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What Her Heart Desires [Loving in Silver 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 10

by Lynn Stark

  It was on the tip of Ellen’s tongue to volunteer to organize their photographs for them, but she restrained herself. For some reason doing so seemed more intimate than having sex with them, as if she was pushing herself into their lives. She didn’t know exactly what it was she wanted from or with the three men, but she had an inkling of what it was. It was a future involving love and passion, filling the gaps where loneliness crept in unbidden, filling her heart and shutting out the shadows of the past.

  Chance grinned and shrugged. He reached across the granite-covered island to snatch a couple of black olives off the tray, deftly avoiding Kane’s attempt to smack his hand. “What do you expect? We’re men.”

  Laughing, Ellen reached for an olive. She stuck her tongue out at Kane before popping it into her mouth. She chewed and swallowed. “Is that an excuse you use often?”

  “Well, it does cover a lot of situations.” Chase placed a glass of eggnog in front of her. “You’ll love this. Kane knows just the right amount of alcohol to put in it for a kick.”

  “Lovely.” Ellen took a sip and nodded her approval. “Perfect. So, you’re a whiz in the bedroom and the kitchen. Any other hidden talents I should know about?”

  Chase, sitting on her left side, seemed to decide to share Kane’s talents. “Kane can skydive, drive stock cars, can pickles, and read something that’s upside down.”

  “He’s also good at archery, water-skiing, and he’s an excellent sharpshooter.”

  Ellen looked at Kane closely. There was color spreading across his high cheekbones. He obviously wasn’t comfortable with the accolades. His modesty was charming. His gaze met hers and he grimaced.

  “Do you have any of these pickles on hand?”

  Kane laughed, his white teeth flashing. “Are you kidding me? These guys,” he said, indicating Chase and Chance with the knife he was using, “had me canning them for a week, when I had planned on a leisurely week off. We have dill, bread and butter pickles, and pickle relish with peppers, both spicy and mild.”

  Chance jumped up from where he was sitting on Ellen’s right. “Kane made blueberry jam this year, too. I’ll get some and some pickles, too, so you can try them. We told him he should enter them in the fair next year.”

  “He should enter his strawberry-rhubarb pie, too.”

  It was the beginning of an entertaining evening. While Kane was more reserved than Chase and Chance, Ellen noticed that they were able to draw him out, giving her a chance to see a playful part of his nature. So far she hadn’t discovered anything she didn’t like about the three men.

  Ellen helped finish preparing the meal. Working with others in the kitchen was something she particularly enjoyed and allowed herself to imagine them doing so many times in the future. Yes, she thought with a sigh, she could get used to it too easily. Another thing she liked was that they didn’t rush through the meal. The conversation flowed as they ate. Even when they had finished, they continued to sit at the table and talk. They seemed interested in her life, her job at Redford Manor, and her past. Unlike previous times with them, when sex had been the primary objective, she was beginning to feel comfortable enough to share about Mitch and Jerry and her life with them.

  “They were firefighters,” Ellen told them. “They hadn’t set out to be. They had both been working in their selected fields. Mitch was biologist and Jerry a veterinarian. When we moved back here, they trained to fight wildfires and did go out several times the first couple of years.” She grimaced, the subject always painful for her, even after so many years. “The last time they were out the wind shifted unexpectedly and the fire closed in on them and three others.”

  Her words ran out. As she did each time she recounted the story, she prayed they hadn’t suffered. Tears stung her eyes and her mouth tightened. She blinked rapidly, taking a deep breath as she did so.

  A large hand reached out for hers. Kane gave it a firm but gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry, Ellen, for you, your daughters, and your grandchildren. It’s a terrible loss for all of you.”

  Ellen nodded. “They were great fathers.” She chuckled. “They would have loved being grandfathers. They would have spoiled the kiddos rotten and taken great pride in doing so.”

  Bringing the mood down hadn’t been Ellen’s intention. Determined to rectify that, she stood up and began stacking dishes to take to the kitchen. They quickly joined her, helping to clean them off and to put them into the dishwasher. Once it was filled, Chase turned it on. Ellen washed her hands and found a knife to cut the pecan pie she had brought.

