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The Dark Knight [Part One]

Page 14

by L. F. Piper

  Caleb: What part of my body excites you most, Emilia?

  I don't think I can even answer that.

  Emilia: There isn't one thing, it's everything combined. But that pierced cock does crazy things to my insides...

  I wish I was lying. His dick is the most perfect, most pleasurable thing I've ever had inside my body. The fact that it’s the only dick that’s ever touched the inside of my walls is irrelevant. It disgusts me, but we all know it would still be the best.

  Caleb: What, the cock that I'm palming in my hand right now, thinking of you in your silk underwear? Touch yourself.

  Well, you sure don't need to tell me twice.

  I slide my hand into my leggings, way to kill the mood, and I rub my pointer finger against my folds. All I can see behind my closed eyes is Caleb. He's doing what he always does before he puts a condom on and owns me; he's stroking himself slowly, looking deeply into my eyes. His cock is solid and the barbell at the end keeps catching the light. His strong arms and shoulders are tense and his stomach hard and defined. My mouth begins to water, and my fingers move faster against my aching clit. I haven't touched myself for a little while because Caleb always gets me off so well. This feels strange, almost wrong. My fingers are too small, too soft and too weak compared to his.

  Emilia: I am, but it doesn't feel right.

  Two seconds later my phone rings and I answer it with a breathless hello.

  “Move your fingers slowly, Emilia. Press harder when you touch your clit and keep spreading your juices all around. How does that feel, Doll?” The sound of Caleb's rough, commanding voice is enough to make me come all on its own, but I take some deep breaths and try to make it last as long as possible.

  “Mm, Caleb. Uh, fuck. Feels so good,” I moan into the speaker.

  I'm beginning to pant as Caleb keeps talking to me. “That's it, baby. Flick it nice and hard. I can hear your breathing, you're nearly there, just a few more strokes. Can you feel how tender your clit is? Are you imagining me slamming my dick into your tight pussy right now?” That does it, I blow a fuse. I grab the pillow my head is resting on and shove it over my face, only just managing to muffle the scream that escapes my lungs. I didn't realise, but my phone ended up under the pillow too and I listen to Caleb grunting. “Fuck me. That was so fucking hot. Oh, fuck.” I pick my phone up and move the pillow that’s suffocating me.

  “Did you come with me?” He's still trying to catch his breath.

  “Yeah, I did, Doll. Get some sleep, Emilia.” He hangs up on me, but I'm still high from my orgasm, so I don't even care. I go to sleep with a smile on my face and bones like jelly.



  I know she’s into my cock as much as I’m into her pussy

  Fuck my life. She's making me feel things I don't know what to do with, how to compartmentalize. I tried to stay away from her after last weekend, but that lasted all of two fucking days. I had a constant hard-on and when I saw her wearing another scrap of denim that barely covered her ass, I couldn't help myself. My pants got tighter and tighter. I thought I'd purged everything out of my system, but then Anya walked in and I just stood there, watching Emilia stand up for herself. A girl that can throw a punch is really sexy in my mind.

  Damn, I'm hard again!

  I’ve seen Anya get into so many fights, all over me. Because she’s my girlfriend – Ha! – she goes after the girls she watches leave my apartment. She honestly must be fucking camping in the field across the street because she always knows.

  She always fucking knows.

  The last school fight I watched Anya start, but not finish, was few months ago. She saw me twirling a piece of Sophia Rose’s silky soft hair around my finger. We were leaning against the lockers outside the cafeteria when out came Little Miss He’s Mine. She tore Sophia away from me so quickly, all I ended up with were a few strands of golden blonde curls hanging from my hand. Anya told Sophia to stay the fuck away from me because, you guessed it, he’s mine. Cringe. Sophia argued that we were only talking. Yeah, talking about how much she enjoyed sucking my cock the night before and how she was free that night to do it all over again. Bitches love Knight cock.

