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What Her Heart Desires [Loving in Silver 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 12

by Lynn Stark

  Kane was hoping to return in time to watch their show at the Silver Edge, but he hadn’t been able to promise it, even with the use of Colt’s jet.

  “You look sad.” Chase leaned toward Chance to kiss him softly on the lips. “I miss Kane, too.”

  “How did you know I was thinking about Kane?”

  “What else could make you look like that? Don’t worry. He’ll be back in time,” Chase said with certainty, giving Chance a confident smile. “I know you want me to fuck you into next year, which is entirely possible since it’s only two days away, but I think we should go get stuff to have a party of our own, for when Kane comes home.”

  They hadn’t really made any plans beyond the show and supper at the Silver Star Hotel’s restaurant afterward. Ellen had plans of her own, made months ahead of time. She was going out with visiting friends, as she did every year. They hadn’t pressed her to change her plans.

  “I don’t know if I can wait. I want to feel you inside me.”

  Chase kissed him again, lingering this time. “Okay. Just a quickie.”

  Chance was all for that. Grinning, he pulled off his boots and then worked on the loose jeans he was wearing. Chase quickly mirrored his actions. Within moments they were both naked and panting hard. They didn’t waste any time with preliminaries. After Chase rolled a condom on his cock, he grabbed the bottle of lube conveniently located in a nearby drawer. Chance braced himself on the arm of the small overstuffed couch and spread his legs. He knew the view would have Chase swallowing his tongue. He grinned and wiggled his ass, his grin widening when he heard the tortured groan behind him. Cool lube sliding down the crack of his ass jolted Chance. It was Chase’s turn to find humor in the moment. He laughed as he spread the lube over Chance’s tight pucker, rimming it until he relaxed, and then pushing a finger through the guarding ring of muscles.

  Moaning, Chance pushed back after a few seconds, wanting more. Chase was definitely the man to make him happy. Both Chase and Kane were very skilled at reading what a lover wanted and needed, without a word having to be said.

  Proving this fact, Chase pushed a second finger in with the first, scissoring them. A wave of pleasure rippled over Chance’s body. Chase’s other hand was on Chance’s shoulder, kneading the muscles. His breath caressed Chance’s skin a moment before his mouth did. Chance shivered again, his pleasure increasing tenfold. His eyes closed and his breathing became shallow. With his balls tightening and his cock aching, he knew it wouldn’t be long before he came. Chance’s fingers curled into the padding covering the couch’s arm. Dropping his head, he tried to take deep breaths to calm himself, but it was nearly impossible to do so as his excitement escalated to critical levels. He didn’t want it to be over before it had even begun. Chase, however, chose that moment to stroke his gland, sending Chance flying over the edge and into oblivion. He shouted his pleasure as cum shot from his cock in hot, creamy ropes.

  As Chance fought to remain standing on shaky legs, Chase pushed a third finger into his ass, working them in and out of his dark channel until he could finally insert a fourth. A strong arm wrapped around Chance’s waist. Moments later Chase was pushing his cock into Chance’s quivering sheath, burying himself to the hilt.

  “This isn’t going to last long,” Chase warned, laughing.

  Warm lips pressed a kiss to the center of Chance’s back. “I don’t care,” Chance responded weakly. “Just fuck me.” The long, thick cock filling his ass was creating incredible sensations. He only wanted one thing—for those sensations to intensify.

  It felt so good to have Chase buried in him, Chance’s flagging cock was beginning to revive. Reaching down, he gave the still sensitive flesh an encouraging stroke. As he did so, Chase grabbed onto Chance’s hips and began to rhythmically thrust in and out, pegging Chance’s gland precisely nearly every time Chase thrust into him. Moaning, Chance pushed back, eager for more. He bit his lower lip and grabbed his dick, stroking it firmly. Coming a second time wasn’t out of the question, but he would have to work for it.

  The cock sliding in and out of Chance’s ass drove in harder, faster, taking Chance’s breath away. Lowering his upper body, Chance spread his legs and pushed his ass out. His breath caught in his throat as Chase began to pound into his dark channel, moving effortlessly, setting them both ablaze as their passion ignited.

