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Wives Who Stray: How Far Should I Go?

Page 2

by C. K. Ralston

For one mad, unconscionable second, she admitted to herself that what she’d just imagined didn’t sound bad at all! But then she got control of herself, pushing upward, moving out from under Jake, getting back onto her feet, her knees shaky with excitement from the two torrid, impromptu make-out sessions.

  “You go way too far, way too fast, Jake,” she gasped as she tore her mouth away from his, her voice raspy with desire.

  With that, she stomped past him, got her keys out of her purse, and clicked the remote entry button, unlocking the BMW. He was still smiling that lopsided, sexy smile at her when she fumbled the key into the ignition and started the car.

  “Too far, too fast”—where the hell did that come from? She chided herself over her poor choice of words as she rapidly backed up and left the lot. He might take that to mean that I welcomed what happened between us tonight, but that I wanted him to take his time, before he made that big of a move on me.

  “Damn that kid!” she growled under her breath as she headed for home. “I don’t know what I meant!”

  Trudy had never fooled around on her husband before…ever! She’d never even thought about it, except sometimes late at night, in bed with Niles, as he’d been turning her on something fierce with his knowing hands and intimate kisses while going on and on in a low whisper about how sexy she was and how he bet her coworkers and her clients were all giving her the eye every day.

  A wry little grin lit up her face. Well, at least she’d have something to tell Niles tonight, concerning his pet fantasy.

  The smile gradually morphed into a frown of uncertainty, the closer she got to her home. How much did she want to tell Niles, really?

  He’d be excited and turned on about Jake’s telling her that she was hot. But he might be shocked and angry when he found out that Trudy’s young admirer had overstepped the bounds so completely, so quickly, and had kissed her as if he owned her…twice!

  There’s that “quickly” again, as if coming on to me the way he did would have been okay if only he’d worked up to it slowly, instead of just going for it the way he did! Trudy scolded herself, as she swung onto her quiet residential street.

  She went on with her thought: And that’s totally untrue, because it’s not like I’m going to have some sort of…affair with Jake—that just isn’t going to happen, no matter how “quickly” or “slowly” he takes things!

  She was still shaking her head at the ludicrousness of the whole idea of an affair between her and Jake when she wheeled the BMW into her driveway, hit the remote, and pulled into the garage. Closing the garage door behind her, she got out of the car and went out a side door, crossed the drive, and used a key on her ring to open the back door leading into her kitchen.

  Like many realtors, Trudy had bought and sold a number of houses on the way to this one. She’d gotten deals on homes that were under-priced, because they needed work, bought them and had them remodeled, lived in them for a brief time, and then resold them for a nice profit on her way to her dream house.

  This was it—her ultimate residence. Her husband, Niles, had used to joke that the two of them had moved more often than fugitives from the law for a few years there.

  But now they were firmly ensconced in just the home they’d always wanted. It was in the city’s prestigious “Fabulous Forties” section, Fortieth Street through approximately Forty-Eighth Street, a small area of town where the houses dated from the nineteen-twenties all the way through the late nineteen-fifties. Every home on their block was scrupulously maintained, and every one of them had been remodeled countless times since its original construction, so most contained all the latest, trendiest amenities. But at the same time, all of them looked pristine and “period” perfect from the street.

  Niles and Trudy Reed’s house was a two-story, five-bedroom, Tudor-style house dating from the late forties. It had a big two-car, detached garage out back and featured a backyard highlighted by a beautiful swimming pool, which dated from nineteen-seventy, along with picture-perfect landscaping, hedges, trees, and grounds.

  The house itself was red brick, with Tudor window treatments and a grey slate roof. There were three fireplaces scattered throughout the large home, and a kitchen that had been redone, with all of the latest appliances and gourmet gadgetry added, just last fall.

  Standing in that kitchen, Trudy smiled as she looked around. She loved every single thing about this house and wouldn’t have traded it for a boxcar full of gold ingots.

