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What Her Heart Desires [Loving in Silver 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 15

by Lynn Stark

  After hearing the deadbolt on the front door clicking into place, Ellen knew Kane was locking the house up for the night. She heard him walking through the house. Glancing back, she smiled at Chance, who was following behind. The look he gave her sizzled her all the way down to her icy toes.

  “I think I’m warmed up.”

  “How did that happen?” Chase asked curiously as they reached the landing.

  “Well, between you carrying me, and Chance smiling at me just now, I find I’m pretty warm all over.”

  Chase nuzzled Ellen’s ear as they came to her bedroom door. “Baby, we’re about to make you a whole lot warmer.”

  Ellen was counting on that. Her pussy was aching, throbbing with her need to be with them again. She was hooked on what they gave to her.

  “We’ll get her warm,” Kane said as he followed them into the bedroom. “Then we’re going to sleep. I think we have things to discuss in the morning.”

  Looking at Kane as Chase lowered her to the bed, Ellen wondered if begging would be too over the top.

  “Are you serious?” Chance asked, the pitch of his voice slightly higher than was normal. He was also echoing the question she had been about to blurt out herself. Ellen stared at Kane. He looked fairly serious.

  “What are we going to talk about?” Ellen asked, daring to go there.


  Okay, Ellen was definitely going to sleep on that one.

  Chapter Nine

  If Kane really believed anyone of them would be able to sleep after that announcement, he was mistaken. After taking a warming shower and urged by Kane to dress in something that wouldn’t tempt them, Ellen sat propped up in her bed. Chance and Chase were chuckling over her choice of nightwear—a white flannel gown with blue flowers and red birds printed on it. Her mother had given it to her a few years before. Although she would never admit it, the nightgown was one of her favorites and not the only one of its kind in the closet.

  After stripping down to their underwear, something Ellen thought made them as sexy as if they were naked, Chance and Chase crawled up onto the bed with her while Kane made a call for a late-night pizza delivery.

  “If I’m going to do this right, I need socks.” When she would have gotten out of bed, Chase stopped her. She sighed. “Top right drawer. The pink ones.”

  Moments later Chance was laughing as he rolled the very thick, very unsexy pink socks onto her feet. Ellen sighed with pleasure, because warm feet were the best. Especially after spending time outside in boots not made for the weather.

  “Better?” Chance asked, smiling at Ellen in his usual sexy manner.

  Ellen leaned back against the pillows. “Yes, much better. I’m thinking of you, too, by wearing them. You don’t want the shock of my cold feet on you.” She laughed lightly, before sobering. “Now, why don’t we begin this conversation about children? I take it the three of you have given it more thought and have changed your minds?”

  “We have,” Kane replied in the most serious tone Ellen had ever heard from him. It was reflected in his gunmetal gray eyes, too. “What we want with you isn’t all about sex. Make no mistake, that making love with you is fantastic. I imagine Chase and Chance will agree with me on that. We also understand the fact that you have raised your children and are ready to move on to the next phase in your life.”

  “We believed we could go without children in our lives,” Chase inserted. “The truth is, I really want to be a dad and I know these guys do, too. We spoke too soon when we talked about children with you.”

  “There are children who need homes. We could give love, a home, and security to two or three of them,” Chance added earnestly, reaching out to give Ellen’s hand a squeeze to emphasize his statement.

  Ellen appreciated their honesty. She was also glad they had given the subject more thought. The subject was something that could make or break a future together. She had to let them know she had also revisited the subject of children.

  Nodding, Ellen smiled at them. “I’ve been thinking about it, too. Although I can’t physically have children, I’m neither old, nor am I beyond the age where I wouldn’t be able to deal with the responsibility of a child or children. The idea of adopting a couple of children has appeal.”

  Kane threw another possibility. “Even if it’s a child who has had a rough start in life?”

  There was that. Ellen had given it thought as well. Dealing with a child with problems wouldn’t be easy, but weren’t they the ones needing help the most? They needed a second chance to learn there were opportunities, that they had value, that they could be loved as everyone should be.

