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Fatal Truths (Heroes of Olympus Book 2)

Page 6

by April Zyon

  “Oh boy. Well then, you guys should likely choose a room that will be large enough for all three of you.” She yawned and shifted. “I’m exhausted again. I’m sorry, but reading Ares knocked me on my butt. I do believe that it’s my bedtime. Did you guys all find rooms to sleep in? Most of them have their own en suite bathrooms. There are more rooms in the basement where the gym and gun range are located.” Her father might have retired from the service, but he hadn’t really let it go.

  “We’ve already gotten ourselves squared away, ma’am,” Gareth said. “Meeting Ares will knock most people on their asses, but getting a read off him would definitely do it.”

  “He truncated a bunch of it so she wasn’t harmed,” Mik told him. “Go and get some sleep, Kasper. We’ll talk more in the morning. By then, we might have a better handle on what needs to be done around here. Then we’ll start working on the other project.”

  “Thank you,” she told Mikhail with a bow of her head. She moved from James’s lap; even if it was warm and comfy, she was ready for sleep. She held the man’s hand, however. She didn’t want to be alone but didn’t think she should ask these two men to join her.

  “Goodnight. Rest well, all of you, and again thank you for a marvelous meal. There’s coffee in the pantry behind the sugar. It’s the really good coffee, if you want any in the morning.” She played with James’s fingers and smiled when Victor reached out and took her other hand. She liked being between them. More than a little, actually. “I’m sure you have already figured out how to arm and disarm my alarm system, so I’ll leave you all to it.” She gave both men’s hands a squeeze before letting them go.

  “Night,” they all called to her. James and Victor still followed on her heels into the house, to the amusement of the others. They were all whistling and calling out inappropriate suggestions. At the door, she caught Mikhail’s warning look to the two men right behind her. She almost felt sorry for them. Almost.

  Once they were upstairs and in her room, she looked at the two large men who had come with her. “Do I get to sleep between the two of you tonight?” she wanted to know. “Or are you just ensuring that I’m all tucked in before you both go find your rooms?” Kas knew she flushed red, she felt the heat in her cheeks, but she needed to know what to expect with them. She knew what she wanted—she just needed to know what they wanted.

  “That would be entirely up to you, ma’am,” James said. He wore a crooked grin on his face while wiggling his eyebrows. “We may have been slightly presumptuous, though, and did bring our bags up here. We weren’t quite so forward as to bring them into the room. They’re just out in the hall tucked out of the way, but we were hopeful.”

  “You let me snuggle with you in front of your friends, you held me and petted me, so I think that it’s pretty safe to say that you don’t have to call me ma’am, don’t you?” She wanted them with her. No, she needed them to stay with her. “Bring your bags in.” She touched first James’s cheek and then Victor’s. “I’m going to go have a shower. Join me if you want, or give me five minutes. Either way, please, no more with the whole ma’am thing?”

  The two men shared a look and then snapped to attention. “Ma’am, yes, ma’am,” they said sharply. They then both burst out laughing and dashed for the door. Victor managed to get out first and get back first. The imp even shut and locked the door. By the resounding thud followed by creative cursing, Kasper could only guess James had been right in its path.

  Chuckling, Victor tossed his bag at the end of the bed and stalked her way. “I do like the idea of a shower with you. If you’re sure there’s more than enough room, of course.”

  “You obviously didn’t look in my bathroom.” She had a massive bathroom. It was sinful, and she loved it. It had a sunken bathtub large enough for all three of them and then some. It had jets in it and filled from a rain ledge in the ceiling. The shower, however, was perfection. It had water nozzles along the edges, river rock for the flooring, and was more than large enough for the three of them, if they wanted to join her. “It even has music in it. And a setting for massage therapy for the water jets if we wanted to use it. Want to come and check out my bathroom with me?” She now had her arms up and around Victor’s neck, her body practically plastered to his. “Are you going to let James in or make him pick the lock, by the way?” she added as an afterthought.

