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Sweet Seduction Sacrifice

Page 14

by Nicola Claire

  "Oh," I said, then added, "I could sleep."

  Dominic made that cough-which-could-have-been-a-laugh sound and then moved me again, so I was tucked under his armpit, his hand around my back firmly clasping my hip, my chest to his side. He shifted my head to lie on the dip between his shoulder and pecs, reached down and hoisted my leg at the knee over his thigh and then shuffled his whole body a little, as though settling us both in for the long haul.

  Holy cow, but this was intimate.

  "Sleep," he commanded.

  Yeah, like that was going to work.

  Chapter 13

  That's What Big Brothers Are For

  Somehow though it did work. I'd been asleep since early evening and it now felt like the middle of the night and despite that - and the way too intimate position we were in - I fell back asleep again. I told myself it was because I was emotionally and physically exhausted. Not that it felt so right and safe and beautiful wrapped up in Dominic's arms, flush against his side. His heart beating in my ear reassuringly, my leg draped over his thigh making my possession of him obvious. His heat making me drowsy. His body fitting mine as though made for it.

  I was in so much trouble.

  But it didn't stop me falling asleep again, or sleeping for the rest of the night. I woke slowly, blanketed in warmth, wrapped up in a scent I was beginning to identify with happiness and completeness and sex-on-a-stick. That last thought managing to peel the final vestiges of sleep's fuzziness from my mind. I jerked awake and heard Dominic mumble an incoherent sound. My head tipped down to look at him. His cheek rested on top of my chest, just above my breast. His arm draped over my waist, his hand securely tucked under my back. One leg was thrown over my thigh and hip, the weight of it pinning me to the bed.

  I was wrapped up in a Dominic Anscombe slumber jacket, the buttons firmly done up to my chin. I bit my bottom lip and carefully lay my head back on the pillow. He seemed sound asleep. His face in restful repose; relaxed, gorgeous, so incredibly handsome it was completely unfair. His body felt hot, almost too hot, against mine. And hard, in every place you wanted a man to be hard and even in those you shouldn't be thinking about. My bottom lip went further between my teeth.

  Holy cow, Dominic was impressive first thing in the morning and he hadn't even woken up yet. In a different universe I'd stake my claim. I'd shift in a way that encouraged further hardening of certain parts of his anatomy. I'd slide out from under his arm and leg, and work my way down his delightfully muscled body, laying kisses the entire length. And I wouldn't stop until I woke him with my lips wrapped around his impressive length.

  My chin tipped back down to get a look, but I couldn't see anything. The way he was lying and the fact that his lower body was not only covered in a sheet, but still encased in boxers, meant all I could go on was feel. But he felt damn fine. I think I might have groaned, thankfully softly, because he didn't stir. My head plopped back on the pillow with a little thud.

  I had to get out of here before my imagination got carried away. But it was so nice lying tucked up in his embrace. He felt so good wrapped around me. I promised myself I'd make a loud sound in a moment or two, then when he shifted into consciousness I'd slide out from beneath him and off the bed. In a moment or two.

  That moment or two became two minutes, then three minutes, and then five. And before I had the chance to startle him with a cough or loud yawn, I knew he was awake. His whole body stiffened, as though he realised where he was and with who and how. Then instantly he relaxed, except his arm got tighter around my waist, his leg pressed between mine intimately and he so purposely rubbed himself against my thigh.

  "Mmmm," he said softly, "this is a very nice way to wake up."

  You're telling me. "Morning," I said cheerfully and made to slip out from his hold.

  All of a sudden he was above me, my thighs pressed apart by the settling of his body and legs between them. His erection pressing over my centre and half way up my stomach I was sure. His hands running up my arms, into my hair at either side of my head, his face dipping down to an inch above me.

  "How about a good morning kiss?" he asked huskily.

  "How about I brush my teeth first?" I shot back, feeling like I was flailing wildly on the edge of a high cliff.

  He chuckled, not a cough, definitely a chuckle. "Running, little gazelle? It would be fun to give chase."

