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The Veredor Chronicles: Book 03 - The Gate and Beyond

Page 19

by E J Gilmour

  526 BL – Azer seeks out the Fortress of Shidon in the north.

  520 BL – Azer appears again in Irvaria. He discovers that the Zyranians are again influencing the Kingdom of Irvaria. Azer again convinces King Farman to rid his kingdom of the manipulative Zyranians.

  515 BL – Azer Ecorian builds the house of Stonehaven. He marries a noble Irvarian woman and settles in the beautiful house he built in the Sunset Hills.

  511 BL – Stonehaven is attacked by Zyranian Enforcers. Azer is killed. Azer’s wife and daughter, Alia Ecorian, escape and take sanctuary at Emeril in the Great Mountains. The Sword of Midlight is taken by the Zyranian Enforcers to the Citadel of Zyran. The Zyranians realise that they have taken one of the three swords of the Astarians. They never knew that Azer was an Ecorian.

  507 BL – The Irilian Order slowly recovers in the west. By this year the Irilian Order has nearly thirty wizards.

  501 BL – The Tabarian Knights grow in numbers. The Muckron Bane Knights also recover.

  497 BL – Alia Ecorian studies swordsmanship with Fiorian Knights as a teenager. She becomes a brilliant warrior.

  492 BL – Alia Ecorian travels into the Far Western Lands and befriends the Tabarian Knights. She studies swordplay with the Tabarians Order.

  490 BL – Alia Ecorian speaks with the Oran Oracle. Alia learns that the Zyranians are holding her father’s sword, the Sword of Midlight, in the Citadel of Zyran. She also learns that the Zyranian Enforcers hunted down her father and murdered him when she was an infant. Alia swears to avenge her father and reclaim the Sword of Midlight for the Ecorian line.

  487 BL – Alia travels to the Tower of Fire and seeks the help of the Fire Order. The Fire Order is reluctant to help Alia as she does not reveal that she is the Ecorian. Anchier the Magnificent, a wizard of the Fire Order, agrees to help Alia Ecorian.

  486 BL – Anchier helps Alia infiltrate the Citadel of Zyran. Alia, in disguise, gains the trust of several Zyranians. Alia steals the Sword of Midlight from the Gatekeeper of Zyran. She slays the Gatekeeper of Zyran and battles her way out of the Citadel. Alia escapes Zyran with the help of Anchier. They flee across Ortaria. The Zyranians Enforcers are sent after Alia and Anchier.

  485 BL – The Zyranian Enforcers ambush Alia and Anchier at Eaglemere in Everdon. Anchier faces the Zyranians and dies fighting them. Alia escapes after the battle and flees back to Emeril in the Great Mountains. The Zyranian Enforcers follow Alia to the gates of Emeril and threaten the Fiorian Order as they see the Sword of Midlight as a great prize worth fighting for. The Fiorians face the Zyranians. A fierce battle is fought on the doorstep of Emeril. The Fiorians and Alia Ecorian are victorious. The Zyranian Enforcers flee back to Zyran. Alia rests in Emeril and falls in love with a Fiorian Knight named Thim the Strong. They marry in Emeril.

  473 BL – Dravania falls under the rule of General Ultuck, who is an advisor to King Fergus. Ultuck becomes the ruler of Dravania through his control over the King. The people of Dravania suffer greatly.

  471 BL – Takal, the son of the Duke of Marraw in Everdon, leaves his home to travel the lands of Veredor. Takal sails the Southern Sea and learns swordplay from the sailors. He then enters the Vastorian deserts and learns Grecob’s Sword Method which heavily influences Takalian methodology.

  470 BL – Takal furthers his studies in Irvaria and becomes known as a great swordsman. He crosses the Great Mountains and enters Dravania. Takal see all the horror of the rule of Ultuck. Takal joins the resistance to Ultuck and battles Ultuck’s henchmen. Within a year Takal faces Ultuck and defeats him in a duel. Dravania is freed from the evil influence of General Ultuck. Takal travels south to Iarthar.

  468 BL – Takal travels to Glenia and remains there for some time. He teaches his method of swordsmanship to a group of young Glenians. His followers build a small fort on the shore of the Merhome Sea. The Takalian Knights are formed.

  466 BL – Takal is challenged by Sir Darragh of Roven. Darragh is said the be the greatest swordsman in all the Far Western Lands. Takal faces Darragh. The battle is fierce and Takal takes victory over his opponent. Takal’s fame spreads across the lands of the Far West.

