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Costa Rican Heat

Page 2

by Bobbi Brattz

  “You look stunning, ‘Take Me There’.” A deep voice broke the silence.

  With a startled squeak, Jada jumped, her hand flying to her bare chest.

  “Oh, God! You scared the crap out of me!”

  Rich, masculine laughter filled the enclosure.

  Grinning, Jada started to get up.

  “Alfredo must have put me in the wrong place. I have a date coming and…Wait a minute you just called me by my online chat name!”

  Smiling, he reached out and picked up his wineglass to toast her, the rich red liquid a stark contrast to his black and white tux. “‘I’m For Paradise’ at your service.”

  “But…but…you can’t be my date!”

  “Why not?” Curiosity in his gaze, he sipped his wine then placed the glass down once again.

  “Because you’re gorgeous! You’re supposed to be bald and fat, not the hunk–and–a–half that rescued me from that mess and picked me up off the floor.”

  “Sorry. I could shave my head if you’d like, but I can’t do much about the fat at this point. That is unless we eat two desserts, maybe.” Chuckling, he took her hand, sliding just a tad closer to her.

  “You mean you really want to continue the date, even after all the trouble I made out there?” Stunned, she watched him nod then gasped as he kissed the palm of her hand, sending chills of awareness through the flock of butterflies as her womb clenched in reaction. Suddenly she felt hot, breathless, and a little dizzy as he continued to hold her hand.

  “Um, are you a little nuts? I mean, maybe you got me mixed up with someone else or something?”

  Chuckling, he shook his head and kissed the inside of her wrist. She pulled her hand away, not sure what to make of his heated welcome.

  The server called softly, waiting a moment until Mr. Paradise gave permission to enter the booth. Once the food was set on the table before them, he waved the man away without looking at him. His eyes were only for her.

  Jada was having a difficult time deciding what was more interesting, the man in front of her or the food. She hadn’t even looked at it, but the aroma was driving her crazy, having not eaten since lunch time. A particularly loud grumble finally made the decision for her.

  With a warm chuckle, he broke eye contact and turned to the food.

  “You’re hungry. Why don’t we talk while we eat then we can continue to get to know each other…in person.”

  “I still can’t believe you want to know me now that you’ve seen what a klutz I am.”

  “Eat. We’ll talk and after dinner you can decide if you like me enough to see me again.”

  He’d avoided her eyes while he spoke.

  “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “About what?”

  “You’d really want to see me again?”

  “I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. Now, turn around and eat!”

  His voice was only slightly gruff. She wasn’t sure but thought he was fighting back a smile. Regardless, she obeyed him instantly, used to taking orders from her corporate superiors.

  When Jada looked down at the plate, she gasped.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Um…well, first of all they don’t wear tuxes, and second, I’ve never eaten a lobster. Don’t know how. Don’t know if I even like them. Oh, my…look at those beady little eyes staring at me!”

  “How would you like it if I started on mine and gave you a taste first?”

  Staring at his lips while he spoke, she licked her own.

  Her date sucked in a breath as his eyes heated with fire and turned to the lobster, his neck and face turning slightly red.

  Moments later, he had a piece of the tender white meat in his fingers and dipped it into melted butter then held it to her lips. Automatically opening her mouth, her eyes still on his lips, she closed her mouth around his fingers and sucked the meat away, watching as his lips parted.

  “Mmm, it’s delicious. I like it,” she said, her tone husky.

  “You’ve got butter on your…ah…” he started, nodding at her chest.

  Snapping her out of her daze, she cried out in dismay, “Damn it! It’s the first time I’ve worn this dress, too. I’ve had it for years just waiting for the right moment.” Looking down, she sought out the butter fruitlessly.

  “Allow me,” he said.

  Slipping an arm around her waist, he pulled her close and dipped his head, his warm lips and tongue catching the drop just above the black material and nuzzling her tender skin for a moment. When he lifted his head, his sensual gaze met her eyes.

  Forgetting all about food, she shivered as her body awoke to the burning fire of passion he aroused in her. Feeling her panties dampen, she parted her lips but was unable to speak.

