fucked her aggressively adding another finger. His tongue found her clit and he played with it, circling it and nipping it lightly with his teeth.

  Never had she imagined being so exposed or so pleasured. The only thing better would be to have him sink deep inside her and hammer her until they both exploded, it was her hope that would come next. Envy was hanging by a thread as she felt him add a third finger filling her completely, but she knew she needed to be stretched before his monster cock tried to slide in. His mouth sucked her clit in and nipped it sending her over in a hard orgasm that sent wave after wave of pure bliss through her, as he lapped up all her cream like a starving cat.

  Her jerks slowly wound down as her breathing became almost normal and he slid up her body with an obvious destination in mind. Her breath began to speed up immediately and when he held the head of his cock at her entrance, her breath froze for a moment in anticipation. As he slid in oh so slowly, a shiver ran through her. His cock stretched her further, thick and long, it demanded she accommodate. She willingly took the slight burn so she could feel every inch of him.

  Once he was fully inside her, her muscles gripped him as if her body was afraid he’d desert her. “Argh.” He breathed as he failed to move himself out. “Baby, you got to relax so I can slide in and out.” His warm chuckle made her relax. “That’s it.” Justice began to rock in and out. The tension and friction built quickly.

  Envy moaned, she knew others could hear, but she couldn’t help herself. She moved her mouth on his
chest to help muffle the sounds. Justice was giving her too much pleasure to stay quiet. Now he was pounding her and she arched up to meet each thrust making their bellies slap together. The sound echoed throughout the room as both of their sweat slicked bodies slid over each other. It was only a couple of minutes before her body froze then did a jerky dance as wave after wave of delight rolled over her. Her channel grasped his cock, pulling every drop of salty cum out of it.

  When he was finally dry, he rolled over and collapsed beside her on the bed. Their harsh breaths made it impossible to hear anything and her heart pounded like a drum. She felt sore but satisfied and she began to have warm feelings towards him. Alright, more than warm feelings which her brain told her was much too soon and might prove to be a mistake. Mistake or not, it was too late to change.

  “Gods, woman. That was amazing!” He said as he rolled on his side, lifted himself up, and dropped a kiss on her mouth casually. It was not a good sign of commitment or deeper feelings as far as she was concerned.

  Hopping out of bed naked and proud, he strode to the bathroom closing the door behind him. She lay in sweat soaked sheets trying to decide what her next move would be. Envy didn’t think she could refuse him anything, so stopping their physical relationship wasn’t a possibility unless she was far from him. Until she knew where they were headed, she couldn’t decide where she wanted to be. Even short term plans seemed impossible at this point.

  Justice came out, clean and still naked, hard as if they hadn’t had sex at all. Had she not been pleasing? She grimaced as she inspected his hard cock. “No woman should stare at a cock with a disturbed look like that. A male might lose his confidence or develop a complex.”

  “Sorry.” She said as she hurried past. Once in the bathroom, she closed the door and showered after she used the facilities.


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