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Enchant Me (Brie's Submission, #10)

Page 10

by Red Phoenix

  “Punished, Sir?”

  He smiled as he looked down at a pocket watch in his hand. “If you agree to these rules, you may break the seal.”

  Brie laughed nervously as she hesitantly broke the wax seal. She was far too curious to let the threat of punishment stop her from finding out what surprise awaited her at the end of the hunt. Brie unrolled the stiff paper and looked over the map Sir had drawn.

  Glancing at him in concern, she asked, “You want me to do this in the dark?”

  He looked at his watch again and winked at her. “You have ten minutes to find the first marker.”

  Brie squeaked when he produced a paddle from behind his back. She quickly studied the map again, feeling confident she needed to head down the edge of the beach. She grabbed one of the torches, grasping the handle to pull it out of the sand. Her heart was already racing.

  Failure is not an option!

  She ran down the beach. Once she reached the water, she glanced at the map again, noting something that looked like tiny lines crisscrossing each other. She had no idea what Sir meant by it, but saw something dark up ahead. As she approached the mysterious mass, she lifted her torch and realized it was simply an old fisherman’s net. She planted the torch into the sand and hoisted up the wet material. Underneath she found a gold coin shining brightly up at her. Bringing it next to the light of the torch, she saw that it had a small “p” stamped on it.

  She hurried back to Sir, formally presenting the coin to him on her knees.

  “Very good, téa, but I made the first one easy for you.”

  She stood up and smiled proudly.

  “You’d better start looking. You’ve already wasted fifteen seconds.”

  Brie frowned, realizing that she’d been foolish to stand there. She quickly retraced her steps to the first marker and checked over her map again. Ahead was an outcropping of rocks she would have to navigate with bare feet. With no time to spare, she successfully traversed them looking for what appeared to be a tide pool. Unfortunately there were several, but she knew she’d found the right one when a flash of gold glinted in the water. Brie balanced herself on the lip of the rock as she squatted to scoop it out of the water. This coin had a small “e” stamped on it. Seeing they were different made Brie wonder if it would eventually spell out a word.

  Not having time to contemplate, she started back towards Sir but began bolting when she heard him count down. “Three…two…one…”

  Out of breath, she threw the coin to him as she ran up.

  Sir let it fall to the ground at his feet, unimpressed. “You must present the coin, téa.”

  Knowing she had failed and must be punished, Brie dutifully knelt down on her knees and picked up the coin, presenting it to him with submissive grace.

  “You’re late.”

  She bowed her head. “I know, Master.”

  “Put down the torch, and lean against the tree for your punishment.”

  Brie closed her eyes as she pressed herself against the trunk of the tree.

  “Why are you being punished, téa?” he asked playfully.

  “I failed to return the marker to you in time.”

  “Exactly.” Sir stood behind her and cupped his hand on her right buttock. “For the first offense, you will receive six swats.” His hand traveled leisurely over to her left ass cheek for emphasis. “Three for each buttock.”

  The first swat shocked her with the sting of it, but the pain soon dissipated into a delicious warm feeling that spread out from the area. He smacked the other cheek with the same powerful stroke and she groaned in both pleasure and pain. By the time he was done, her butt was warm and tender from his focused attention.

  “Next time it will be ten,” he warned.

  Not needing any more incentive, she hurried back to the rocks and studied the map. It appeared there was a tiny clearing with a misshapen circle in the dark vegetation on the far side of the tide pools.

  As Brie pushed her way through the lush foliage, she was reminded of her paddling and rubbed the tender area with a smile. Playful punishment certainly was a turn-on for her.

  She had to stop several times, blocked by thick vines, but she eventually found her way to the small clearing and saw the basketball-sized rock directly in the middle that matched Sir’s drawing. She tried to lift the stone with one hand, but found it much too heavy.

  She quickly propped the torch and push the small boulder over, but was disappointed not to see a coin underneath. She looked all around the edges of the clearing, knowing time was ticking.


  Looking back at the ground, she noticed freshly disturbed sand. Realizing Sir must have buried the coin, Brie began digging furiously. With adrenaline kicking in, she clawed at the sand and was finally rewarded with another coin with a small “o” stamped on it.

  She grabbed her torch and raced back to Sir, who had already started counting down and was at ten.

  Brie dropped to her knees and held up the coin to him.

  “Well done,” he said, sounding impressed.

  Rather than wasting time basking in his praise, she stood up and gave him a quick bow before heading out. Returning to the clearing, she glanced at the map. To her delight, the next marker was somewhere at the house which was only a short walk from where she stood. She made her way through the dark foliage, following the light glowing from inside the small building.

  The question was where he had hidden it because Sir had only drawn the miniature house. It could be anywhere in or around the building.

  As soon as Brie broke through to the clearing she started searching around the outside of the little home, certain that Sir had made it a challenging find. After a thorough check, she entered the room and started digging through the cupboards. When that yielded nothing, she glanced around the room nervously. She’d already used up so much time…

  Brie heard him start the countdown at twenty. She spied the tool bag Sir had left on the counter and started throwing his instruments out haphazardly. Finally, in desperation she dumped everything out of the bag but did not find the marker. She happened to glance at the bed…and there it was. The gold coin sitting in plain sight.