  Running her hand over the new Corian countertop beside her sink, Trudy thought about tonight, and Jake, and what she might tell Niles when he got home.

  She smiled. This was going to be fun, if she did it right.

  Niles just loved to mentally picture her with another man, and she knew that handsome, hot, young Jake would be the perfect guy to place in that picture. She could practically feel Niles’s hardness sliding into her, fucking her avidly as she whispered to him about how sexy Jake was and how much he’d clearly wanted her tonight.

  Trudy looked up at the clock and saw that it was only a quarter to seven. Niles wouldn’t be home until at least eight-thirty, if then.

  He was at an after-work, fund-raising soiree for some state senator down at the Hyatt, across the street from the state capitol building, in downtown Sacramento. She had been invited but had begged off.

  Since Jake owned his own lobbying firm and had numerous clients from agriculture, manufacturing, and other niche industries—such as electronics manufacturers—he attended Hell’s own amount of political cocktail parties and get-togethers. He was rarely home before dark and Trudy was, of course, invited to all of those various social functions as his “date”.

  But she didn’t go all that often anymore, unless it was a really important one, or there were going to be interesting people there for her to meet, such as the occasional crusading movie star with a cause to push or some glitzy politician from Washington who had been in the news recently.

  Her theory was that once you’d been to a dozen or so, “meet and greets” down near the capitol, you’d pretty much been to them all.

  She went over to the cupboard where they kept a few bottles of what Niles liked to call “the cooking liquor” and got out a fifth of Ketel One vodka. There were a few bottles of sherry and wine up in the cabinet which she or Niles might actually use in a recipe, but most of “the cooking liquor” was for the cooks—to help “liberate their culinary genius” as they toiled in the kitchen, as Niles always put it. He liked a scotch and soda when he played chef, while she favored vodka to help unleash her “inner-Julia Child”.

  Tonight, she wouldn’t be cooking much anyway, just something light for her. Niles would make a meal of cocktail appetizers and buffet fare at the senator’s bash. That sort of food wasn’t very good for you, but it was, she knew from experience, quite filling.


  After drinking one more vodka as she puttered about in the kitchen, throwing together a meal of warmed up leftovers and a small salad, Trudy went into the living room and watched a couple of shows she liked on the big screen TV. At ten o’clock--and still no Niles--she went upstairs and slipped into a very sheer, very sexy red negligee and a matching babydoll pajama outfit and got into bed.

  She had only gotten a few pages read on her Kindle when she heard Niles pull into the driveway, and then the garage. Five minutes later, he appeared in the bedroom, a glow of alcohol showing on his face.

  He wasn’t drunk but she doubted he could have passed a sobriety test on the way home, if he’d had to take one. She thought again about the wisdom of investing in a car service for Niles.

  Diving Under the Influence tickets in California were hellaciously expensive to fight in court and a conviction could result in losing your driver’s license for a year. And Niles went to cocktail parties at least three or four times a week, when the legislature was in session, which was most of the year.

  She resolved to look into hiring a chauffeur service for him soon. He would carp about the
expense, she knew, but it would be much cheaper than a DUI ticket.

  “Why are you in bed so early?” he asked her.

  “I had an interesting day,” she told him, flashing him a sexy smile, feeling the vodkas she’d had this evening. “Why don’t you get out of that suit and tie and slip into this bed with me and I’ll tell you all about it?”

  Niles, who was four years older than Trudy’s twenty-eight, was tall and blond, with icy-blue eyes, and an almost movie star-handsome face. He played racquetball religiously several afternoons a week and was in great shape, despite all of the alcohol and bad cocktail party food he normally consumed.

  In moments, he was out of his suit and white shirt and in bed with her, wearing just a pair of baggy white boxers. She smiled at him.

  He still did it for her. She was still very much in love with Niles. He was great looking, easy-going but super-intelligent, witty, a tremendous success in life, exceptional in bed, and he loved her madly. What more could a girl want?

