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The Cinderella Arrangement

Page 18

by Vanessa Waltz

  It struck like a gong inside me. I wanted to cling onto my best friend, but we were both growing up.

  Growing up or growing apart?

  The metro screamed toward me, the cacophony of screeching metal making my teeth grind. I moved into the warm car and took a seat in the back.

  My nerves were on high alert the whole way into the city. It’s been so long since I had an interview. I walked with some difficulty toward Union Square after leaving the BART, surrounded by hordes of tourists shopping at all the clothing stores. I opened the white doors to Cliff Graphic Design and approached the desk, my already tired legs shaking.

  “Good morning.”

  The receptionist gave me a friendly smile, which I returned feebly.

  “I have a meeting at eleven.”

  “Ah, yes. Natalie Porter? Right, go upstairs and it’s the second door on the left. He requested a conference room.”

  I swallowed and nodded, thanking the receptionist before heading toward the elevator. I didn’t think I could handle a flight of stairs right now. What’s the problem?

  Don’t be so nervous.

  The reflection in the shiny, metallic walls looked ill. I stood straighter and wiped my hands over my slacks.

  Get it together.

  Whoever the client was, the agent seemed excited about them. I couldn’t wait to find out who they were.

  The elevator doors opened and a massive seizure gripped my heart. I stepped out and walked down the hall, shoving open the door. I forgot to knock—

  A man with black, styled hair and hollow cheeks dressed in a smart, coal-grey suit looked up at me from the table and grinned. It took a moment for me to recognize him as William. He was so stunning that he looked like one of those unapproachable men I sometimes saw walking down the street in the city; the men who made every female head they passed turn their way.

  A lightning bolt shot up my arm. All the feelings I’d buried from the other night returned in full force.

  “I have a meeting with a client.”

  “I know. I’m the client,” he said baldly.

  I looked down at his calm, satisfied face and did not understand what he wanted from me. “Is this a game to you?”

  “No,” he said in a grim voice. “Please, sit down.”

  My whole body was shaking so badly that I couldn't stand. I couldn’t believe the nerve of this guy that he would screw around with my schedule like this just to—what? Didn’t I fail his ridiculous interview? Was it even real?

  His face was shrewd as he looked at me. I glanced at the desk, saw my portfolio spread in front of him, and my stomach clenched.

  “I wanted to offer you a position as a contractor. It’s a temporary position we need to fill for Luke’s Bed and Breakfast campaign. We will review the sites in person, and if they qualify they’ll join the Pardini hotel chain.”

  My ears were ringing. “Why me?”

  A flicker of surprise crossed his face. “Because you’re a talented artist. I got in touch with your former employers and went through your designs. You’re perfect for this job.”


  “I don’t understand.”

  “You’re the only one I can see myself getting along with.” He scanned me, his eyes darting back and forth.

  He’s joking, right?

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “At dinner the other night, that was ‘getting along’ to you?”

  “Compared to the others I interviewed, yeah.” He leaned across the table, his black tie dragging over it. “It’s a real job, Natalie. I looked at your portfolio and I was impressed. The job consists of you visiting these inns in the UK, France, and Italy. We need a graphic designer for the pamphlets and mailing lists. As the VP, I need to oversee the campaign and make sure it’s running smoothly.”

  I burned all over. Was he suggesting what I thought he was? So, we’d travel together?

  “How much?”

  He leaned back and cocked his head, giving me a smile that made my whole body hum with excitement. “Ten thousand dollars for a few weeks seems more than fair. All of your travel arrangements and meals will be taken care of. The contract is short, but if the executives love your work,” he shrugged, “you may be offered a full-time position.”

  The executives? You mean, yourself?

  I always wanted to go to Italy. He smirked at me, knowing full well he was dangling a fat, juicy carrot in front of my face. I snapped back to myself.

  “Why me?”

  “I told you why.”

  “There are millions of qualified graphic designers. You picked me. A woman you barely know.”

  He suddenly reached over and grasped my wrist. An electrical shock traveled up my arm, right into my heart. I didn’t know why I didn’t throw him off. All I could think about was his thumb running up and down, tracing my veins.

  “A woman I have the hots for.”

  I snatched it away, the huskiness in his voice making my face warm. “What’s your problem?”

  “Forgive me for being a red-blooded American who wants to spend three weeks with someone who’s nice to look at.”

  “I can’t be the only one you interviewed who was decent-looking.”

  His eyes blazed at me. “No, but I like that you don’t suck up. You were so sad at the party. You didn’t even try to hide it. Everyone could see how miserable you were, but you didn’t care.”

  I had a flash of anger for the well-dressed, rich man sitting across the table, dishing out judgment toward me. I didn’t want to hear this shit. “I know that I’m unhappy and I don’t need to be reminded of it.”

  He leaned across the table suddenly and grabbed both my arms.

  “What’re you doing?”

  “Natalie, I’m trying to say that we are alike. You turned me down, and that intrigued me.”

  That I could have anything in common with a billionaire was absurd, and yet William wasn’t the polished, put together person I would’ve expected from the Pardini family.

  He sat back in his chair and let that sink into my head.