  Moments later they were shouting their pleasure, Chase driving one last time into Chance as they finally reached the pinnacle. Chance shuddered with the power of what he was experiencing. It was always the same, yet it wasn’t. Chase and Kane, and now Ellen, could give him the most exquisite pleasure, but each time it was as if was as new and exciting as the very first time they were together.

  Sighing, Chance relaxed, cherishing the leisurely, lazy seconds following the end of their lovemaking. Chase left him reluctantly, with tender strokes and soft kisses over his damp skin. Chance laughed as he straightened shakily and turned to share a kiss with Chase.

  “Now we’ll go shopping. We’ll surprise Kane with a party for three. It doesn’t have to be fancy or big to be special,” Chase said as he walked away.

  Chance admired his ass. “No, it doesn’t,” Chance agreed, following his lover into the bathroom.

  They showered and dressed before heading out to shop for impromptu New Year’s Eve party and to have lunch. Their shopping turned into a full-blown spree as they encountered sale after sale in the stores. They ended up with enough Christmas wrapping paper and ribbon for the next ten years. They also loaded up on shirts and jeans, being certain to get things for Kane, too. After several stores, and trips to load the truck with their purchases, Chance and Chase finally headed to a restaurant for something to eat and some much needed rest.

  “I must be getting old,” Chase said as he slid into an empty booth. Chance sat opposite him and reached for a menu. “I’m ready for a nap.”

  “Not me. All those sales pumped me up. We might have to run out to the mall. We need a new toaster and I could use earbuds.”

  Chase chuckled. “You’re out of control. Where are we going to put all the stuff we bought?”

  That was a very good question, one Chance would figure out after he had something to eat. “We can donate some stuff. Hell, we can even donate some of the new things we bought. With the program Angel Salazar runs, there are sure to be people who could use the clothes we don’t need, new and gently used.”

  “Good idea. You’re smarter than you look,” Chase joked.

  Shaking his head, Chance took one last glance at the menu as the server approached their table. He ordered a cheeseburger and fries, a rare treat for him as he made a point of not eating a lot of greasy foods.

  “But I still need those earbuds. I can use the gift cards I got for Christmas at the mall.”

  “You’re a persistent devil. Okay, we’ll go to the mall after we finish here. Besides, I want to go to that shop that sells museum-quality reproductions. They have several of the ‘Water Lilies’ series. I considered getting one of them for Kane for Christmas, but his birthday is coming up.”

  Chance nodded. “That’s a great idea. He’ll love it. Something will have to come down,” he added with a laugh. “With all those glass walls, there aren’t a lot of places to hang a painting.”

  They continued to talk about everything and nothing as they ate lunch. They weren’t in any hurry. It was a good day. They enjoyed simply being together. Eventually the subject of Ellen came up. It coincided with her arrival at the restaurant. She wasn’t alone. There were three women with her and Chance guessed that they were the friends whom had come to Silver for a visit over the holidays. They were smiling and laughing, obviously enjoying one another’s company. When Ellen spotted Chance and Chase, she led the women in their direction. They stood up to greet the women.

  “Chance, Chase, these are my friends, Donna, Nancy, and Kristina.”

  “Ladies,” they said in unison.

  “Oh, aren’t you handsome ones? Ellen’s been tell
ing us all about you.” This was from Nancy. Her eyelashes fluttered. Chance liked her. Glancing toward Chase, he saw that Donna was making the moves on him. Kristina held back, but he saw a spark of something naughty in her eyes. Chance wondered exactly what Ellen had told her friends about them, although he doubted she gave many intimate details of their time together. “She’s a lucky girl.” Nancy sighed and stepped back, giving Chance more space. “We’ll be at the Silver Edge tomorrow night as Ellen’s guests, to see your New Year’s Eve performance.”

  “I hope you enjoy it.” Chance looked at Ellen. She hadn’t told them that she would be attending the show.