  “Even a child with a rough start.”

  The four of them talked for hours, eating pizza, holding hands, and snuggling close in the large bed as they did so. It wasn’t until almost dawn before they settled down to actually sleep. Feeling satisfied they had settled so much between them, Ellen fell into an untroubled sleep. They knew what each of them wanted and expected from a relationship between them.

  When Ellen woke up hours later, it was to sunlight pouring brilliantly through the sheer white curtains. The arm over her stomach tightened as she rolled onto her back and stretched. She noticed at once that she was missing a sock and the nightgown was bunched around her hips.

  A smile curved Ellen’s mouth when a hand covered her left breast, the fingers idly playing with her nipple. It hardened almost instantly, puckering to a point against the flannel covering it. She inhaled sharply when her nipple was given a pinch. That was followed by it being pulled and rolled between deft fingertips.

  “Someone likes that,” a deep voice rumbled from beside her. Opening her eyes, Ellen turned her head on the pillow and saw that it was Kane beside her. Sometime in the night, the men had changed positions beside her. She had fallen asleep with Chance in what was now Kane’s place on the bed. “Good morning, beautiful.” The tip of his index finger slid from her temple to her chin.

  Ellen could only imagine what she looked like. No make-up, hair in a messy tangle around her head, wrinkles at the corners of her eyes glaringly obvious in the bright light. She did, however, feel the glow because of the compliment.

  “Good morning. How did you sleep?” she asked, her voice little more than a croak. Yeah, that just added to her sexiness.

  “Great. This mattress is like sleeping on a cloud. We need to change all the mattresses at our house.” Kane moved closer to press a kiss to her mouth. “Then there’s the company. Cuddling with you is a lot different than cuddling with Chase and Chance. You’re soft and squishy in all the right places.”

  Ellen had never been terribly self-conscious about her lack of slenderness. She was slightly overweight, much curvier than she had been before children. Jerry and Mitch had loved her just the way she was after pregnancy. Now Kane made her feel as if she was perfect the way she was, reinforcing her own belief in how she felt about herself. Her inner glow strengthened as she slipped an arm behind Kane’s neck and smiled up at him.

  As she did so the arm across her waist moved. Ellen sucked in her breath when the mound between her thighs was covered by a hand. Kane smiled down at her as if he knew what was happening, a second before he lowered his head to capture her mouth with his.

  Moaning as Kane’s tongue thrust into her mouth, Ellen was swept away by the intensity of their kiss. Electricity shot through her body, from her lips to her pussy. Her juices began to flow, coating the folds of her sex, as well as the fingers pushing between them. Her hips undulated off the bed, lifting and pushing, into the probing caress. A hard shiver of pleasure wracked her body when her clitoris was discovered and stroked lovingly.

  Ellen whimpered into Kane’s mouth as the hand left her. He deepened the kiss, distracting her once more, teasing her to stroke his tongue with hers. She was only vaguely aware of the blankets sliding down over her legs, the cooler air touching her skin.

  One bare foot, and the foot with the sock on it, were taken in large hands, opening
Ellen’s legs wide and pushing her legs back until her knees were bent. Her heart began to beat a little faster as she was fully exposed to whomever it was rearranging her limbs. With her eyes closed, she tried to imagine what was taking place on her bed. Her pussy clenched, juices flowing from it. A finger pushed into her vagina. Not hard, but steadily and with purpose, to begin stroking flesh she knew would be swelling with blood, preparing itself for the penetration of something larger than a finger or two.

  Ellen moaned into Kane’s ravaging mouth as a second finger pushed into her and a thumb began to stroke her clitoris once again. Kane lifted his head, giving Ellen an opportunity to take deep breaths. When she would have looked in order to identify the man at the foot of the bed, Kane prevented her from doing so.

  A sharp cry escaped her lips when teeth began nipping at the skin of her belly, moving upward until they reached the bunched nightgown now at the lower curves of her breasts. The thick flannel was pushed upward, exposing her breasts. Kane rolled away enough so he could help peel the nightgown off of her. It was tossed away and Ellen was finally given the opportunity to see which man was doing what to her.