  “I definitely want to check out your bathroom with you.” Cupping her ass, he began to walk her backward to her bathroom. He pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth and then another to the other side. The sound of the door crashing open, along with curses, announced James’s presence in the room. “See, told you he’d figure it out eventually.”

  She laughed, letting Victor walk her backwards into the bathroom. “I love how you are so bad like that.” She leaned up while pulling his head down to hers. She kissed him then. Full-on kissed him, as deeply as she could. When Victor picked her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Her ass landed on vanity, which freed his hands to roam up her back and into her long, silvery blonde hair. Tipping her head back, he took over the kiss. It felt like he devoured her slowly, pressing in closer to her, and he let out a low, deep growl. His hands were moving again, this time to the hem of her shirt, where he began to move it up.

  Lowering her legs to the floor, she pulled back to lift her arms so he could remove her shirt, her mouth slowly curving into a sexy smirk. She began to help him out of his clothing while he helped her out of hers. When naked, finally, she looked at him and smiled. “You really should take off your pants.” Her fingers moved over his chest and touched his tattoos, as well as the piercing in his nipple. “Did this hurt?” She wanted to know; she had impressions in her mind, but after the whammy from Ares, she couldn’t recall anything about the piercings the men had.

  “A bit, but only once the nerves woke up. After a couple hours, it didn’t bother me anymore. Biggest problem is having to take them out while working in the field. Then remembering to put them back in so the holes didn’t close up.” He looked down and shrugged before leveling a look at her. “You considering getting your nipples done?” he asked with a crooked grin.

  “I’ve never thought of it, but there is a lot that I’ve never thought of before.” She leaned in and tugged at the piercing in his nipple with her teeth, then smirked. “How does that feel?” Her tongue worked over the tight nipple, and her hands ran over his shoulders and back. It was amazing how just touching him felt like a jolt of energy that went straight through her entire being. This was all so new to her because she had never been free to touch anyone before. Kas was also learning something new with these repeated touches; there was no pain, and she wasn’t seeing everything all over again. She was seeing new memories, but that was perfectly okay with her.

  “It’s like a little jolt through my body that goes straight to my cock. It ramps up my need to fuck you hard, fast, and now. It also makes it very hard to think.” His hand delved into her hair again, tugging lightly on the strands.

  “Don’t mean to make it hard for you to think.” She rubbed her hands up and down his chest. “I’ve never done this sort of thing before, so I really hope you don’t get upset with me if I don’t do something right.” She worried about coming together with him. With them. She worried she wasn’t going to be enough for both men, actually.

  “Hey,” he said softly. Cupping her face, he tipped her chin up so she looked him in the eyes. “Nothing we do together that we all mutually agree to is ever wrong. I like having your mouth on me, the sensation of your tongue, and the little bites of pain from your nails and teeth. If I’m not comfortable with anything, I’ll let you know. Just as we both expect you to tell us if you are ever uncomfortable. We can try working through the discomfort, but if it’s not something one, or more of us, is into, it’s off the table for good. Do you understand?”

  “I understand. I should likely tell you I really like it when you tell me what to do, and what you like.” She bit her l
ower lip and rubbed her cheek to his. “I like it a lot.”

  “Submissive. I like that,” he said gently. Victor slipped his arms around her to hug her to his chest. “I should mention I tend to be a little more of a hardcore Dominant than James, but he’s no slacker, either. We’re both very forgiving of those new to the life, so don’t ever worry about asking a question or expressing a concern.”

  Another hand touched her cheek. Looking up, she saw James standing there watching her. “We would never do anything to harm you, and we definitely won’t do anything to embarrass or shame you. But we’re not mind readers, so if you’re not okay with anything, and I mean anything at all, you speak up. It’s how we’ll all learn what we all like.”