  Suddenly his lips devoured hers, sending the butterflies into a mad dance of need while bringing groans from them both. It was him, not her, who finally pulled away, gently setting her back in place.

  With a shaky hand, Jada picked up her wine glass and gulped the fruity red beverage down halfway. Hot all over, she knew her face wasn’t flushed from the wine!

  “Holy crap, definitely don’t need 911 for this!” she murmured.

  For the next few minutes they ate in silence, Jada eating the potatoes and vegetables first rather than admit she had no idea how to break open the lobster. She was just about to ask him when the curtain opened and a police officer stepped inside.

  Cringing, she put her hands on her cheeks. “Oh, God! Listen, Officer, it was an accident. It just sort of…happened. I can pay for the damages, in a few months of scrimping…I—“

  Grinning, the tall blond man turned to her companion.

  “She’s adorable. Can we keep her?”

  With a deep chuckle, the dark haired man gently closed Jada’s open mouth with his finger.

  “We haven’t even got on a first name basis yet. Sit down, Mike, before you scare her into leaving. I wouldn’t want you to have to handcuff her to the table.”

  With a pleased smile, Mike sat down beside Jada and put his muscular arm around her shoulder.

  “Don’t be afraid. I don’t bite…much.”

  His grin was infectious.

  With an answering smirk, she asked, “Have you had your shots?”

  Roaring with laughter, Mike turned to his friend.

  “We’d better keep her; she’s funny too! Hey, maybe I should stay with you both and we can be a threesome!”

  “Can we get the names out of the way first? Jada McKenzie, this is Mike Wagner, Sergeant with the Toronto Police Force. I’m Tait Bennett.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” she said, relieved. “I’m glad you aren’t here to arrest me, Mike. I nearly took the whole place down earlier. I thought Alfredo was going to give me the boot!”

  “He’d never do that. Most of the police force eats here. Rather, the higher ranking officers do.”

  “You met one of the wives earlier in the ladies room, Jada,” Tait said quietly.

  Her face flushing at the memory, she sucked in her bottom lip and began gnawing on it, dropping her eyes to her plate. Both men fell silent and she could feel them watching her.

  Clearing his throat, Tait asked, “So, Mike, what’s new?”

  “Not much. I was thinking about taking some vacation time. I hate winter with all this snow and ice. People are so much nastier in winter. His eyes never left Jada’s lip, nor had Tait’s.

  Tait’s distracted voice filled in the gap. “I am not a fan of winter myself. I never learned to ski or snowboard.”

  Without looking up, Jada snorted. “I’m like a Zamboni when I try to skate. My butt’s always cleaning the ice from falling on it, but I love skating anyway.” She’d changed her focus to the cooling lobster, trying to pry it open it with her fork and knife.

  Tait bit back a grin. He was just about to show her how to get to the meat when the whole thing flew up and landed in the middle of the table, spilling the ruby red wine on the pristine white tablecloth.

; Dropping her head back on the cushioned bench with a hand over her eyes, Jada groaned.

  “Here come the laundry police!”

  Alfredo, ever ready to be of service was there in an instant with his army of helpers, changing the cloth and refilling the wine before Jada could even open her mouth to apologize. When all was said and done she sat there in silence, her eyes brimming with tears, a fresh lobster on her plate.

  His eyes conspicuously moist, his voice tight, Mike stood up.

  “I have to go. It was wonderful meeting you, Jada. Hope to see you again soon. Bye, Tait.” At that, he disappeared behind the curtain. Muffled laughter was heard from a distance in the silence that reigned between her and Tait.

  A lone tear fell from Jada’s eye.

  Cupping her cheek tenderly, Tait brushed it off with his thumb.

  “Hey, now, none of that; accidents happen all the time.”

  “Yeah, most of them are named Jada the Jinx,” she whispered.

  His other hand came up to bring her head closer, his lips gently caressing hers. Soon he made her forget about the mess as she lost herself in his arms. When he lifted his head and smiled at her, she gazed up at him in a daze.

