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Goal Line (The Dartmouth Cobras Book 7)

Page 32

by Sommerland, Bianca

Chapter Twenty-Two

  The tingles in Sahara’s nipples continued, long after the electrodes were moved. In the darkness behind the blindfold, she imagined she could see the sparks, even though the part of her mind that wasn’t lost in sensation told her that was impossible.

  Several of the things she felt were impossible though. Still bound, she drifted in and out of the restraints. Not quite floating, but like she wasn’t quite solid. Only Dominik’s touch seemed to make her real. The slightest brush of his fingers and all her nerves flared to life.

  “Where are we at, Sahara?” Dominik’s tone reached deep into the darkness, like the sun shining into the clear sea. “Open and close your empty hand if you’re ready to continue.”

  Sahara took a minute to become aware of her body again. Her arms were a little sore from being up for so long, but not too bad yet. The gag wasn’t pleasant, and she couldn’t wait for it to come out—still, not worth stopping for.

  She opened and closed the hand without the squeaky starfish.

  “I can tell you considered your answer. Good girl.” Dominik brushed his knuckles down her cheek. “You’ll feel cold metal against you. Don’t be afraid.”

  The metal touched her hip. A snip and the fabric of her panties parted. The same on the other side and they were pulled away.

  Dominik slid two fingers down her belly, then over her slick pussy. He made a soft sound of pleasure as he circled her clit with his fingertips. “So wet. I won’t wait much longer to take you, pet.”

  Tipping her head back, Sahara focused all her attention on his fingers as they dipped into her, teasing her until her knees trembled and she gasped around the gag. Between Dominik’s words and the nipple stimulation and now his fingers, she needed a release more than she needed air.

  His fingers left her. The straps on her thighs tugged upward, lifting her off her feet, baring her to him completely.

  He moved away from her. Returned and cool liquid spilled down over her exposed back hole. The blunt head of something smooth pressed against her. She pushed to let it in, swallowing back whimpers of discomfort as the form thickened, stretching her more and more before finally settling inside at the narrowed base.

  “Almost done. Don’t forget to let me know if the charge is too high,” Dominik reminded her before placing small, sticky…electrodes. Four of them, two on each butt cheek. “Here we go.”

  Rhythmic pulsing, reaching deep, flowing through her muscles and making them clench. The butt plug seemed to grow as her insides tightened around it. Her body swayed when she writhed with the sensation.

  “Perfect.” Dominik moved between her thighs and slid the thick head of his dick up and down between her folds. He positioned himself at her center and sank in, an inch at a time. “Fuck, you feel good.”

  Good didn’t begin to describe the feeling. She was so full, so desperate for movement. For him. She needed him closer, riding the never-ending pleasure with her, taking her over and over until he was completely sated. He’d spent so much time giving her pleasure, she had to return the favor.

  But she was powerless to do anything but let him take whatever he wanted from her. Which was exactly as he’d planned it.

  Holding her hips, he used the straps to swing her toward him. He leaned in, kissing her neck, his hot skin moistening with sweat as he moved her onto him faster and faster.

  His dick drove into her and dragged out with each movement of the swing. The electrodes had fallen away at some point, but her muscles still clenched around the plug. Her cunt squeezed him as he drove into her, and the ache for release intensified until she teetered on the ledge.

  A deep, powerful thrust tossed her over into a pool of pure fucking ecstasy. Dominik found his release deep within while she undulated around him. He pressed his cheek to hers, his breath rough as he held her. With his arms wrapped around her in a firm embrace, she rode the current of bliss until it receded to a gentle, lapping wave.

  Completely spent, Sahara tried to lift her head as Dominik reached behind her to remove the gag, but her body refused to cooperate. The butt plug came out next and her whole body bowed. Fuck, she was tender down there. And even though she’d been held up by the straps the entire time, she felt like she’d run a marathon. Staying on her feet when he lowered her thighs was a challenge, but when he released her cuffs from the straps, she realized all her bones and muscles had gone liquid.