  It was Chase pushing his fingers in and out of her tight channel, and toying with her clitoris. He smiled at her before lowering his head to begin licking and kissing the soft wet flesh of her sex, the tip of his tongue stroking the edges of the swollen lips, as his fingers continued to stroke in and out. When his fingers curled to find the most sensitive spot, Ellen came hard, her body shaking and arching off the mattress.

  It was an all-out sensual attack upon Ellen before her body and mind had a chance to recover from the intense orgasm. Although she felt like lying there in a grinning, boneless heap, Chase, Chance, and Kane refused to allow it.

  The remaining sock was removed. Chase dangled it in front of Ellen’s face, merriment in his green eyes, before he tossed it over his shoulder. She laughed and reached for him, locking her hands around his neck, as she pulled him down to her. His chest flattened her breast as his mouth captured hers.

  Ellen loved to play in bed. Her motto was that sex didn’t have to be serious. She enjoyed fun moments as much as she did an orgasm. She was glad these men knew how to play. As if to prove her point, someone blew raspberries on her stomach as Chase kissed her. She couldn’t contain her giggle or control the wiggle, as she attempted to get away from it.

  When Chase ended the kiss and moved away, Ellen was encouraged to roll onto her stomach. As soon as she did so, six hands began to stroke from her ankles to her shoulders, spending a lot of time kneading the rounded flesh of her buttocks. Someone kissed them, causing another giggle. She particularly liked it when one of the men trailed kisses along her spine, nuzzling the base of her neck when he reached it. It didn’t last, however. Ellen was urged onto her back, hands lingering on her body as they helped her.

  She watched them with interest as they kneeled around her on the bed. Her gaze admired the beautiful, sculptured male bodies and the impressive erections thrusting upward from their groins.

  “Planning on using those, boys?” Ellen asked, giving them what she hoped was a sexy smile.

  Covering her breasts with her hands, she squeezed and caressed them, her palms rubbing over turgid nipples. They were aching, half from their play and half because her passion was rising to near critical point again. She wanted one of them inside her the next time she orgasmed. She wanted to be stretched and filled until she writhed on the bed and begged for release. They were the ones to do it. Lifting her foot, she placed it on Kane’s thigh. She stroked the hair-roughened skin until he caught her foot and raised it to his mouth. He kissed the sole, his dark eyes gleaming in his handsome face.

  “Are you sure there isn’t something else you want to do on the first day of the New Year?” he asked, releasing her foot to take a condom from Chase. She watched as he rolled it down the length of his cock. “We could go skiing.” He pushed her legs apart so he could lower himself between them.

  “I think what we’re doing right now is a lot more fun than skiing.” A moan left her lips as Kane’s weight came to rest on Ellen. The head of his cock prodded the soft, swollen flesh of her pussy. He shifted a moment to reach between their bodies. His fingers parted the lips of her sex as his cock pushed forward. She forced herself to relax as his thickness slowly stretched her. Kane didn’t rush. “Oh, yeah, a lot more fun.”

  “Glad you think so.”

  Lifting her hands, Ellen placed her palms on his upper chest. The crisp, dark hair covering it caressed her skin. She ran her fingertips through it, stroking the skin beneath, as she watched the minute expressions on Kane’s face as his cock began to slide in and out of her body.

  Noticing Ellen’s scrutiny, Kane gave her a smile that melted her bones. Sliding her hands up over his shoulders, she held on, her thumbs caressing his collarbone as he began to rock against her pelvis, her pleasure increasing with every thrust. With only one thought in her mind now, she began to counter each of his moves, his penetration deepening.

  Closing her eyes, Ellen concentrated on what was happening between Kane and her. Seeing a lover was one thing. Now she was all about what she could feel, smell, and taste. She loved Kane’s scent. There was something dark about it, sexy, and definitely all male. On top of that was the scent of soap. She had provided a more manly scented soap for him for their shower, something she kept for male guests to use. Kane, Chance, and Chase were the first lovers to use it, so she had no previous lover to associate it with. There was a hint of earth and the woods that Ellen found very pleasing.

