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OPEN SCARS (A Devil Call MC Book) (Talon & Everly Book Three) (Devil Call MC Talon & Everly 3)

Page 6

by Ana W. Fawkes

  “Or else… Layne will?”

  “I don’t think that way. If Layne took the patch, I’d have to respect it. But that’s not going to happen. This is my fucking club. I’m the one who took care of business right out of prison. I saved you. I took care of Gabel. I made an example out of Hollis. And now I’m going to find who tried to take me out and kill them.”

  “Talon, you were almost killed in prison…”

  “Everyday,” he said. “And the same for being out. Everyday there’s a hit on my life. People say that when you have power you have a certain responsibility. I say fuck that. When you have power you have to have good eyes and instincts. To know where to go who, who to look at, and how to react when shit hits the fan.”

  Talon kissed me again and then slipped his hand into mine.

  He went to the door and opened it. I let out a scream when I saw Layne standing there, a fist in the air. For a second I thought Layne was going to punch Talon. But he was just about to knock on the door when Talon opened it.

  “What’s up?” Talon asked.

  Layne looked at me, down at my hand interlocked with Talon’s. He gritted his teeth for a second and said, “There’s some information, bro. Thought I’d come deliver it.”

  “Yeah, sounds good. We were on our way out there. Grabbing a bite. Everly is going to take a walk and clear her mind. We can talk then.”

  “You’re sending her out there?” Layne asked.

  “She’s fine, man. I have her protected.”

  “We were shot at, Talon. Drive by. She and I.”

  “I’m aware.”

  “And you’re going to let her…”

  “I’ll be okay,” I said.

  I wanted to diffuse this situation fast. But Layne just looked at me. His eyes were sad. He licked his lips, leaving me thinking about our kiss last night. How he tasted. How his hand held me there, wanting the damn kiss. How he turned and was so tempted to lay me on the bed and have me.

  “You’ll be okay,” Layne said. “Yeah, sure. Okay.”

  Layne turned and walked away.

  We followed behind him.

  I sat at the bar with the rest of the Devil Call MC guys that were functioning. Many others were sleeping on the benches and couches in the clubhouse. Someone was on a pool table with three naked women on him.

  Just another typical morning around this place.

  I ate breakfast, drank coffee, and left to my teeth. Talon was at the bar, talking to Austin and Buzzy. I walked through the clubhouse again looking at the door. I had my own sense of freedom out there. One I gave up while looking for something wild and fun. Lesson learned - wild and fun meant death and danger.

  Talon shot an arm out and grabbed me. He pulled me close. His breath smelled of coffee. It was kind of sexy. Such a big tough guy drinking coffee. It turned me on.

  “Just a block or so, beautiful,” he whispered. “I want you to feel good. To feel free. But you know none of us are free right now.”

  “I know,” I said. “I appreciate this.”

  His hand slid down and cupped my ass. “See you in a few.”

  He gave me a smack and I blushed.

  As I walked away I heard Talon say to Buzzy, “Fuck, she’s going to kill me one day. And I can’t wait.”

  That was romance for Talon and I liked it. Don’t give me flowers and shit. Throw me to the bed and tell me the truth.

  Outside, it was so nice to feel fresh air. To smell it. The morning sun was already nice and warm. I walked along the compound, casually trying to look around. I wanted to see who was following me. I looked on the top of the buildings to see if anyone was there waiting to shoot, not at me, but for me. There was nobody.

  In fact, I didn’t see anyone until I left the compound itself. That’s where I saw two guys in black leather cuts sitting on their motorcycles. They looked at me and nodded. And as I walked, they started to move along, keeping their distance, but staying close enough to protect me.

  I walked to the corner and stood there. Cars drove through the intersection. Cars sat at the light waiting their turn to drive. People in the cars. Men, women, couples. Parents and kids. Families. People traveling to work. People maybe on vacation passing through. There was so much life around me it was almost overwhelming. The world within the MC was something of its own. Easy to forget that outside the compound there were other people. Real people. People who lived a different set of standards or life, law, and justice. There wasn’t anything wrong with it, and hell, maybe in a way it left me feeling just a little jealous.