  I stared at him open mouthed, which kind of ruined the whole argument for brushing my teeth.

  "Did you just threaten to chase me around the room?" I asked, incredulously.

  "I'd chase you anywhere," he replied and brushed his lips over mine without any warning, then pulled back. "It's not so much the chase as the catching, that's on my mind right now though." He grinned down at me, obviously enjoying my bottomed-out-jaw look.

  "Well," I said, because I couldn't really think of anything else. His grin widened further.

  "Speechless. This is new," he commented, then dipped his face into the side of my neck and kissed his way to my ear. It felt so nice. I squirmed.

  "Um..." I managed, trying my damnedest to think of something to say, anything to distract, because where he was heading, at warp speed I might add, was dangerous, if not delicious, but so bad for my current plans.

  He bit my earlobe, just gently, but enough to make me gasp and for some ridiculous reason, arch my back. His left hand untangled from my hair and quickly trailed down my side, then came back up, bee-lining for my breast. A swish of his thumb through the fabric of the T-shirt, under the swell of my breast and I wriggled beneath him, in such a way it was obvious he approved. But it clearly wasn't good enough for him though, because in record time his hand was beneath the T-shirt and had progressed from teasing swipes beneath my breasts, to torturous swipes above it, involving my erect nipple and his thumb and forefinger.

  "Oh God," I murmured and he rewarded me with a sharp tweak and then a soothing swirl of his thumb.

  "I want my lips and tongue right there," he husked in my ear. I didn't think that was a good idea, but my body disagreed, my back arching, making it easy for him to lift the bottom of the T-shirt up and swiftly remove it over my head.

  He pulled himself back and looked down at me, his eyes flashing so intensely blue they were mesmerizing. Which was a good thing, because I was naked now, completely, having not even bothered to pop on underwear when I'd climbed exhaustedly into the bed.

  "Beautiful," he whispered. "You are simply picture perfect in every way."

  I woke up from the daze his eyes had placed me in and shifted uncomfortably under his appraisal and words. But he must have read the signs, because before I could bolt or cover up or say something stupid, his lips wrapped around my nipple, his teeth offering up a sharp little tug, and then the whole areola was sucked into his mouth. His other hand wrapping around my neglected breast, the thumb and forefinger performing magic on that side, which made all thought lost from my mind and my body writhe beneath his.

  He reciprocated, grinding back against my centre, both of us undulating together in an hypnotic dance.

  "Dominic," I said in a voice that could have been mine, but I'd never heard before.

  He pulled his head back and looked at me hungrily.

  "I'm going to fuck you. Right now." He was breathing as heavily as me. "I've wanted to since the moment I laid eyes on you." Which if we're counting was only two days ago.

  Cold water moment.

  I stilled beneath him, all breath forgotten. One thing to say about Dominic though, is he is observant.

  "What?" he demanded. "And don't you dare say you don't want this too."

  I blinked rapidly for a second or two. Trying to think of a way to say this, that didn't sound contrived or make me seem a tease. Because he was right, I wanted him as much as he wanted me and the way he wanted me, I'd never had a man say that. Not even Brett, and Brett could be forthright when he wanted to. But no one had ever said they wanted to fuck me like their life depended on it before. It was sexy. It wa
s hot. I knew I was completely drenched the moment he said it, ready and willing and waiting for the ride.

  But two days. Some girls probably did that sort of thing, but not me. Even when I'm turned on and crazy in lust for a man who happens to be the epitome of sex. Not even then.

  Unfortunately I was unable to think straight to save myself, so what I said was, "I want to see my brother."

  Could I be any more ridiculous?

  "Your brother," Dominic said, and it wasn't a question, it was spoken in a flat voice in fact. "I'm about to take you, to make love to you, something we both want beyond anything else in this second, and you're thinking of your brother."

  I bit my bottom lip, his eyes flicked down to it. We lay there motionless for a moment and then he did an incredible thing. His face softened, his eyes glazed over and he dipped his mouth down to mine... and sucked my lip free.

