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Fatal Truths (Heroes of Olympus Book 2)

Page 12

by April Zyon

  “My neighbors have known I have live-in security for a number of years, since before Mom and Dad died. With Dad’s line of work and the money that they had, it was a necessity, However, I do like that I have you guys working.”

  “Right, the fact you get to ogle us while we’re shirtless. I do remember that part of the conversation, and the drop of drool you had at the corner of your mouth. Quite all right, really, since I feel much the same whenever you start to strip down for us.”

  “Me, too,” Victor said, waving his hand slightly.

  “You had better believe that I ogle you while you’re shirtless.” She smiled at him and nodded. “You both know how much you love me ogling you. Besides, it’s only been a couple of times and you know it.”

  “Yes, but there will be more times in the future,” James pointed out. “For instance, you did mention having us sitting out here without our shirts on for no other reason than to eye us up. Then there will be tomorrow when we start down the east side of the house, and the days that follow as we continue around the property line to clear out everything. On top of that will be the days we’ll be working on the house itself to also account for.”

  “I could come up with any number of things that we could do, but I think instead of doing those things we should get naked. What do you boys think? Naked—would that be good with you?” Kas asked with a small bit of a smirk.

  “We’re never opposed to getting naked with you, sweetheart. But I’m beginning to sense a theme here,” James commented. “Not a bad theme by any means, but a prevalent one. If we’re getting naked, we should head inside so we don’t put on a display in your yard.”

  “Yes, that would be bad. Let’s head in. I think our bedroom would be good. That way they aren’t getting a show and we all get something that we want out of the deal.”

  James and Victor both set their drinks down, each took one hand of hers, and then popped up out of their chairs. Snagging her arms, they tugged her up, and James tossed her over his shoulder.

  Kasper laughed as she smacked James’s ass while he carted her away. She was snickering and pushed up so that she could look at Victor, who was following them closely. “So tell me, are you boys planning on ensuring I’m not able to walk later?”

  “I’m sure we can manage something,” Victor said. “Not that you’re usually able to walk after we’re done with you anyway. We’ll see what we can manage for today, though. Who knows, maybe we’ll need to carry you down for dinner and tie you to your chair.”

  “Oh, I can so see you explaining that one to Mikhail.” She snorted. “Then again, maybe we will need to take our dinner in our room. We’ll be far too worn out to do anything more than that.”

  “That is a distinct possibility,” he said. Grinning, he ruffled her hair as they entered the house. “Though you will get to explain to your sibling why we’re unable to attend dinner. Except in the unlikely event he decides they aren’t moving either, and then we won’t have to worry about it, will we?”

  “Oh, come on. Do you really think that he and Gareth will make it out of their rooms any time tonight? From what Ares said, this was the first time they had been apart from Camilla for days since they got together. I seriously doubt they’ll come out today, and maybe not even tomorrow. I think they’ll forage for food, but that’s about it.”

  “She has a point,” James said as he strode into the house. Victor paused to shut the door before jogging to catch up with them again. “They’ll pop down for water, some snacks, and then lock themselves back into whichever room they’ve taken.” Reaching the stairs, he started up them quickly, his hand landing on her ass to give it a squeeze.

  “See, I’m smart like that.” She winked at Victor and smacked James’s ass again. “You know, we could one up them. Victor, you could go down and get us snacks and water so that we don’t have to pop out of the room until later tonight.”

  “We have snacks in the bedroom, so don’t worry that gorgeous head of yours. Right now, I’d worry more about what we have planned for you.” Victor gave her a wink a moment before James turned to head down the hall and landed a sharp slap to her ass.

  “Oh?” She shivered. “Does this mean that tonight you are both going to be inside of me at once? Please?” They had been preparing her, and she was ready. So damn ready.

  “We’ll see. For now, no more speaking unless asked a question. As soon as James sets you down, strip and go climb into the middle of the bed. Settle in on your knees, legs spread, in a comfortable position and do not move. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” she said.

