Fatal Truths (Heroes of Olympus Book 2)

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Fatal Truths (Heroes of Olympus Book 2) Page 7

by April Zyon

  “I have. Sorry. I know that I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it.” Kasper looked from Victor to James and back again. She smiled and bluntly asked, “Will you teach me how to give you a blowjob? I’ve read about them, and I really would like to take you into my mouth, if you don’t mind?” She knew that this was going very fast, but she didn’t care. Relationships moved at their own pace, and this was her pace with these men. She wanted this to move as quickly as she possibly could get it to.

  Both men groaned, and James shifted his feet a little farther apart. “Jesus, woman,” he muttered. “You really know how to grab a man’s attention by the ballsack. It might be better to practice on Victor first or I’ll have to take out the piercings. They add a certain level of challenge if you’re unsure or have never done it before. Won’t do any of us any good if you end up chipping a tooth or get one caught between your teeth.”

  Victor winced at that and crossed his hands protectively over his crotch. “And he wonders why I haven’t been brave enough to get it done yet.”

  She began to laugh and nodded. “I can understand that. Can I at least rub my hands over your dick? I want to feel them at least, then I will let Victor teach me how to give him a blowjob.” She looked forward to that instruction. Her pale skin against his darker skin. Yes, she couldn’t wait for that.

  “You can touch, rub, squeeze, and even lick. But no full-mouth contact until you’ve got the basics down.” He grinned at her and lowered his head to give her a kiss. “I value the safety of my cock.”

  “Are you insinuating that I would bite you?” she asked with a frown. “I’ve watched a couple of movies as well and I would hopefully not bite you. However, I’ll leave it to you to teach me,” she said with a grin. “You will, right? Because I really want to do this.”

  “We’ll teach you how to give head like a pro. Actually, we’ll teach you how to do it better than even pros can.” Victor shifted to put his back to the wall. “Have at it, sweetheart.”

  “Really?” When he nodded, Kas got down on her knees. Her hands were braced on Victor’s thighs, and she pressed a kiss to the top of his thigh and then his belly. “You’re so big. Are you sure that you’ll fit?” She frowned, her hand wrapped around his dick and stroking him.

  Laughing, he nodded. “Yes, ma’am, I will most definitely fit. It might be snug, but you were made for us, have no doubt of that. Take my cock in your hand and get a feel for it first. Learn it well, since we’ll be learning you just as well, if not better.”

  “I can’t wait,” Kas admitted, and stroked him from root to tip. She didn’t wait to be instructed. Instead, she moved so she could put her mouth on the head of his cock and lick her tongue over under and around it.

  Victor pushed his fingers into her hair and then fisted the strands, tugging her scalp a little. “That’s it, sweetheart,” he encouraged her, a bit of a catch to his voice. Groaning loudly, he tightened his hold for a moment when she flicked her tongue along the slit of his cock, getting the first taste of him.

  She found her confidence with him tightening his hands in her hair, found what he liked from the sounds he made. Kas moaned, her body shifting closer so she could take more of him into her mouth. She felt his cock hitting the back of her throat and began to hum in pure pleasure.

  “Fucking hell,” he choked out. “That’s it, you’re a damn natural at this. Follow your instincts, Kasper.” A thud had her looking up to see he’d dropped his head back to the wall. His stomach contracted each time she moved, and his chest rising and falling faster.

  She had to smile at that. Removing her mouth from his pulsing cock, she said, “I’m glad you like it. I’m just going by the way you’re tugging on my hair and the sounds you make.” She put her mouth back on him so she could begin to suckle him again.

  Victor gave an unintelligible sound she took as approval. His hand tightened a little more in her hair, and he thrusted his hips a bit. He panted now. Rolling his head around, he let it drop so he could stare down at her with a heated gaze.

  She hummed as she moved with him. When she felt James’s hands on her shoulders, she took Victor deeper into her mouth and moaned. There was the smallest bit of trepidation, but Kas ignored it because she trusted these men. She knew neither of them would harm her in any way and would do everything in their power to make her feel nothing but pure pleasure. She controlled her breathing while moving on Victor’s cock, humming just a bit.

