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The Frog Prince's Hair-Raising Predicament

Page 4

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  “That sounds great,” Rapunzel answered, now sounding quite enthusiastic. I knew that having Magda around as a chaperone of sorts would make him more comfortable with me as we struggled to get accustomed to each other.

  “I also have a present for you,” I said, offering him the package with the books.

  He released a soft gasp. “You…you shouldn’t have,” he said, his hands trembling as he took the gift from me. “We’ve just met.”

  “That might be true,” I replied, “but I feel like I’ve known you forever. And I want you to get to know me. Open it.”

  Rapunzel unwrapped the silk around the two volumes and stared at them. I bit the inside of my cheek, wondering if in the end, I’d fucked up with my choice of a present. I decided to explain my reasoning. “I noticed yesterday that you seemed interested in my books, and I wanted to give you something that you would like. The ballad…Well, it’s purely because of my romantic feelings toward you. I bought it years before without really knowing why. I just felt I had to have it. The encyclopedia is a gift from my father, and I used it a lot growing up. I thought it might be of use to you, since Arthuria must seem so strange in your eyes.”

  Rapunzel gasped at my words. “I can’t accept this,” he whispered brokenly. “They mean so much to you.”

  I just smiled and kissed his hand once again. “And that’s exactly why I gifted them to you. Like you said, we are largely strangers, but I think that through these tomes, you can have an idea of how I am like.”

  “I wish I could give you something back,” Rapunzel murmured under his breath.

  “You already give me more than you know,” I replied. “Now, will you do me the honor to accept my present?”

  In response, Rapunzel clutched the books tightly to his chest. “Yes. Yes, thank you so much.”

  Chapter Three:

  In Which Plan A is All Abuzz

  Breakfast with the Arthurian royal family was, for lack of a better word, strange. At all times, I remained aware of all the eyes watching me. It was uncomfortable to eat with my veil still on, and I should have been in a panic. Instead, I felt like I was floating.

  In the past, my father had showered me with presents. I’d always received everything I’d needed, but the one thing he had kept from me had been books. From that moment when I’d started asking questions, books had been forbidden in my tower.

  This was the second gift I had received from a person other than my father. The first one had been Magda, and to this day, I felt profoundly grateful to Kirril for his generosity. From an objective point of view, this second one might have seemed like it had a lesser value, but it touched me as much as Kirril’s had, or perhaps more.

  Was it because these tomes held the secret to Medwin’s heart? Did I deem them so precious because they had come from Medwin, or simply due to the fact that he’d seen what I’d most wanted? I didn’t know, but regardless, all throughout my meal, I held the volumes close.

  Medwin and his brothers kept up a steady flow of conversation, preventing any sort of awkward silence. Victor Frankenstein and his mate, Larue, also made sure I was never put in a strange position. I appreciated their kindness, especially since it allowed me to hover on my little cloud of happiness.

  Of course, at one point, the Arthurian sovereigns decided they’d allowed me enough time to relax. “Tell us about yourself, Rapunzel,” King Ralph Theodore said. “What is it that you like to do?”

  To my embarrassment, I found I didn’t really have an answer to that. There were only so many things one could choose for a hobby when trapped in a tower, and none had really captured my attention. But there had been one pastime I had truly enjoyed, before it had been taken from me. “I like to read, Your Majesty,” I replied after a pause that sounded too long to my ears.

  “Ah, then you’re well suited to Medwin,” Kirril said with a grin. “My brother’s always been quite the scholar.”

  I noticed Queen Sedonia frown in Kirril’s direction. She didn’t approve of me, then? I supposed that made sense. I was, after all, Merlinian, and her son had just passed through a bad experience with magic-induced romance.

  As if guessing my thoughts, she turned toward me with a small, tight smile. “I’m curious about your magic. How exactly does it work?”

  “Well…I must admit I’m not a very good spell caster.” I laughed lightly. “I never truly had the chance to learn. But more often than not, I just will things to happen and hope for the best. Usually, my hair acts as a conduit for my magic.”