  “I trust you both.” She smiled. “Submissive, yes, I think that one would definitely be me. But only in the bedroom. I would like it if you both told me what you needed from me when you needed it? For now, should we step into the shower?” Even if she wanted to wrap her arms and legs around Victor and have him kissing her again.

  “I’ll get the water started,” James said. Then he punched Victor in the arm. “Dirty pool, you bastard.”

  Chuckling, Victor shrugged and gave her a wink. “A man would do just about anything to have a moment alone with a woman like Kasper. I’m not above doing whatever is required for a bit of one on one.”

  Kasper snickered and looked at James. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?” She touched her fingers to his cheek. “When he closed the door on your face?” Her back snuggled up against Victor’s chest, with his large hands rubbing her stomach, pulling her closer. She liked it.

  “No. I’m only thankful that none of the others were up here to see me run into the damn thing. I should know better than to go charging into anything without clearing the way first. I’ll learn one day.” Grinning, he leaned in to press a kiss to her nose. “I’ll also get even.”

  Kasper pulled away from Victor and reached out to pull James close again. “Kiss me and then go get the shower started.” She let him go once he had pecked her on the lips and waited for him to start the shower. “So, shower? And will the two of you tell me what you mean by Dominant? I mean, I’ve read books about submission and Domination. I really hope you mean the same thing.”

  She saw James shoot her a wide-eyed look over Victor’s shoulder. “Depends on what sort of books you’ve been reading,” Victor said. “Why don’t you tell us what you think it means and we’ll clarify anything as we discuss it?”

  “The ones that I’ve liked are the ones where she’s tied up or secured to something and they do to her body whatever they desire. She’s still able to stop them at any given time, though.” Kas rubbed her cheek along Victor’s shoulder. “Spankings, orgasm control, blindfolds—a little of everything is what I’ve read, to be honest. The only things I haven’t liked were age play and bathroom play. Not with the shower but, you know, bodily functions?” She felt a burning rush heat up her cheeks.

  “Good, because we’re not into either of the last two. We’re also not into pain for pain’s sake. Spankings and paddling are as far as we go. We do not use whips, ever. We have messed with knife play, and wax play, but it’s one of those things that has its moment but isn’t suited to everyone. Like I said earlier, we’re not into shaming or anything that would hurt you. This is all about mutual pleasure and shared experiences.” Victor nudged her in under the flow of water. “Now, what else in these books interested you?”

  “We really need to see these books, I think,” James said.

  “They’re all on my e-reader. You’re more than welcome to look over them any time.” She stood between both men, the heat of them making her whimper. Their hands moving over her wet body made the moment all the better in her mind and allowed her to open up to them all the more. Kas found herself telling them everything she wanted even though she had never been in this situation before. “The last one I read, the woman had two men as her Dominants, and they used wax once. I loved how they took care of her. It was very sweet.” She looked up, now facing James. “I have a feeling both of you will take care of me, won’t you?” She wanted to feel and do everything with these men. Not everything at once, of course, but over time she wanted everything with them.

  “Absolutely,” he said with a firm nod. His hands came to rest on her hips, and his hard cock rubbed against her belly. “Caring for the submissive is the most important job of any Dominant.”

  At her back, Victor made sure her hair was soaked through before he began to massage in some shampoo.

  She touched one of James’s tattoos and smiled. “I love tattoos. I don’t have any.” She then pressed her fingers to the odd, stylized sun symbol on her shoulder. “And I guess now this birthmark makes some sort of odd sense too, doesn’t it?” She leaned her head back for Victor to rinse it thoroughly and sighed with pleasure. “I could become very accustomed to having you both caring for me like this.”

  “This is only the beginning, Kasper.” James gave her a wink before shifting to grab the loofah and her body wash. He popped the lid, gave it a sniff, pondered it a moment, and then squeezed some out. “Arms first,” he told her, setting the container aside.

  “Give me a couple to get her front all soaped up, then we’ll spin her for the conditioner, rinse her, and then you can do her back,” James said.