  I turned the corner and took a few steps. I glanced over my shoulder and the two prospects were behind me. I wondered what would happen if I started to run. What would they do to me? Would they chase me? Would they call for Talon to get me?

  Walking and thinking left me unfocused. When I heard the blip of a siren I jumped and screamed. I saw a black car cut across the lane and bounce up on the sidewalk in front of me. I stutter stepped back and looked at the prospects. They were already off their rides, hands in their leather cuts, ready to pull out guns and shoot.


  The door opened and out stepped Detective John. He wasted no time in waving his badge, spitting a toothpick to the ground, and smiling.

  “Boys,” he called out to the prospects. “You take another step toward me and I’ll have your goddamn heads blown off. This is a peaceful meeting. Nobody is in trouble.”

  “I’m just out for a walk,” I said.

  “He lets the leash that long?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “That’s tough talk. I’m a detective.”

  “So go figure something out.”

  Detective John approached me. “That’s what I’m doing right now. I’m trying to figure out how a pretty woman like you ended up in the mix of a fucking dirtbag motorcycle club.”

  Did Detective John just call me pretty?

  “Why does that matter to you?”

  “Simple. Are you willing or forced? That concerns me. What’s keeping you there? Are you some kind of currency? Are you happy? See, these are thoughts that just swirl around my mind.”

  “Maybe you should see the size of Talon’s cock,” I said with a smile.

  Detective John laughed. “Maybe I have.”

  I felt my heart race. This guy was kind of scary.

  “Listen, I’m just out for a walk.”

  “A walk, I see that. And you need protection. That’s a good life to live, isn’t it?”

  “My life isn’t your concern.”

  I took a step and Detective John cut in front of me. “It is my concern if you’re in danger. And you’re in danger. Each day you’re with that club and that asshole Talon, you’re going to remain in danger.”

  “I’m sorry, but what does this have to do with me? Why do you give a shit?”

  “Because I’m a good guy. I’m a detective. A cop. I’m part of the solution, Everly. They’re the problem.”

  “Then take care of it,” I said. “I have…”

  “Yeah, I know. You have nothing to do with nothing. So your face isn’t on any security footage as Talon killed someone. And you know about the club. About drugs. About murder. About all the bullshit.”

  I swallowed hard.

  Detective John reached out and touched my arm. “What you don’t quite understand, Everly, is that I can provide protection too.”

  “I’m protected enough.”

  “You have outlaw protection. Against other clubs that want to put a bullet in the back of Talon’s fucking head. That’s bullshit. There’s nothing that comes with it. You need the protection of the law. The true law. A governed law, Everly.”

  “Yourself?” I asked.

  “Exactly. I can stick up for you. Vouch for you. You didn’t want this life. You were forced into it. Forced on the back of Talon’s motorcycle, not knowing he was about to murder someone. And then after witnessing the horrific and senseless murder of a man, you were threatened to keep your mouth s

  I shook my head. “You’re wrong.”

  “Am I?”

  “Yes. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Murder? Security footage? No clue.”

  I was a bad liar, but I had to do it. I had to protect myself and this was my chance to protect Talon. Because whatever the past connection was between Talon and Detective John, it was deep. And if I could help or keep things calm and moving along, I’d do it. I’d do it for Talon. To help him.

  “So you’re going to play that game,” Detective John said. “I get it. He’s got his claws deep in you. I respect that. He’s a good looking guy. A bad boy. Fucks good. That’s good. But where’s it going to end, Everly? You think the MC can survive forever? What about you? As a woman, what are your wants and needs? Do you want to be married? Have kids? Have a house? Have family dinners? Holidays?”

  “You don’t know me,” I said. “I’m leaving now. This is bullshit. You’re digging and finding nothing.”