  463 BL – Takal journeys onward to Coran and then to Alber. He studies the Alber method of swordplay and takes all challenges. Takal is undefeated. Takal’s fame spreads across Alber. Takal hears of mighty warriors in Kaznor and crosses the Great Mountains. Takal battles a group of Skatheans in Kaznor. He slays several Skatheans in the battle, but he is captured and brought to Zarkanor in chains. Takal spends five years in prison and uses his time in the Dungeons of Zarkanor to perfect his sword method.

  458 BL – Takal escapes the Dungeons of Zarkanor and flees to Scaldonia. He aids the Scaldonians in their ongoing skirmishes at sea with the Kaznor Empire. He trains a second group of Takalian Knights in Aldokan.

  456 BL – Takal travels south to Zyran. The Zyranians are very impressed by his skill and ask him to become the leader of the Zyranian Guard. Takal refuses and continues on to Ateria. He builds a third branch of his order in Ateria.

  453 BL – Takal returns to Marraw and becomes the Duke of Marraw. The Takalian Knights become popular throughout the lands. Branches of the order appear in Iarthar, Vastoria, Silvor, and Ortaria.

  450 BL – Takal relinquishes his authority over the Takalian Order. He tells his knights to serve the king of whichever kingdom they are based in. The Takalian Order branches maintain loose connections with each other. They describe themselves as having a respectful affiliation. The order’s branches are recognisable by the fact that they use the Takalian method of swordplay and follow the Takalian training regime.

  439 BL – A draug appears in the Endora Mountains between Ortaria and Scaldonia. The monster makes a home in the Astrum Chasm at the height of the Northern Pass. Many knights attempt to kill the draug but none return. The Northern Pass is cut off.

  437 BL – The Zyranian Order sends three Zyranian Enforcers to kill the draug. All three Enforcers are killed by the draug. The Zyranians fear the power of the draug.

  432 BL – The Skathean Order takes power in Kaznor. The power of the order is based in Zarkanor.

  425 BL – A group of Northern Sorcerers challenge the Skatheans for power in Kaznor. The Skatheans are forced out of Zarkanor. Northern Sorcerers take over Zarkanor and spread their power throughout the Kaznor Empire.

  421 BL – The Northern Sorcerers form an alliance with the Skatheans.

  412 BL – The people of Kaznor suffer greatly under the rule of the Northern Sorcerers and the Skatheans.

  404 BL – The Fiorian Order grow concerned about the growing power of the Skatheans and Northern Sorcerers in Kaznor.

  401 BL – A group of Northern Sorcerers and Skatheans form the Circle of Night. The Circle of Night rule Zarkanor and begin to build an army. They plan to invade Scaldonia and as a stepping stone to conquering the kingdoms in the Southern Lands of Veredor. The Skatheans hope to rebuild the Skathean Empire of old.

  398 BL – The Circle of Night invade Scaldonia with a massive army. The Scaldonians fight back furiously. The Takalian Knights of Scaldonia save Aldokan and hold off the Kaznor attack. Zyran send wizards to help resist the invasion. The Kaznorians retreat back to Zarkanor and prepare for a second attack.

  397 BL – The Circle of Night send an army to Alber. They face staunch resistance in Alber.

  396 BL – The Circle of Night again invade Scaldonia. The Kaznorians capture Aldokan and force the entire population of the city to retreat south. The Scaldonian army falls back to Orelin. The Takalians gather their forces. The Zyranians send a host of wizards. The Kaznorians are halted at the walls of Orelin. The Scaldonian army forces the Kaznorians back toward Aldokan, but they suffer heavy loses. The Kaznorians fortify Aldokan.

  392 BL – King Eric of Scaldonia calls on the Ortarians to help liberate the north. The Ortarians send a small army to assist. King Eric prepares to attempt to retake Aldokan. The Cirle of Night sends a second army to Scaldonia to secure their
captured territory. They also invade Alber again.

  391 BL – King Eric marches north with his army and attacks the Kaznorian positions near Aldokan. The Scaldonian army is pushed back to Orelin after six months of brutal skirmishes in the north of Scaldonia. Most of the small Ortarian army are slain in the battles.

  386 BL – The Zyranians realise that the threat of the Circle of Night is growing. The Zyranian Order uses their influence in the Eastern Lands to gather an army to assist in the liberation of Scaldonia. The allied army is sent to Orelin. The army consists of Ortarian, Silvorian, Aterian, and Vastorian soldiers.

  385 BL – A battle is fought north of the Gerish Highlands. Both sides suffer greatly. The Scaldonians are victorious. King Eric leads his army into Aldokan. The Cirle of Night is infuriated at the loss. They draw their armies out of Alber to send them east to Scaldonia.