  Chapter Eleven

  Once Kasper gave her answer to Victor, James bent to let her down from his shoulder. Stepping back, he moved to stand beside his friend as they watched her begin to strip down. By the gods, he loved the way she moved. Even when her nerves were kicking up a little, Kasper had a sensuality to her that was naturally ingrained.

  Only when she headed for the bed did he pull his attention away to sit down and work on his boots. He continued to shoot her looks while she got herself settled on the bed, her ass on her heels and her pussy on display. Even from where he sat, he could see the moisture coating her folds. Between that, and the erratic lift and fall of her chest, he knew she was highly aroused.

  After stripping down, he moved to the end of the bed to stare at her. He could look at her for hours. “What’s the plan?” he asked Victor.

  Shrugging, the other man grinned. “I’m thinking she might like a spanking. Then maybe we play with her a little and give her one of the little vibrators up her ass while we take turns fucking her sweet little pussy. Would you like that, Kasper?”

  “I would like anything that you give to me, sirs,” Kasper responded, her head still bowed. “If you chose to spank me, I would accept the pleasure that would come with that. I will always do as you both see fit.”

  “See, told you she’d like the idea. On your feet, sweetheart. Come around to the end of the bed so that James can paddle your sweet ass. I’m going to go find the right vibrator for that tight ass of yours. I’m pretty sure we have just the right one, too.”

  Sitting on the end of the bed, James waited for Kasper to come around to him, smiling at the flush that covered her body.

  Kasper turned her back to James, allowing him full view of her. Her feet were braced apart and head still bowed. She would allow them to do anything to her, he realized as she stood there before him.

  He ran a hand slowly down her spine. An idea flitted through his head. Grinning, he put his hands on her hips and drew her back toward him. “Brace your hands on the floor. I’m going to lift your legs up to either side of me so your hips are against my thighs. But you need to keep yourself up. Think you can manage that?”

  “Yes, sir. If I am allowed to brace myself on my forearms instead of my hands alone?” He could see the way that her body was reacting to the suggestion. He watched as she turned and braced her hands on the floor and then her forearms.

  “I’m more than fine with the small deviation.” Leaning forward, he lifted her legs up and then gripped her hips. “Walk yourself back toward me. That’s right, a little more.” He stopped her when her hips were on his thighs, just above his knees. It gave him the perfect view of her pussy since her legs were spread open. “Settle in right there and get comfortable.”

  “I have the vibrator,” Victor said. “Hot damn, James. You get an A for creativity. I think we might need the nipple clamps as well for this. Kasper, you up for the nipple clamps, sweetheart?”

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered. “Your desire is my pleasure,” she said with her eyes lowered, her gaze submissive.

  “I will pad them because you can’t handle the full pain from the clamps. I’d never put them on you full bore. I’ll use the adjustable ones so that you get a little of the effect without all the pain. Back in a couple.”

  Chuckling, James shook his head. “I swear he’s got the attention of a squirrel some days.” Slowly,
he smoothed his hand over her ass. Then he landed a slap to one rounded globe. As his hand print began to show, he slapped her other cheek. He could see her pussy clenching in need each time he slapped her. The scent of her arousal was heavy in the air. After landing two more hard slaps, he rubbed her buttocks lightly.

  Victor came back into the room. “All right, Kasper, here we go. Push up on one arm so I can get at your perky little nipples.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Kasper pushed up onto her arms which added pressure to where she was braced on James’s thighs.

  Crouching next to her, Victor reached under her to put the clamps in place. “How do those feel? Tight but not pinching, hopefully,” he said as he leaned back to look.

  “They feel very good, sir. Not too tight, but they’re enough that I feel the pain and pleasure from them.” Kasper’s words were a small sound, her gasp louder. “Thank you, sir, for taking such good care of me.”

  “Get back into position so James can finish giving you your spanking. Then we’ll let him work in the vibrator.” Victor moved to a chair and sat to watch.