  She roared in frustration and ran to pick it up. It was stamped with a small “h”. She ran for all she was worth, sliding to a kneel at his feet and holding the coin up, panting heavily.

  “…zero. That was as under the wire as you can get.”

  She nodded, still unable to speak.

  Sir took the coin from her. “The last marker,” he stated. “Do you know what they mean, téa?”

  Brie looked up at him. “May I have them, Master?”

  Sir opened his palm and she took them from him. Laying the coins on the sand, she realized there was only one word it could be. She arranged them in the correct order, spelling out the word hope. Brie smiled up at him.

  “Hope,” he confirmed. “Now you are worthy to dig for the treasure.”

  Brie looked at the map again and shook her head in confusion. There was no other secret spot on the map, just the four she had already discovered. She frowned for a moment, but then realized that Sir had drawn the two palm trees facing each other as well as the four torches.

  There had to be a reason.

  She glanced around the area, but saw nothing that drew her attention. She studied the placement of the four torches, assuming it must have some significance.

  Brie looked back at the map, her brows furrowed. There was nothing to indicate where to start digging. She stared hard at Sir trying to figure out his thought process, and that’s when she noticed he was standing in the middle of the four torches. A smile spread across her face.

  “Sir, can I ask you to move?”

  He nodded and stepped to the side. Brie laughed when she began to dig, thrilled to have succeeded in her task. Soon, however, she was sweating profusely but still hadn’t found any treasure.

  She stopped for a moment and looked at him. “Master?”

Tenacity, téa.”

  That was enough encouragement to spur her on.

  Brie went back to digging and was finally rewarded when she felt something hard. She eagerly dug around it until she could pull it out. With Sir’s help, they brought up the old chest.

  She instantly recognized it as the one they had uncovered in Italy.

  She expected to find a bottle of wine inside. When Brie undid the clasp and opened the lid of the creaky chest, however, she didn’t see anything. Leaning closer, she spied a tiny box hidden in the shadows of the chest. Picking it up, she smiled at Sir. “I almost don’t want to open it, because then my treasure hunt will be over.”

  “Open it, Brie,” he insisted.

  The use of her given name let her know this was more than a game between Master and sub; this was a personal gift. She unlatched the miniature lock on the box and opened it. Inside was a tiny baby carriage made of silver. The wheels on it actually spun when she touched them. She looked up at Sir with tears in her eyes, unable to speak.

  “You and our future child are my hope.”

  The tears began to flow down Brie’s cheeks unchecked. He knelt beside her and held her in his strong embrace.

  “What made you think to do this?” she asked, wiping at her tears.

  Sir smiled warmly. “It was always my father’s tradition to have a treasure hunt when we visited his island, and I wanted to continue that tradition with you—and our child.”

  Brie caressed his jaw, rough with stubble. “Thank you, Sir.” She held up the tiny baby carriage in the firelight and smiled, no words necessary.

  Sir kissed the top of her head. “Tonight we’re simply Thane and Brie. A husband and wife enjoying the last day of their honeymoon together.”

  She lifted her chin to kiss him. “I love you, Thane Davis.”

  Saying his name still had the power to create butterflies in her stomach.


  Brie set down her bags with a contented sigh. It felt so good to be back home!

  Even though the honeymoon had been a whirlwind of romance and sexiness, there was something comforting about returning home. The feeling of belonging to a place had a powerful effect on her. It didn’t hurt that it also smelled of the man she loved.

  “Would you like me to unpack our things, Sir?”

  He laughed. “No, I want you to undress and join me at the couch.”

  There were few things as wonderful and relaxing as kneeling at Sir’s feet while he stroked her hair. She hurried off to the bedroom to relieve herself of her clothes.

  She heard Sir make his way to the kitchen and soon the shaker sounded as he made them martinis. She made a quick stop in the bathroom to freshen up before returning to the living room.

  Sir had undone his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his toned chest. “Kneel beside me and let me pet you, wife.” It was the first time he’d called her that in the apartment and it made her all tingly inside.

  On the surface, their lives had changed significantly since being away. Sir had been forced to let his mother die, and they had exchanged their wedding vows. Everything and nothing had changed—it was a paradox.

  Brie rested her head on his thigh and purred in pleasure when he began running his fingers through her hair. “I love being home again.”

  “Travel has its thrills,” he replied, “but home brings peace to the soul.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, Sir.”

  He picked up his martini and took a long sip, sighing in satisfaction. Brie looked at the table and noticed he hadn’t made one for her.

  “Sir?” she asked, staring pointedly at his drink.

  He reached over and took a small tumbler glass from the end table, handing it to her. Brie gratefully took a drink and then sputtered. “What the heck is this?”

  “It’s coconut water, my dear.”

  “Why?” she complained, setting it back on the table.