  “I was keeping it as a surprise,” Ellen told them, blushing a little. It made her appear younger, and a little vulnerable. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Of course not,” Chase told her. “Chance and I love surprises.”

  “Will Kane be back in time?”

  “We hope so, but dealing with the damage done after the flood hasn’t been easy for him. He wants to stay long enough to be certain everything is arranged for the repairs.”

  “Of course. Well, we’d better let you finish your meal.”

  When they moved away, Chance saw Chase jump, a look of shock on his face. Then he heard the quiet Kristina giggling as she hurried after her friends.

  “She pinched my ass,” Chase informed him, laughing and shaking his head. He pulled out his wallet and tossed several bills onto the table. “It’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for.”

  As they walked through the restaurant, Chance bumped his partner’s shoulder. “You used to be one of the quiet ones,” he reminded Chase. “We hung out for months on the circuit and I had no clue you were bi, or that you were interested in me.”

  Chance recalled the months of torture he had gone through, being attracted to his new friend, and not being able to do anything about it. When he had finally realized he was in love with Chase, he knew he would have to avoid the man. There was no way he could continue to hide what he felt. But one night, after a few too many beers, Chance’s life changed dramatically. They were heading back to their hotel when Chase had grabbed Chance suddenly and pushed him up against a wall, planting a kiss on Chance’s mouth he could still feel to this day. His toes had curled in his boots as their lives changed forever.

  “Sure had you fooled, didn’t I? But it wasn’t like you were wearing a sign, telling me that you were interested.”

  They had reminisced like this before, teasing each other about moments in the past, ones where they could have just as easily gone their separate ways rather than discover their mutual attraction and love. It hadn’t been long after their discovery that they had met Kane. There had been no mystery there. Kane had made his desires known almost the moment they encountered one another behind the chutes at a rodeo in Texas. The potential for a ménage relationship hadn’t even made Chance blink. He wasn’t about to lose something special by being a prude. It had been an exciting ride ever since, one he would never regret.

  Now they had Ellen in their lives. At least, he hoped they did. Chance had high hopes where she was concerned. He didn’t get the feeling that it was all about sex for her, which was a good thing. It meant that she saw them as more than three hot bodies to use for her pleasure.

  Chase brought Chance abruptly out of his thoughts. “Do you know what we should do? We should get something for Ruby. She’s been working hard to make our dance routine as hot as possible. We could get something to thank her.”

  They were getting close to the mall. There was a lot of traffic for the small town, people out and about to buy the necessities for New Year’s Eve parties.

  “That’s a great idea. But what?”

  “Well, it definitely has to be shiny. Ruby loves her bling.”

  “Nail polish?” Chance ventured uncertainly. He liked the idea of getting a thank-you gift for their friend, but he wasn’t sure about what it should be.

  “That’s a good start. What about a basket of beauty goodies?”

  Frowning, Chance shook his head. “Too generic.”

  “A diamond-studded riding crop?”

  “Oh, hell no!” Chance was completely horrified about the possibility Chase was serious. “I don’t even want to think about that. I was thinking more along the line of a bracelet or earrings.”

  Laughing, Chase found a parking space and pulled into it. “I’m relieved. Now, let’s go get your precious earplugs, choose a Monet for Kane, and find something flashy for Ruby. All that should satisfy your need to power shop today.”

  Slinging an arm around Chase’s shoulders, Chance leaned close to kiss his jaw. “You know me so well. Let’s do this. And look out for pink earbuds. I want pink this time.”

  “Anything for you, precious. Anything for you.”

  * * * *

  Walking hand in hand with Chance through the mall without anyone giving them any special notice was still an amazing thing to Chase at times. He was grateful they had chosen to live in Silver, so they could enjoy this together.

  Chase just wished Kane was there with them. They had found the perfect painting for him. Sure, it wasn’t an original Monet, but it was still beautiful and they knew Kane would love it. They had decided they would hang it in Kane’s office, where he could look at it and enjoy it when he needed a break from work.