  It was so damn sexy.

  "You've got to stop doing things like that," I said before I could seal my lips. Then because I'd spoken freely, I kept going. Because that's me and I'm an idiot and I can't help it. It's a curse, I can't seem to break. "We've known each other two days and when this is all over we'll go our separate ways and I don't think its a good idea to do this, so please don't be sexy, it's getting kind of hard to resist and I don't know if I can keep doing it and I need you to be the one to stop this, because we can't do it. Not now, not ever. This would be a whopping great mistake."

  I thought that made things pretty clear, but he obviously still didn't understand, because he smiled. That smile that always makes me forget myself. He was beaming in fact, it was dazzling and I fell into the trance it created easily, drowning in its beauty, begging for more.

  "So," he said on a sunbeam, "you think I'm sexy."

  Of course that's what he got from that whole monologue. I let a breath of air out on a rush, about to explain things again, but he beat me to it. "I'll give you this morning, because obviously you've got a lot on your mind and when I do fuck you, I will be all that you're thinking about, all that you care about, all that matters in your world." His head dipped down and his mouth sucked my lip free, when I hadn't even realised it was trapped between my teeth again. "But," he said sounding way too husky to be good for either of us in our current positions, "know this, Genevieve Cain," - in that voice, I might add - "this thing between us will happen, you'd better get used to the idea. Because I'm not letting go and I think you don't want me to either, even if that's all you can see right now."

  I had no idea what he meant by that. But after a quick brush of his lips against mine he was gone. Up off the bed and into the bathroom. The door closing softly behind him on a click. I lay there feeling entirely too turned on and entirely too confused and entirely too scared for my own good. Dominic was playing with fire. Not that I think I'm particularly hot, but what we have, this thing between us he'd called it, was. And if he didn't behave I would be in danger of losing more than just my dream.

  I'd lose my heart for sure.

  I dressed before he came out of the bathroom, in lightning speed in fact, so worried he'd catch me naked. Which was laughable because he'd already had me and seen me naked in his bed. But that was in the heat of the moment and I could tell myself that most of me was covered by him so he hadn't seen much at all, but standing in his bedroom starkers was not on the menu today. Underwear - an essential barrier despite whatever else I donned - my favourite faded blue jeans and a fitted white T-shirt with a string of daisies stencilled around the collar, but not worrying about my feet, I was out of there. Off in search of my brother. I needed the type of grounding he'd offer. The no holds barred Captain Jason Cain assessment of the situation - even if it would burst my eardrums and probably make me cry.

  Anything was better than getting cornered naked by Dominic, sexiest smile and name, god-like, dream-like, Anscombe. Who I now knew had the finest upper body in the universe and an impressively sized... you know what.

  Jason was in the kitchen, laptop before him, coffee at his side. I could tell he was on some super special, code word encrypted, government site, because he slammed the lid down as soon as he heard me breathing, which was before I even entered the room. He swung his large body round to face me, showing me exactly why it is that every female friend I have ever had has thrown themselves at him - including Kelly. Short blond buzz cut, which when he takes extended leave from the service ends up with a wicked curl. Chocolate brown eyes with smile lines at the corners which seem to not age him so much as make him a man worth getting to know, because you're certain he's lived a good life. Firm jaw, broad shoulders, muscles for Africa, and a deep golden tan that I have absolutely no idea when he finds the time to work on. All of this wrapped up in a six-foot-three package. He's impressive and gorgeous, even if he's the bane of my life at times.

  "Jase," I said happily, moving forward for a hug and kiss. He stopped me with two steel arms, hands gripping my shoulders and a frown marring his face.

  "Fuck," he said softly, then I realised he was looking at my nose and bruises about my eyes. "Fuck it!" he semi-repeated, this time loud enough to rattle the walls. "I'm gonna kill him." This was frighteningly said in a steady and deadly controlled voice. How he could modulate his tone so abruptly was beyond me. He managed to say so much with only seven words. It was practically a novel worth of emotion.