  “Ah, so that’s why it’s so long,” she commented. “I was wondering if you’d chosen this particular hairstyle as a personal quirk, or if it had some other meaning.”

  Actually, the reasons behind it had been purely practical. I’d tried to cut it once or twice, but I had no tools for it in the tower. The one time I’d attempted it through magic, I’d nearly ended up bald, and had only escaped this cruel fate through my father’s intervention. And so, I had just stopped trying, and my tresses had ended up like an untamable mane.

  But Queen Sedonia undoubtedly didn’t care about all those details. “I suppose it’s a little of both,” I replied.

  She hummed thoughtfully, but said nothing else. I would have been a little uncomfortable, but Medwin intervened, smiling at me. “I have to say that Kirril is quite correct in that I’m a scholar. I’d love to learn more about magic. Perhaps you could teach me, Rapunzel. Or…we could learn together.”

  For some reason, the way Medwin said those words, they sounded like a sensual promise, not simply a comment about our shared desire for knowledge. I blushed and nodded. “I’d like that.”

  I wondered if I was reading too much into it, if perhaps I was mistaken in my assumption that he desired me quite to that extent. A part of me wanted to just leave aside all sensibilities and see where my natural pull toward him guided me, but I was still a little anxious. It would be better if we got to know each other more slowly. Right?

  After breakfast, we said our good-byes to the rest of the Arthurian royal family and left the palace together. He took my arm and guided me toward the stables. “I hope you understood Mother’s comment in the spirit in which it was meant,” he said.

  “I did understand,” I replied. “She is worried, and rightly so. I’m worried myself. Are you sure you’ve recovered enough to leave the palace?”

  Medwin chuckled. “Arthurians are a stout people, and I have quite the incentive to forget about the fiasco with Anelah.”

  I winced, having originally wanted to avoid the topic of the witch altogether. Now that he had approached the matter, though, I couldn’t help but ask, “It doesn’t bother you?”

  “Of course it does,” he replied. “I wish I had been stronger. I wish I could have kept her from taking hold of me. I didn’t, and you were forced to carry a burden you should have never have had to bear.” His voice grew almost fierce. “But that isn’t going to happen again. I promise.”

  The intensity of his gaze made me shiver, but not because of fear. Rather, I found that I wanted him to touch me. I wanted to feel his arms around me again, to experience that sensation of safety he had given me yesterday. Perhaps I would have actually reached for him, but I didn’t get the chance. We reached the stables and found Magda and another horse already saddled. I carefully packed my books in Magda’s saddlebag and mounted her with ease.

  I actually didn’t have a lot of experience with riding. Before I’d met Magda, I had never even seen a horse in my life. However, I’d taken to it quite naturally. It frustrated me that I had to ride sidesaddle, but what kind of maiden would I be if I didn’t do that? Not to mention that my garments weren’t exactly designed for anything different. In fact, the few bags I’d brought along in my journey barely provided me with enough clothing for the next few days. That could turn out to be a problem, but I’d find some way to deal with the issue later. Right now, I just wanted to enjoy being with Medwin. The rest could wait.

  “We won’t go far,�
� Medwin explained as he mounted his own horse. “This close to Camelot, there are always patrols that make it safe for travelers, but if we ventured further, we’d have to take guards.”

  I smiled at him—even if he probably couldn’t see it through my veil. “I’m sure everything will be fine.”

  We rode out of the palace courtyard and into the city. It was still early, but already, Camelot was filled with people advertising their wares or going about their daily business. All of them greeted Medwin with enthusiasm and gave me curious looks. Medwin nodded back, but didn’t stop, and soon, we were out of Camelot and into the forests beyond the Arthurian capital.

  I’d passed through these forests before, when I’m made my way into Camelot. Back then, I’d been too frightened and worried to appreciate it. Now, though, I could fully take in the simple beauty of the Arthurian landscape. It was very different from Merlinian woods, but it still had that same purity that could be found only in nature.

  Medwin seemed to be heading in a particular direction, so I asked, “Where are we going?”

