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Fastball (Stadium Series Book 3)

Page 4

by S A Clayton

  “I’m just getting to know this heavenly creature right here,” King says, keeping his arm tightly wrapped around Mel’s shoulders.

  She leans into him and the flare in Will’s eyes make me chuckle.

  “King, she isn’t some chick you can use and abuse, okay?” Will snarls and King just laughs.

  “What? Is she taken?” he asks, looking down at Mel, who is trying with all her might not to smile. “You taken, beautiful?”

  She peers over at Will and the second she looks back at King, I know the war has begun.

  “Nope. Not attached to anyone,” she teases, her full flirty personality coming forth. “You have something to offer?” she asks, wrapping her arm around his waist.

  “I might,” he says, leaning down, getting closer and closer to her mouth. “Care to join me while I stretch?”

  Mel shrugs and walks away with his arm still around her shoulders. I roll my eyes because I know this can’t lead to anything good for either of them.

  “Harper, what the fuck was that?” Will accuses, pointing at the two of them walking away and down the field.

  “Seriously, dude?” Josh interrupts. “Do not talk to my girl like that.” Putting his arm around my waist, he kisses my hair.

  God, I love it when he calls me his girl.

  “Calm down, caveman,” I say, turning to Josh, kissing his neck softly. “And you” —I point at Will— “there is nothing wrong with what she did.”

  Mel sits on the grass as King gets down and starts to stretch out his legs. She giggles at something he says, and Will starts to spiral into a pit of jealousy.

  “What do you mean there’s nothing wrong! She just walked away… with King!” he yells, getting angrier the longer he watches them.

  Just what Mel wanted. I have got to give her props because her plan is fucking working like a charm.

  “Yes, I know. I saw what happened.” I turn to Will and divert his focus away from Mel and King. “But there is nothing wrong with them hanging out.”

  “Well, I think there is…” he admits, crossing his arms as if he just lost his favorite toy.

  “And why is that?” I ask, knowing the answer, but wanting him to say it. “She’s not seeing anyone right now, am I right?”

  “No,” he grumbles. “But I still don’t like it.”

  Now we’re getting somewhere. I pat Will on the arm because he has so much work ahead of him. Poor guy.

  “You might want to think about why it bothers you so much and I suggest you do it quickly before she really moves on and you’re too late.” I take Josh’s hand in mine and walk away, hoping the man takes the hint.

  “What was that about?” Josh asks as we make our way over to the batting cage.

  “Nothing, just trying to get those two over their respective hurdles so they’ll realize they’re perfect for each other.” I love the idea of the two of them together.

  “Will and Mel?”

  I nod.

  “I thought since nothing happened after they spent most of the studio reno together that there wasn’t anything there…” he admits and I’m honestly surprised that he noticed at all.

  “I know there’s something there. They both just refuse to admit it.”

  Josh peers down at me as if I have two heads.

  “That’s why I just gave him a little nudge. I will admit that he has his work cut out for him. Mel looks pissed at him so that in and of itself won’t make his climb easier.” I can’t help but feel a thrill at watching what Mel will put Will through.

  “Pour guy,” he mutters as we both watch Will seethe as King helps Mel up from the ground and hugs her close.

  “Josh! You’re up,” the hitting coach yells from the other side of the plate. Josh’s eyes meet mine while taking my face in his hands.

  “I’ll be right back.” He kisses me lightly, something I wasn’t expecting, and I get lightheaded for a second. I take a second to glance up and down his body as he walks away from me, and a new fantasy starts to develop in my mind. And it involves Josh in his uniform and a whole lot of alone time.



  I didn’t know how much I would love having Harper at my games until she was here, watching me play, and even better, watching me kick ass.

  “Anderson!” Lopez calls from across the locker room. “Your girl is waiting in the hallway, might want to get your ass in gear before the press finds her.” I roll my eyes, but in reality, I know he’s right. So I quickly get dressed, and just as I’m about to leave, Coach pulls me aside.