  “Excellent plan.”

  “Do I get to wash you guys while you’re waiting for the conditioner to have its two minutes?” She wanted to run her hands all over them. She wanted to touch every inch of their hard, sculpted bodies. The thought made her glanced down, and Kas felt her eyes widen. “You have piercings in your cock,” she whispered breathlessly. “Oh, God. Those…” She didn’t have words. She wanted to touch them. She wanted to see how it felt. She knew he had a piercing in his tongue from the fabulous kisses he had given her, but in his cock? Damn, that had been pushed out of her mind by touching Ares.

  James gave a dark chuckle as he ran the loofah over her chest and down her belly. “I do.” Kneeling, he tapped the back of her leg and then propped her foot he could wash it. “Still trying to talk Victor into getting them, now that he doesn’t have to worry about sand in places sand should never go. I think someone may need to hold his hand during it, though.”

  She looked over her shoulder at Victor and grinned. “I’ll hold your hand.” She looked back at James, her eyes locked on his cock. “Did they hurt? Do they hurt? When you make love with someone, do they hurt you?” Kas wanted to lick and nibble it like she had Victor’s nipple piercing. She had questions because she couldn’t access that information; it was frustrating as hell, but now that she thought about it, she couldn’t recall some of the most basic memories she got from some of her earliest targets either.

  “They hurt like a motherfucking bitch at the time,” he said. Moving her foot back to the tile, he shifted and tapped her other leg. “They don’t hurt now unless I’m careless and get one caught on my zipper. But during lovemaking there’s no pain. They add to the pleasure for the woman, since they roll and rub over certain areas inside of her. As you will find out soon enough.”

  “Oh God.” Kas felt herself growing wet between her thighs and moaned. She couldn’t help herself. “Do you know just how much I want that? How much I need it? I’m scared stupid of the things that I want to do with you, but it doesn’t stop me from wanting to do them or having you both doing them to me. If that makes sense?” She touched a tattoo on James’s chest and tilted her head to the side. “Who is Lila? I thought you said that you weren’t involved with anyone?”

  “I’m not involved with anyone. Lila was my sister,” James said softly. He traced the banner and let out a weighty breath. “She died on her way to the graduation ceremony the SEALs held when we were given our Tridents. It was a hit and run. She ended up pinned in the vehicle and died at the scene before the firemen could extricate her from the vehicle. I got it to always carry her with me wherever I go.”

  “James.” Her blue eyes bri
mming with tears. “I’m so, so sorry!” She leaned up and pressed a kiss to the marking on his shoulder. Yet another thing she had lost from the overwhelming god invading her mind. It was odd she wasn’t getting this information now. Kas would question all of that later; for now, she only wanted to feel and be with these men.

  “Shh,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around her. “It was a long time ago, and while I miss her every day, I can’t live in the past. She’s with me in everything I do, usually scolding me for doing it in the first place, but she wouldn’t want me to give up living for her. She’d fucking kick my ass if I even dared to consider it, actually.”

  That had her smiling as she ran her fingers over his chest once more. “Well, I’m glad that you’re living. Very happy that you’re willing to let me in as well.” Victor as well, but right now she was talking to James. “So what do we do first?”

  “Vic puts the conditioner in your hair, you turn around to rinse off what soap is still on you, and then we finish cleaning you up. After that, it’s your turn to wield the loofah and attend to each of us. As to what may come after…” Spreading his hands, he gave a small shrug. “Who knows what might be in the stars tonight for a certain lovely lady?”

  “As long as I have the two of you with me, I think I’ll survive.” She closed her eyes and leaned her head back so that Victor could rinse off the soap and condition her hair. Once that was done, she took the loofah. “Who do I get to wash first?”

  “You know you want to use it as an excuse to check out his hardware, so do James first,” Victor said. He snickered as he rinsed his hands off and moved out of the way. “You’ve been practically drooling since you saw it.”


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