  “There’s a spot I used to go to a lot as a child,” Medwin explained. “After my lessons, I’d always go there and read. My brothers are the only ones who know about it, although they rarely, if ever, come with me.”

  “You love them a lot, don’t you?” I inquired with a small smile.

  Medwin nodded. “We’re quite close, and our skills have always complemented each other. We’ve always had our roles firmly set in place. Of course, that’s changed now, with Kirril leaving Camelot.”

  I couldn’t help but note the hint of sadness in Medwin’s voice. “It must have been hard for you to have Kirril gone.”

  “Yes and no,” Medwin replied, shooting a glance my way. “It isn’t what I expected, but how can I blame him for it, when I know exactly how he feels?”

  His smile made my heart race, and I quickly looked away before he could realize what thoughts he had stirred in my mind. He made no comment of it, and instead said, “Come. It’s not much further.”

  He directed his horse to go a little faster. Magda followed his pace without too much instruction from me, and soon, we reached a lovely clearing, where a small waterfall created a natural pond.

  I gasped at the tiny corner of heaven Medwin had showed me. “It’s beautiful,” I whispered as I dismounted.

  “Like you,” Medwin murmured back in a nearly inaudible voice. I almost thought I’d heard wrong, because he quickly changed the subject. “It’s a very private spot. You can even take a dip in the pond if you like.”

  It was tempting, but I couldn’t exactly disrobe, not with Medwin there. “Maybe later,” I replied, unable to fully hide my disappointment.

  “Of course,” Medwin answered as he got off his own horse. “Don’t worry about it. We have plenty of time.” Obviously guessing the reasons behind my refusal, he added, “If my presence makes you uncomfortable, I assure you I’ll be a complete gentleman. I’ll even close my eyes.”

  He tied both Magda and his steed to a nearby tree, giving me time to muse over his suggestion. When he turned toward me again, he explained, “I don’t want to push you. I simply mean to show you some of the things you might have missed.”

  “Thank you,” I replied, looking down in embarrassment. “It’s just…I want to be different, to learn, but…everything is still so new.”

  “That’s why we’re here, to get accustomed to each other.” Medwin retrieved a satchel from his saddlebag. I watched with interest as he placed a blanket on the grass and even retrieved what looked like supplies from the satchel. As he sat down, he patted the spot next to him. “Come. Sit with me.”

  I complied and carefully positioned myself next to Medwin. The blanket was large enough to allow a good distance between the two of us, something which I appreciated. It showed that Medwin understood and accepted my limits, and I could trust him not to push me into something I wasn’t ready for.

  Perhaps it was for that reason that I found myself leaning against my handsome prince. He jumped, but then relaxed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Do you believe in love at first sight, Rapunzel?” he asked me.

  “You know I do,” I replied. “Otherwise I wouldn’t be here now.”

  His hold on me tightened, and his breath caught. I might not have told him outright that I loved him, but my words were certainly enough to convey my true feelings. Because I really did love him. I didn’t know when and why it had started, but from the very moment I’d seen him, I’d known he was truly my soul mate.

  From this point on, our affection for each other could only grow. I had come here for him, to help him, and yet, somehow, he’d turned the tables on me. Already, he’d started to show me such unselfish attention that I didn’t even know how I could repay him.

  I decided to start right now. Since we were basically alone, with only Magda for company, there was no reason to hide my face. Decision made, I undid my veil and dropped it on the blanket. As we faced each other, I saw awestruck desire burn in his green eyes. His Adam’s apple bowed as he swallowed. He stared at my lips so intently that I expected he would kiss me any moment now. A kiss from Medwin. My first kiss. The idea frightened me a little, but it also filled me with sweet anticipation.

  Much to my surprise, though, Medwin pulled away. He gestured for me to lie down on the blanket. “Just relax and close your eyes,” he told me. “Let me spoil you.”

  Even knowing that a truly chaste maiden shouldn’t have allowed this kind of intimacy from the very first meeting, I did as I was told. I relaxed on the blanket, taking a few deep breaths to calm my racing heart. I wasn’t sure what Medwin had planned, but I knew he would never hurt me.