  “Who’s up for a slice of pie?”

  With Chase and Chance being the jokesters they were, it didn’t take long for the mood to lighten. She laughed when the pair piled three scoops of the vanilla ice cream on top of their slices of pie, wondering if they could possibly eat it all. She needn’t have worried. Ice cream and pie disappeared within minutes. All three men declared it was the best pecan pie they had ever eaten. Pleasure spread through Ellen as they praised her baking skills.

  “You and Kane should have a bake-off sometime,” Chance suggested. “He makes this triple chocolate cake that’s incredible.”

  “You guys need to knock it off,” Kane told them, grinning and shaking his head. The color was high on his cheekbones again. “You make it sound as if I can’t do anything wrong. Why don’t we put some different music on? Ellen, would you like a glass of wine?”

  She nodded. “I would, thank you.”

  Kane returned to the kitchen to get her wine. Chance and Chase led her to the long couch. When she sat down, they each sat beside her. “This couch looks good, but it doesn’t feel right for cuddling,” Chance complained, squirming around. “We need to get something else. Something big, soft, and cushy.”

  “That’s what we call a bed around here, idiot,” Chase retorted, grinning as he slid an arm smoothly around Ellen. He tugged her gently into his side, an action she could very easily get used to. She smoothed her hand over his thigh, appreciating the hard muscles beneath as she laughed at the way he teased his partner.

  And wasn’t that what she was here for, to get to know these men, and for them to get to know her? She had the feeling they didn’t want just sex from her. If they did, she doubted they would have spent so much time with her and her family. She was also quickly discovering she might want more than sex from them, too.

  Ellen couldn’t exactly say she was lonely, but there were times when she wanted to someone to talk to, and someone to cuddle with in front of a fire, or in bed at night. Helping prepare the meal this evening had been fun. Yes, she could live with having more moments like that in her life.

  “They’re not pestering you too much, are they?” Kane asked as he returned with a glass of red wine, amusing her as he referred to Chase and Chance as if they were mischievous pets.

  “No, not at all. If they were, I think I could sort them out.”

  Leaning close, Chase nuzzled Ellen below the ear, sending shivers of pleasure over her skin. “And how would you do that, sweetheart?”

  “Oh, I believe I could get you to behave with a hand job.” The low groan in her ear made Ellen laugh. She took a sip of wine.

  “Hand jobs get me to behave every time. What else do you have in your bag of tricks?” This was from Chance, who was now toying with the collar of her blouse, the tips of his fingers brushing against her skin. “Sometimes I can be very bad,” he told her, his hand slowly sliding down over her breast. She felt like she was in high school again. She could even feel the rush, as if she was experiencing the forbidden sensations that accompanied it. “Could you make me be good?”

  Turning her head, Ellen looked at Chance. “It might take some doing, but I believe I could.”

  Fingers deftly undid the buttons of her blouse as she stared into Chance’s twinkling blue eyes. Someone took the glass of wine from her hand. She didn’t know if it was Kane or Chase. It didn’t matter. Hands reached around her, peeling the silky fabric from her shoulders and down her arms.
It stopped there, effectively securing her arms to her sides. Chance lowered his head to press kisses to the tops of her breasts, causing Ellen to moan as her eyes closed.

  Warm caresses, soft kisses, were enough to set Ellen’s blood on fire. There weren’t many coherent thoughts in her head. The one making the most sense told her to get out of her clothes. Chance and Chase were being too slow about it.

  Standing up, Ellen began where they left off. She kicked off her shoes and tossed her blouse aside. One of the men whistled as she did her impromptu striptease, the music playing on the stereo helping her with its throbbing beat. Her hips began to gyrate, her shoulders countering, as she began to dance slowly, rhythmically, her fingers unfastening her slacks. It didn’t take much to get them to slide over her hips. She bent, pushing them to her ankles, knowing the three men were getting a good view of her deep cleavage.

  Kicking the slacks aside, she spun around and playfully wiggled her hips as she lifted her hair and let it fall in a dark silky curtain over her shoulders and down her back. She could feel the ends brushing against her skin as she moved to the music. She loved to dance. Dancing for the three men, hoping it turned them into drooling, panting beasts, was all the motivation she needed to continue to tease and taunt them with her body.

