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The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land

Page 84

by Thomas Asbridge

  see also Ayn Jalut, Battle of

  Mont Gisard, Battle of, 307–8

  Montfort, 544, 568, 643

  Montjoie, 583, 586

  Montreal, 159, 281, 282, 304, 344, 396, 557

  Moors, 20, 26, 27, 43, 374, 532

  Morlaàs, St Foi in, 12

  Morphia (wife of Baldwin II), 173

  Moses, 18, 250

  Mosul, 72, 138, 146, 150, 191, 236, 238, 244–5, 258, 288, 289, 293, 319–20, 332

  Saif al-Din seizes, 229

  Saladin’s campaign against, 320–3

  Saladin’s compromise with, 334

  second siege against, 333

  Mount Cadmus, 220

  Mount Carmel, 187, 401

  Mount Gilboa, 619

  Mount Pilgrim, 147, 148, 150

  Mount Silpius, 64, 67, 73, 75, 76, 636

  Mount Staurin, 64, 67

  Mount Tabor, 155

  Mount Toron, 401, 402, 404, 405, 407

  Mount Zion, 92, 97, 98, 100

  al-Mu‘azzam, 540, 554, 556, 561, 566

  death of, 567

  al-Mu‘azzam Turanshah, 594, 601, 602, 605–6, 612

  al-Mughith, 625

  Muhammad, 91, 250, 325

  conversion campaign of, 18

  ‘Night Journey’ of, 19, 361–2

  questions concern legitimacy of successors of, 19

  ‘revelations’ experienced by, 17–18

  warfare embraced by, 24

  Muhammad, sultan of Baghdad, 150

  Munqidh clan, 152–3

  Murtzurphlus (Alexius V), emperor of Byzantium, 530

  al-Mustansir, Caliph, 623

  Mutamin, 276–7

  Myriokephalon, Battle of, 305

  Nablus, 172, 178, 246, 329

  al-Nasir, Abbasid caliph, 317, 320, 321, 393

  Nasir al-Din ibn Shirkuh, 334

  al-Nasir Yusuf, 613, 616, 618, 620

  Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 678

  Navarre, 389

  Nazareth, 326, 344, 569, 631, 644

  Near East:

  arteries of commerce linking West with, 182

  Baybars’ reshaping of, 622

  Baybars seeks to make fortress state of, 621

  Byzantium re-emerges as force in, 254

  Cairo becomes capital of, 624

  capture of True Cross hits Christian morale in, 352

  change in shape and balance of power in, 153

  commercial interdependence developed in, 456

  convulsive changes in balance of power in, 535

  crusader strongholds in, 544

  cycle of religious violence perpetuated in, 4

  disunited Islam remains in, 167

  Fatimids conquer large swathes of, 21

  in late 11th century, 22–3

  Islam secures lasting possession of, 3

  Latin settlement gives rise to remarkable society in, 189

  Mamluk dynasty seizes power in, 612

  Maudud’s adventure into, 154

  Mongols bring panic to, 616

  Muhammad of Baghdad reacts to Frankish subjugation of, 150

  new outpost of Western European world born in, 115

  Nur al-Din’s death leaves power vacuum in, 288

  trading pacts and alliances develop in, 162

  Nestorians, 104

  New York and Washington, attacks on, 668, 679

  Nicaea, 57, 66, 219, 220, 531

  Siege of, 52–6

  Nicholas IV, Pope, 651

  Nicholas of Cologne, 533


  Amalric seeks to conquer, 271

  Delta, 265, 266, 267, 278, 457, 552, 553, 560, 590, 592

  region, 265–8 passim, 272, 282, 298, 305, 318, 338, 552, 566, 641

  river 160, 277, 552–4, 592–3

  flooding of, 265, 266, 557, 560, 592, 601

  supply chain along, 601

  Nilometer, 266

  ‘Nine Worthies’, 670

  Normandy, 369, 372, 384

  offensive against, 383

  Normans, 7–8

  Italian, 45, 57, 70, 215–16

  Sicilian kingdom of, 198

  North Africa, 8

  al-Afdal’s (vizier’s) army taken from, 104

  Islam reaches, 19

  proxy battleground, 270

  Shi‘ite faction seizes control of, 21

  Nur al-Din Mahmud, 229–33, passim, 235, 236–49, 251–3, 255–65 passim, 268–71, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278–9, 280, 281–6, passim, 287, 288, 297, 368, 670