  I started to either fuck college chicks or the whores at the titty bar after all the shit Anya kept causing at school. She tried to fight Cherry Blossom once – don’t even ask me what her real fucking name was, I was only there to get laid, not ask questions. Anya got all up in her face, which was quite comical considering Cherry was wearing her plastic stripper shoes and towered over her. That night solidified how right I had always ben when I said Anya can’t fight her way out of a paper bag. She came away from that club with a split lip and busted up eyebrow. Serves her fucking right.

  And now my dick is limp.

  Last night was hell. I wanted Emilia so bad. We had phone sex and it was almost as good as actually shoving my dick inside her. Okay, not quite, but it was seriously good. I wasn't expecting her to go through with it, but man was it awesome that she did. I've had phone sex a hundred times, but not one girl has just gone right ahead and got to it. Always with the 'I don't know, Caleb' or 'I can't, this is embarrassing'. Emilia jumped right in, touching herself where I told her to, listening to my instructions and doing exactly as I said. It was hot as fuck.

  Shit, I'm fucking solid again!

  I keep getting this tightening in my chest whenever I see or think about her and I don't know what it means. I'm tempted to go to the doctor’s office, in fear I might be having some sort of pre-warning heart attack, even at only eighteen. It's fucking distracting. Despite what some people may think, I'm not stupid. I know the concept and what people describe as love. I also know it can't be that that's making me feel all messed up. I don't know how to explain it. I like the way she looks, the way she looks at me, her touch, that mouth and the way she responds to my body. I really like how she fucks. I don't care if she likes me or not, though. That's what I keep telling myself anyway. I like to get a reaction out of her. It's like I want to keep her for myself and only use her to satisfy my urges, not giving a shit about her feelings. I need to snap out of this. Ellis would kick my ass if he knew what was going on inside my head. Shit, I'm going to kick my own ass if these thoughts don’t stop soon. I'm all over the fucking place.

  Screw this!

  I need some liquor, weed and pussy to get me through the night. Fuck if I'm calling Anya, though. I’ve had sex with her twice since taking Emilia’s virginity. What? I’m not tied down, I can fuck who I want. The first time was fucking awful, but I thought it might be because Emilia was so tight, with her still being a virgin and all that. The second time was unbearable, though. I hardly felt anything – it was like throwing a cocktail sausage down a hallway – it doesn’t even touch the sides.

  Okay, so I’m exaggerating, but only slightly. I obviously could feel her clenching around me, but it felt wrong.

  Not like with Emilia.

  Fuck! Get out of my head!

  I punch the side of my skull to try and shake my thoughts up a little. It works, for like twenty minutes. I light up a smoke and think about being between Emilia’s thighs for possibly the millionth time. I know she’s into my cock as much as I’m into her pussy. I mean, come on! Who wouldn't want a piece of all this? Fine, so I'm a jackass. Have we not already established that yet? Look, I know what I'm doing, and I look good doing it. Girls are throwing themselves at me all the time. So, what? I can't help it. Most females take one look at me and either want a piece or run the other direction. It's kinda the same with the guys. They either want to fight me or put immediate distance between us.

  “Yo, I’m gonna go see Big Bob down the hall. Come over in twenty.” I’m about to hang up on Ellis, but he stops me.

  “Give me an hour, I’m fucking Kaydee’s brains out all over my backseat.” I grunt in response, click off and drop my phone in my lap. I’m not sure what game he is playing with her, but I don’t really care.

  Big Bob lives in my b
lock, two floors up and he supplies the surrounding neighborhoods with the weed he grows in his guest bedroom. He’s also the tiniest dude I’ve ever seen, it’s ironic given his name.

  At forty-two, he’s never had a real job and dresses like a fucking bum, considering all the money he makes. His clothes look like they’ve come straight from a dumpster, his hair looks like he had a fight with a blender, all patchy and shit, and he’s always wearing the worst resting meth face I’ve ever seen and let me tell you, it’s not a pretty sight. Plus, he fucking stinks like wet dog. All the time. ‘Saving it for the grandbabies,’ he always says. And fuck me, he is going to have a boat load of them. The man has got at least one kid with just about every woman living in this block alone.