  When Kasper was back in position, James began to spank her again. He varied where he hit her bottom, as well as how hard. Some were light slaps, and others had her clenching her thighs against his sides. She was dripping wet, moisture starting to make a small wet spot on the bedding between his thighs. He kept up the slaps until her entire body was shaking before he stopped. Rubbing her ass with his hands, he looked to Victor and gave a nod. “She’s ready for the vibrator.”

  Victor tossed him the lube and the vibrator. James uncapped the lube, spread Kasper’s reddened buttocks, and drizzled some on her tight hole. Rubbing it over the bud, he slowly worked his finger into her ravenous little anus, working the lube in heavily so that she would be well coated. “I’m going to insert the vibrator, are you ready?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m ready.” She was once more braced on her forearms and waiting for the next phase in their playing. He watched as she greedily took his finger into her tight anus and heard her moaning as she took all he gave her.

  Pulling his finger out, he grinned at her disappointed groan. James lubed up the vibrator, poured more lube on her anus, and then pressed the vibrator to the tight bud. “Relax and focus on your breathing. That’s a good girl, it’s sliding in nice and easy now.” More lube, and he slipped it into place. “How does that feel?” He shot a grin at Victor. Kasper was squirming on his lap, but he knew it would only get better. The other man still held the remote for the vibrator and could turn it on at any time, to any setting.

  “That feels very good, sir. I think I’m going to enjoy having you both inside of me if this is any indication.” He could see her pussy clenching, saw how wet she was, and nodded to Victor.

  The vibrator started with a soft buzz. Her back arched, and she rocked her hips. “I think you can take it up another level. Toss me a condom, too, while you’re at it. I liked where your thoughts went, and I think she’s ready for the added sensation.” James caught the condom and rolled it onto his cock and then drew Kasper further up his thighs until he could slide into her slick, hot pussy. “Fucking hell, she’s so tight. Don’t you dare come until I tell you that you can, clear?”

  “Yes, sir.” He could hear the waver in her voice, and her determination. “I won’t come until you tell me I can. I promise.” She shifted slightly on her forearms to be able to balance better, he assumed. Her pussy tightened around his cock when he pushed into her body.

  Holding her hips up slightly, James thrust using the minor bounce of the bed to his advantage. He watched her pussy take his cock with each thrust. Sliding out, he could see her juices wetting the condom. Another idea hit him then and he stopped. “Bend your knees so your lower legs are braced to the bed. I’m going to wrap my arms around you and pull you up so you’re riding my cock. You’re going to put a show on for Victor.”

  “Yes, sir. I look forward to it,” Kasper told them. She did as she had been instructed, putting her knees on the bed and waiting for whatever show he wanted to put on for them. “I’m yours.”

  Sliding his arms around her torso, James pulled her up to sit in his lap. He could feel the vibrator against his pelvic bone with her in that position. Keeping his hold on her, he shifted back on the bed more. “Start to move, Kasper. Touch your clit as well, but nothing else.” He slid his hands down to her hips to help her balance and to move on his cock.

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered, and did as instructed. She pushed her hand down her body so that she could begin to rub at her clit; he felt her fingers lightly brushing over his condom covered-cock as she began to rub the tight bundle of nerves greedily.

  “That’s it,” he encouraged her. Thrusting in deeper, he squeezed her hips each time she clenched around his cock. James knew she was close to the edge. Her every breath caught on the inhale, and she was shaking from the strain of holding back. When he was right at the edge, too, he pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “Come for us, baby. Soak my cock with everything you have.”

  Kasper’s head was still bowed, her fingers rubbing over her clit when suddenly she clenched on his dick. She soaked his cock with her juices, her pussy gushing against his cock. He heard her crying out his name, knew she was coming for him, and loved it.