  I turned and felt Detective John grab my arm. I tried to shake away and he growled and pulled harder.

  “Keep trying and I’ll arrest you for resisting.”

  I stopped.

  “I have something for you,” Detective John said. “The real reason I came to find you.”

  “What? What the hell do you want?”

  “To give you this.” Detective John took a small envelope out of his pocket and handed it to me. “Take good care of that. I’ve had it for a while. I trust you with it. If I can strip away the bullshit cop and detective thing for a second, I care about you, Everly.”

  “You don’t know a thing about me.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re a beautiful woman. You deserve more than being chased around by bikers and bad guys. Have a good day. Tell Talon I said hello.”

  Detective John walked back to his car. I waited for him to drive away before opening the envelope.

  First, there was a piece of paper. A note from Detective John.

  You’ll have questions, I’ll have answers. Call me. We’ll arrange a meeting.


  It had a phone number under his name.

  Then there was a picture. It was of a little boy, maybe seven, maybe eight, riding a bicycle. A black bicycle down a driveway. The boy had long and moppy hair and was smiling. He had his hands off the handlebars, obviously showing off a trick for the picture. Next to the driveway, the front yard was scattered with sports stuff and other bikes. A soccer ball. Baseball glove. Two more bikes on the grass.

  The picture seemed nothing but the perfect little memory of being young and free. Having a good home, family, and friends.

  I slowly turned the picture over, wondering just what the hell it all meant.

  There was handwriting on the back of the picture.

  Talon - age 8

  I gasped and almost dropped the picture. The cute kid in the picture was Talon. Better yet, why the hell did Detective John have a picture of Talon?



  I stood at the goddamn table, again. I looked at the goddamn President patch, again. And then I stared across the table at Layne, again. It was all rinse and repeat bullshit, and I needed it to stop soon.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Jony has been running his mouth. Spreading shit about you and Detective John. Trying to make it seem we’re cutting deals with badges to better ourselves.”

  “Who told you that?” I asked.

  “I have a source,” Austin said. “Sorry, bro, but it’s true. Detective John coming here and cutting in on our bullshit is making us look bad.”

  “So what do I do? Kill him?”

  “We have to send a message,” Buzzy said.

  “We have to find who tried to kill me,” I said. “We have to get those security tapes of me killing Tommy. Because I wasn’t the only one there. Gabel was there. Layne was there. It puts the entire club…”

  “Wish we had a full table,” Layne said.

  “Full table? That’s your concern?”

  “We need bodies,” Austin said.

  “Fuck that,” I said. “I’ll go pay a visit to Jony myself. I’ll rock his fucking jaw.”

  “With what?” Layne asked. “Last time you tried talking to him, Detective John showed up.”

  “This time, that won’t happen,” I said. “I’ll send a message, don’t worry. This is my mess, right? I’ll clean it up. I won’t put you in danger anymore. I don’t want shit held over my head.” I reached for the table and grabbed the President patch. “I want this fixed soon too. A club without a President is a lost fucking club.”

  “Then sew it on,” Layne said. “Nobody here would stop you.”

  I dropped the patch and walked from the table and the room. I felt like I had an army behind me, chasing me down. Which I did, but they weren’t going to go to battle for me. That was okay, for now. I’d get all the shit settled, take my patch back, and then this club would be righted. And if that meant stripping leather cuts, burying some bodies, and severing ties that went back twenty years, fuck it, I’d do it. Anything for this MC.

  The door opened and Everly came walking in. She looked worried, flustered. I rushed to her, scooping her up and forcing her to look at me.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” I said. “Just… weird out there.”

  “Weird how?”

  “Just having people following me. Kind of loses the luster of freedom.”

  “It’s protection, beautiful. You need it. It’ll be okay soon. I promise.”

  “I know. Thank you.”

  I kissed Everly’s forehead and then took her by the hand. We walked to my room and I quickly spun her around and tossed her to the bed.