  "I'm OK," I said, beginning to think I might make that my mantra.

  "The hell you are," he shot back. "What the fuck, Genny? What were you thinking taking him back?"

  I bristled, arms crossed over my chest, hip cocked and foot out ready to tap.

  "You don't know jack shit, Jason. So can it already."

  "You think I don't know what's been going on in my little sister's life? You think I don't keep tabs on you?" WTF? "I know all about the many times you've taken that arsehole back. I've been giving you time to sort it out, Genny, but you fucked it up now."

  Great, I knew he'd let me have it, but I'd had enough of having my mistakes pointed out to me. I was needing some support and if my own brother couldn't give it to me, then hell. What's with that?

  "Right. Fine. You've said your piece, now give me a hug and tell me it's gonna be all right," I demanded. He crossed his own arms over his chest.

  "Oh, it's gonna be all right, Genny. It's gonna be so fuckin' all right, you're not gonna believe it. For starters, you're confined to this house until we're done." I don't think so, I've got a business to run. "'Cause I know you," he went on, "and you'd put yourself out there if you thought Brett was in trouble and needed a hand." Oh, he was wrong there. Clearly he hadn't been keeping close enough tabs on me. "I'm gonna teach that SOB a lesson and then I'm gonna have his arse locked up for good. And you," he leaned forward and glared at me threateningly, "are not gonna get within an inch of him ever again."

  There were so many places to start with everything he had just said, delivered in a bad-boy threatening way, that for a moment I truly didn't know where to begin. But then, I found myself again, and let him have it.

  "You don't get to turn up here and order me around, Jason Cain." My hands had made it to my hips. "I've got things sorted and you know jack shit, all right. Just because your some big hot shot military trained SAS dude, does not mean you have the right to barge in here and throw your weight around. I screwed up, OK, I know it, but I don't need you rubbing it in." Oh God, and here come the tears. "He is an arsehole. He broke my heart. He stole gran's money. He's blackmailed me. He had me kidnapped. I get it, OK. He's a jerk. But you turning up here is only going to escalate things. You're like a bull in a china shop, wherever you go nuclear fallout ensues. Just go back to Trentham, go do your job for the nation and get off my friggin' case."

  He'd stood up and now towered over me, how he got Dad's height and I didn't I'll never know.

  "You done, sis?" He didn't wait for a reply. "Good. Because lets get one thing straight. No one messes with my sister. No one. I warned him." Oh hell, I didn't know that and just when did
he warn him? "He didn't pay attention, now I follow through with the threat. But I don't need to be worrying about you gallivanting all over town while I'm doing it. Stay home, stay safe. I'll put things right."

  All my life my brother has looked out for me. School yard bullies. Nasty opinionated teenage girls. Bossy employers. He's always stepped in and made it clear that if anyone tries to hurt me, be it emotionally, psychologically, physically or just plain job wise, they would answer to him.

  I'd made a mistake, letting that happen. I'm not an overly strong person, I've known this all my life. I let my brother be my saviour, my personal bodyguard. I backed myself into this corner, I had no one else to blame but me.

  "This is not your battle to fight," I said, my voice remarkably even and steady. I knew what I had to do now and I could only do that alone.

  "All your battles are mine, Genny. That's what big brothers are for." His voice had softened, the arms were no longer crossed over his chest. He reached out and snagged my shoulder, engulfing me in his familiar hug. "Leave it to the ones who know what their doing, sis. We'll sort this out for you and then you can go back to your life."

  And there it was again. Someone else picking up after my mistakes, someone else stronger than me, more capable than me. This was my life. But I didn't have to like it.

  I knew though, that to do this I needed to be smart.

  "OK," I said into his chest. We stayed like that for several moments and then I felt Jason lift his head from mine, to look at something over my shoulder.

  "Shall I make breakfast?" Dominic asked, as though he hadn't just heard that entire conversation. I pretended, just like him, that was the case.

  "I'll grab a shower while you get it ready," I announced, pulling away from Jason and making sure I looked as demure as the situation demanded I be.


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