  Hugging her close, James nuzzled at her throat. The vibrator was still going in her ass, but Victor had turned it down. “I have you, sweetheart,” he said softly. Rocking her gently, James stroked his hand up and down her belly. Slowly, he drew her off his cock and laid her down on the bed. “Catch your breath for round two,” he warned her before hopping off the bed to go dispose of the condom.


  Kas nodded and gasped for air. Goodness, she loved the way this felt. The orgasm she’d had was impossibly perfect. “That felt amazing. I can’t believe just how perfect that felt, to be honest. The vibrator in my ass feels so good.”

  “She’s talking, so obviously she needs more sex,” James called from the bathroom.

  Chuckling, Victor got up from the chair he’d sat in to watch her take James and walked toward her. “I think you’re right.” He collected a condom and rolled it on his cock. When James emerged from the bathroom, Victor tossed him something. “It’s on its lowest setting right now. It works like that other one we were messing with.”

  “Right.” James nodded as he studied the device in his hand. “It’s got even more settings than the other, freaking awesome.”

  Grabbing her behind the knees, Victor tugged her so her bottom was at the edge of the bed. Then he spread her wide so the cooler air of the bedroom hit her wet pussy. “Ready for another round?” he asked, staring down at her.

  “Yes, sir,” she told Victor. “What do you need from me?” She wanted to touch the nipple clamps, wanted him to tug on them while he was fucking her. “Will you please give me everything?”

  “I never hold back, sweetheart. You should know that by now.” He lifted her ankles and placed them at his shoulders as he bent over her. One hand went to the bed by her shoulders, and the other was petting her pussy. Taking hold of his cock, he thrust into her smoothly—at which point James cranked the vibrator in her ass up a few notches, well past where Victor had had it originally. Above her, Victor’s eyes drifted shut for a moment before he pinned her with a look and began to thrust into her hard. Each push of his cock pressed her down into the bed as he fucked her.

  Kasper began to cry out. She felt every single vein of his cock as he plowed into her body. “Thank you, sir.” She clenched her pussy around his dick, unable to help the automatic reaction of her body to his taking of her.

  Victor gently tugged on one of the nipple clamps. It was at complete odds to what he was doing lower, and yet each tug sent a shot of sensation through her body.

  She nearly screamed in pleasure but caught it before it was vocalized. She gasped instead. “Thank you, sir. Please do that again?” Yes, Kas was begging for it. How could she not? It felt too good to not ask for it.r />
  Victor cocked a brow at her but did as she asked. He gave another tug to the clamp, then moved to the other one. “You like that, don’t you? The little bit of pain that gives you a jolt of pleasure as well.” He rolled his hips on his next thrust and tugged the clamp. “I’m going to pop them off, and when I do, I want you to come hard. Scream the fucking roof down, got it?”

  “Yes, sir.” She was close as it was. “I do like it, sir. The bite of pain.” She moaned. “Thank you.” She loved the way Victor rolled his hips as he pushed into her. She shuddered. “Please, sir. More,” Kas begged.

  Victor flicked one of the clamps with his finger as he gave her another rolling hip thrust. Then he released the clamp to toss it aside. He moved to the second one to give it a flick but didn’t immediately pull it off. He slammed his cock into her pussy twice more before releasing the clamp, effectively giving her permission to come.

  Kasper screamed and came hard against Victor’s cock. She tensed against the bed and arched her back. Another orgasm came on the riding edge of the first one. Her pussy clenched Victor’s cock and the vibrator inside of her ass. She went limp under him, a smile on her face. “God, so good,” she whispered.

  The vibrator was turned off as Victor collapsed over her with a groan. “Holy fuck,” he muttered, panting hard. It took him a while, but finally with a groan he pulled free to stumble to the bathroom. The flush of the toilet and running water came moments before he walked to her with a cloth in hand. “Can you find the energy to flip over so I can pull the vibrator out?”

  Kasper just smiled and nodded. “Yes, sir.” Oh, she was ready for more. Well, she would be soon. She turned over and felt James climb onto the bed with her. “Are you going to hold me while Victor catches his breath?”


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