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Purrks of the Job: Paranormal Ex-SEAL Surprise Pregnancy Mafia Romance (Chicago Catastrophe)

Page 11

by Anya Nowlan

“I still have a large part of my belongings in storage here, in Chicago.”

  “I can have your things brought to you. Weapons not included, of course.”

  Kate’s lips quirked slightly at that as she looked around the room, probably mapping all possible points of entrance and exit. River caught it, though, that tiny hint of amusement. He’d take what he could get at this point.

  “That’s very kind of you. Maybe I’ll leave you alive when I eventually break out of here with a trail of bodies in my wake.”

  River had to laugh at that, a deep sound echoing from his chest. She didn’t pull any punches. The way she smiled at his reaction told him she was in on the joke. It had become a regular thing between them, swapping threats, unsure of how much the other meant it and how much was just posturing.

  River preferred to keep it that way.

  “Big words from a small woman.”

  “You should know better than judge a book by its cover,” she tsked.

  “If you’re going to come at me naked like the last time, I’ll at least die with a smile on my face.”

  Kate laughed at that. It was a genuine, warm sound lighter than her usual voice. River’s tiger purred, enjoying seeing her relax. Her shoulders looked less tense as she leaned back into her chair, looking at him with her usually steely grey eyes, now holding a glimmer of amusement.

  “How did you become so deadly anyway? I tried getting a background on you, but you’ve hidden your trail well,” he asked.

  That made her grow more serious. For a second, River regretted his question, but his curiosity was more than piqued. If there was even a chance of getting an answer out of her, he had to try.

  I have never gone to so much trouble to get to know someone.

  Yet he had no doubts Kate was worth the effort.

  “My husband was in the military. I reached out to some of his friends, got them to get me up to speed on the basics. How to shoot a gun, self-defense, that sort of thing. I told them it was so I could feel safe… They were more than happy to oblige. From there on, it was all in the practice.”

  Her words were turning cold again. She didn’t seem entirely comfortable with sharing her story, but he pressed on. So rarely did she give him a glance into that carefully shrouded psyche that he couldn’t help but pry.

  “Safe from what?”

  It has to have something to do with her husband’s death.

  “I’d rather not talk about it.”

  “Have you ever talked about it?”

  Her laughter was hollow this time, cutting River. He hated hearing her bringing up her walls, and that was exactly what she was doing.

  “What are you, offering to be my shrink?”

  “Just lending an ear. It’s not healthy to keep things bottled up, you know.”

  Kate stood, and for a second he was afraid she was going to leave. Instead, she just grabbed a bottle of wine and refilled her glass, sloshing the liquid around in it.

  “Or we could bond over how much blood we’ve spilled between us. Wouldn’t that be a fun topic?”

  There was a distinct bitterness to her tone and it was obvious she’d rather change the subject. Yet he found himself unable to let it go. She was struggling with something bubbling towards the surface, something she needed to face. He wanted to help her get there.

  Or maybe it was simply his selfishness, wishing to know more of her secrets. He wasn’t going to mull it over right now. One way or another, he was going to get Kate to open up to him. For both their sakes.

  “Is that why you left most of your stuff here, in storage? Because you weren’t sure you could stay in New York, where everything reminded you of your husband?”

  Kate’s eyes widened for a second, her fingers around the wineglass turning white.

  She might stab me with a fork if I keep this up. Maybe it’s best if I back off.

  River raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

  “Okay, I get it. You don’t want to talk about it. But what about after you’d learned the basics, what happened then?”

  Kate paused for a moment, giving him an undecipherable look. To his great relief, she continued talking, though.

  “I trained on my own for a while before taking some easier jobs. I was as green as they come, almost missed the deadbeat stumbling out of a bar altogether. Andy, his name was.

  “Andy was a typical waste of space with a long list of DUIs. He got behind the wheel drunk one night, like he was known to do, and ran into a hardworking family man driving home from a late shift at work. Had a wife and two kids waiting for him at home. He never made it there.”

  Kate’s eyes were a million miles away as River listened to her tell her story, entranced. It was evident in her face she had no sympathy for her target, but a lot of empathy for the man killed because of a no-good drunk.

  River wasn’t sure his own expression would look the same if he were telling a similar story. It wasn’t a comfortable realization.

  “Andy’s family was wealthy so he got himself a good lawyer and ended up with little more than a slap on the wrist. The wife of the man he killed got in contact with me and as they say, the rest is history.

  “What a mess that first job was… But I got it done and learned from my mistakes. Eventually I got good enough to make somewhat of a name for myself. From then on, my colleagues were my biggest teachers. I was lucky enough to get to watch some veterans in action.”

  Humble beginnings for a badass like her.

  “Was one of those colleagues Stone Calloway?”

  Kate bristled immediately at the mention of his name. River got the feeling there was more to the story than he had managed to dig up.

  “He was a friend when I needed one.”

  River had already found out from Richard that Stone had been more than a friend, but he didn’t press the issue. It was for the best anyway, since there was a growl building in his chest at the thought of Kate with another man.