  She struggled to stand on her own, but Dominik took one look at her and chuckled. He scooped her into his arms. “You’re a little unsteady, my sunshine. Let me take care of you.”

  He carried her to the bed and laid her down. The unexpected brightness made her squint; she’d been wearing the blindfold so long she’d completely forgotten about it. But having the thick cloth gone was a relief.

  Dominik’s golden eyes, his gentle smile, comforted her as her eyes adjusted. She smiled and let out a quiet sigh of pleasure as he bent down to give her a slow, undemanding kiss. He was just as naked as she was, but she was blissfully worn out and just really wanted to fall asleep in his arms.

  “Are you coming to bed, Sir?” Sahara rolled to her side, deciding she absolutely loved this bed. Nice, cool sheets. A heavy duvet. The only thing that would make it better would be if Dominik would come cuddle. “You need your rest—you’ve got a game tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be with you in a minute.” Dominik disappeared into the bathroom and she heard the water running. He returned with a washcloth and used it to clean her. Everywhere.

  Finally, Dominik stretched out beside her and pulled her to nestle against his side with her head on his shoulder. He idly trailed his fingers up and down her arm, and she tipped her head up to see him gazing down at her.

  “Is something wrong, Sir?” He didn’t look upset, but it would probably be good to talk over their day before they both fell asleep.

  “Wrong? No. But I’d like to hear how you feel about your ‘prize.’” He shifted over, leaving one arm under her head, making it a bit easier for her to meet his eyes. “Was there anything you absolutely hated? Something you hope to do again?”

  “Nothing I hated…I wasn’t crazy about how I reacted when I heard Landon though. I should have known you’d never put me in a position to betray my friends.”

  “True, but it was a very honest reaction. For all you knew, Silver had been involved in the decision and both of her Doms were free to play with whomever they chose. You’ve seen those dynamics at the club, but you didn’t even consider the possibility.” He didn’t look like he minded in the least. “You weren’t comfortable, and you didn’t hesitate to let me know.”

  So…a good thing? She’d learned not to guess with him, so she considered her question carefully. “But if we’re in a full-time BDSM relationship, shouldn’t I find a way to be comfortable with what you ask of me?”

  “Once we’ve been at this long enough for me to know what limits I can push, maybe. There’s a ways to go before we reach that point.”

  “But other Doms won’t touch me.”

  “Not if it’s a hard limit. Unless you’re being punished.” He slid his hand up to the hair that had slipped over her shoulder and gave it a little tug. “I enjoy being part of the community, and I intend to continue as a Dungeon Monitor at the club. I’m often involved in disciplining naughty subs, as are the other monitors. But if you’re on your best behavior, you’ll have nothing to worry about.”

  She would definitely try, but she wouldn’t make promises she couldn’t keep. “I’ll do my best to make you proud, but if I mess up, I’ll accept whatever punishment I’ve earned.”

  “Yes, you will.” He bent down to kiss her. “I don’t expect perfection, but nothing irritates me more than a badly behaved sub who acts out, then bitches about the consequences. I don’t see that being a problem for you though. You’ve had your bratty episodes, but you accepted your punishment gracefully.”

  “Crying like a baby after isn’t exactly graceful.”

  “I disagree. Tears
can be a release you need. And I have absolutely no problem fulfilling that need.” His lips slanted when she rolled her eyes at him. “You’re not surprised?”

  “Nope. I know a few mean ol’ Doms.”

  “Who are you calling old?” Dominik attacked her ribs with his fingers. She squealed helplessly, trying to wiggle free. He put his hand over her mouth. “Shh. It’s late. People are sleeping.”

  “That was not nice.” Sahara stuck her tongue out at him as he relaxed onto the pillows with his eyes closed.

  “Sticking out your tongue at your Dom is not smart.”

  Nibbling at her bottom lip to keep from giggling, Sahara lowered her head back to his shoulder. She loved playing with him, but he really did need his sleep. If the Cobras won tomorrow night, they’d be one game away from eliminating the Islanders.