  “How would you like me to feed you the meat, piece, by piece?” Tait asked, smiling at her.

  Her eyes filled with pleasure. Nodding she said, “Worked great the last time, really great!” Suddenly her face flushed with embarrassment and she pulled away, straightening her dress. It was quiet for a few moments while Tait separated the lobster shell from the meat.

  “Um, I never told you my name, Tait. How is it you knew it?” Jada suddenly realized he hadn’t asked her what her name was. During their correspondence they’d only gone by their email chat names.

  “I know a lot about computers. I was able to look you up,” he said, avoiding her eyes as he worked on the food.

  “That’s kind of creepy. You may be perfect in every way on the outside, but how do I know you aren’t a mass murderer?”

  “You met my friend, didn’t you? He’s a cop. Doesn’t that give me brownie points?”

  “Ah…yeah, I guess.”

  For a moment she thought about that. Just as she was about to ask another question he held up a piece of meat dripping with butter.

  Laughing, Jada held her napkin over her chest to catch the butter.

  With a frown, Tait sat back.

  “You are absolutely no fun at all! How am I going to get to kiss those beautiful globes again if we don’t make a mess?”

  Though she knew that Tait was only teasing, the word ‘mess’ brought a reminder of her earlier fiascos and her laughter died. Putting down her napkin, she picked up her handbag.

  “Maybe I should just go. I mean, you’re obviously comfortable in this environment and I’m…well, I’m just a plain old city girl who barely does well in a burger joint. I’d better…”

  Taking her hand, he stopped her.

  “Listen, I want to be honest with you. I know more about you because Mike and I gathered a small profile on you. There’s a reason,” he said quickly when she tried to pull away

  Panic caused her heart to race as she stared at him, Lea’s dire warning flashing through her mind. “What? You’re scaring me.” Jada had begun to tremble. Lea may have been right after all. Perhaps she should call 911 on him!

  “Don’t leave yet, please?” His eyes beseeched her while he waited for her answer.

  Reaching into his inside jacket pocket, he pulled out some papers and handed them to her.

  Taking them, she opened the first packet and gasped. Her name was on an airline ticket!

  “Costa Rica? Why, this is for two weeks!”

  “Yes, the other one is for me. As I said, I know enough about you to know that I want to go away with you. I’d like to get to know you in person, Jada. You’ve fascinated me online over the past six months we’ve been chatting. I’ve already squared it with your employers and you can leave with me tonight. You don’t even have to pack a thing. I’ve got it all covered.”

  “Are you insane? My employers aren’t going to just let me disappear without notice!”

  “Check the other paper in your hand.” Nodding, Tait waited for her to open the embossed stationary from her office.

  “But this is from the boss of all bosses! It says; My dear Miss…take two weeks vacation…Tait is a good man…Here is a check for your vacation pay!” Her eyes flew up to meet his. “How could you possibly get our letterhead? And where did you learn to forge my boss’s signature?” Anger suffused her cheeks with heat, her hands shaking as she looked back down at the page.

  Laughing, Tait pulled out his cell phone.

  “I have Anthony Webb’s home number. Call him.”

  “He wouldn’t give you the number; it’s private. Besides, I know it like the back of my hand and you couldn’t possibly have…” Looking down at the cell phone, she saw Mr. Webb’s phone number on the screen. Tait pressed talk and moved the phone to her ear. Taking it, she waited for the man to answer and when he did, she said, “Hello, Mr. Webb? This is Jada McKenzie from Webb, Mason, Hernandez and Shultz, I’m the…Oh, you know who I am. Do you know…Yes, him. Two weeks, starting tonight? And the check? Yes, I have it. Okay. Thank you, sir. Goodbye.” Her voice trailed off into a whisper as she stared at the phone in stunned amazement.

  Tait gently took it from her as her eyes shot up to meet his.

  “He said that he knows you well. You really are for real?”

  “In the flesh, you can pinch me if you want to!” he chuckled with a wide grin. “I’m a wealthy man, Jada. I’m very careful about who I date. That’s why I gathered information on you first.”