  Ellen turned, giving them a slow smile, as she released the front of the bra. She had to stifle a laugh as she saw them lean forward, anticipating the moment her breasts would be revealed. Ellen inched the fabric back, exposing the inner curves of her breasts, before she presented her back once more. All three men groaned.

  Shrugging out of the bra as she walked toward the fireplace, Ellen held the bra out with her right hand and let it drop. Her hips swayed, the ends of her hair flicked back and forth. She pivoted as she reached the hearth. Cupping her breasts, her fingers toyed with her puckered nipples, playing with them as her lovers stared and drooled. It was nice to know she could make them lose their minds. It fed her confidence. It grew by leaps and bounds, as did her desire.

  Ellen would have to have them soon. Her panties were soaked as her pussy throbbed with her rapidly growing arousal. Teasing the three men was fun, but she was primed for more intense action than dancing provocatively for them.

  When Kane leapt over the back of the long sofa, Ellen knew her teasing was coming to an end. She laughed as he grabbed her when he reached her. Strong arms lifted her easily. Kane tossed her over his shoulder and headed for the stairs. Her breasts bounced against his back. With her hair hanging in a curtain around her face, she couldn’t see Chance and Chase, but she could hear them following close behind.

  Laughter rippled from Ellen’s throat as Kane tossed her onto the huge bed. She bounced as she landed, her arms and legs sprawled. Pushing her hair away from her face, she watched as Kane reached for the sheer pink thong she wore. One firm tug and they were gone. They had been a Christmas gift from her daughters, one of several thongs they had given her, and she suspected they had given them for this express purpose.

  Ellen forgot about her daughters’ deviousness as she watched Kane strip off his clothes. He had a magnificent body, something he obviously took care of. Her breath caught in her throat as her gaze moved leisurely over Kane, admiring his broad shoulders, and wide chest, which had crisp black hair covering it. There was a lighter covering on his flat stomach. What she found intriguing was the tight strip of hair growing from his navel downward, getting lost in a nest of dark curls covering his groin. Kane’s cock pointed in her direction, droplets of cum leaking from the slit.

  Licking her lips, Ellen wanted a taste. Her gaze slid back up Kane’s body a second before he lowered himself to the end of the bed, crawling toward her, his gaze hot as it locked with hers. Kane was pure predator and she was the prey. Trembling, Ellen waited as she focused completely on the man now on his hands and knees above her. Warm droplets of cum landed on her stomach. Reaching between them, she swiped it with her finger. She brought it to her mouth as Kane watched, sticking her finger between her lips so she could suck the creamy liquid off of it. She saw his eyes darken and his nostrils flare. A second later he was lowering his head to capture her mouth with his, his tongue thrusting in to stake his claim.

  When Ellen would have wrapped her arms around Kane’s neck, strong hands caught and held her arms, pinning them to the bed. She moaned, her body arching, her nipples tightening to painful points under the pressure of Kane’s wide chest.

  A whimper was muffled by their passionate kiss as Kane shifted his body, wedging between her legs, the length of his rigid cock pressing between the swollen lips of her sex. The cream of her arousal allowed him to slide easily as he began to ride her, rubbing her clitoris until Ellen was certain she would lose her mind. An orgasm was so close. She could feel it building, her muscles beginning to tense.

  Toes curling, Ellen gasped for breath when Kane raised his head. “Please, more,” she begged, needing Kane to fill her, stretch her with his magnificent cock. She flexed her fingers out of frustration. She wanted to touch, grasp, caress the man above her, but Chance and Chase still had her restrained with their hands around her wrists. “I need you inside me.”

  Kane gave Ellen a smile with more than a little wickedness in it. His dark gray eyes sparkled and she knew she was in trouble. Kane lowered his head to give her a quick kiss. It was the last time he would do something quickly, at least for the next few torturous minutes.

  With her arms still pinned away from her body, Ellen was unable to touch any of the men. Kane moved, that sly smile still on his face, before he began to kiss his way back down her body. A moan escaped her as Kane nuzzled her throat, nipping and licking the skin, moving slowly over it, and leaving a trail of fire in his wake. His lips pressed to her pulse point for a few seconds. She wondered what he thought of the way her blood was rushing through her veins, the sign of how he was exciting her.