  “What’s up, Coach, I need to meet Harper.”

  He smiles knowingly as I look toward the door and I feel the anxiety rise with every passing second.

  “Yes, I can see it in your eyes how much you want to leave right now. But I want to apologize for thinking your relationship would be anything but a benefit to your game.”

  I quirk an eyebrow because this is not what I thought he was going to talk to me about.

  “I know I was harsh before, telling you that your relationship with Harper could cause problems, because honestly I’ve seen it before. Hell, I experienced it. But what I saw tonight was something I want to see more of. I want that fire in your eyes every time you set foot on that field and if that girl is the reason, then I want more of it. Got it?”

  I nod because my words seem to be lodged in the back of my throat. What the fuck do you say to that? Before I have a chance to say something stupid, he pushes me toward the door and into the hall.

  As the door shuts behind me, my eyes search for the one person I’ve been thinking about since she left my side. And when they finally land on Harper leaning against the wall, her head dipped as she checks her phone. I don’t hide the smile that grows as my legs take me closer to the woman that showed so much courage today. Watching her face her demons head-on and breaking through them all in the span of a few hours made me love her even more than I thought possible. Is she cured? Not a chance, but seeing her in that box, cheering for me when I know the memories were bombarding her, lets me know just how much this girl loves me and I refuse to take that for granted.

  “Sunshine.” The timbre of my voice lowers and when her eyes flick up to meet mine, arousal slams into me because she’s gorgeous in her jersey with my name on the back, a pre-requisite that was nonnegotiable. “You have no idea what seeing you in my jersey does for me…” I groan, wrapping my arms around her middle and pulling her as close to my chest as I can.

  “Imagine what it would look like with me just in your jersey…” she whispers into my ear, her teeth nipping at my lobe and causing blood to rush directly to my cock.

  “Fuck, sweetheart, you can’t say shit like that to me here.”

  “And if I want you to imagine me in nothing but your jersey, my legs spread and waiting for my MVP to collect his prize?”

  Fucking hell. This girl is going to kill me.

  “Goddamn, you are testing my control right now,” I mumble as my lips find that space between her shoulder and neck that causes her to be a puddle in my hands.

  We both sink back against the wall and before I think better of it, I’ve hoisted her up, her legs wrapping around my waist as my mouth attacks hers. I know I need to stop. But the feel of her against me sends all rational thought flying out the damn window.

  “Wow, and I thought I’d have to pay a porn site to see shit like that…” a voice says from behind us and when my lips softly pull away from my girl, lowering her to the ground and shielding her from the eyes that don’t have permission to see her looking that turned on.

  When my eyes break from Harpers and I turn to see TJ leaning against the far wall, looking smug as fuck, I roll my eyes.

  “What do you want, TJ?” I mutter, taking Harper’s hand and pulling her toward the exit.

  Harper’s eyes meet mine briefly and I can see the unease creeping through and at that alone, I want to turn around and punch this bastard in the face. I know he loves to get the upper hand, espe
cially since he thinks he’s tough and the management’s new favorite, but little does he know, I will protect what’s mine at all costs. No matter the consequences.

  “Can’t a guy watch a happy couple making out?”

  My girl grunts in disgust as TJ lets out a barking laugh.

  “Your girl’s got an attitude on her, Anderson. She must be a beast in the sack.”

  That causes my steps to falter. But Harper shakes her head as she leads me further down the hallway and out the back door where I can see Mel waiting at her car. She gives us both a wave and bright smile before it disintegrates when her eyes catch who is following.

  “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  Harper shrugs as I say nothing, hoping ignoring him will make him leave faster.

  “Is that any way to talk to a pro athlete?” TJ says in a tone that tells me he actually believes this shit and when my eyes drift to Mel and see the scrunched-up nose and disgusted look on her face, I know exactly what’s coming. I’ve only known this girl for a small amount of time, but from what I’ve seen, this girl takes no shit from anyone.