  Behind her, James pressed a kiss to her shoulder and ran a hand down her back. His hand moved over his ass until his fingers ran up and down her folds. He pressed his other hand to her lower back and flicked his fingers over her clit. Kasper jumped—she couldn’t help it. The sensation was one she had never felt before. The flick of James’s finger to her clit had her nervously jumping and then giggling to break the slight tension she was holding inside. Again, she took Victor back into her mouth with desperate need.

  She had braced her hands on Victor’s thighs with her ass pointed out to James. She whimpered around Victor’s cock and took the man’s dick deeper into her mouth. She worked up and down his dick. She let her teeth very lightly run over Victor’s cock and nibbled the head of the shaft.

  A growl reached her ears as he shifted his hold in her hair to grab a larger chunk. Victor rocked his hips slowly now in a constant rhythm. “I love your mouth. You have a natural talent for this, Kasper.”

  She moved with his help; the rougher he got, the more she took into her throat, and the harder and faster she worked on him. She moaned then, James’s fingers dipping into her pussy. Pulling off Victor, she let out a cry. “Please,” she begged.

  James scraped his teeth over her shoulder and pushed two fingers deep into her pussy. He began to finger fuck her fast and hard. His mouth moved over her shoulder and down over her back before moving up to her other shoulder.

  Leaning her head against Victor’s thigh, she whimpered. “Oh God, that feels so good.” She moaned. “I’ve never felt anything but my own fingers there before. More. Please, James,” she whispered and licked her lips. “I need more. I need you both. Please.”

  “Suck his cock until he comes,” James said in her ear. “Then you can come all over my hand. Once we’re out of here, I’m going to lick your slick little pussy until you scream again and again. By that point, he might be recovered enough to fuck you hard, fast, and so deep you’ll feel it for a week. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes, please.” Kas wanted everything they both had to give her. “I want it all.” She put her mouth back onto Victor’s cock. The promise of what James had to offer was the only incentive she needed to ensure that she had Victor coming quickly.

  “That’s a good girl,” he whispered. “Cup his balls and gently roll them. Think of them like eggs; if you’re not careful, you could crack one. Only a hell of a lot more sensitive, so treat them with care.” James slid his other hand down her spine to rub a finger over the tight bud of her anus.

  She pulled back from Victor and sobbed. “Oh God, that feels incredible.” He had barely placed the pad of his thumb into her anus, but she liked it. “Please, more.” She began to work on Victor’s cock eagerly, teasing him as best she could.

  “Keep your mouth on his cock until he comes or you don’t get to come,” James warned her. He smacked her ass twice. “Moan loudly if you understand,” he said while moving his finger back to her anus. The fingers working her pussy never slowed once while she rocked back and forth.

  She moaned loudly around Victor’s cock. She didn’t know if she would be able to swallow Victor’s load, but she wanted to try. The little tastes she had gotten from him so far had her wanting more.

  “Close,” Victor grunted. His hand held tight to her hair as he rocked his hips. “Fucking hell, pull off if you don’t want me coming down your throat, sweetheart,” he warned with a pinched expression.

  Kas shook her head. She wanted to at least try. Her tongue worked the underside of his cock, determined to make h
im come. She wanted to at least try, and the best place to try was inside of the shower in case she needed to spit, right?

  James pressed his finger into her anus deeper, his fingers pumping in and out of her pussy as he nibbled on her shoulder. Above her, Victor’s face twisted and he threw his head back to let out a bellow. His cock twitched in her mouth before his semen splashed against the back of her throat and tongue.

  She drank him back. The taste of him was addictive. She swallowed the salty and slightly sweet taste of him eagerly and gulped for more. She licked him like she would a lollipop, her tongue moving over the head of his cock. When she pulled back, she gasped and began pushing back against James, then letting out a cry of need. “Please, let me come,” she begged both men.

  Sliding down the wall, Victor ended up crouched before her, his breath coming out in harsh pants. “Come,” he said while staring into her eyes. He took her hands in his and held them while she fractured.