  “Two weeks of fun in the sun in Costa Rica, hmm? Can we have lots of hot sex?” Suddenly she slapped a hand over her mouth when she realized what she’d said.

  “I hoped you’d want to, though if you’d just rather go with me on vacation platonically, I’ll understand. However, I can guarantee there will be lots if you’re game, and that it will be very hot!” His sultry look made her squirm in her seat.

  “Oh, I’ll probably go to hell for this but…what time do we leave?”

  Grinning Tait pulled her close and kissed her until she was dizzy.

  “We have enough time to drip a little more butter on you, then we’re off.”

  “Well, let’s get dripping then! What am I paying you people for, anyway? Holy crap, I’m going to Costa Rica!” Grinning, Jada threw her arms around Tait’s neck and hugged him tight.

  At the airport, Tait and Jada were given preferential treatment by the airline staff as they made their way to his personal jet. Settling into comfortable seats in a private compartment, they had a few minutes before takeoff to talk.

  “You actually own this plane?” Jada asked. She buckled her seatbelt and began looking around the luxurious cabin.

  “Yes. Well, one of my companies does. There’s another area in the back for passengers. I wanted to have you all to myself up here though.” Taking her hand, he kissed her knuckles.

  “How long will it take to reach Costa Rica?” she asked breathlessly. Her eyes followed his lips as they traveled over her hand up to the inside of her wrist.

  Sighing regretfully, he lifted his mouth to speak. “About five hours. Once we’re aloft I’ll change out of my tux. I keep clothes on board since I travel south often. I’m always prepared for—” his voice deepened as his ardent gaze met hers. “Shall we say, special occasions on the spur of the moment.”

  “A regular boy scout, eh?”

  His tongue roved over the inside of her wrist leaving her trembling.

  “I do try.”

  Jada gasped, the breath leaving her lungs in a whoosh. “So, ah…what do we do for five hours?” she asked wondering if he had a Mile High Club in mind.

  “Well, we talk, eat, watch a movie if you’d like to. We can kiss…” Breaking off he left her with a pregnant silence, his eyes filled with the promise of passion.

sp; Shivers trickled up her spine as her channel clenched with the ache his heated lips caused.

  “No…‘oh baby oh’?”

  His low chuckle brought to mind an actor in one of the adult movies she’d watched. The man was in the middle of seducing a virgin when he’d laughed. Jada had never heard anything so enticing.

  “I thought we’d save that for the villa. It’s much more exciting to wait, don’t you think?”

  “Ah…sure. What’s the movie?” she asked. Since they had the whole compartment to themselves, she thought he’d want to start their ‘relationship’ together. She was amazed that he didn’t mind waiting.

  “Just about anything you’d like. I have an entire library of them on board.”

  “Oh.” Thinking to shock him, she teased, “Debbie Does Dallas?”

  “Yes, I have that one. I’ll have Greta put it on.”

  “No!” She giggled. “I was just…kidding! How about something a little more down to Earth like ‘How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days’.”

  “No, I don’t think I have that one, sorry.” Smiling at her warmly, he waited for her next try.

  “Message In A Bottle?”

  He shook his head.

  “Sleepless In Seattle?”

  Once again the answer was no.

  “No chic–flicks, eh?”

  “Not one to my knowledge.”

  “Hmm…How about a comedy?”

  “The list is endless.”

  Biting her lip, she thought about it for a moment, noting that he watched her mouth. Releasing her lip, her tongue darted out to moisten it. Pleasure filled her when she noticed his pants were beginning to thicken on his lap.

  “Jackie Chan in Rush Hour?”

  “One, Two or Three?”

  “Three please!” she cried with delight. Smiling, she sat back in her seat, relieved to have something to do with her time to keep her mind off his enigmatic presence. He smelled so masculine, so earthy, so…ready to gobble up in one big bite!

  A woman’s voice came over the intercom. “This is the Captain. We’ll be taking off in a few minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and…”

  “You have a woman Captain? That’s so cool!” she whispered, not wanting to interrupt the woman though she wasn’t in sight. With a grin, he nodded.


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