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Fastball (Stadium Series Book 3)

Page 2

by S A Clayton

  “Beat the shit out of him,” she murmurs, the words barely audible as her head hits the wall behind her.

  I begin to crack under her touch as my shirt is lifted and her fingers trace along every dip of my abs, stopping right at the waistband of my shorts.

  “Well…” I start, my lips leaving her skin as I bring my eyes level with hers. My fingers find the edge of her leggings and as her breath hitches when my fingers delve beneath them and feel her wet and wanting, I say, “Because all I could think about was how hot you sounded giving him shit, how angry I was when he insinuated that you sleep with me because of a contract…”

  “Josh…” she moans as my fingers move into her heat, feeling her legs begin to give out the deeper I sink my fingers. The second my thumb traces lightly over her clit, she clings to me like a lifeline.

  “Oh, Sunshine, I know it’s not true. He’s just being an ass, but hearing those words leave his fucking mouth made me want to prove just how good you have it…”

  Harper’s eyes open the second those words leave my mouth and her hands cradle the sides of my face, her eyes serious.

  “Baby, you don’t need to prove a thing. I know how good I have it. I love you so much it scares me sometimes and nothing that jackass says will change that, okay?”

  I stop all my ministrations as I search her eyes and see the love staring back at me and I can’t handle not kissing her, so I seal my mouth to hers and my fingers go back to creating a torturous rhythm inside her body.

  “Fuck…” she groans, her mouth leaving mine as her head tilts back as I bring her to the edge right before stopping, chuckling at the frustrated noises leaving her beautiful lips.

  “I love you too,” I whisper against the shell of her ear right before I plunge my fingers into her one last time and fuck her until her body starts to shake and I know she’s right about to go over the edge. “Because you know what? Being without you is not possible. You’ve seeped into my skin, into my world and I can’t seem to stop thinking about you. So come for me, gorgeous, so we can finish the day and I can bring you back to my place and fuck you like you deserve to be fucked. Come for me, baby…”

  That does it, she detonates under my touch and before she can open her mouth to scream, I plunge my lips to hers and swallow every sound she makes.

  “Jesus,” I mutter, pulling my fingers out and sucking them clean. “I can’t wait until you get home, because that was not enough. I need you to come at least three more times today and at least one of those times needs to be around my cock.”

  Harper chuckles as her fingers play with the loose strands of my hair that have fallen from the tie that’s holding them away from my face.

  “I love you, you know,” the words are whispered as I lean my head against hers.

  “I love you too,” she whispers as her lips lightly touch mine before she reluctantly pulls away. “I do need to do some work before I can come over tonight, and I think you have a workout to get back to?”

  I look at the clock and see I only have a few hours before I need to go to the field for practice.

  “Shit. Yeah, I should get back out there. See you later?” I ask, loving the blush that still creeps up her cheeks, even after all this time.

  When she nods, I kiss her one last time before opening her door and heading back out into the gym.



  “I want to go to one of your games.” The words spill out as we eat breakfast in Josh’s kitchen. I’m sitting at his island, wearing one of his old T-shirts because he all but ripped every last shred of my clothes when we got home last night. When he told me earlier that he wanted to take me home and fuck me like I deserved, he wasn’t kidding. I’ve been squirming on this seat for the past fifteen minutes trying to get comfortable because he absolutely destroyed me.

  Every time I adjust myself, Josh smirks knowing exactly what he did to me while I aimlessly stare at the bag sitting by the front door, taunting me, reminding me that he’s going away on another road trip and the prospect of being away from him again is getting to me.

  “Really? You’re sure you want to do this? I don’t want you to think you have to do this because of me.”

  I sip the last of my coffee and get off my stool and set the empty mug in the sink.

  “I know. I think it’s time I get over this hurdle, and I know you aren’t making me do this for you, but I want to do this. For you and for me.” Just the thought of going into that stadium is making me break out in a cold sweat but I try my best to hide it.

  I need to do this.

  I have to do this.

  “We have a home stand coming up in a few weeks, you want me to get you a ticket?”

  My lungs fill with air as I nod, my fingers absently playing with the edges of his shirt that hangs loosely over my thighs. Josh stops eating and makes his way to where I'm standing against the sink.

  Placing his hands over mine, he says, “You’re absolutely sure? Because from that panicked look on your face, you don’t seem sure.”

  I want to scream that of course I'm not sure. I'm freaking the fuck out at just the thought of doing this, but for some reason, my pride takes over as I try and school my features.

  “I’m sure,” I lie. “It might take me a few hours to get in the door though…” I hope to God he doesn’t think I'm joking because that’s a real possibility.

  “Well, I can have someone at the equipment entrance around the back a few hours before the doors open. That way you can get in before everyone else.”

  I melt a little at the thought.

  “You’ll get to watch batting practice and I might be able to get you onto the field for a bit before the game.” He looks so fucking happy right now, and even though the panicked feeling is rising in my chest with just the prospect of being on that field.

  In that moment I know I’ll do everything in my power to make this happen, if only to see that look on his face again. Even if I have to medicate myself, Josh will see me on that field, he will see me in those stands cheering him on. He deserves that.

