Fatal Truths (Heroes of Olympus Book 2)

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Fatal Truths (Heroes of Olympus Book 2) Page 8

by April Zyon

  She whimpered as he did just that. Biting her lower lip, she shivered. “Oh God,” she cried. “That is an amazing feeling.” The feeling of both men working her body the way that they were, the way that they both touched her with such need.

  Victor flicked his tongue over a nipple. When she arched up, pushing her breast closer to him, he took the aching tip into his mouth to suckle. Using his teeth, he lightly tugged on her nipple and flicked his tongue over it repeatedly.

  “Oh, I like that. Please, do it again,” she begged. “The roughness of your teeth on my breasts. God, that feels good.” Her fingers tightened on his arms, tugging him closer as she did so.

  She could feel the curve of his lips against her sensitive flesh when he smiled. His shoulders shook when he chuckled. But he gave her what she wanted. Scraping his teeth a little more roughly to her flesh, he caught the tight bud again to tug on it.

  “Please tell me what I can do to make you enjoy this as much as I am.”

  “For now, nothing,” James told her. He pressed his finger deeper into her ass. She knew he was working more lube into her tight hole because every now and again she felt a new coolness on her back end. “Lay there and accept what we’re giving you. Later you can play—right now this is all about you.”

  “It feels so good to let you both work my body.” She felt him adding more lube shuddered. “There.” His finger deep in her anus, and Victor’s fingers were both working her pussy furiously. “Please.” She felt her toes curling in need.

  James put his lips near her ear, so close she could feel the moist heat of each of his breaths. Then he whispered one word, the only word she needed to hear: “Come.” His finger curled in her ass while Victor flicked her clit hard and pinched her nipple between his teeth.

  Kasper did just that. She let go and cried out loudly as she came. Her moisture covered Victor’s fingers, and her anus clenched on James’s finger. “That is so good.” She bit her lower lip as she spoke.

  Chuckling softly, James pressed a kiss to her jaw while Victor nuzzled the valley between her breasts. “Now I think it’s time for something a little more, don’t you? A sound seeing to, as the Brits are wont to say. Who would you like to have fucking that sweet pussy of yours first, Kasper? But know that the other will also be having a turn before we let you out of this room.”

  “I want you.” She didn’t care which; she just wanted one of them. It didn’t matter which one. She would have both making love to her before it was over. “Make love with me.”

  “I think we fried her brain,” Victor commented. She heard something tearing before she was being rolled to her back with firm but gentle hands.

  “Let’s see if we can make her completely incoherent then,” James said. He hovered over her, his legs rubbing on hers before he pushed her thighs open. His condom-covered cock rubbed against her pussy as he settled some of his weight over her body. “Stay with us here, Kasper. You’re going to want to remember all of this later, I’m sure.”

  “I’m right here with you.” Kas touched his cheek. Lightly, her fingers stroked his skin, and she shivered as she felt the condom-covered cock against her weeping pussy. “James.” She whispered his name in complete awe and bit her lower lip. “I’m ready for you, please.” She wrapped her leg around his hips.

  “Easy, sweetheart. We’re going to go nice and slow this first time.” Shifting his weight to the arm he had braced on the bed by her shoulder, he cupped her ass in his free hand to lift her hips more. He rubbed his cock up and down her pussy before pressing it to her opening and began to fill her.

  “Oh yes, slow. I like that.” She shuddered. “Anything that has to do with you being inside of me is good, though.”

  “I’m about to be balls deep inside of your sweet, hot, and too-sexy-for-words body, Kasper,” he said with a definite edge to his words.

  “I’m here. I’m now. I want you,” she said with a growl of pure need. “You said balls deep. I need you there now. Please.” Kas tightened her legs and arms around him. “Take me.”

  As he’d promised, his balls bumped against her ass. Squeezing her bottom, he drew his cock out almost all the way, before thrusting back in. No hesitancy that time around; he thrust in hard enough to jostle her on the bed.

