Logan's Way
Page 19
A warm honeyed feeling filled her up. It had taken her a long time to adjust to this tender sensation. It had taken her a long time to learn to trust it. Now it was hard to believe she’d once been afraid of this kind of love. It was hard to believe she’d almost curled in on herself and given it all up. She couldn’t imagine any other life but the one she’d been living since she’d said “I do.” It was a life full of love and hope and joy—a life full of Logan. Soon they’d be sharing this brilliant life with a little baby girl. A girl named Daisy.
With a husky laugh, she turned into Logan’s arms, opened her mouth, kissed him with all the hot passion banked within her. There was a little time to frolic before their guests arrived.
After all…life was a gift to be enjoyed, one kiss at a time.
ISBN : 978-1-4592-5750-4
Copyright © 1999 by Lisa Ann Verge.
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