  “Listen to me,” I said. “I have to go for a ride. I’m going alone.”

  “Alone? Why?”

  “I have to. My personal shit. Another club is starting some shit. One of the clubs that tried to take me out in prison. Just old dirt, that’s all. I need to kick it for good.”

  “Why can’t anyone go with you?” Everly asked. “It’s dangerous. You said so.”

  “It’s my fucking problem,” I growled. “I’m going to solve it. On my own. The only way I know how.”

  “I don’t like that,” Everly said. “It scares me.”

  I crouched down and touched Everly’s knees. “I know, beautiful. You care about me. I like that. I care about you too. But this is quick. I’m going to pay a visit to an old enemy and knock his fucking jaw off his mouth. That’s all.”

  “That’s all?”

  I grinned. “It’s going to work out soon. I get this settled. We’ve got people looking into who has those security tapes. It’ll work out, beautiful. Devil Call is still standing and will do so for a long time.”

  “How long?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Forever? I mean, this is it? You’re going to be in this clubhouse and this life…”

  “Whoa, whoa,” I said. “What are you getting at?”

  “Talon, do you want a life outside this?”

  “Outside what?”

  “I mean, a house. A family. Holidays. A life.”

  I stared at Everly. She looked ready to cry. I came forward and put my head to her belly.

  Was thinking about all this for real? What the fuck did she want, a baby? Fuck…

  “I’ll give you anything you want,” I said. “I’m sorry it’s so messed up right now. I’m going to fix that. We don't have to be here all the time. We can figure something else out. But right now, Everly, this is our only choice.” I looked at her. “I had to do time. That put a huge crack in this MC. Now if this thing goes down and fades away, Brocke will collapse. This MC is needed. There’s a lot of give and take. Right now, it’s about survival and rebuilding. I include you in that, beautiful. I promise you.”

  Everly nodded. “I’m sorry for bringing this up. I was just walking and… thinking…”

  “I underst
and,” I said. “But right now I have to focus on my ride. Take care of these problems one by one.”

  “Good,” Everly said. She reached down and touched my hair. Her fingers twisted and she grinned. “Go knock someone’s jaw off their fucking face and come back to me.”

  “That’s my plan,” I said. “But first… I need a little snack…”

  I slid my hands up Everly’s legs and opened her pants. She gripped the covers and lifted herself. I hurried and grabbed her pants and panties, pulling them down with ease. As Everly opened her legs for me, I watched her soft skin turn wet, that wild sight of her folds becoming moist.

  I wasted no time in coming forward and putting my mouth to her pussy. I suckled at her, savoring that first sweet and wild taste. My tongue lapped at her, up and down, pressing at her tight hole, curling up and loving the nub of her clit.

  My hands pulled at her inner thighs, keeping her spread open very wide. I pulled back and admired the sight of her sex. Her open folds, her throbbing hole. My tongue made circles around Everly and she started to cry out. I dug deep into her pussy, feeling the warmth and pull of her walls. It made my cock jealous and throb. I brought my thumbs forward and slipped them into her, making more circles. My mouth and tongue then came up and stayed right on her clit. I’d never seen a woman’s body like this before. So eager and ready for me.

  Everly put a hand back to my hair, twisting and pulling as she moaned. Her body rocked so seductively, her hips perfect. The way her stomach seemed to roll itself, thrusting that sweet pussy harder into my mouth.

  When she put both her hands to my hair, I could feel her close. She was ready to go already. I kept the pressure on her clit with my tongue and kept my thumbs thrusting at her. She moved in the same damn motion I did, matching my speed, thrusting hard, rocking fast.

  As she started to come, I hurried and pulled back from her. I then took my pointer and middle finger together and rubbed at her clit, hard and fast, up and down, forcing her body to thrust even more. Her head fell back and she cried out, calling my name, not giving a shit that we were in the clubhouse and someone could possibly hear us.


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