  “So, what was so interesting about today; did you get a big new listing? Did you sell something?”

  Trudy’s heart was beating faster. She wanted to do this just right, to really titillate Niles. She knew he just loved to fantasize about exactly the sort of thing that had actually happened to her this evening, so she wanted to tease him, to tantalize him, to draw this out and make the telling of it spectacular for him!

  “You know how you’re always fantasizing about guys coming on to me at work?” She said it slowly, reaching over to turn out her bedside lamp as she did so, leaving their big bedroom lit only by the lamp on his side of the bed, which was on its lowest setting.

  “Don’t tell me some guy tried to make a move on you when you were showing him a house or something!” Niles asked, looking worried and excited at the same time.

  That was one of his biggest fears. While he loved imaging some man coming on to her at work, in the office, he worried about her showing empty houses, often still furnished, with couches and beds and other places where a horny supposed home-buyer could throw a girl down and rape her with no one there to see or hear him do it.

  “No, nothing like that,” she said, touching his arm to calm his fears. “It was just the opposite.”

  She gave him the sexy smile again and whispered, “Do you remember when I told you a couple of weeks ago that we had a newbie in the office…a young guy who’d just passed his licensing exam?”

  “Yeah,” he said, smiling back; definitely interested in the details, now that he wasn’t worried about someone trying to overpower her in some deserted house. “What about it?”

  “Well, I guess maybe I didn’t tell you how cute he is when I first mentioned him, now did I?”

  Niles grinned. “No, you sure didn’t.”

  “Well, he is. He’s in his early twenties, and he’s got longish, dark, almost black hair, and he’s really good looking,” she whispered, going slowly, letting each word paint a picture in her husband’s mind as she spoke them. “And he’s tall and, I don’t know…there’s just something…sexy about him. He’s…hot!”

  She glanced down and saw her husband’s cock jerk to life beneath his boxers. A sly smile spread over her face.

  “So, anyway, I was talking to him tonight, just before we closed up the office, and he was telling me about his live-in girlfriend problems—he’s kicking her out because she’s a slut, basically—and I asked him if he wanted to get a drink after work.”

  Niles looked quizzical. She touched his arm again and said, “He’s sadder than he was letting on about the two of them splitting up, so I offered him a shoulder to cry on.”

  “What happened after that?”

  “Not too much…at least not yet,” she answered coyly.

  She saw his cock jump again under his shorts and realized that it was now as hard as it could be. He leaned closer and asked, “What do you mean, ‘not yet’?”

  Trudy smiled a Cheshire cat smile. She whispered even more softly, “The kid’s infatuated with me, Niles. After a couple of drinks, he told me that I was super-desirable, even hotter than his slutty young girlfriend.”

  “Jesus!” Niles was beaming as he spoke. “What happened next?”

  “He drove me back to the office, to my car,” she said softly. “And he wanted to kiss me.”

  Niles looked as if he was about to come in his boxers. He gasped, “Did you let him?”

  “Of course not,” Trudy lied beautifully, smiling at her husband, “but part of me kind of wanted to, I won’t kid you, honey.”

  He sucked in a breath, just staring raptly at her; his fantasizes clearly flying wildly through his mind as he imagined that; his sexy wife making out with a handsome young co-worker.

  She said, “It’s just this sort of thing you do in bed at night—talking about some guy coming on to me at work--that had me thinking about it; so it’s partly your fault that I almost gave in and let him kiss me. You’re always going on and on about how hot it would be if I did something like that with some guy and then came home and told you all about it.”

  Niles reached for her. He breathed, “It would be hot! It would be hotter than hot. You should have let him, Trudy. You should have kissed him and then told me everything you were feeling when you did it!”

  He then proceeded to tear off her top and go after her pajama bottoms in a frenzy of lust. As he was stripping her, she whispered teasingly, “Maybe I will let him kiss me, next time…if there is a next time.”