  383 BL – The Zyranians, Scaldonians, and Takalian Knights prepare for another invasion. They build ships and ready themselves for a war over water. The Kaznorian army are intercepted and most of the Kaznorian ships are sunk before they reach the shores of Scaldonia. The loss of the fleet prevents the Circle of Night from moving another army to Scaldonia. The Scaldonians celebrate their victory.

  382 BL – The Circle of Night begin the slow process of building a new fleet.

  373 BL – The Kingdom of Alber invades Kaznor. The Circle of Night sends their army to contest the invasion. The Kaznorians hold off the Alber invasion.

  368 BL – King Zain of Vastoria breaks contact with the Zyranian order. He replaces his Zyranian advisors with Desert Knights. The Zyranians discover that Desert Knights have been working against them in Vastoria.

  365 BL – The Zyranians send the Enforcers to teach the Desert Knights a lesson. The Enforcers slay a group of Desert Knights in the Dune Desert. The Desert Knights assemble. Over two hundred Desert Knights attack the small group of Zyranian Enforcers. All the Zyranian Enforcers are slain. The Council of Zyran is enraged and prepare for a counter attack. The Zyranians also spread false rumours about the Desert Knights throughout the Eastern Lands which endure for many years.

  364 BL – A group of twenty Zyranians enter Vastoria to challenge the Desert Knights. King Zain sends an army and captures all twenty Zyranains. King Zain imprisons the Zyranians in Darancra.

  362 BL – The Zyranians send a second group of Zyranians to Darancra. The imprisoned Zyranians escape and burn the city of Darancra to the ground. They slay King Zain and many Desert Knights die in the battle.

  351 BL – The Circle of Night sends a new fleet east. The fleet sails to southern Scaldonia and attacks Havet Bay. They capture the city and invade Scaldonia. The Ortarians send a fleet to Havet Bay to challenge the invasion. The Ortarian fleet is completely destroyed. The Kaznorian army crosses Scaldonia and lays siege to Orelin. The city is captured. King Cicero of Ortaria fortifies the Iron Gate Pass and prepares the coastal villages and towns for a possible invasion.

  350 BL – The Kaznorian force in Scaldonia holds off an attack from the Scaldonians. They prepare to invade Ortaria through the Northern Pass, thinking that the draug will not pose a problem. The Kaznorian army marches up the Star Steps and many men die at the hands of the draug. The army cannot pass through the Astrum Chasm. The army retreats back to Orelin. A group of Northern Sorcerers and Skatheans return to the Northern Pass to hunt down the draug. The entire company never returns. King Cicero of Ortaria prepares to invade Scaldonia through the Iron Gate Pass. He prepares a plan with King Leif of Scaldonia.

  349 BL – The Ortarian and Scaldonian armies both attack simultaneously. The Kaznorian army is mostly destroyed. Orelin is recaptured. The Kaznorian garrison at Havet Bay hold the Ortarians back for some time before retreating to the sea. The remaining Kaznorians return to Zarkanor.

  341 BL – A Northern Sorcerer called, Fazmak the Good, holds talks with the Irilian Order. Fazmak hopes to build a bridge with the Irilians and seek knowledge of magic. The Irilians learn some new skills from Fazmak who is a student of all wizardry.

  337 BL – Ari Ecorian travels with Fazmak to the Fortress of Shidon. They both seek the secret knowledge. Fazmak and Ari Ecorian discover the secret home of Callidus at the northern edge of the Great Mountains. Callidus is one of the last remaining Astarians in Veredor. Callidus does not care much for the men of Veredor, but he allows Fazmak and Ari to stay at his secret abode and tells them some of the ancient history of the Forgotten Age. Callidus asks Ari Ecorian for the Sword of Midlight in exchange for a gift of immeasurable worth. Ari Ecorian refuses the exchange as he thinks of the Sword of Midlight as a symbol of the Ecorians in exile and the Sword of Light as a symbol of the Ecorian Empire.

  331 BL – Ari Ecorian and Fazmak enter Kaznor and go to Zarkanor. The Circle of Night fear and respect Fazmak, and they do not know that Ari Ecorian is carrying the Sword of Midlight. Ari Ecorian sees the terrible oppression that exists in Kaznor. He vows to free Kaznor from the Circle of Night.

  330 BL – Ari Ecorian and Fazmak part ways. Ari Ecorian crosses the Eranai Mountains to Scaldonia.

  325 BL – Ari Ecorian marries Princess Emony of Orelin. Ari Ecorian holds a counsel with his father-in-law, King Harold. Ari hopes to lead an army to Kaznor to destroy the Circle of Night. King Harold agrees to allow Ari to raise an army of any willing young men in the kingdom. Ari Ecorian begins to build his army.

  323 BL – Ari Ecorian has ten thousand men. He gains the support of the Takalian Order in Scaldonia. Ari Ecorian buys twenty ships in Havet Bay and prepares to invade Kaznor.