  Those magical lips continued to press small, warm kisses in places Ellen hadn’t known were so sensitive. Moans and pleas left her lips, but only to fall upon deaf ears. Kane ignored each and every one of them as he tormented her. He kissed the point of each shoulder, before placing a kiss in the V of her collarbone. From there he kissed a straight line down, between her breasts. The rough new growth of beard on his jaw and chin lightly brushed her over sensitized skin. Trembling, she waited breathlessly for him to kiss her nipples. They ached. She ached.

  As incredible as it was to Ellen, she had never felt this level of excitement before. The anticipation of what Kane would do next was threatening to short-circuit her brain. She opened her eyes briefly to stare at the ceiling. Then Kane moved again, taking her left nipple into his mouth. She closed her eyes and whimpered as he began to suck rhythmically. The throbbing in her pussy increased. She could feel her juices trickling from her body. Kane released her nipple to lavish the same attention on its twin.

  Ellen tugged at her wrists. Chance and Chase held on. She whimpered again when warm mouths found her palms to begin kissing and licking. She began to regret her need to have her hands free when the two men licked their way along her arms, lingering at the sensitive skin on the inside of her elbows, before continuing upward.

  Kane’s face was above her belly now. His tongue was circling her navel, dipping into it. Ellen panted. Her pussy hurt so much she wanted to cross her legs. Kane’s large body, however, was still wedged between them, preventing her from doing so. Her knees clenched against his ribcage.

  The bastard laughed softly, his breath warm against her skin, as he moved again. Ellen felt the bed shift. Without warning Kane scooped her up, his arms beneath her thighs, holding her in position so his mouth could close over the heated, swollen mound of her sex.

  Ellen came hard, screaming Kane’s name, as he plunged his tongue into her cream-filled channel. Her pelvis bucked. Her legs locked over his shoulders as heat flashed through her body, every muscle seeming to contract, glittery sparkles flickering behind her eyelids.

  Nothing had ever felt so good. El
len believed she could die a happy woman at that moment. Boneless, knowing she must have a stupid grin on her face, she melted into the mattress, debating about whether to demand more of what she had just been given, and contemplating if there were more stars in the universe or behind her eyelids during her orgasm.

  “Come on, baby, roll over,” Kane ordered, slapping her thigh.

  That definitely got her attention. Ellen yelped, her eyes flying open. She saw the three men kneeling on the end of the bed, each prepared to fuck her.

  “Hands and knees,” Kane added when Ellen didn’t move fast enough.

  Ellen turned over onto her stomach and then pushed up onto her hands and knees, her limbs still trembling. Strong fingers pushed into her sex, stroking the swollen wet inner lining, before pulling out to rim her asshole. She gasped as a thumb was pushed through the ring of guarding muscles. There was some burn, but nothing she couldn’t handle. Her fingers curled into the sheets as she breathed through it. Whichever man it was played for several seconds before pulling back out, leaving her wanting more.

  “Oh, fuck yes,” Ellen moaned as a long, thick cock was pushed roughly into her pussy. She was discovering she liked it a little rough. Hell, she might even like it a lot rough. She would have to find out. “Fuck me hard,” she begged, going for it.

  “You got it, baby,” Chance told her as he grabbed her hips to begin a ride that left her weak and wanting more.

  Ellen got more.

  It was only the beginning, as Kane, Chance, and Chase took turns fucking her throughout the night. At no point did she consider calling a halt to their lusty activities, even when parts of her became a little sore. The pleasure overrode everything. She was hungry for it, greedy to experience as much as she could with these men.

  The most exciting moment was when Ellen realized they had made plans to all take her at the same time. Kane’s smile, when she understood what they wanted, had been devilish, to say the least. Ellen didn’t shy away from it. Her excitement level was through the roof. She had been primed by what had taken place before that moment. It had made her eager for more. She was nowhere close to being satisfied with the night’s activities. She realized knowing them was only making her greedy for their touches, their kisses, and their long, thick cocks filling her.


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