  She didn’t hate the team, but she was eager to get a break from anything connected to Grant or New York. As much as she loved the city, she needed some distance from her parents. Maybe then she’d figure out what kind of relationship she’d have with each of them. Separately.

  Her father had seemed weak last night, but considering how much her mother’s biting remarks and her careless attitude had hurt after just a short time with her, how damaging would dealing with that every day be? When her father had been constantly on the road with his team, he’d spent so little time with his wife, he’d likely only seen her perfect, practiced mask. The one that had smiled so brightly for the camera.

  Once the divorce was finalized, her father would have a chance at real love. And her mother… Well, Sahara wouldn’t hold her breath. She’d wait a bit to call her and take it from there.

  You have your own life to live. Sahara rested her hand on Dominik’s bare chest to feel his heartbeat against her palm. She still couldn’t believe how lucky she was.

  Falling in love was easy. But finding someone who cared about what made you smile or frown? Whose touch was always tender and always wanted you near? Who listened to your dreams and your fears? Or just really listened to what you had to say…?

  She’d only ever dreamed of a man like him. And now, her dreams were a reality.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The bakery was small, with the glass display taking up more of the space than the few tables scattered along the floor-to-ceiling windows, but Dominik found himself and Sahara a seat in the corner that had just been vacated. While she went to the counter to talk to the elderly couple that ran the place, he quickly tossed out the napkins left on the table and picked up the empty coffee mugs.

  “Oh, you don’t need to do that, sir.” The tiny Italian woman hurried over, fussing at him, a rag clenched in her small, age-spotted hands. “I’ll give it a quick wipe. Give me those and sit!”

  “Gina, don’t yell at the customers!” her husband called out, laughing.

  Gina took the mugs in one hand, scrubbing the table with the other. “He’s not a customer; this is Sahara’s young man.” She looked him over, then gave a sharp nod. “I approve. You’re a good-looking boy and you have kind eyes.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.” Dominik caught Sahara whispering “Sorry” and shook his head. From what she’d told him, these people cared about her very much. He might not have impressed her mother, but maybe he’d get an actual chance to make a good impression here. “Sahara’s told me all about your bakery. Everything looks and smells delicious.”

  The old woman preened. “Doesn’t it? I make the pastries, but my husband bakes the bread, the cookies, and the muffins Sahara loves so much. What are you in the mood for, Mr. Mason?”

  “Please, call me Dominik.” The aroma of freshly baked bread made his mouth water, but he was too old to start indulging in empty calories. “With the game tonight, I need protein. The breakfast sandwich Sahara brought me the other day was amazing.” He grinned at Sahara as she joined them.

  “From the looks of you, one is not enough. I’ll fix you two. With my special home fries.” She patted his shoulder as he pulled out Sahara’s chair. “Would you like some coffee? I know Sahara enjoys hers, but I haven’t fed many hockey players. My son used to play rugby, and he would only drink orange juice or those disgusting blue drinks. Sometimes raw eggs, but I refuse to serve that here.”

  “Coffee is fine. I’ll take mine black.” He turned to Sahara once Gina headed back behind the counter. She was watching him, her brow furrowed slightly. “What is it?”

  “You usually take two creams in your coffee.”

  She’d been paying attention. He grinned. “Yes, but not typically on a game day. I try to avoid any kind of dairy. A little cheese in the sandwich will be fine, but for some reason, my stomach does not appreciate certain foods if I’m going to be pushing my body to the limit.”

  “That’s good to know. I won’t forget.” She inhaled slowly and lowered her voice. “I’m a little surprised Gina brought up her son. He died a few years back—he was part of a recovery unit in the Marines.”

  Dominik swallowed hard, thinking about Josh. His brother had just finished his fourth tour and he’d likely be heading back any day now. Hoping Josh might take a break or retire was pointless. After the third tour, even their mother had stopped begging him to give it up and just let her pride take over. Josh had avoided any serious relationships because his focus was entirely on the next mission, and he’d felt guilty enough leaving home when Cam was still young. If Josh ever had kids…?