  Mine, something inside him demanded yet again.

  “You really are remarkable.”

  He hadn’t meant to say it aloud, but there it was anyway, hanging in the air between them. Kate took another dignified sip of her wine, arching a brow at him.

  “Flattery really won’t get you anywhere.”

  Before River had a chance to respond, his attention was drawn to Gunner, clearing his throat in the doorway. The man had appeared as if out of thin air, as he was ought to do.

  “What is it?” River demanded, not at all happy about getting interrupted.

  “Your father has been trying to get a hold of you, sir.”

  Kate sat up straighter at that, clearly intrigued. A groan was born and died in the back of his throat.

  Fuck. I thought I had more time until I had to deal with him.



  He doesn’t look too happy to hear from his father, Kate mused, noting how River’s jaw tensed and his brow furrowed.

  “Thank you, Gunner. You can tell Dornan I’ll get back to him when I can,” he said to the man Kate had seen from her window earlier.

  Gunner. So now she had a name to go with the face. It suited him.

  Gunner nodded and disappeared back from wherever he came from. She hadn’t even heard him approach, but that was par for the course for shifters. No matter how bulky they looked, they still moved with the deadly grace of a predator.

  Kate had gotten pretty good at sneaking around herself, but she didn’t fool herself into thinking she was as stealthy as shifters. Or that her hearing was as good as shifter hearing.

  The realization really put a damper on her escape plans. How was she supposed to creep past a bunch of shifters on high alert? Who knew how many Gunners River had roaming around the compound?

  On his part, River’s expression had turned thunderous after the mention of Dornan.

  “You seem to have things to take care of…” she started, standing.

  “No, it’s alright. My father can wait.

  Sinking back into her seat, she was annoyed at herself that she didn’t just walk away when she had the chance. She was done with her food, so why was she still here?

  I’m just curious about why he’s obviously avoiding his father, she rationalized. It’s not like I’m into his company, that’s ridiculous. If he’s asking me personal questions, I should be allowed to return the favor.

  “You don’t want to talk to him?” she guessed, feeling warmth flow in her veins as she took another sip of her wine.

  Now it’s my turn to ask the questions.

  Running a hand down the back of his neck he let out a small sigh, looking tired all of a sudden. Kate couldn’t quite shake the desire to go to him and put her hands on those tense, broad shoulders of his, though she stayed dutifully in her seat.

  “He has always thought he knows what’s best for me. It got old a long time ago.”

  “If the rumors are true, you built Crimson Claws from the ground up. I’d think he would be proud.”

  Wouldn’t a mobster be proud that his son is also a mobster? Or is that not how things work?

  “You know fathers. It’s always something or another they think you should be doing differently.”

  Not about to let him turn the conversation back to her, Kate jumped in before he could ask about her own family.

  “What about your brother? Does he feel the same way?”

  River scoffed.

  “Oh, he’s the golden boy when it comes to doing what dad wants. He cares too much about what father thinks, if you ask me.”

  Now that she wasn’t under interrogation, Kate found herself fixed on River. He looked casual yet polished in his dark jeans and navy button-up. His dark hair was tousled, conjuring up memories of her hands running through it as he was inside her, of his strong hands running across her flesh…

  The way his mouth moved when he spoke had her mesmerized, even as she did her best to look away. Her body reacted on its own, responding to the dangerously sexy man just feet away from her, so close yet out of reach. If she were wearing any panties, they would be soaked by now.

  She wasn’t sure whether it was the way he looked, or the fact that he showed cracks in that steely outer shell of his, but it got Kate’s heart beating faster in her chest.

  A grin spread across River’s face as he tilted his head, looking at her with the confidence of a man who was used to getting what he wanted.

  “Something on your mind?” he asked, his tongue tracing the inside of his lower lip.


  With his sense of smell, River could easily smell her arousal from across the table. Pulling herself together took some effort, but she managed to get her mind off of what he looked like naked and straightened her spine, raising the walls she had spent so many years building.

  “My mind starts to wander when I’m tired. It has nothing to do with you, I can promise you that much.”

  River smile faltered for just a moment, before he got up and waved a hand towards the dining room door.

  “I’ll walk you to your room, then, if you’re so tired.”

  Pulling the robe’s belt even tighter around her, she stood with a curt nod. Kate walked out of the dining area and towards the staircase, with River following closely behind. Climbing the steps, she was acutely aware of the warmth of his body, enveloping her as he ascended the stairs after her, the way his eyes had to be tracing the outlines of her ass.

  She forced herself to stay calm, a skill she had acquired long ago. One that she kept underusing around him, for some reason.

  Sometimes things didn’t go exactly as planned in her line of work. Keeping cool and not panicking was a vital part of getting through a tough situation.

  Slowing her heartbeat, she took the last step and moved onto the softly lit hallway leading to her room. Even though they’d already had sex, she didn’t want him to have the satisfaction of knowing she was still attracted to him.