  “What about bringing Mel with you?” he asks and a whoosh of air leaves my lungs, relief cascading over my entire body.

  I nod enthusiastically.

  “I thought that would ease your mind.” He winks, watching me and before I have a chance to say anything in return, he’s kissing down my neck causing my brain to short-circuit as I begin to think of everything he can do to my body and nothing to do with baseball. “Plus,” he states in between kisses before he leans back and his thumbs rub absently over my cheek. “I want someone there in case you have a panic attack or something. I don’t want you to be alone.”

  I lean into his touch and thank whoever sent this man into my life, because I will do anything to keep him.

  “I love you,” I whisper.

  He tightens his arms around me as he tells me he loves me before taking my lips in a punishing kiss that sets my nerves on edge and causes my hands to wander. Before the kiss gets too hot and heavy, I pull away and look at the clock.

  “How long until you have to leave?” I ask, hoping it’s not soon, but when he glances at the time and curses, my heart sinks.

  “I’ll be back before you know it, Sunshine. I’ll call you every night, maybe even twice if you’re lucky.” He winks and I lean forward, my forehead against his chest. His fingers trace patterns on my back causing goose bumps to break out across my entire body.

  I know he has to leave. I know this and yet my hands wander, starting from his sides, down past his ass until my fingers trace lightly toward the front of his jeans which are starting to tent.

  “It looks like you don’t want to leave…” I whisper against the shell of his ear, loving the way the heat pools at my core at the prospect of what I want to do to him right now.

  “Fuck… Sunshine I have to leave in like… ten minutes.”

  I lean back as our eyes meet and I wink and fall to my knees.

  “What I have in m
ind will only take nine... maybe five if I do it right.”

  His eyes close and he curses as his head dips forward while my fingers deftly undo his jeans, sucking in a breath when his cock comes into view. I glance up, whimpering at the lustful look that crosses Josh’s face before I take his cock in my hand and stroke it softly, knowing it will drive him crazy.

  “Jesus,” he groans, his fingers tangling in my hair as he pulls me closer, wanting my mouth on him. So instead of teasing further, I open my mouth and take every inch of his cock into my hot and wet mouth, loving the way his knees buckle when he hits the back of my throat.

  I spend the next three minutes sucking, licking, and using every trick I know to get this man to go over the edge, but it’s not until I snake my hand down underneath his shirt, feeling my wet pussy and moaning at the feel of my fingers hitting my clit that everything goes into hyperdrive.

  “Fuck… are you touching that pussy, Sunshine?”

  My eyes flick up to his as I wink, loving the look of utter passion he exudes.

  “Jesus, you are, aren’t you?”

  I nod, never stopping my punishing rhythm as my cheeks hollow and I suck him even harder, the faster my fingers rub my clit. I feel his fingers tighten in my hair, it’s not long before I see that glassy look on his face but it’s not until I hear that guttural moan that his cock pulses in my mouth. The second his cum hits the back of my throat I come on a scream, my sounds muffled by the fact that my mouth is still wrapped tightly around Josh’s cock.

  I’m shaking as Josh lifts me off the floor, placing me on the counter behind me and before I can say a word, he’s kneeling before me, and his tongue delves into my very wet and very sensitive pussy.

  “Josh!” I scream, my fingers gripping the back of his head, pulling him that much closer as he growls into me.

  “Your orgasms are mine, Sunshine. As much as I love seeing you fall apart with my cock in your mouth, I would much rather taste you as you scream my name.”

  And he does just that. It takes less than a minute before he has me squirming beneath his touch and thirty seconds after that he has me screaming his name as I come over and over until my entire body slumps backward.

  “You look extremely proud of yourself…” I tease as he smiles, his fingers trace lightly over my sensitive clit and I jump.

  “You were saying?” he jokes as a laugh bubbles out of my chest.

  Both of us look at the clock and when I see he needs to leave, all happiness I just felt seconds ago leaves my body and I resign myself to the fact that I won’t see him for a week. Josh’s eyes come back to mine and when he sees the sadness, he pulls me into his chest and I take a deep breath, imprinting his smell into my brain as he kisses the top of my head.

  “I’ll miss you, you know.” I smirk, loving how easy this has become in the last few days. And as I lean back and catch his eyes, I give him a full smile.

  “I would hope so.”

  We both laugh as he gives me one last lingering kiss before he leaves and I’m left alone once again.



  Remembering the feeling I experienced the second Harper told me she wanted to go to the stadium to watch me play causes my brain to short-circuit on the way to work and I miss my exit on the highway. So when my phone rings and Coach’s name pops up on my screen, I pick it up.

  “Are you on your way, Anderson? The meeting starts in fifteen minutes.”

  I check my GPS and see that I have another twenty minutes until I get there, so I deflect.

  “I’ll be there. Hey, before you hang up, I wanted to run something by you,” I ask, hoping this goes well.

  “Okay, this sounds like I should be worried… should I be worried?” His laugh filters through the phone as I make my way off the highway and make the annoying track back to where the stadium is.