  Niles nearly ripped his boxers in his haste to get them off. His cock was as stiff as a fireplace poker as he whispered back frantically, “Buy him another drink, soon--kitten! Let him kiss you and then tell me everything!”

  Then the two of them kissed, on fire with need for each other by now, and she felt his finger slip into her overflowing pussy slit. And she knew, deep down inside, that there would be a next time.

  Jake clearly wanted that, and Niles was beside himself for it to happen and, she had to admit—as her husband kissed her furiously and toyed with her clit—that she wanted it too! She was now oh, so curious to see just how far this naughty new flirting game would take them!



  Trudy was smiling as she got out of her car the next morning at eight twenty-five. Last night had truly been sensational; Niles had been like a demon in bed with her!

  She’d whispered little nothings in his ear about how hunky and hot young Jake was while the sex had been going on and Niles had gone absolutely crazy. He’d fucked her like he was in his early twenties again himself, all the while babbling about how sexy Trudy was and how thrilling it was that “this kid” wanted her so much.

  Unlocking the rear door to the office, she stepped inside and shut off the alarm. As she made a big pot of coffee, she wondered how excited Niles would have been if she hadn’t withheld the parts about Jake actually tongue-kissing her like a maniac and how wet she’d gotten when that had happened.

  “God, if I’d have told him everything that really went on between Jake and I last night, Niles would probably still be fucking me!” Trudy said happily, under her breath, chuckling as she watched the coffee maker work.

  She thought about her day and her evening. There was nothing very special to do this morning, just some paperwork and following up on a sale she’d made last week, making sure that all of the various documents were on track with the title company and the loan people.

  But tonight, on the other hand, might turn out to be…way special! Niles was having dinner with Assemblyman Tony Greene, a pompous ass who was the chairman of an assembly subcommittee on foreign imports.

  Trudy had been invited, but she had declined, which left her free for the evening. Niles probably wouldn’t be home until nine-thirty or ten. She didn’t envy him spending the evening with Fat Tony--as she always thought of Assemblyman Greene--listening to his bullshit over a pricey dinner while the old windbag rattled on and on about “protecting American jobs” and “the
importance of buying American products”.

  All of that might have been far more impressive if the assemblyman didn’t drive a Lexus, wear a six-thousand dollar Swiss watch, and dress in mostly bespoke suits from England’s Savile Row. Trudy frankly couldn’t stomach the man for more than ten minutes or so at a cocktail party.

  She went over and fired up her computer and checked her e-mails. Finding nothing of great interest, she went back and poured herself a cup of coffee before unlocking the front door and switching on the “open” sign.


  “I just got my first listing!” Jake told her excitedly later that morning, as he got off the phone with a client and hustled over to her desk. “I’m signing them up this afternoon.”

  “That’s wonderful,” she said, smiling up at him, trying to keep her smile businesslike and neutral, after the improprieties they’d engaged in together last night. “I think it took me a full month to get my first listing, back when I was just starting out. You’re doing great, young man!”

  “How about having another drink with me after work, to celebrate?” he asked her, his smile turning sexy.

  Niles will be beside himself, Trudy thought.

  After another moment of pretending to think his offer over—she had been going to ask him to have a drink if he hadn’t asked her—she said, “Okay, shall we go to the same place?”

  “That works for me,” he told her.

  He dropped his voice as he added, “I liked last night a lot, Trudy.”

  So did I, she admitted to herself, but not to him.

  The day seemed to drag by after that. Trudy was anxious to see five-thirty roll around.

  She was as wound up as she could be about having that celebratory drink with hunky young Jake. Her nipples got hard several times during the day just thinking about it!

  Working right next to him most of the afternoon didn’t help, either. He brought the signed listing agreement for her to check over when he got back from visiting the Carlyles, an elderly couple who owned a cottage-sized place not too far from the office. They were selling their home of some thirty-three years so that they could afford to retire to an assisted-living community further out in the suburbs.


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