  “So is that what this is about? The chase? After one night with me, you’ll be done.”

  William stood up from the table with a serene expression on his face and I wondered if I offended him. “I don’t think I’d want just one night from you.”

  The sincerity in his voice took me by surprise. My heart thumped in my ears as he swept around the table with a smile that made me feel like I was prey. Did I want him?

  Hell yes.

  Will pulled out a chair and sat close enough for me to see the stubble on his chin. His hand slid across my shoulder to brush my hair from my neck and I shuddered as if his hand slid up my naked thigh. His deep chuckle sent goose bumps over my skin.

  “Are you afraid of me? Or are you afraid of letting go?”

  Both. Maybe he wanted someone to fuck on the trip, and maybe he thought I was talented. Did it matter?

  Luke’s dire warning against Will echoed in my head.

  What demons are you hiding?

  “I don’t think getting involved is a good idea.”

  “Who said anything about getting involved? It’s a business trip.”

  “You’ve made it clear you’re paying me because I’m a pretty face.”

  “I’m paying you to perform a job. Whatever happens during the trip is between two consenting adults.”

  Could it really be that simple?

  Getting caught sleeping with the boss—especially a well-connected man like Will—could ruin my career. So many things could go wrong.

  And yet, I wanted to take the risk.

  Suddenly, my hands were around his tie and I was yanking his body forward. His head dipped down and his dark eyes widened; my head lifted and that heat I so desperately sought was mine.

  What the hell am I doing?

  He kissed back hard, his mouth bruising mine. The hunger inside me swallowed him in. His hand swept up the thin fabric of my blouse and grabbed my breast. I gasped
into his mouth. I was paralyzed for a moment, seduced by the delicate stroke of his fingers, his lips claiming me as though I belonged to him. My body shivered as I palmed his chest, wanting so badly to run my hands over every crevasse and that gorgeous dent under his throat.

  When we broke apart, Will had that blazing look on his face and he stared at the table as if it would make a good bed. My heart hammered hard enough to make me feel dizzy.

  I pushed against his chest. “This is such a bad idea.”

  He smirked. “You started it.”

  “I’ll do it,” I blurted as he swept down to kiss me again.

  “That’s great. We can talk about the details over lunch.”

  “Right now?”

  He nodded.

  I bit my lip hard.

  “I can’t. I have to see someone.”


  I could feel myself growing hot. “A guy.”

  A black look shrouded his face. “What, your ex?” He laughed as he watched my growing shame. Then he shrugged. “I’ll call you later with the details.”

  Then he left the room. I stood there, stunned, still staring at the same spot on the wall.

  “So, how’ve you been doing?”

  Ben looked up at me from the round table. His hair had grown in a little. The blonde beard was cut at the same length. He wore the same plaid shirt.

  How have I been?

  “Well, I got laid off from the aquarium, but I’ve already got a new job.”

  His light eyebrows lifted slightly. “Where?”

  I wrapped my hands around the mug. “It’s a contract for Pardini Worldwide.”

  The blue eyes danced with excitement. “That’s great, Nat!”

  My eyes narrowed a bit at the use of my pet name. I didn’t want him to act like nothing was changed between us. “What did you want to talk about?”

  He flinched at my tone and I saw him retreat into himself. “I wanted to talk about us.”

  “Were you thinking about us during all those dates?”

  His eyes widened with shock. Yes, Ben. I noticed the Facebook photos. As if you thought I wouldn’t.

  “I was trying to get over you,” he said with an edge in his voice. “Can you blame me for trying to move on?”

  Fine. Didn’t mean I couldn’t be pissed about it.

  He shook his head. “Maybe I was angry that you’d throw away our relationship over Jessica.”

  “I dumped you because you lied to my face. I told you something in confidence and the first person you blabbed to was a journalist. Then you denied it.”

  Why did I come here?

  “I know and I’m sorry, but I still can’t believe you’d throw everything away after everything we’ve been through together.”

  “Actually, I came here to figure out whether I made the right decision. I’m pretty sure I did.”

  “Natalie, come on!”

  “You’re not sorry. You’re sorry you got caught.”

  “Will you please just give us another chance?”

  “Nope. Goodbye.”

  The disappointment that flared in Ben’s eyes mingled with anger. It surprised me.

  And good riddance.


  The memory of the kiss burned in my mind, refusing to let me sleep all night. I tasted him, felt his tongue swirling in my mouth and his searing hot gaze when I pulled back.

  What the hell are you doing?

  This trip would be a fantastic mistake. Aside from the glaring conflict of interest issues, I didn't know William. It might be an awkward three weeks.

  Who cares? This will look great on your resumé.

  Yeah, and the paperwork he sent me looked legit. Really, there was no question about whether I’d go or not.

  The question was what I’d do if I were alone with William.

  I groaned in my bedroom, trying to search for something that would tell me what to do. I jumped at the knock on my door.

  “Come in.”

  Jessica’s head poked around the door. Good, I thought. I can ask her about it.

  “Hey! I just got home. What are you up to?” she said as she sat down on my bed.

  “I got a job. At Pardini Worldwide.”