  She slid her tongue over the damp skin of his upper arm. Salty. Tasty. Smiling, she took another taste, giving Kane a playful nip as she did so. The growled response, followed by a powerful thrust of his cock into her pussy, sent a thrill through Ellen. Her toes curled and her arms wound around his neck, holding him as close as possible as she began to chase her orgasm. Kane growled in her ear again as she rolled her pelvis against his. Their bodies rubbed together in all the right places. The friction was creating heat. Kane’s cock stroked her clitoris, causing Ellen to moan and press her face to his shoulder.

  “Are you ready to ride, baby?”

  It was going to be a very short ride.

  Ellen nodded vigorously and held on as Kane’s powerful body shifted them easily, until she was astride him, her palms braced against the thick muscles covering his chest. Biting her lower lip, her gaze locked with Kane’s, she began to slide up and down the length of his flesh, trembling as she did so. She couldn’t remember the last time anything had ever felt so good. Well, at least since the last time they had been together.

  The tightening of her muscles was the only warning she got before she climaxed. Her back arched and her fingers curled into Kane’s chest. Strong hands held her waist as Ellen screamed, her body shaking violently, bright flashes of gold bursting behind her eyelids.

  Ellen wasn’t given time to recover. Breathless, her limbs feeling like rubber bands, all she wanted to do was catch her breath. Chance and Chase were having none of that.

  “Hands and knees, babe,” Chance said, his breath warm against her skin as he spoke. Strong hands were on her once more, helping her move. “That’s it.”

  On all fours, Ellen wiggled her hips playfully, grinning behind a curtain of hair when she heard the men groan. Kane was beside her, pulling her hair back so he could see her. He gave her a wink before he rolled away and into a sitting position. Chance brought her attention back to him. The mattress shifted and she caught a glimpse of Chase. She wondered where they had been while Kane and she made love.

  Not that it really mattered. They were here with her now.

  Cool air was caressing her overheated parts. Creamy juices were running down her thighs.

  “Ah, someone really enjoyed fucking Kane,” Chance said, dipping his finger into her throbbing channel. He withdrew it and a moment later she heard him making slurping sounds, something that went straight to her core. Her stomach clenc
hed and her inner thighs began to ache once more. “You are delicious.”

  “Let me have a taste.”

  Ellen was sampled by both men. She didn’t have to look over her shoulder to know they were both kneeling behind her now. Strong fingers pushed into her dripping pussy, followed by more comical slurping and moaning from both men. She wiggled her hips again, trying to tempt them into something more. As amazing as it was to her, she was ready to be fucked again. Her blood was pumping hotly through her veins as her heart began to beat a little faster.

  When Chase stretched out on the bed beside her, his feet toward the head of it, Ellen knew what he wanted. She wanted it, too. She moved until she was straddling his head, not wasting any time offering Chase what he was so eager for. His hands went around her thighs as his mouth attached itself to her pussy.

  Because Ellen was very much a participant, she wrapped her fingers around the base of the cock in front of her face and took the head into her mouth, sucking and licking until Chase’s hips began to hump the air, pushing his cock deeper into her mouth with each thrust. She moaned around it, savoring the man’s taste. She swiped at the thick, twisting veins with her tongue, teasing Chase into moaning against her sopping wet flesh.

  Chase’s own tongue wasn’t still. It dipped into Ellen’s channel, licking and probing as she pushed back for more.

  Electricity swirled through and around Ellen. It didn’t take long for her to lose herself completely in both receiving and giving pleasure. She immersed herself in it, soaking it into her every pore.

  When hands grasped her hips, lifting her slightly, Ellen was unprepared for the thick cock pushing into her. A long, shaky moan rose in her throat as she was filled. She could feel Chase’s breath on her pussy. He shifted his body and she pulled off his cock for a moment. Hearing Chance’s groan of pleasure, Ellen had a good idea about what Chase was doing to him. He was sucking on Chance’s balls. The image that entered her head made her body shudder with excitement.


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