  death of, 284

  Frank truce offer refused by, 258

  illnesses of, 253, 255, 283–4

  ‘Just King’ sobriquet of, 149, 262

  ornate pulpit ordered by, 262–3, 363

  see also Aleppo; Damascus

  Nusrat al-Din, 253

  Odo of Châteauroux, 577, 580, 584, 587–8, 604

  Odo of St Amand, 307, 313

  Old Man of the Mountain, see Rashid al-Din Sinan

  Oliver of Paderborn, 534, 551, 552, 554, 556, 558, 559

  Order of the Temple of Solomon, see Templars

  Oriflame, 218, 583, 588, 604

  Orontes River, 64, 66, 80, 152, 240, 260

  Otho of Grandson, 651, 653, 655

  Otranto, 566

  Ottoman Turks, 658, 670

  Outremer (Levant):

  assimilation in, 666

  backwater, 23

  Baybars seeks to eradicate Latin presence in, 630

  becomes leading centre of trade, 547

  beset by adversity, 245

  commerce and economy in, 546–9

  complexity of trade routes in, 182

  emergence of two religious orders in, 168

  end of days of, 656

  Field of Blood’s aftermath confronted by, 166

  Franks consolidate hold over, 115

  high mortality rate of, 126

  influences that created, 666

  James of Vitry’s speaking tour of, 536

  knowledge and culture in, 183–6

  La Forbie battle shatters remaining military strength of, 576

  land of faith and devotion, 186–8

  languages spoken in, 177

  life in, 176–83

  Louis IX serves as overlord of, 607

  medical knowledge in, 184–5

  name of, explained, 115

  pilgrims to, 186–7

  Qalawun turns attention towards, 648

  Richard I credited with saving, 516

  Second Crusade set to revitalise, 218

  ‘severe and terrible judgement’ suffered by, 370

  in 13th century, 535–49

  vulnerability of, 664

  see also Jerusalem; Palestine


  absorbed into Arab-Islamic state, 19

  Ascalon a stepping stone between Egypt and, 128

  Baldwin I consolidates hold over, 122, 128

  Baybars’ exploratory raids into, 631

  British mandated to administer, 673

  coup avoided in, 167

  crown rights bring threat of civil war to, 173

  deepening crisis among Latins in, 342

  earthquakes in, 281

  eastern Christian repression in, 28

  Fifth Crusaders begin to arrive in, 551

  Frederick II asserts rights to direct rule over, 565

  Frederick II’s weakened authority in, 568

  Godfrey’s authority in, open to challenge, 116

  Godfrey’s depleted army for defence of, 106

  Haute Cour becomes important forum for legal, political and military decision making in, 174

  imperial rights asserted over, 572

  Latin armies united in, 496

  Latin Christendom’s foothold in, 513

  Louis VII marches to, 233

  Maudud invades, 154

  Mongols arrive in, 616

  Muslims hold all of, 656

  rejuvenated fortunes of, 574

  Saladin’s first invasio
n of, 278–9

  Saladin’s 1183

  offensive against, 324–31

  Saladin’s 1187

  offensive against, 343–64

  Shawar appeals for aid from, 270

  shifting balance of power in, 323

  southern, Saladin demolishes fortresses in, 498

  tales of eastern Christian repressions in, 28

  unconquered bulk of, 121

  see also Baldwin of Boulogne (later Baldwin I); Battles of Ramla


  anti-popes and, 198

  crusading strengthens authority of, 668

  establishment of, 9

  military arm perceived needed by, 16

  role of, as Christendom’s protector, 10

  upheavals hamper crusading ability of, 198

  Paris, 198, 217, 372, 387

  Sainte-Chapelle in, 579

  Paschal II, Pope, 107, 143, 144

  Pelagius, cardinal-bishop of Albarno, 555, 556, 557–8, 559–60, 561, 562, 571, 592