  Cam had once told Dominik their older brother had mentioned getting a vasectomy when he’d been drunk. Which wasn’t all that surprising.

  Their mother would be crushed if she found out, but so long as their sisters never found out, it would be Josh’s secret.

  Sahara touched the back of Dominik’s hand. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought that up. You’re worried about Josh, aren’t you?”

  He shook his head and turned his hand to hold hers. “No, actually, I was thinking about kids.”

  “Is you biological clock ticking?” She grinned when he arched a brow at her. “We already have three—wait, I take that back. Two. Heath isn’t a kid.”

  “He is, but we’ll do just fine with them. I’m relieved that my mother has enough grandchildren to keep her happy.”

  He almost wanted to take the words back, considering too late that Sahara might think he never wanted children of his own. Whether or not it was early in the relationship for family planning, some women may consider that a deal-breaker.

  Instead, Sahara cocked her head, nodding slowly. “She’s proud of all her kids. I can see her wanting more little ones to cuddle, but seeing all her children living good lives seems to be the most important thing.”

  “Did she say anything about Cam?”

  “Just that she thinks he’s doing well working for the team. She didn’t seem worried, but you could tell she had been.”

  “I still am.” Dominik chuckled when Sahara frowned at the table like she was racking her brain for some way to make him feel better. “Hey, it’s fine. Josh and I always worry about Cam. It’s our job.”

  Conversation halted as breakfast was served, then continued on to more pleasant topics. Sahara told him about the Ice Girls’ routine for the next game and how she and Akira had been working with the choreographer on a new song. He discussed his concerns about his manager and his thoughts on finding a replacement over the summer.

  They were halfway through their meal before Sahara’s phone went off. She blushed as she pulled it out. “Sorry, I didn’t bother turning it off because not many people have my new number. Do you mind if I check if it’s important?”

  “Not at all.” Dominik took out his own phone, which he hadn’t turned off either. Despite their jokes about leaving their phones at home, it wasn’t really practical. Neither of them was the type to have their phones constantly in their faces, so the issue was more about being understanding when a call or text did come in.

  But by the expression on Sahara’s face as she read the text, he was going to wish he�
��d told her to wait.

  “It’s Pischlar. He said it’s important, and he wants to know if he can come meet us.”

  The “us” told Dominik this could be serious. Pischlar and Sahara were still friends; the man had a good reputation of keeping boundaries with his past lovers, but he had a carefree attitude that sometimes rubbed their teammates the wrong way. If given the choice, Pischlar would likely give Sahara some space to avoid causing friction between her and Dominik.

  Dominik needed to hear what Pischlar had to say. He nodded at Sahara. “Tell him to come here. If he hasn’t eaten yet, we’ll make sure he does.”

  She let out a breath of relief and texted a reply.

  No more than five minutes later, Pischlar came into the bakery. He glanced around, then came right to their table.

  “I won’t stay long.” He reached into the stylish jean jacket he was wearing. Over nothing but jeans. He pulled out a thick envelope. “I’m so fucking sorry for—”

  “Please sit.” Gina dragged over a chair and smiled at Pischlar. “Oh, those holes in your ears must have hurt. Are you hungry? If you’re Sahara’s friend, I’ll feed you well.” She tilted her head to one side as Pischlar blinked at her. “You’re one of those hockey players, aren’t you? I’ll feed you like I did Sahara’s man.”

  Pischlar’s cheeks reddened. He looked at Dominik. “I don’t want to intrude.”

  “You’re not. Sit. I’ll feel better if I see you eat. You’re a wreck lately, man.” Dominik leaned back in his chair as Pischlar sat and laid the envelope on the table. “How are things going? Have you apologized to Richter?”

  “Yeah.” Pischlar rubbed a fresh bruise on his cheek with a wry smile. “Bower was there and he flipped out. I think that helped with negotiations. Richter said being punched more than once means there’s no need to put me on the market. If the shit I pulled gets out, they won’t get a fucking cent for me. My agent is happy. He about lost his mind when I said I might need to explore my options. Coming out the way I did hasn’t made me very popular.”


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