  322 BL – Ari Ecorian’s army sails for Zarkanor. Ari’s troops lay siege to Zarkanor; however, the Northern Sorcerers and Skatheans tip the balance in favour of the Kaznorians. Ari Ecorian’s ships are sunk in the harbour of Zarkanor. Ari Ecorian, with his remaining troops, retreats south through Kaznor. The Circle of Night pursues Ari Ecorian and his remaining five hundred men. A great battle is fought between Ari’s army and a Kaznorian force many times the size. Ari’s army is vanquished. Ari is slain on the battlefield. The Circle of Darkness takes the Sword of Midlight back to Zarkanor.

  319 BL – The Northern Sorcerer Fazmak secretly enters Zarkanor and steals the Sword of Midlight. He takes the sword back to Scaldonia and gives the sword to Princess Emony in Orelin. Princess Emony keeps the Sword of Midlight for her infant son, Wymar Ecorian, who continues the bloodline of the Ecorians.

  314 BL – A group of bandits form an army in the southern lands of Iarthar. They raid villages and terrorise the kingdom.

  313 BL – The Fiorian Order, with the assistance of the Muckron Bane Knights, faces the army of bandits and completely obliterates them.

  305 BL – A great famine strikes the Far Western Lands of Veredor after crops fail for two seasons. Many people in Coran, Iarthar, and Dravania starve. The people suffer greatly. Bandits and pirates take advantage of the vulnerable people. The weakened monarchies struggle to maintain law and order.

  302 BL – The Irilians, Tabarians, Muckron Bane Knights, and Takalians become the arbiters of the law and justice in the Far Western Lands. King Turlak of Roven builds his army and prepares to invade the famished lands. Roven becomes the foremost power in the west because it is mostly untouched by the famine.

  301 BL – Roven invades Iarthar. The Roven army quickly sweeps across the land and conquers all the major towns and settlements.The Iartharian royal family is taken back to Ferdia in chains. King Turlak declares himself King of Roven and Iarthar. The Irilians hold a council with their old allies the Tabarian Knights. The Tabarians move east to protect the Dravanian border.

  300 BL – Wymar Ecorian crosses the Great Mountains and visits the Iril Fortress in Dravania. Shortly after Wymar’s arrival the Roven army makes a move on the Dravanian border. The Tabarian Knights ride to face the army. The Tabarians suffer a large defeat and are forced to retreat. The Roven army enters Dravania and faces the main Dravanian army. The Dravanians are also forced to retreat. Half of Dravania falls into the hands of King Turlak
. Wymar Ecorian joins the remaining Dravanian army and helps to bring a sense of hope back to the troops. King Turlak requests the support of the Irilians; his request is refused. King Turlak invades Glenia and successfully conquers the small kingdom. King Turlak declares himself Emperor of the West.

  299 BL – Wymar Ecorian and the Irilians help to prepare five thousand Dravanian soldiers for the coming invasion of northern Dravania. An army of thirty thousand Roven troops invade Dravania and are held back at the Iril Fortress. Wymar and the Dravanian troops force the Roven army south toward the border. King Turlak is shocked at the defeat and loss of territory. Wymar pushes the Roven army back toward the Merhome Sea.

  298 BL – King Turlak brings every soldier in his empire to Ghrian. He prepares for a renewed attack on Wymar’s army and Dravania. Wymar Ecorian leads his army to Ghrian. King Turlak takes forty thousand men to meet Wymar’s five thousand. Wymar, with the support of the Irilians, Tabarians, and Muckron Bane Knights takes victory over King Turlak’s army. King Turlak is taken prisoner by the Irilians. The monarchies of the Far Western Lands are restored. Roven is made a territory of Iarthar.

  291 BL – The Circle of Night send a fleet to invade Scaldonia. The Scaldonians hold Aldokan, but they lose most of the coastal villages and towns to the Kaznorian invasion. Wymar Ecorian travels to Irvaria with his Iartharian wife, Princess Niamh.

  290 BL – The Kaznorian forces capture Aldokan and prepare to invade the Southern Lands. The Circle of Night sends a massive army to hold the northern lands of Scaldonia. Wymar Ecorian hears of the invasion when he is in Faircastle.

  289 BL – The Zyranians use their influence again to raise an army to assist the Scaldonians against the Kaznorians. Most of the Zyranian army are soldiers from Ortaria. The Ortarians and Scaldonians face the Kaznorians north of Orelin. The Kaznorian army is victorious and lays siege to Orelin. Orelin is captured later in the year. The Kaznorians capture the Iron Gate Pass and send small brigades into Vastoria. Wymar travels to Darancra.


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