  She did a double take. “Um—what?”

  I smiled. “And I saw Ben.”

  “Whoa, whoa!” She stood up and placed her hands on her hips. “Slow down! When did this all happen?”

  “Happened today, actually.” I enjoyed the waves of shock rippling across her face. “Will offered me a job to go to Europe and design the marketing for Luke’s campaign. I think I will take it. It’s only for a few weeks.”

  “Wait—isn’t this weird? He knows you for a week or something and suddenly, he wants you to go to Europe with him?”

  “It’s definitely weird, but I don’t care. I need this, Jessica.”

  She looked at me with reservations stirring in her eyes, but she nodded. Of all people, she would understand.

  “Well, how did it go with Ben?”

  “Not so good. As expected.” I studied her face, looking for signs of relief. “Don’t you hate him?”

  The question caught her off guard. “Hate him?” She shook her head. “I never had a problem with Ben, until…”

  Until he sold you out.

  “Listen,” she said in a louder voice. “I don’t care about it anymore. It’s all water under the bridge. You should give him a second chance if you have feelings for him.”

  I aimed a searchlight inside myself to find remnants of the love I used to have for him. I had feelings. Mostly anger.

  “I think we’re done. There’s nothing left between us but resentment.”

  “You can do way better than Ben.”

  I nodded, wondering if I should call my mom and ask for advice.

  Right, yeah that’ll be a fun conversation.

  “Are you going to tell your parents?”

  She could always read my mind. “I guess I should let them know I won’t be here for a while. I’ll get it over now.”

  “Okay,” Jessica said, sliding from my bed.

  I picked up the phone and suddenly it vibrated in my hands. Almost dropping it, I held it to my ear.


  “It’s Will.”

  Oh. I bit my lip severely, wondering what the hell I should say.


  “Listen, I wanted to apologize for my behavior.” He took a shaky breath. “If you take the job, I’ll be nothing but professional the whole way.”

  I’m the one who kissed him.

  My heart pounded. “Will, I’m the one who should apologize—”

  “Natalie, let’s just forget about it, okay?” he said in a testy voice.

  I nodded before remembering I was on the phone. “Okay.”

  “We leave next week. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  All the humor left his voice. He sounded clearer—more awake. It was like talking to a stranger.

  “Okay,” I heard myself say.


  And just like that, it was over. There was nothing but static on the other end.

  I still hadn’t called my parents, and it was the day I was supposed to leave with Will for London. I kept unlocking my phone to stare at the bright screen, debating whether to call them while the light died.

  I have to call them.

  “Nervous?” Jessica asked as she stepped into the living room.

  I dropped the phone back into my pocket. “I feel the same as you did when you left.”

  She smiled as she looked back on the memory. I warned her against going, even though I was jealous of her opportunity.

  Now it’s my turn.

  Luke sat nearby, and I knew that he was bursting to give me his opinion of what I should do, but I sensed that Jessica told him not to.

  I paced in the small hallway and glanced at Luke, who looked grim. I was aching to ask him about Will. He caught my glance, and a smile flickered over his anxious face.
r />   “It’ll be okay, Natalie.”

  I was more worried about how awkward it would be. I whirled toward my bag. Did I pack everything?

  Jessica and I jumped about a mile high.

  “Can’t he knock like a normal person?”

  My stomach did backflips as Luke shot from the couch and opened the door before I could move a muscle. Will stood there, looking fresh in his jeans and t-shirt. Just the sight of his arms peeking from the sleeves was enough to make me sigh.

  His dark eyes narrowed as he focused his gaze on his cousin.

  “Luke,” he said, inclining his head.

  His cousin gave him nothing but a cursory nod, which was a mark of how angry he must be. Will responded with a lopsided grin.

  “Are you going to step aside, or are you going to keep eye-fucking me?”

  Luke moved away and Will stepped forward, his eyes settling on me. He might have been looking at a piece of furniture.

  Cold gripped my limbs.


  “Yeah.” I grabbed the handle of my suitcase, but he ducked and took it from me.

  “Ok, then.”

  He gave Jessica a small smile before crossing the threshold out of the apartment. Luke followed him outside and Jessica and I looked at each other.

  The look on her face made a horrible lump rise in my throat. She was blinking rather fast as she nearly bowled me over with her hug.

  “I’m proud of you for doing this.”

  “What? Why?”

  Her arms tightened around my neck. “It takes a lot of courage to leave your comfort zone. Most people never do.”

  My lips trembled. The flood of everything I’d been holding back suddenly burst through the dam I built up for myself. As much as I tried to deny it, I felt sick with fear every time I thought about my future.

  My life was a constant battle for approval. While my dad opened my report cards, I would stare outside and think longingly of the playground where Jessica and I would play. Getting an A- was “acceptable,” but anything below that and I was grounded.

  Going to college was like being born again. I could do whatever I wanted—I was free. I went against their wishes by majoring in graphic design. They screamed and raged at me, but I did it anyways, though not without a heavy dose of guilt. Within years of graduating, I made myself The Perfect Life to appease them. Perfect fiancé, perfect job, and not-so perfect apartment.


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