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Timber Valley Pack: Lynx On The Loose( A Paranormal Romance With Shifters)

Page 6

by Georgette St. Clair

  Damn it, it had been done once. It had worked, and he’d seen the proof. Those idiot scientists he’d hired hadn’t been able to reproduce it yet; he wasn’t sorry they’d been wiped out. He’d been on the verge of terminating them all with extreme prejudice and starting over anyway.

  Soon, he promised himself. He’d have another lab, in a country where the laws were laxer than in the U.S. They’d capture more shifters. They’d start over. They’d managed to save a lot of their research; it wouldn’t be like starting from scratch.

  Right now, though, he was on edge, nervously checking out the window all the time and jumping at every noise.

  He had half his men here with him. He wished that he could hire more men, but he didn’t dare trust anyone new at this point. From what he’d been told about the raid on the lab, two of the newer mercenaries that he’d hired had betrayed him, shot his own men, and helped the shifters break out. He had a pretty good idea how they’d gotten the fake credentials that led to their hire.

  Nicholas Almassy.

  He blamed Zador for this. The stupid bastard. Unfortunately, he still needed Zador if he wanted to be able to continue to work with the arms brokers – for now, anyway.

  Zador should have warned him about Almassy. How much he hated Zador, how he’d never stop hunting him, which meant that everyone associated with Zador was in Almassy’s crosshairs as well.

  It was all right. Once Zador had developed the formula, Bradwell wouldn’t need him any more.

  A sound outside the cabin made him start. A wolf’s howl. It was long and high and eerie, twisting up through the air.

  Bradwell tensed and glanced at Alan Robinson, one of his mercenaries. Alan met his gaze, chewing on his lower lip. They were both thinking the same thing.

  Shifter, or just a wolf? It was impossible to tell.

  He cursed his luck. He’d fled his home and was hiding in this remote cabin in Idaho for two reasons. Firstly, it came with its own private landing strip, and secondly, because it was too dangerous for him to stay in any city, even under a fake ID. The advantage of being here was that there were no prying eyes out here, nobody to stumble on him accidentally, but the disadvantage was that the woods were crawling with wildlife. It meant that he never knew if the animal sounds that tormented him came from a human or a shifter. It was still possible that they could find him out here. The shifters had turned out to have access to technology and tracking skills that he never could have dreamed off.

  He still had a couple of spies in the shifter community, and as far as he knew the shifters still didn’t know where he was staying.

  He was paying his shifter spies massive bribes to keep the information stream flowing to him. Once the lab had been raided and he’d been forced to go on the run, they’d jacked their price up outrageously. It infuriated him. Some day, he would have them killed, but for now he needed them.

  Another howl drifted through the air, long and drawn out. He groped at the AK-47 that lay on the table near him, clutching it for reassurance.

  “I doubt it’s a shifter,” Alan said. “They’d have attacked us already…wouldn’t they?”

  “Maybe not,” Colonel Bradwell said, panic swelling in his throat. “Maybe they’re gathering their forces.”

  Alan swallowed hard, his face pale. He wasn’t a coward, but the prospect of going up against dozens or hundreds of enraged shifters was enough to frighten even the most stalwart soldier.

  He grabbed his walkie talkie. “Delta Echo 3, this is C1, are you hearing that wolf howl?” he radioed, talking to one of the men they had stationed outside.

  “C1, I hear it, but I’m not getting a visual. If it turns out to be anything I’ll give you a holler. Over,” the man replied.

  Alan stifled a yawn. He hadn’t been sleeping well either, obviously.

  “I’ll go brew us some coffee,” he said.

  * * *

  As they jogged through the woods, headed back towards the rendezvous point, Dash tipped his head back to sniff the air.

  “That’s the third time that you’ve done that,” Isadora said, as they emerged from the tree line and Dash rushed her towards his car. “What do you scent?”

  “Humans. Headed our way.” He yanked open the car door, uncuffed her, and shoved her in the passenger side. Then he cuffed her to a metal bar that he’d fixed by the side of the seat, and ran over to the driver’s side.