  It had been more difficult to choose a thank-you gift for Ruby. The salesperson at jewelry store was a huge help and they finally chose a wide gold bracelet with a fancy silver filigree overlay.

  They left the mall, satisfied with their purchases, Chance dancing along beside Chase. The pink earbuds, now plugged into Chance’s phone, were in his ears. Chase took the bags when they reached the truck, placing them in the back with the rest of what they bought, the wrapped painting placed on top.

  “Come on, my dancing darling. Let’s go home. I’m hungry.”

  “Huh?” Chase unplugged the earbud from Chance’s phone. Chance stopped dancing to look at him in confusion.

  “Let’s go home,” he repeated, grinning. Chance always got lost in the music. It was one of the things that made him such a great dancer. Chase had to work at it—with Chance it was a gift.

  “I thought that was the plan.”

  Shaking his head, Chase steered Chance toward the passenger side of the truck. “It is, my darling man. Get in. We have things to do.”

  Not the least of which was finding a place for their purchases. They would sort through older clothes, deciding what would be given away, as well as some of the new things. It seemed counterintuitive to buy things and then decide to give them away, but sharing was good.

  After hanging the painting in Kane’s office, they headed to their bedroom to begin the choice-and-sorting process. When they were finished, they carried the sorted items out to Chase’s truck, ready to take it to town the next day.

  “What do you want to do now?” Chase asked as they closed the door on the truck.

  Chance was quick with a suggestion. “Why don’t we take Henry and go exercise the horses? I don’t feel like sitting around here.”

  “Neither do I. Let’s go find Henry. We’ll take your truck.”

  The dog loved the winter, but he loved to be curled up in his bed beside the fireplace, covered with his favorite scrap of blanket, the remainder of what he had been given as a puppy. That was where they found him. He barely peeked at them until they asked if he wanted to go see the horses, and then he barked and shot past them to the door.

  They were home three hours later. They showered, changed into comfortable clothes, and headed to the kitchen to make supper. It was times like this they missed Kane most. They enjoyed preparing meals together. Considering the hour, Chase knew Kane would be calling soon.

  “Maybe we’ll win the lottery and we can all just hang out all the time,” Chance said as he sliced radishes for a salad. “Kane won’t have to travel. We can just sit here, get fat, watch sports, and make love whenever we want.”

nbsp; Chase bumped Chance’s shoulder with his, laughing as he did so. “You’re a nut job, but that’s a plan I could live with.”

  “What about Ellen? Do you think she’ll be part of our future?”

  “I hope so, but I can’t see her wanting to have three guys who do nothing but sit around and watch sports.”

  “Probably not. I guess that changes our plans for the future. Seriously though, I believe our chances are pretty good that she’ll want us forever.” Chase hoped his words were true. He felt deep in his soul that Ellen was the woman for them. As far as he was concerned, she was perfect in every way. One thing in their favor was that she didn’t seem to mind when Chance and he were playful to the point of juvenile. “She said she wasn’t sure if she would want to raise more children, and I can understand that, but are we sure we don’t want kids? I know we all agreed it wasn’t a deal-breaker, but what if we were wrong?”

  Chance stopped chopping carrots into small bits, a peculiarity Kane and he had learned to accept in their salads, to look at Chase with a serious expression on his face. “I have to admit, now that I have given it some thought, that part of me is disappointed. We all like kids and I always thought there was a possibility that you, Kane, and I would have kids one day.”

  “Yeah. Kids would be nice.” Chase sighed, a weight suddenly settling on him. He suddenly saw a future without Ellen in it. “Wow, we’re really going to have to give this some serious thought, aren’t we?”

  “We are. It’s too important.”

  It was and Chase knew that before their relationship with Ellen went any further, they would have to do some serious thinking about what they really wanted. If they didn’t, they were all risking a lot of pain in the future, something Chase wanted to avoid at all cost.

  Chapter Eight

  Kane was dead tired. It had been one hell of a trip and he was looking forward to spending time with Chase and Chance. They were the balance in his life. Although he had only been gone a few days, he missed them like hell.


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