  Of course, none of that really helped when Medwin removed my shoes. I released a small startled sound and opened my eyes. “Shh,” he told me, his gaze filled with worshipful affection as he scanned my face. “Trust me.”

  His soft voice was like a caress that reached out to my very soul. I remembered the way he’d offered me the two books this morning, almost bashfully, like he’d expected a refusal. I recalled that first time he’d picked me up in his arms, when I’d panicked in the garden. Biting my lip, I closed my eyes once again.

  His hands reached under my robe and slowly, ever so slowly, slid off my stockings. I shivered as his fingers touched my naked legs. That same feeling of desire pooled into my crotch, making a million confused sensations course through me. “Medwin,” I whispered.

  “Shh,” Medwin repeated. “I’ll take care of you, my beautiful love.”

  I might not have known much about what two people did when they were together, but I did understand that it implied both of them being nude. As such, I expected Medwin to do exactly that, to start taking the rest of my clothes off. If I wanted to be perfectly honest, I didn’t think I would have refused him if he had done so. But much to my surprise, he made no attempt to take things further. Instead, his hands traveled down my thighs and he just started to massage my feet.

  While the act in itself seemed innocent enough, there was also something very private and sensual about it. His clever fingers found unexpected places on my soles, weeding out tension I hadn’t even known I was carrying.

  It was also the first time any man touched me in such a way. Not even my father had done so, as he had always said it wouldn’t have been appropriate behavior toward a daughter. Medwin’s caresses were clearly those of a lover, but at the same time, they had a lazy, unrushed feel, not pushing me into anything I wasn’t ready for.

  I became putty in Medwin’s talented hands, and a comfortable languor fell over me. I might have actually dozed off for a while, because when I came to, Medwin was laying by my side again, watching my face intently. “Hi,” he said, smiling.

  “Hello,” I replied, my face flaming. “I’m sorry for falling asleep like that.”

  Medwin chuckled and smoothed a lock of hair out of my face. “Don’t be. I got a peek of your beautiful sleeping face. I consider myself
more than satisfied.”

  How did he always know exactly what to say? How did he always manage to make me shiver with just a word? I looked at him with wide eyes. He was so close now that I could feel his breath on my cheek. Just a little closer and his lips would be on mine.

  “Rapunzel,” Medwin murmured, “I…”

  “Yes?” I prodded when he didn’t immediately reach for me.

  The next thing I knew, Medwin climbed on top of me, his green eyes going almost dark with desire. “You’re so beautiful,” he said as he lifted the bottoms of my robes. “I want to touch you, to make you mine.”

  Right then and there, that sounded like a brilliant idea. I wanted to touch him, too, to feel the stubble of his jaw with his fingers, to trace the lines of his body with my lips. From that point on, I really had no clue what would happen, but I did trust Medwin, no matter what.

  I felt something hard poking my hip, and for whatever reason, I found myself rubbing against him. Medwin hissed, freezing on top of me like I’d struck him. Before I could even make myself ask what was wrong, he clenched his jaw and pulled away again.

  As I lay there, watching him, a million thoughts coursed through my head. Mostly, I wondered whether Medwin despised me for being so open to his advances. It wasn’t very something very maidenly to do. But no, Medwin wouldn’t think such things, and truly, hadn’t we gone beyond rules of formality? Or had we? Maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part, to justify my own shameless nature and lack of self-restraint.

  Finally, Medwin shot to his feet and spoke out, snapping me from my trance. “I’m sorry,” he said between gritted teeth, not looking at me. “I promised you I wouldn’t take things further until you were ready, but I almost lost it there.”

  I couldn’t let my own foolish faults torture him like that. “It’s all right,” I said, getting up as well. I gripped his jaw and forced our eyes to meet. “I have no idea what I’m doing, but I do know one thing. Whatever this thing is that we have together, I want to explore it fully. I don’t want to be afraid anymore.”


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