  “Are they friends of yours?” he asked as they slid in.

  “Doubt it,” she said coolly.

  Dash cursed to himself. He would have liked a more definitive answer.

  He glanced around the parking lot; the Wardens and Pride Patrol weren’t back yet. They’d all headed out to the Hobo camps. When he’d called them, they’d turned around and headed back, but they still hadn’t arrived. They’d probably be there within minutes, but the humans were getting closer every second; their smell was getting stronger and stronger.

  He couldn’t wait.

  He started up the truck and sped out of the parking lot. He headed east.

  He pulled out his phone t to call Warden Kerrigan, but the sound of another car on the road interrupted him. He glanced in the rearview mirror, hoping it was the Wardens or Pride Patrol returning, but no such luck.

  He didn’t recognize the big black SUV with the tinted windows. He went around a sharp curve, and then accelerated. The car behind them sped up too.

  Isadora twisted around to look. “Seriously, no clue who that is,” she said. “They really seem to want to get to know us better, though.”

  “I’m not in the mood to make new friends.” There was a long straight stretch of road ahead, and they were coming closer to a small town. If he could just make it there, their pursuers would drop off, he was sure. He pushed his foot down on the pedal, and roared down the road.

  The SUV accelerated too, and rammed into the back of the pickup truck, sending him fishtailing.

  “Fuck!” he cursed. He barely managed to stay on the road.

  They rammed him again as soon as he was back in his lane. He heard the crack of gunshots. The truck left the road, plowing into an overgrown field. He heard the sound of a tire popping.

  Quickly, he uncuffed Isadora, and scrambled out of his truck, pulling his gun out.

  Isadora followed him, standing by his side, as the black SUV pulled over on the side of the road and four humans scrambled out. They were dressed in black, and all were armed.

  “Isadora, run for it,” Dash said.

  The thought of her being hurt filled him with panic. It surprised him how much the idea scared him.

  “No way.”

  “You stupid, stubborn, lynx, run! I’ll keep them here and you escape!”

  In response, she growled, unsheathed her claws, and her face began to shift. Her fangs descended, and her eyes glowed with anger. She let out the loud, angry hiss of a cornered cat.

  Was this the way a traitor would act? If she’d sold out her own kind, shouldn’t she be running off to leave him to die?

  Just then, an 18 wheeler truck came down the road and slowed to a stop. The men hesitated, then ran back to the SUV, hopped in and drove off.

  The driver of the truck leaned out of his window. “Are you all right?” he called.

  “We’re fine, thanks!” Dash yelled to him. “Appreciate it!”

  The truck driver waved at him and drove off.

  Dash saw Isadora glancing around the field, and before she could shift and run off, he slapped the cuffs on her again.

  “Are you kidding me?” she snapped. “What is your obsession with handcuffs, you kinky bastard? And why didn’t you ever bring this up at a time when we actually could have had fun with it?”

  “Ha ha, that’s funny. And the answer is, because you were always making sure that I was royally pissed off at you. Now why is that, do you think? Maybe you were afraid that if you didn’t keep pushing me away, something might actually have happened between us?”

  “Don’t flatter yo
urself!” she yelled at him, as he shoved her back into the passenger side and cuffed her to the metal bar again.

  “I’ve got to change the tire. Sit tight,” he said.

  He changed the tire and was back on the road in record time.

  “Has it occurred to you that after you called your people and told them where we were, humans suddenly show up on the scene and start following us?” Isadora said irritably. “You know it’s not something that I did. You were with me the whole time. They were there half an hour after you called. That would have given somebody on your team time to tip off those humans.”

  “Yes, it has occurred to me. It’s also interesting that they were close enough to get there that quickly. That was a squad of mercenaries who almost certainly were working for Colonel Bradwell. Why were they in this area?”

  “Damned if I know.”

  “Or, damned if you’ll tell me,” he growled. Then he looked at her suspiciously. “You had a couple of bags with you earlier. Where are they?”

  “I ditched them.”