  He’s a scruffy cunt, but it’s his name that gets him all the pussy. Big Bob is small in height but hung like a fucking rhino. Apparently. I’ve never seen his junk and I don’t fucking want to.

  I put out my cigarette and make my way to the front door.



  Awh, a bitch. Just like her owner

  It's finally Sunday and finally my seventeenth birthday! I'm excited that I get to spend the whole day with my family. I just know I need to savour today because tomorrow will be about as enjoyable as taking a bullet to the head. Anya started giving me shit about Caleb on Friday and even Kaydee sided with her. It appears that I should've checked that Caleb was single before I made my move. We both know full well that he made a move on me and not the other way around. When I explained that to Kaydee, she told me that it was obvious something was going on between them from the way they were acting at Caleb's house party, that I should have forgotten everything that happened between us up to that point and made sure nothing else happened again. She also told me I should apologise to Anya. I didn't really know what to say back to that, so I didn't say anything and just left instead. I mean, even if I had said no to Caleb, like he would've listened to me. There’s some weird ass voodoo shit going on with her.

  I didn't hear from her yesterday so I’m not even sure if she went to the clinic. Something is definitely up with her, though; she's started to play nice with Christina too and that's just messed up. I don’t know if it’s a case of keeping her enemies close, but if she keeps her much closer, it’ll be the three of them in bed together.

  I stay in bed for a few more minutes, commenting on the 'Happy Birthday' posts on Facebook from friends back home. No one in this country has written anything other than 'Slut' and ‘Whore’ on my wall the past few days. I finally roll out of my comfy king and pull on a tank and some leggings. As soon as I turn to walk out of my bedroom door, I see the first one.

  Being part of the Gold family means birthdays are way over the top, along with any other celebratory occasion. My mum has had the same routine for Dylan and me for as long as I can remember. She’s put one small gift right inside my bedroom door that I open before I've even made it out of my room. The excitement causes me to tear the glittery wrapping paper away, and inside is a beautiful silver charm bracelet placed in a dark blue jewellery box. I smile when it clips neatly around my wrist and open my door. I take two steps down the hall and there is another gift wrapped in different paper in front of me. I open it and find a bright blue Calvin Klein bralette. I grin big. I can't wait to try it on.

  The gifts lead me from my bedroom door, down the stairs and into the lounge where my mum, dad and Dylan are all sitting, waiting for my entrance. There are piles of presents neatly placed around them. They all shout happy birthday to me when I make my entrance. I already counted twelve gifts on my way down here and my arms are starting to ache. “Thank you! Everything is amazing!” I smile and hug my dad, the closest person to me, after I've placed everything onto the sofa. We all sit down, me on the floor by the coffee table, and I continue to unwrap the gifts my mum keeps handing me. The sheets of tissue paper fall away revealing more clothes and underwear, six charms for my new bracelet, a ring that holds my birth stone and a silver 'Sister' necklace from my little bro. My dad thought I might need some Beats headphones for something or other. I don't exercise, but I love music, so I was really pleased with them. The fact that they were the same shade of blue as my new bralette was perfect. I love to match. My mum managed to find me a pair of black ankle boots that I had been searching for forever and a blazer that I could pair with them.

  Dylan hands me my next gift with a sad smile. It's a brown box that’s covered in stickers and has thick brown tape all over it. I automatically know this gift is from Phoebe. “I'll open this one upstairs, if that's alright?” I ask quietly, my voice shaking a little. My parents know how much I miss Phoebe and I hope they understand why I need some space when I decide to break it open. I’m going to be in full breakdown mode when I see what’s inside. They smile and nod, mum rubbing her thumb across my cheek lightly.

  The last gift is in an envelope that my dad hands over to me. I get butterflies in my tummy and my hands get clammy. I am hoping and praying on all that is holy that this is a plane ticket for Phoebe to come visit me. I open it and see it's a licence. “A driving licence? God no. I can't drive! I don't want to drive!” I start to panic because I'm shitting-myself-petrified-verging-hyperventilating-pass-out-scared. My dad took me driving once back in the UK and I drove us into a wall.

  I didn't even manage to get us off the driveway.