  “Brie, you will be pregnant soon—if you aren’t already.”

  She blushed at his assertion that she might already be pregnant, but she was not happy about the coconut water. “Why are you having me drink this poor substitute of a martini, Sir?”

  “It’s supposed to aid with your health and that of the baby’s. Besides, we don’t want the growth of our child to be influenced by alcohol at any stage of its development, especially early on.”

  She was touched that he cared, but thought it was silly for him to worry about it so soon. She asked him respectfully, “Don’t you think you’re being a little overprotective?”

  He lifted her chin and looked directly into Brie’s eyes to stress his point. “I want our child to be everything he or she is meant to be. Would you risk harming the baby while still in the womb?”

  “Of course not…” she answered, looking down at the floor, suddenly feeling guilty and incredibly selfish.

  Sir paused for a moment, then gently moved her before standing up. He collected both glasses and went back to the kitchen. She heard him using the shaker again, returning with two full martinis. He handed her the drink with a slight smirk.

  Brie looked at him questioningly, surprised Sir had changed his mind after what he’d just shared. She stared at the glass warily, unsure if she should consume the alcohol knowing how concerned he was about it.

  Was it a test?

  “Drink,” Sir commanded.

  She took a small sip from the glass and broke out into a smile. “It’s coconut water.”

  “As is mine. I will not ask you to do what I am unwilling to do myself.”

  Tears pricked her eyes. “You would do that for me?”

  He held up his martini glass and answered, “For our child, Brie.”

  Brie clinked glasses with him. She gladly swallowed the lightly sweet water that hinted of the tropics. Knowing that they were in this together made all the difference to her.

  She looked up at him shyly and asked in a bare whisper, “Do you really think I might be pregnant so soon?”

  He smirked. “Wouldn’t you say we’ve given it our best effort?”

  She clinked his glass again. “We certainly have, Sir.”

  “I’ve held a suspicion that instant chemistry is actually an instinctual response—a subtle ‘nudging’ by Mother Nature that causes us to desire one person over another. I believe that most humans are attracted to those who are most likely to produce viable children based on compatible genetics. In fact, I’m convinced that’s the reason your scent is so alluring to me and I feel the need to fuck you often.”

  “Genetics is not very romantic, Sir,” Brie complained lightly.

  “Romantic or not, wouldn’t you agree it makes sense? If we use prehistoric man as an example, they copulated with those they were drawn to and continued the evolution of the human race by those couplings. It didn’t matter whether their partner was their best friend or not.”

  “But that’s not how it’s done now,” she answered defensively.

  “No, we’ve decided to remain with one partner for life—not something that comes naturally for the human race.”

  She eyed him suspiciously. “Is that why you chose me, because you thought I was genetically compatible?”

  Sir laughed. “No, Brie. If you recall, I never wanted to have children. It has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with wanting to fuck you every day.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at his answer.

  He took a sip of his mock martini, winking at her. “I do believe you are already with child.”

  “Based solely on that argument?”

  “No, I’ve noticed your temperature has changed.”

  She frowned, shaking her head. “Respectfully, Sir, how could you know my temperature has changed? Unless you’ve been secretly taking it at night when I’m asleep.”

  “Actually, babygirl, the last couple of days when we’ve been intimate, I’ve noticed a slight rise in your inner core temperature, and your nipples have become unusually sensitive.
Both indicators of pregnancy.”

  She burned with a deeper blush, wondering if it were true.

  “I didn’t want to say anything in case I was wrong, but it has remained consistent enough to mention it now.”

  Brie put her hand to her lips, smiling to herself as her heart pounded at the thought. “Do you really think it’s possible?”

  “I do.”

  “But it’s only been a few weeks…” she muttered.

  “Of intense fucking.”

  She looked up at him and grinned.

  “Why don’t you drink the rest of the coconut water and take a pregnancy test? I stocked our bathroom with them in anticipation of this day.”

  Brie looked down at her lap, both excited and terrified at the prospect.

  Oh wow…okay.

  She downed the coconut water, still in shock at the idea of becoming a parent so quickly.

  Brie left Sir to discover her fate. With shaking hands, she read the instructions before opening the box and unwrapping the testing stick. Taking a deep breath, she sat on the toilet and put it between her legs. She had used a plethora of BDSM tools in her young life, but this had to be the scariest instrument of all—it could prove potentially life-changing.

  Naturally, the stress of the moment prevented her from being able to pee. After several minutes, Sir appeared at the door and asked with amusement, “Having problems?”

  She looked up at him sheepishly. “I’m too nervous.”

  Sir turned on the sink faucet and smiled down at her. The sound of the running water had the desired effect, and she soon had the tester soaked. She laid the stick on the counter while she cleaned herself up. Sir stood behind her as they watched the blue line appear as it slowly traveled up the stick, indicating that the test was working.

  Agonizing seconds ticked by as Brie watched the steady progress of the liquid while it continued to make its way up. Her heart almost stopped when the faint color of blue began to appear as a second line.


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