  “So you can’t go through my stuff,” she said coolly. “Where are we going right now, by the way? What’s your plan?”

  “I don’t know, damn it. For the first time in my life, I’m winging it.”

  “No effin way. How does it feel?”

  “Sucks,” he snapped. He was driving aimlessly, just trying to put some distance between him and the humans.

  After a little while, he actually saw her smile, and then start to laugh.

  “Please tell me what about this situation is remotely funny,” he said.

  “You. Me. Patrol car,” she laughed. “Feels like old times, doesn’t it?”

  His mouth twitched in a smile, but he forced himself not to laugh. Couldn’t the lynx ever take anything seriously?

  Then again, that had always been part of her charm, hadn’t it? She could find humor in the bleakest situation, and somehow, lighten a dark mood by doing so.

  Wait, he told himself angrily. Since when did he find Isadora charming? He didn’t. He definitely didn’t.

  He needed to get his mind back on his duty, to protect the welfare of shifters, and stop thinking about Isadora and how deliciously sweet she smelled, and how maddeningly adorable she looked when she laughed.

  He grabbed his phone and called Warden Redthorne, who was at headquarters back in Timber Valley. He told them about the men who’d chased after them. Redthorne let out a stream of curses.

  “Where are you now?” Redthorne asked.

  “Getting as far away from the rendezvous point as possible. Who knew where we were?” Dash asked. “Somebody put a call in to those humans.”

  “Hold on a minute. I’m just going to step outside my office,” Redthorne said. Dash waited while Redthorne walked outside. “After you called me, I called a number of people to update them that Isadora had been taken into custody. I’m going to start making a list of them now. I need to proceed cautiously. The people that I told were people that I thought that I could trust absolutely. Is it possible that Isadora was the one to tip the soldiers off, and she was just playing coy when they showed up?”

  “I really don’t think so,” Dash said. “I’ve been with her continuously. Listen, sir, I trust you, but I frankly don’t know who else to trust out here. I’m going to bring Isadora back to Timber Valley by myself; we’re too exposed out here.”

  “No, it’s too risky. She’s proven herself very adept at escaping. Listen, I’m flying out there today with my men. While you’re waiting for me, bring her to the nearest pack – let’s see, that would be the Hidden Hills pack in-”

  “What’s that? You’re breaking up!” Dash yelled. He made a static noise with his mouth and then quickly clicked the phone off.

  “You did not just do that,” Isadora said admiringly. “Way to go, Dash!”

  “The fact that you approve is not reassuring to me at all,” he scowled.

  A short while later, they pulled up in front of a motel that Dash spotted from the road. Dash parked the car at the far end of the parking lot, leaving Isadora cuffed, and booked a room towards the back of the motel. Then he rushed Isadora in to the room, keeping her cuffed to him.

  “You could uncuff me now,” Isadora said as he locked the door.

  “I could if I trusted you.”

  “Are you this kinky with all of your girlfriends?” she smirked at him. He felt a flush creeping up his throat. Her scent was sweet and musky and strong, and he found himself breathing in, drawing it into his nostrils so he could savor it. Suddenly he was having a hard time sucking enough oxygen into his lungs. Where had all the air gone?

  “I have no girlfriends, and quit flattering yourself,” he said gruffly. “This is strictly business.”

  Isadora wasn’t to be dissuaded. She stared straight up at him, her jade green eyes glowing. “I’m a shifter. I can smell your excitement. And see it.” She glanced at Dash’s pants, staring at what he was sure was his clearly outlined erection, bulging against the cloth of his pants.

  Dash felt hot and itchy, his fur rippling under his skin. “Isadora, if you don’t quit needling me, I’ll…”

  “You’ll what? Arrest me? Put me in handcuffs?” Suddenly she moved closer to him, leaned up, and brushed her lips against his.

  A shocking jolt of arousal zapped through him at the feeling of her soft, warm lips. He felt it rush through him, running through his veins like hot fire.

  Chapter Eight

  “Did you feel that?” she gasped.

  “Feel what?”