  She experienced only the smallest moment of pain, but it was gone before she even realized it. “James.” His name came out in a desperate gasp. “Harder.” She found she liked the small bites of pain. Liked how tightly he grabbed her ass and held her against him. She loved the feelings of the piercings in his cock as well. “You’re right, those feel so freaking good.” She moaned.

  “That’s the idea,” he told her. He thrust again, and again, each a little harder and faster than the last. Lowering his head, he kissed her hard, biting her lip before lifting his head to push up on his arms. Victor stroked a finger down her cheek.

  Having both men touching her like this was amazing. It felt so good, so right. She whimpered and tightened her hands on James again. Her nails bit into his shoulders, and she held him tightly while he pumped in and out of her body.

  He let her ass go to press his other hand to the bedding. He gave her exactly what she wanted, moving so hard she jolted on the bed violently. Victor took hold of her jostling breasts to squeeze, massage, and tweak her nipples in time to each hard push of James’s cock into her pussy.

  “Victor, yes.” Kas sobbed. “I love it when you do that.” Like when he bit her nipples. She found that she loved that sensation. “Please.” She felt safe under James. Victor ensured that her head didn’t hit the headboard while giving her pleasure at the same time.

  “We’ll get you some nipple clamps for when we play,” he told her. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he nuzzled at her skin. He tugged harder on her tight buds before massaging her breasts.

  The sensations were everything she could have wanted, everything she needed. The way the men were playing her body was perfection. “Nipple clamps.” She didn’t know what to say about those other than she wanted it. “James, please.” She dug her heels into the man’s ass as he pumped in and out of her body.

  “Touch your clit,” he ordered her. “Play with it until you’re right on the edge of coming and then stop. Do not go over until I say.” He talked through his teeth, his face tight with concentration as he stared at her.

  She loved the look on his face as he moved in and out of her body. Reaching between them with a shaky hand, Kas touched her fingers to her clit. She shuddered. “It’s never felt this good before. I’ve touched myself before, but it never felt this good.” She gave another sob of need. “I’m close. So close.” She felt her pussy tighten around James’s cock.

  “You can hold on a little longer. I’m close, and then we’re going to fly together over the edge,” he told her roughly. “Gods, you’re so fucking tight around my cock. I can feel every little ripple of your pussy as it sucks on my dick.”

  “You feel so damn good.” She shivered as she admitted it. She felt the ripples at the base of her spine and centering on her clit. Kas could feel the coming orgasm from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

  He rammed his cock into her harder, a growl pulling his lips up off his teeth. Victor flicked her nipples with his nails before tugging and pinching on them hard. James thrust into her at a furious pace as sweat dripped off his chin to land between her breasts and slide down off her belly. Finally, he gave her what she was desperately waiting for. “Come for me now!”

  Kasper felt her toes curl and her legs grip him. She cried out loudly, not a scream so much as a choked sound in the back of her throat, as she came hard on his cock, her pussy clenching him and soaking his condom-covered dick as she did so.

  Another hard thrust into her body, and she felt his shudder. James threw his head back to yell out her name as he came, his cock twitching inside of her pussy before he collapsed onto his arms, his forehead landing on her shoulder.

  Kasper felt Victor’s hand holding hers and smiled. God
, that was perfect. The feeling of one of them inside of her, and the other holding onto her. Something she had never known she needed. “That felt so good.” She turned and looked at Victor, a silly smile on her face. “I need you now, too.”

  He tapped the end of her nose. “You’ll have me as soon as we can pry James off you. Give him a couple minutes to regain his senses, little one. I think you very well may have blown his mind.”

  That had her grinning. Kas loosened her legs from around James’s hips and nodded. “Me too.” Her words came out shaky and breathy from the earth-shattering orgasm she had just experienced. Kasper closed her eyes and soaked up the feelings that these men instilled in her. Feelings that were so new and unusual.

  “No sleeping, though,” Victor said quietly. “Later, we might let you rest, but for the moment you need to stay awake.”

