Seasoned with Grace
Page 24
Junell put her hand over Grace’s mouth. “I knew all about this.” She lifted Grace’s left hand and held it in the air. “Just who do you think picked out an oval-shaped, diamond-encased, six-pronged, braided pavé band, one representing how the two of you became one? By the way, it’s a little shy of a carat. Angle it downward and most won’t notice.”
“Junie, you helped him pick this out?”
“Yes, either it was me or my mother, and you know Mama June was trying to give you her antique bridal set.”
“I can’t believe you did this for me.”
“Believe it, baby! We all love you.”
“Congratulations, Gracie,” Candace said, kissing Grace on the cheek. “We all do love you.”
“Wait a minute.” Junell held up her hand. “Before the next lovefest begins, can someone get me into that chair? I have elephant ankles.” She lifted the bottom of her maxi dress a few inches. “You see, Patrick won’t be back from Dubai until next week, so it’s just me, Epsom salts, and these ankles.”
Grace and Candace both helped Junell wobble to the white and pink wicker chair in the corner of the room. Junell plopped into the chair.
“Thank you, ladies,” she said.
“No, thank you,” Grace said, kissing Junell on the forehead and then Candace. “All of you really helped me to see that there was some truth to what this woman said to me right after she slapped me. My life has been seasoned with grace.”
Discussion Questions
1. In chapter one Grace questioned how her friend had managed to escape the photographers’ lenses. Have you ever gotten into trouble with a friend and borne the brunt of the consequences? What impact did that have on the relationship?
2. During the discussion of the terms of Grace’s probation, Ethan requested that they stop for prayer. What is your stance on mixing your faith with workplace interactions?
3. Grace refers to Ethan’s zeal for converting her as the “honeymoon phase.” What are your thoughts about those who actively try to convert someone to Christianity?
4. Early on, readers are introduced to Grace’s alcohol problem. Do you think that something should have been done sooner to help her? What steps would you have recommended?
5. Who do you think is most responsible for Grace’s alcohol and drug addiction?
6. What are your views on abortion?
7. There is a clear attraction and chemistry between Grace and Ethan. Do you believe that Ethan is over Grace?
8. The Bible instructs Christians “to be angry and sin not.” Have you ever struggled with controlling your anger? In what ways has your faith helped you control your temper?
9. At first Grace was hesitant about pursuing a relationship with Horace because of his financial situation. What are your financial prerequisites for a relationship?
10. Horace was unwilling to enter into an “unequally yoked” relationship with Grace. Do you find that to be true for most Christian men?
11. When Grace began modeling, she was taken advantage of by a photographer. What are your thoughts on children entering the entertainment business at a young age?
12. Are there any points of trauma or situations in your life that have held you hostage or have held you back from being who God intended you to be?
13. Grace was able to find a purpose for her pain. Have you found the purpose for the pain in your life? Are you walking in that purpose?
14. What are your predictions for Horace and Grace’s future together?
About the Author
Nigeria Lockley possesses two master’s degrees, one in English secondary education, which she utilizes as an educator with the New York City Department of Education, and a second in creative writing. Born at Dawn is Nigeria’s first published novel. Nigeria serves as the vice president of Bridges Family Services, a not-for-profit organization that assists student parents interested in pursuing a degree in higher education. She is also the deaconess and clerk for her spiritual home, King of Kings and Lord of Lords Church of God. Nigeria is a New York native who resides in Harlem with her husband and two daughters. Join her online at
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Shelia E. Lipsey,
President, UC His Glory Book Club
Urban Books, LLC
97 N18th Street
Wyandanch, NY 11798
Seasoned With Grace Copyright © 2015 Nigeria Lockley
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-6228-6810-0
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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