  “Well, the only pro I see here right now is Josh, so I don’t know what you were expecting.”

  From the shocked look on TJ’s face, I know he wasn’t expecting that.

  “What?” Mel starts when he stutters for words. “Did you expect me to fall at your feet because you play for the Hawks? Sorry, big boy, but right now all I see is an ego that is so desperate for attention that you actually think the female population owes you shit. Now step away from my fucking car, go back inside where you belong and come back to me when you’ve actually proved your worth.” With that, Mel turns her back to him and opens her car door.

  “I’ve proved myself plenty, but Anderson here already knows that, doesn’t he? I’m here because he’s losing his edge and management wants new talent to take over.”

  God, I am so sick of this guy and his demented scenario of taking over my job. Yet before I can respond, Harper puffs out her chest and steps into TJ’s space and tilts her chin up so they’re eye to eye, or as close as she can come being at least a foot shorter than him.

  “You know you spew a big game, but from what I’ve seen, you’ve played two games, struck out six out of eight times and made four errors. So I doubt my man has anything to worry about when it comes to you…”

  Fuck. I could kiss her right now, and I’m about to do just that when the fucker decides to crowd her against the car and that’s the last I can take. My fingers grip the back of his shirt and I pull him away from her and when he lunges back, I step in his path.

  “Not one step closer, asshole. I give you allowances because you’re a rookie and you’re new to this shit. But if you ever come at my girl like that again, there will be bigger problems for you than a black eye and fat lip. Now make the smart choice and walk away right now before I do something we will both regret.”

  Harper’s fingers grip the back of my shirt, pulling me closer to her front and when her lips kiss my back, I begin to deflate, knowing I would never fight in front of her. That’s not the man I want to be.

  “You think your threats scare me? Just wait until you’re sitting on that bench and I’m on that field proving just how shitty of a player you’ve become.” And with that, he leaves, storming back into the stadium and leaving us in stunned silence.

  “Well, that was eventful. Never knew a baseball game could be more entertaining than a Real Housewives episode.”

  A laugh bursts out of Harper at Mel’s statement and I join in because she’s not wrong.

  “Well lovebirds, I’m off. Make sure she gets home safe, Anderson…” She winks, knowing that Harper is not going home.

  Harper leaves my arms long enough to grab Mel and pull her into a hug. “Thank you for today…” she mutters just loud enough for me to hear and when they separate, I witness a silent conversation happen right in front of my eyes. They say nothing but after a few silent seconds, Harper leans her forehead against Mel’s and then Mel is slipping into her car and waving as she drives away.

  “Ready?” Harper asks, looking up at me as her arms encircle my waist. I smile, leaning down and kissing her temple before she closes her eyes and sighs.

  “Lead the way, Sunshine. I believe you said something about you in nothing but my jersey…”

  She winks, taking my hand and leading me toward my truck, and I forget all about TJ and his threat because right now everything is perfect.



  I walk into the gym a little after eight after my meeting downtown with Henry and our lawyer. I can hear the cracking of a bat as it hits ball after ball inside the cage and I smile, knowing Josh is here. I called him after he finished practice and he told me he wanted some cage time, so when I walk through the door I smirk, just staring at him.

  My eyes travel up his gorgeous body, loving the warm sensation that runs through me at the mere sight of him. He’s wearing baggy workout shorts that fall low on his hips, showing off the dimples on his lower back. His blue Under Armour shirt sticks to him like a second skin, showing the glory that is his chest and arms. His blond hair is tied in a knot at the top of his head and for the life of me, I can’t look away. I stare as he lifts the bat over his right shoulder, waiting for the pitching machine to toss another ball in his direction. As the ball is launched, his muscles contract as his arms swing forward, the bat connecting with a loud crack. His arms freeze as he follows through with his swing and it becomes distinctly apparent in that moment that he was always meant to do this. He was born to play baseball.