  She felt James pulling from her pussy even as her body attempted to keep him inside. The bed shifted, and popping an eye open, she saw James climb off to stumble his way to the bathroom.

  Victor chuckled softly. “I think you both might feel that one for a while. Do you need a bit of time to recover? I don’t want you to be too sore, little one.”

  “I think that I need you now.” Already, she could feel her body humming in need for the large man. She felt her pussy clenching with just the idea that he would soon be inside of her body. “Love me, Victor.” She placed her fingers on his lips, the fingers she had been touching her clit with.

  Opening his mouth, he flicked his tongue over her fingers. With a moan, he dipped his head to suck her digits in deep, his tongue sliding over them slowly, and his eyes closed with a look of longing on his face. Drawing back, he let out a shaky breath. “Roll over and get on your hands and knees,” he ordered her softly.

  She heard the rip of foil as she turned over and smiled. Her ass tilted up high in the air, her shoulders and cheek to the bed in a submissive pose, she hoped she had it right. She looked back at Victor and nibbled her lower lip. “Please, love me?” Not fuck her—this was beyond that, and they all three knew it.

  Moving behind her, he ran a hand down her spine. “Already halfway there,” he said. Bending, he pressed a kiss to her ass and then sank his teeth in enough she knew she’d have a mark there. As he straightened up, she looked over her shoulder and saw the self-satisfied grin on his face. He gave her other ass cheek a hard slap when he saw her looking at him. His cock bumped against her clit before she saw him take it in hand to press to her pussy. “Widen your knees a little more, sweetheart.”

  Kas widened her stance a bit, wiggling her ass. She couldn’t seem to help herself. “I liked that bite.” She continued to watch him over her shoulder, she needed to see everything and was desperate to watch the look on his face when he took her.

  He chuckled but gave her a nod. “Do you want a matching one on the other side?” he asked with a curious tilt to his head. Victor traced a lazy pattern on her other cheek. “Maybe right about here?”

  “Yes, please,” she requested, opening her thighs just a bit more for him. “I would really like that. I think that I deserve matching marks, don’t you?” she asked with a grin.

  “Remember you said that when you go to sit down,” he warned. Leaning over, she felt his breath on her ass before he sank his teeth hard into her flesh. Victor held on for a moment before letting go and sliding his tongue over the second mark.

  Kas whimpered. She couldn’t help it. There had to be something wrong with her that she wanted this bite of pain—that she needed and craved it. “It’ll just make me think of you. That’s not all bad, right?”

  “Not in the least,” he assured her. As he smoothed his hands over the two marks, his cock slid through the moisture her pussy was expelling. “That made you so wet. You really do like a little bite of pain, don’t you?”

  “I do. From you. I like it. A lot. When you bit my nipples.” She felt the outside of her pussy clench around his dick. “God, that feels so good.” She moaned again and shifted back.

  Kas got a smack on each of her buttocks for trying to get closer to him. “Behave yourself,” he said in a soft tone. Victor took each ass cheek in hand and squeezed, before pressing his hips in toward her. Slowly, so very slowly it had to constitute torture, he pushed his cock into her sheath.

  “I can’t help it,” she said with another a bite to her lower lip. She found herself doing that a lot, doing it to ensure she could take all they gave. “It feels so good. God, I love the way that you feel inside of me.”

  He drew out slowly before thrusting in hard. His balls slapped against her sensitive clit with the move. “You like a little bit of pain, and you definitely love a bit of roughness. What else are we going to discover about you, sexy little Kasper?”

  “I don’t know, but I look forward to learning everything with you both.” She moaned. “I can’t wait to see what the two of you have to teach me. You have a great repertoire, I’m sure.”

  “One or two tricks, maybe,” he said. He was being modest, she knew, or maybe a little shy. Then he rolled his hips and her mind scattered; she could only feel. He used his grip on her hips to push and pull her as he rocked.