  Kasper came apart in their arms. She screamed, her whole body shook, and her head fell back onto James’s shoulder. She smiled. Eyes closed and floating happily, she felt her orgasm flow over and through her body.

  James pressed a kiss to her cheek as he pulled his fingers from her body. “Let’s finish cleaning you up and then we can go get a little more comfortable. Plus, there will be less likelihood of us drowning if we’re on your bed.”

  “I don’t think I will be able to do anything. I’m sorry, but I’m completely boneless here,” Kas said with a happy smile on her face. “In such a good way. I’ve never felt anything that incredible.”

  Chuckling, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her as he straightened. “Not to worry, we’ll get you squared away.”

  “The truly amusing part of this is she thinks that’s as good as it gets,” Victor said. His voice still sounded a little rough around the edges. “She is in for one hell of a surprise.”

  “How so?” She snuggled against James. Her eyes were closed, and she trusted him to keep her safe. The oddest thing kept popping up in the back of her mind: She trusted these men, implicitly, to keep her safe. Mind, body, and soul. She had never felt so secure or wanted in all her life.

  “No way in hell am I ruining the surprise,” Victor said. “Turn her around, and I’ll use the hand wand to wash out the conditioner. It won’t be a problem that it was in longer, will it, Kasper?”

  “I doubt it, dude. It’s conditioner, not like that hair color stuff they tend to use.”

  “How am I supposed to know? I’ve never had enough hair to worry,” Victor muttered.

  “No, if anything it will only make my hair softer,” she assured Victor, petting his chest as she did so. “I like that you worry about me. I’ve never really had anyone aside from my parents worry about me. I like it. A lot. Is that odd of me?”

  “Not odd in the least,” Victor said. James turned her boneless body around. She felt Victor step in close to move her arms up around James’s neck. “Hang onto him, sweetheart. After I rinse your hair, I’ll wash your back, and then you two can get out while I clean up quickly.”

  “Sounds good to me, although I would really like you guys to hurry, because if this is only the start of things to come, I can’t wait for more. Once I’m clean and the conditioner is rinsed from my hair, I have heated towels and we can turn on the sun lamp as well.” The sun lamp in the room made it warmer and so toasty, especially when getting out of a hot shower.

  “Tip your head back,” he said softly. Tugging lightly on her hair, she felt water spraying over her lower back for a moment before it moved to her hair. Victor quickly and thoroughly rinsed her hair out. Pushing it over her shoulder a couple minutes later, he started to rinse the rest of her while James pulled her in to lean against him, his hands moving up and out of the way of Victor’s path with the loofah.

  “You two are seriously spoiling me. Keep it up and I won’t be able to have a shower alone ever again.” She let James pull her out of the shower and stood her on shaky legs once they were all dried off.

  “Not at all,” James said with a laugh. “In fact, we want you spoiled and needy.”

  Chapter Six

  Waking up was so hard when she was so warm and comfortable. Kasper’s entire body felt loose with relaxation. When something brushed her shoulder, she tensed right up until a low, rough chuckle sounded and everything came crashing back.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” Victor said softly. She felt him brush his lips to her cheek and the warmth of his breath on her skin. “Did you sleep well?”

  “I slept very well.” She heard the sleepy tone in her voice. “I could become very accustomed to you both sleeping with me. Having one of you on each side of me. When you leave me, I’m going to miss you both so very much.”

  He stayed silent for a time before inching closer. “Remember what I said about living in the now? That means no worrying about tomorrow before it comes, sweetheart. We’re going to take each day as it comes and figure the problems out as they come. We don’t know what might happen down the road, so it’s best to work with what we have in our arsenal. We’re here now, let’s only worry about that, okay?”

  “I like the right here and right now,” Kas confessed, shifting so she was as close to Victor as she could get. “Last night, you two didn’t make love to me. Why?” She touched her fingers to Victor’s chest and stroked him. “I would have thought that the three of us would have come together. I would have liked that, you know.”