  ‘People’s Crusade’, 41, 48, 52

  Persians, 21, 23, 227, 264, 288, 392

  Ilkhanate, 627, 628, 648

  Peter Desiderius, 95

  Peter the Hermit, 41, 69, 106

  Peter Tudebode, 109

  Philip II Augustus of France, 323, 367, 369, 378, 379, 380, 382–90, 446–9, 496–7, 516, 526, 578

  at Great Siege of Acre, see Acre: Great Siege of

  Guy–Conrad feud and, 436

  John of England’s alliance with, 497, 502

  journey to Holy Land by, 388–90, 429

  report of death of, 483

  Richard I and, rivalry or unity between? 434–6

  Richard I’s changed relationship with, 384

  Richard I’s disputes with, 377–8

  small war chest of, 387

  Third Crusade quit by, 449

  see also Third Crusade

  Philip of Dreux, bishop of Beauvais, 403, 495

  Philip of Flanders, Count, 305–6, 431, 447

  Philip of Nevers, 447

  Philippopolis, 219, 382

  Piacenza, 34

  pilgrimage, 13

  Pilgrims’ Castle, 545n, 638, 656

  Pisa, 7, 182, 298, 436, 541, 547, 649, 666

  naval support from, 117, 394, 401, 402

  Poitiers, 19

  Poitou, 323

  Poland, 615

  Pons, count of Tripoli, 154, 155, 157

  Portugal, 27, 212

  Prester John, 614

  Punch, 673

  al-Qaeda, 668, 677, 679

  Qalat Ja‘bar, 228

  Qalawun, 613, 621, 632, 633, 644–5, 647–8, 650–1, 652, 665

  becomes sultan, 647

  death of, 652

  Qara Arslan of Hisn Kaifa, 193–4

  Qaragush, 276, 277, 318, 338, 396, 410, 416, 418, 419, 426, 440, 441, 444

  heavy weapons of, 417

  letter smuggled by, 414

  Qaraqorum, 615

  Qutb al-Din Maudud, 245

  Qutb, Sayyid, 679

  Qutuz, 612, 616, 618, 619, 620, 622

  Ralph of Caen, 140

  Ramla, 90, 121, 307, 354, 478, 482, 487, 488, 491, 634

  Battles of, 128–34, 166

  Ranulf of Glanville, 420

  Rashid al-Din Sinan, 294–6, 495, 496

  Raymond II of Tripoli, 245

  Raymond III of Tripoli, 245, 259, 260, 302, 303–4, 304, 306, 323, 324, 328, 329, 332, 342–3, 368

  appointed regent, 331

  death of, 393, 539

  Guy reconciled with, 344

  Muslim troops welcomed into Tiberias by, 343

  release of, 302

  Saladin’s 1187 invasion of Palestine and, see Palestine: Saladin’s 1187 offensive against

  seeks protection from Saladin, 342–3

  surrender of, 259

  Raymond of Aguilers, 77, 81, 109, 111

  Raymond of Le Puy, 169

  Raymond of Poitiers (later of Antioch), 173, 194, 219, 233, 239

  death of, 242, 244, 245, 368

  Eleanor and, 233

  Inab and, 240–2

  Louis VII rejects scheme of, 233

  Raymond of Toulouse, 35, 39, 43–4, 46, 52, 57, 63, 69, 70, 73, 82–6 passim, 87–8, 96–7, 98–9, 100, 103, 104, 105, 147–8, 149, 662

  Alexius renews alliance with, 107

  groundswell of support for, 86

  humiliating retreat of, 99

  Iftikhar ad-Daulah negotiates release with, 102


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