  Kas placed her hands on the mattress and clenched them into fists. She didn’t rise; she instead forced herself not to push back so he would do that again. When he did, she let out a slow moan. “Victor.” His name came out in a breathy gasp of pure need.

  The bed dipped near her head suddenly, and she saw James leaning back on the mattress. He shot her a grin and tipped his head to watch her as she took Victor’s cock.

  Kas reached out and placed her hand on James’s thigh. She looked at his cock and grinned. “Will you let me taste you while he takes me?” She didn’t know where this new bold her came from, but she liked her. She liked being able to be so free with these two men.

  He gave a nod. “Push up onto your hands so I can slide in between you and the headboard. Then you can have your fun while Victor has his. Only thing to remember is to pull off when you’re close. You won’t be able to control your every instinct once the brain starts to get overloaded with pleasure. I really don’t want you biting me.”

  “Okay.” She shifted so James was under her. When Victor slammed hard into her again, that telltale moan came from her and her hands tightened on James’s thighs. “That feels so good.” She dipped her head and licked James’s dick from balls to tip in one long stroke.

  Sliding his hand into her hair, James gathered it all up at the back of her head and held it in a tight grip. “Take it slow,” he warned. “You haven’t tried this yet with someone fucking you at the same time.”

  “I haven’t tried anything before the two of you,” she reminded him with another shudder that ran the length of her body. “That’s why I need you both to guide me. Show me.” She once again licked the head of James’ cock, using her teeth ever so lightly against the head of it and then moving down the shaft.

  His hand clenched in her hair, and his thigh muscles twitched under her hands. “Fucking hell, you are good at this.”

  Victor let out a dark chuckle. “I wasn’t lying about that. She’s got pure magic with that mouth of hers. Go with your instincts, Kasper. They haven’t led you astray yet.”

  Kas nodded, giving James another look. She started to again take him deep into her mouth, into the back of her throat. She gagged a couple of times, letting James pull her up and off his dick, but she started again without pause. Once again, she started to take him deeper into her throat, needing more from both men.

  Victor slapped her ass a few times. sending electrified shocks through her system. He moved the smacks to different parts of her ass, never hitting the same place twice and at varying degrees of intensity. He seemed to know when she had James at the back of her throat so he didn’t hit as hard as when she pulled off to tease the domed head of his cock with the tip of her tongue.

  She pushed back and forth between the men. Her pussy clenched Victor’s cock tightly, and she
shivered. Pulling away from James, she gasped for air. “I need to come. Please, can I come?” Kas begged the men, both of them, to let her orgasm.

  Victor gave another hard slap to her ass as he rolled his hips. “You may come only when you get James to come down your throat. Until then, you will take whatever I give to you and hold out. Do you understand?”

  The command in his voice turned her on like crazy. She whimpered but said, “Yes, sir.” She didn’t know where the sir came from, but she loved the way that it tasted in her mouth. She looked to James and smiled. “I like it a lot when you tug my hair and push me down on your cock. Please do that again?” He had done it once and then suddenly stopped as if he were afraid he would hurt her.

  “Then suck me off, baby,” he ordered. James pushed her head back down so his cock bumped her chin. Once she took him in, again he began to direct her movements.

  She felt her pussy tighten around Victor and then relax when she began to work on James. She was determined; she wanted to taste James as she had Victor, and she wanted to come again. Making James come would accomplish those two things. She began to moan—every slap of Victor’s balls to her clit had her moaning louder and sending vibrations along James’s cock.

  “Oh gods, that’s good, sweetheart. Just like that,” James said with a low moan. He pushed his cock deeper into her mouth as his hand clenched and released in her hair.

  With his words, she realized that he liked the moaning, so she began to hum. Kas moved her mouth faster and faster up and down James’s cock. She rumbled and moaned, her hands holding his thighs while Victor fucked her harder and harder.

  “Holy shit,” James hissed. “Coming,” he groaned. With a jerk, his hips lifted, his cock bumping into the back of her throat, and she felt him spill. He let out a long moan as his body shook under her hands before he collapsed back onto the bed.


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