  I step farther into the room, letting the door shut with an audible click. Josh’s head turns and the moment our eyes meet his face breaks out into that smile that makes me weak in the knees.

  “Hey there, handsome,” I say, stepping closer. “Nice form.”

  His eyes track down my body, taking in the tight skirt and tight white tank top, all the way down to the high heels on my feet. My cheeks redden as I look away, thanking the stars I wore this outfit for our meeting, instead of my regular getup.

  “I was hoping you would show up,” he admits, opening up the cage and letting me pass.

  He pushes the stop button on the pitching machine as I enter, making sure we won’t get hit by a stray ball. I study the space for a minute and walk past him, picking up a bag that’s leaning against the side of the cage. It’s been a while since I’ve played, but the familiarity still lingers as I hold the bat in my hands. I peer over my shoulder, noticing the slight smirk on Josh’s face as I wink, leaning back against the cage. I slowly take off my heels, placing them one at a time onto the ground before I look back as his eyes darken with arousal.

  In my bare feet, I walk past him, trailing my fingers over his chest until I hear his soft groan. “Watch and learn…” I tease, pressing the start button and taking my stance. I hike up my skirt, spreading my legs so I can maintain my balance as I stretch my hands out in front of me. I point the bat in Josh’s direction as he watches me as if I’m his next meal.

  One pitch speeds past me, and I glance at Josh and see that confident smirk that’s now back on his lips. I roll my eyes, making him chuckle as I try my hardest to focus all of my attention ahead and not on the man that is now walking around and is blatantly staring at my ass. When the next ball barrels toward me, I time it perfectly, my arms swinging around, the bat following as I hear the contact before I feel it in the palms of my hands. I stand there, watching as the ball flies out into the open field and before I have a chance to gloat, Josh is behind me, his arms around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest. His arousal pushes against me, a moan escaping as his hands grip me tighter.

  “That has to be the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen.” His hands travel from my hips, up toward my breasts, my breath hitching as his thumbs gently caress my nipples through the thin fabric of my shirt.

  “Is this a good idea?” I question, knowing what’s been happening but al
so wanting to push it all aside because the feel of him against me is euphoric.

  “Fuck… I didn’t even think of that.” He starts to pull away, but my hands fly backward and grip onto his wrists, pulling him back to me. “Harper?” His voice is soft as I lean back, wondering if what I’m about to do is going to come back to haunt us.

  “Josh, I—” I don’t know what I was going to say, but Josh’s hands grip my waist and pull be flush against him.

  “Just nod if you want me to fuck you like you need, sweetheart.”

  And I nod, groaning at the way his fingers dig into my skin and loving the fact that I’ll probably have bruises come morning.

  “You’re every man’s wet dream, do you know that?” he states as I relish in the feel of his hands on me.

  I begin to pant as his fingers trace lightly down past the hem of my skirt and over the sensitive skin of my thighs. I shudder as his lips touch the side of my neck, sucking and licking, making me feel completely undone. This wasn’t my plan coming in here, but I love where this is going.

  I drop the bat to the ground, the thud of the wood hitting the floor echoing around us. My hands reach behind his head, loving the softness of his hair at the base of his skull. His hands continue to trail down my body, featherlight touches sending quakes through my body as his fingers find the skin directly under the hem of my skirt. Without thought, my fingers find the tie securing his hair and I pull, letting loose that blond hair I love. My breath is coming in pants, the closer his hands get to my heat, and my hips begin to rock against the growing hardness in his shorts.

  “Are you wet for me, Sunshine?” he asks and I whimper, his fingers trailing up my inner thighs and catching the edge of my panties. His calloused finger finds my clit through the thin fabric, and I start to come undone.

  “Jesus Josh… please don’t stop,” I beg as my hips circle around his fingers. I can’t get enough. My release is right on the edge, but it’s not enough. My hands grip on to his skull, pulling his hair and releasing a groan from deep within Josh’s chest.


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