  “We’re easing you into everything slowly,” he said softly. Wrapping his arms around her, he rubbed a hand over her back. “We did get into a few other things last night that you enjoyed, right? And today we’ll be well rested, ready to focus all our energy on you, and not worry about potentially falling asleep at a key moment. That kind of thing is rather embarrassing.”

  “I look forward to it.” Kasper was silent for a time until finally she looked up at Victor. “Do you think I’m strange because I’m so willing to give you both my body after knowing you for only hours?” These two men were it for her, and a great deal more than she had ever expected.

  “Not in the least. I knew the moment I saw you that I wanted you. I was hopeful we’d be able to eventually convince you to give us a shot. The fact that you feel the same about us makes this so much easier and more enjoyable. We can spend time together how we want, doing as we want, when we want, and not have to worry about dancing around one another. You’re a woman who knows her own mind, and she went for what she wanted. That’s a good thing, in my humble opinion,” Victor said.

  “I wanted you both,” she told him. “The two of you are the embodiment of everything I’ve always wanted. You’re what I’ve needed, always. I just never knew that I needed you both.”

  “Well you have us both now to do with as you want.” Behind her, she heard a rustling of the bedding before James pressed in closer to her and brushed a kiss to her shoulder. “And we’re both awake. Though one of us still looks a little on the groggy side.”

  “We’re all awake, aren’t we?” Kas looked from James to Victor and back again. “So what do you think about us maybe doing something that’ll have us very late to breakfast? Something that will have my big brother frowning and angry?” It sounded strange to refer to the man in that way, but she kind of liked it. She didn’t know if she would be able to refer to Mik that way in front of him, but in her bedroom, she could.

  “I’m all about tweaking your brother’s nose,” Victor said with a grin. “By the gods, that’s weird to say. This is going to take some getting used to. As to being late for breakfast, I think we can manage to come up with a few things that might have us leaning toward making brunch.” Slipping his hand over her hip, Victor eased it down to cup her mound and lightly teased her folds.

  “Oh, that feels so good.” She moaned and bit her lower lip. “I like that. Can you do that again?” She spread her legs slightly for Victor to touch her and looked over at James. “I would like to know what it feel
s like to make love with you both, at the same time.”

  Victor nuzzled her cheek, his hand slipping between her ass cheeks to rub at the tight bud of her anus. “You’re not ready to take me here yet, little one. We have to make sure you are before even thinking to attempt it; otherwise serious damage could be done. But there are other ways to have us both.”

  “I look forward to having you both, but I guess that’s later. For now, this feels perfect. So good.” She writhed against him. “I want to know what it feels like with both of you loving me.” She wanted to know how all of it felt.

  “You will, in time. Until then, we’ll just get a little creative and switch places from time to time. We’ll mix things up, keep it interesting, and get your tight little ass ready for one of our cocks. You’ll appreciate the buildup of waiting, especially since we won’t leave you wanting in other areas.”

  “I trust you both.”

  “She’s thinking again,” James said. When she focused on him, he clicked his tongue. “You really shouldn’t worry about things so much, Kasper. Especially while naked in bed with us.”

  “He’s right about that,” Victor told her. He rubbed his finger over her clit as he leaned in to kiss her neck. “No worrying, thinking, or looking for trouble while naked in bed with us.”

  “Okay.” She whimpered and closed her eyes. She chose in that moment to simply feel.

  “Better,” Victor told her. She felt him smiling against her cheek before he placed a kiss to the corner of her lips. “I much prefer the happy, glazed, and mildly dazed look you have going right now. Means we’re doing our job to keep you happy.”

  “You are.” She shuddered under James’s ministrations. “I don’t understand how I can feel so much so fast, but I do. I like it, so much. I need more. I don’t think I’ll get enough of the two of you.”

  Victor’s thumb rubbed her clit as he pushed two fingers into her pussy and then drew them out slowly. At her back James was shifting around a bit. Then she felt something wet on his finger that he rubbed to her anus. “It’s lube,” he told her when she jolted. “I’m going to start to stretch you a little now, and we’ll keep working on it until we can get you taking a cock.”


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