  What happened was a one-time thing. Adrenaline got the best of both of us, we weren’t thinking clearly.

  Stopping at her door, she turned around to thank River for dinner and wish him good night.

  He might be my kidnapper, but I still have manners! My mother raised me better.

  He was a lot closer to her than she had anticipated. As she whirled around to find herself face to face with him, there were only inches between them. Through sheer willpower, Kate got her pulse to stay even this time as she stared into his hazel eyes, feeling his warm breath fall on her face.

  “Thank you for joining me tonight,” he said.

  “No problem. It’s not like I was going to go out for dinner.”

  Her flippant remarks were all she had left to protect herself as she fought against the impulse to close the last remaining distance between them and mold her body against his.

  “You can stop that now. I can see what you’re doing,” he whispered, bringing his lips to her ear. “I know it was me you were thinking about downstairs. I could smell the lust rolling off you.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself,” she replied tersely, even as her mouth was turning dry. “You’re not that special, I’ve been with shifters before.”

  She did have a relationship with Stone in what seemed like a lifetime ago, that much was true. But what she had shared with River had been special, as much as she didn’t want to admit it to herself. River must have sensed the lie.

  That was the problem with playing dangerous games with even dangerous men. They might just be at your level and you might not even realize it before it was too late.

  “Bullshit,” he growled, his lips brushing against her jawline and sending a shiver down her spine.

  He pulled away to stare at her, eyes glowing. Kate just stared back, not knowing what to say. She could try and deny her feelings even more vehemently, but she didn’t really want to, even if she had reason to believe he would buy it this time.

  Ever so slowly, River wrapped a hand around her waist, making her breathing turn shallow as she awaited his next move. Every nerve ending in her body stood on edge. Instead of wanting to kick him, punch him, hurt him, she just wanted him to do to her what he had done in that damn field one more time.

  Whether she could admit it to herself was a whole other matter entirely.

  He pulled her towards him, fast and rough, making her gasp softly as their hips slammed together.

  His face was close enough to hers that his lips grazed her mouth when he spoke.

  “You don’t want me at all right now, is that what you’re saying?”

  Kate felt like melting in his arms, the pure need rushing through her veins making her tremble. Could she deny wanting him? It seemed impossible for the words to even leave her lips, but somehow, her shields held.

  “I don’t want you,” she whispered, even as every fiber of her being yelled at her to kiss him.

  The speed with which he disentangled himself from her made her head spin. She swayed on her feet as he was suddenly a good three feet away from her, his features tight and his body tense.

  “Okay, then. You can tell one of the guards where your belongings are stored and I’ll have them brought to you. Good night,” was all he said, before turning on his heel and walking away.

  I did the right thing. Nothing good can come of getting even more involved.

  The reasoning sounded awful shallow in her head as she watched his broad back as he left her standing in the hallway, a blush on her cheeks.

  Then why do I feel like running after him and jumping into his arms?

  Kate woke up the next morning with a sick feeling in her stomach that sent her snapping out of her dreams about a particularly vicious, delicious man. Groggily pulling herself out of bed and running to the bathroom, she spent a good while hugging the porcelain bowl before she finally felt okay enough to stand.

  Getting sick is the last thing I need right now…

  Studying herself in the mirror, she noted that she didn’t look sick. In fact, s
he looked well-rested, her eyes fresh and her skin all but glowing, despite the fact she had spent the last ten minutes retching. And except for still being slightly nauseated, she didn’t have any other symptoms indicating illness.

  Pursing her lips, Kate frowned. Another possibility jumped into her analytical mind, even as she tried shoving it away.

  No, it can’t be…

  Being more at home in the shifter world than most people, she knew their pregnancies moved a lot faster than regular human ones. From her and River’s romp in the corn, enough time had passed that it would be feasible for her to be experiencing morning sickness by now.

  And they hadn’t exactly been careful…

  There has to be some other explanation. I can’t be carrying River Royce’s baby!

  Yet all her instincts were telling her that was exactly what was happening.

  Mortification overwhelmed her, followed closely by a feeling far warmer. Forcing her breathing to become even, she sat down on the floor, hugging her knees. She was used to expecting the unexpected, but this was a little much even for her.

  This means my escape plan has to come together sooner rather than later, before River figures it out as well. Too bad I don’t have a plan.

  The thought of leaving River made her stomach twist and an ache blossom in her chest. It was a visceral reaction she couldn’t control, even as she told herself it was the only way.

  She wanted to hyperventilate, to scream. But she didn’t. Life had never been perfect for Kate and obviously it wasn’t about to change. She’d never failed at something she’d set out to do and now, the stakes were even higher.

  There is no way my child is going to be involved with the Crimson Claws, that’s for damn sure. If that means never seeing River again, then that’s how it has to be.



  River woke up at dawn after a night of restless sleep. Kate’s face was still fresh in his mind, as was the way they almost kissed after he walked her to her room. He knew her insistence about not wanting him as much as he wanted her was a lie, her body told him that much, but he had decided to let it go for now. Be the bigger man, all that.


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