  “No,” I say, hoping I’m not lying. “It has to do with Harper. I wanted to bring her to one of our home games coming up.”

  Coach says nothing for a second before clearing his throat.

  “Okay, I don’t know why you need to tell me this. Call HR and they can get you tickets.”

  I grunt in response. “That’s not what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to bring her to field level, maybe meet you and some of the guys.”

  “Anderson, I get that you like this girl and I’m happy you’re happy, but none of this matters to me right now. Right now, I need you to get to the stadium so we can get this fucking meeting over with so we can practice and try and win some games… which is something we haven’t been able to do lately if you haven’t noticed.”

  I roll my eyes as I slowly make my way toward the stadium.

  “Of course I’ve noticed. You’re not the only one that cares if we win or lose, Coach.”

  A chuckle comes through the speaker in my car, and I take a deep breath and count to ten so I don’t say something I’ll regret.

  “I’m glad you care about your teammates because right now all you seem to care about is whether or not I care if your fucking chick can be on field level before a game. Anderson, I need your head focused on what’s important… winning games, not impressing your girl with all the bells and whistles of your life.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I question, already having a feeling where this is going.

  “It means that ever since you met this girl, your stats have been dismal, your defense has been questionable, and honestly, if you’re not careful, I’ll be forced to bench you and I know how much you hated being DH, so imagine being in that dugout and unable to play?”

  “That sounds like a threat, Coach…”

  “Good, because I meant it as one. Anderson, you’re a good player and I’m glad you’ve found someone that makes you happy. But don’t get mad at me when the distraction you willingly bring into your life causes other aspects of your life to suffer. That’s on you. Not me.”

  I know he has a point, but hearing the truth stated so plainly as if it doesn’t feel like a knife slicing through my body is jarring.

  “I hear you,” I mutter before Coach tells me to get my ass there ASAP and hangs up, leaving me alone and wondering if my relationship with Harper will ever be without interference.

  After the meeting, Coach gives me eyes and I know that he wants me to follow him into his office. When I do, he gestures for me to shut the door.

  “I’m sorry.”

  I stand still, shocked because that was not what I expected to come out of his mouth.

  “Sorry for what?” I ask, not really knowing what he did wrong.

  “I had no right to talk about your relationship like that. I was a young player once and I fell in love with Wendy about the same age you’re falling for your girl. I’m just worried you’ll end up sacrificing more than you’re prepared to down the road.”

  I shake my head because he clearly doesn’t know me very well.

  “Coach, with all due respect, I’m not like all those other players, I have never been one to sleep around and flaunt it like King does, or even Lopez on a bender. I love Harper, I can see myself being with her for the long haul, so no matter what threats you lob at me and my game, that will never change.”

  “And I respect that, more than you know. So, tell me why you want her at field level. I never pegged you for someone that needed to impress a lady like that.”

  I can’t help the smirk that comes and when my eyes meet Coach’s I know he can see the humor in my eyes.

  I spend the next few minutes explaining the situation enough that he understands. I don’t go into personal details, but I do want to prepare him in case something happens while she’s on the field.

  “Well, for one thing, I give that girl credit for wanting to come here, but are you sure she’s ready?”

  I shrug my shoulders because for the past week I’ve been thinking the same thing. I haven’t told Harper this but I’m wondering if she’s only doing this because she thinks it’s something that I need to feel validated,
which is so far outside the realm of reality.

  “That’s really not for me to say, is it?”

  “Touché. Well for all it’s worth, I’ll be here if you need me. But from what you told me, I think you have everything covered. Nice touch having her bring a friend, it alleviates the pressure off of you.”

  I shake my head. “I didn’t do that because I wanted someone else to take care of her. I wanted her friend there because she has experience in dealing with her panic attacks and even though I’ve read up on how to help, I’ve only witnessed one, and honestly I don’t think I can handle seeing her like that again.”

  Coach dips his head, and a knowing look crosses his face. “You love her, don’t you?”

  It’s not meant as a question, but I nod my head anyway.

  “Then love her, but for our sake keep your head in the game.”

  A laugh bubbles out of me before he gestures for me to leave, and I subtly shake my head.

  “That’s it? That’s all you wanted to talk about?”

  “I could talk about your game if you want…”

  I hold up my hands as I back up toward the door.

  “I thought so. See you on the field, Anderson.”

  I nod, opening the door and head out into the locker room.

  Will nods his head as I change into my uniform and before we head onto the field, the door opens and when I see TJ walking in, heading straight for Coach’s office with that self-satisfied smirk on his face, I curse.

  As the door shuts, Will comes over and leans against the wood paneling beside me. “What the fuck is he doing here?” he mutters as I shrug my shoulders.

  “I have no fucking clue, but right now I just want to practice, get better so we can win some games and I’ll think about that jackass later.”

  Will pats me on the shoulder as we head out into the hallway and before the door shuts, I see TJ shaking Coach’s hand.

  I put it all out of my mind and try and focus, because there are way bigger things to worry about than TJ coming back.


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