  The whole family stood on the side of the road, watching dad’s car being towed away by a truck. He had a courtesy car for a week while his was at the garage being repaired. Ever since then I've been adamant that I don't ever want to be behind a wheel again.

  Dad laughs at me. “It's just in case, kid. You can just use it as ID for now, if that's what you want. No harm in that.” I nod and smile, feeling my frazzled nerves start to calm.


  By twelve-thirty we’re all ready to head out. Dad said he was taking us somewhere for lunch, but he needed to stop somewhere first. I didn't care where we were going, I was just happy my dad could take some time away from work and we were all together for my birthday. Dylan and I sit in the back, playing I-Spy and mum and dad join in every so often, dad giving silly answers and making us laugh.

  When we hit a bumpy gravel dirt road, I start paying more attention to my surroundings. I have no clue where we are. Dad pulls up next to a huge white building, flanked on all sides by luscious green fields, and I can suddenly hear a lot of dogs barking. The noise is making my ears ring. “Dad? What are we doing? Where are we?” He doesn’t answer, but Dylan soon clears up all confusion.

  “We're getting you a dog, silly! This is my other present to you, Emilia.” My eyes start to get teary. My brother knows how much I love dogs and how much I really want one, but I didn’t think it would be fair to everyone else.

  “You're getting me a dog?” I ask, dumbfounded.

  “He said he wanted to get you something that you'd both like. You like to play on his PlayStation with him, but he doesn't exactly want to sit around playing with your hair and makeup. He thought a dog would be perfect,” dad explains for me.

  I look at my little brother and feel a warmth in my chest. This little guy is amazing. So thoughtful and caring. He is going to grow up into the perfect gentleman, he's halfway there already. “Thank you, buddy,” I whisper into Dylan's ear while hugging him tightly, never wanting to let him go. He starts to squirm away from me, though and I have no choice but to release the hold I have on him.

  “Let's go do this!” He shouts, jumping about in his seat. I giggle at his excitement and exit the car.

  We spend a whole hour just walking past metal cages, fawning over every puppy we see. Dylan says he wants a bulldog and he’s going to call him either Alarm or Danger, train him to be a guard dog. Dad laughs and says maybe one day, but today I’m picking which dog and what name.

  I immediately stop by a cage holding an excitable brown French Bulldog puppy. I literally fall in love the second she looks up at me. “Dad. This one.” I
point to her when dad comes to my side. He bends down to pick her tiny little body up and she starts to lick his face immediately, making everyone laugh.

  Mum and dad go off to speak to the owner while me and Dylan stay, continuing to play with the pup.

  “What will you call her?” Dylan asks.

  “Pearl. She looks like a Pearl.” She doesn't look like a Pearl at all. The only vision I have of someone called Pearl is an old lady, with tightly curled white hair and a floral skirt that looks like it’s been made using old curtains.

  Her little round eyes connect with mine as soon as I say the name, and I instantly know she loves it.


  Two hours later we’re back in the car and on our way to an Italian restaurant for lunch. Dad made the transaction for Pearl and told the owner that we would be back after lunch to collect her. Mum also put an order in for a dog tag and chip.

  Dad parks the car and we all exit, being shown to our table as soon as he utters, ‘Gold’ to the waiter. We stuff out faces, talk and laugh. When our table has been cleared of dirty plates and used cutlery, a waiter appears with a cake supporting a tonne of marzipan and candles and sparklers, with frosting decorations and I know my mum plans to embarrass me. My family begin singing to me, as loud and out of tune as they possibly can, encouraging the other diners join in.

  I might be laughing, but I want to crawl under my seat and quietly die.

  I blow out my candles, smiling at my mum taking every picture she possibly can to send to Grandma Violet and then we start eating again.

  The waiter boxes up the left over cake and we head back down the bumpy road to collect Pearl. This day has been perfect.


  Pearl sits on my lap the whole way home, snoring softly. Dad drops mum, Dylan and my new bestie at the house and we head right back out to the pet store to buy some bits. We purchase a bed, food and feeding bowls, a lead and toys plus a few extras for Pearl and then go home again.


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