  “Like lightning shot through you and every nerve in your body caught on fire? Like if we don’t have sex right now, you’ll burn up and die?” She leaned in to him, feeling his thick, hard erection pressing into her stomach.

  Please, let it not just be her. She’d die of embarrassment.

  “Oh, yeah, that. I felt that.” He hesitated. “Did you feel it too?”

  “Of course I felt it, you dumb wolf. Stop talking and kiss me.”

  He cradled her face in his hands, bent down, and claimed her mouth in a hungry, devouring kiss.

  His lips were soft and tender, and the musk of his desire hung heavy in the air. He moved her up against the wall and pressed himself against her, shoving his knee in between her thighs.

  The kiss went on and on, both tender and demanding, as he guided her tongue with his in an intimate tango and probed the recesses of her mouth. She could feel her heart thumping in her chest, and a rush of wetness between her legs.

  When he finally pulled away, she let out a little whimper of protest.

  “I’m going to uncuff you now.” His voice was husky with desire.

  “Hell no,” she panted. “Cuff me to the bed.”

  She didn’t have to ask twice. He swept her off the floor, tossing her over his shoulder, and crossed the room in three big strides. He cuffed her to the headboard so fast she barely had time to blink.

  Then, kneeling above her, he hesitated.

  “Are you sure?” he asked her. “I technically have you in my custody. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  Damn him, did he always have to be such a decent guy?

  Frustration and raging need burned through her. “Nobody takes advantage of me unless I want them to. And I really, really want you to. I also really want to see you naked.”

  He still hesitated. “Isadora, I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life right now. I just – oh, hell, maybe we both need to get this out of our system.”

  “Yeah, we do. That’s it. We’ll get it out of our system.” Would they really? Isadora was suddenly afraid that once wouldn’t be enough. The fire that was burning through her was something that she’d never felt before. She’d had good sex before, sure, but the way Dash had kissed her, so hungry, so tender…

  Curse him. Maybe he’d been right. Maybe in the past she’d deliberately provoked him because she was afraid of him and trying to keep him at arm’s
length. After a lifetime of her parents telling her that no decent man would ever love her, it was pretty hard to let a decent man get close to her.

  He shimmied out of his pants, and she admired his naked body, devouring him with her eyes. His broad muscular chest, with a dusting of brown curls. His flat stomach, with the squares of his six pack carved out in deep relief.

  “Look at this. Dash Battle, breaking the rules.” She stretched out on the bed, luxuriating in the scent of his musk, and the sight of his thick, hard phallus pointing straight up at the ceiling.

  “I’ll show you some rules,” he growled at her, straddling her.

  “Oh yeah? Such as?” she taunted him.

  “Well, since I was raised with manners, unlike some people, I have a rule that the lady always has to come first.”

  He pushed her sweater up and kissed her stomach. She gasped at the feeling of his warm mouth on her, his tongue dipping to swirl in her navel as he unzipped her pants. She lifted her hips and he pushed her pants down to her knees, his mouth never leaving her.

  He moved down lower, sliding down on the bed until he was between her legs. With firm hands, he spread her apart, and ran his tongue along her inner seam. She bit back a whimper as he lapped at her, and at the same time pressed the pad of his thumb against the swollen pearl of her clitoris, and began rubbing.

  “You taste like honey,” he groaned appreciatively. He sucked at her hungrily, and she felt hot flashes of pleasure zapping her body.

  “Yes,” she hissed. “Like that. Oh, yes.”

  He had a stubble of five o clock shadow growing in, and she felt it scraping against her tender flesh, heightening the sensation.

  He thrust his tongue right up inside her, and she jerked, letting out a guttural cry of pleasure.

  “I’m going to…oh, God…”

  He sucked and licked at her, rubbing with his thumb until all the heat in her body rushed to one place, pooling in liquid ecstasy in her groin, and then exploding in a giant tidal wave that flowed to the tips of her fingers and toes. She felt hollowed out, filled with nothing but waves of pleasure that crashed through her as she lay shuddering and moaning helplessly.


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