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I Met Her On the Balcony

Page 7

by Sandra Corton

  “You know something? I’m a lot like you, Ash, I don’t trust easily. I never have because of what my mother did to me. I just need you to know that you blew this, not me.” She hissed out furiously.

  She stood up, and shoved him away from her, making him stumble a few steps back. She stormed to his front door trying to blink back tears. Betrayal was never an easy thing to accept, and this one hurt more than Lucy ever expected. She turned back at his door to glare at him.

  “You should know something, Ashton Martin James; I am nothing like my mother. I strive to be as different from her as I can be. I would never hurt her the way she has hurt me. Just as I will never tell what I know about you.” She informed him, her voice deathly calm, before turning away, and slamming the door.

  Ash stood there completely shell-shocked. Had he just ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him? No, her mother’s a reporter. That was a disaster all in itself, he told himself firmly.

  The problem was that his chest ached, as he heard her car drive away. His heart clenched uncomfortably, as he fell onto he couch. If her mother weren't a reporter would things be different? He let out a groan and covered his face with his hands. What had he done?

  Chapter 7 - Resolutions with chocolate

  Ash sat on his lounge, staring blankly at the wall. He threw around the pros and cons in his mind constantly. His brain felt like it was about to explode, as the morning progressed. When he remembered the look of trepidation on her face, at the mention of where he wanted to go, he started cursing himself.

  She was the one that volunteered the information about her mother. He didn’t have to force it out of her. He shoved a hand through his hair in frustration, and realised that Lucy was right, he was the one that had blown it. He was the one that didn’t trust her.

  He rushed upstairs for the quickest shower of his life, before getting in his car. He knew that he had to make this right. Even if her mother was a reporter, it didn’t change Lucy from the person that he had been getting to know. She had done nothing wrong. She had told him the truth about herself, and he had thrown it savagely back in her face.

  He pulled up at her house, and felt more nervous than he had the night before. He knocked on the door uneasily, and was grateful to see Bill, her father, who smiled at him reassuringly.

  “Well I did take a guess that I would be seeing you soon. I had a feeling that there must be a reason why my daughter was slamming doors, and yelling at people at such an early hour of the day,” Bill said with a chuckle. “She’s upstairs, the second door on the left,”

  “Thank you,” Ash let out a sigh of relief.

  He walked up the stairs, wondering how best to approach her. He was surprised when he heard one of his songs come from one of the rooms. It gave him hope that maybe she could forgive him.

  “Stop playing that music, Penny! I can’t bloody stand it,” he heard Lucy shout, and his hope plummeted. Taking a deep breath, he knocked lightly on the door that Bill had told him was hers.

  “I’m so not in the mood for this, Dad…” She trailed off, as she noticed Ash standing there.

  Her fists clenched tightly, and he had to consider if maybe he didn’t deserve a punch for the way he had acted. He noticed her tear streaked face, and felt distressed. He had made her cry. It bit at him that he had upset her that much.

  “What do you want?” She asked harshly.

  “I’m sorry, I overreacted about…” He could say no more, as she slammed the door in his face.

  “Get out!” She shouted through the door at him.

  “Well, you guys don’t seem to be having such a great time of it. What’s going on?” Penny popped her head out of the room next to Lucy’s, and looked at him curiously.

  “Nothing,” Ash muttered, as he shoved a hand through his hair savagely.

  "It doesn’t look like nothing,” Penny said with a grin, as she pushed open her door to face him.

  Ash couldn’t help his jaw from popping open at the number of posters of him on her wall. How had she never noticed that Martin James was standing right in front of her? When she saw him gawking, she pulled her door closed, and blushed a bit.

  “I like his music.” Penny defended, as the song that was playing switched off.

  “Okay.” Ash reasoned, while stepping back away from her a bit.

  “Oh, come on. I’m not crazy or anything, I just happen to like him, that’s all. If I happen to meet him one day, and he asks me to marry him, well… stranger things have happened.” Penny said dreamily, making Ash take another step back.

  “Now that was totally worth it,” Lucy said from behind them rather sarcastically. “I hope to hell you enjoyed that, Ash. True confessions and all that nonsense,”

  “Geez, Lucy, why are you being so nasty this morning?” Penny injected with a frown.

  “Because he’s an arse, and I want him out of this house.” Lucy practically snarled.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s not true, Lucy. You might be mad at him, but I don’t think you hate him enough to send him away.” Penny told her forthrightly.

  ‘He thinks that I’m like my mother.” Lucy answered angrily.

  Ash was astounded to watch the change come over Penny’s face. She went from completely supporting him, to instantly furious at her sister’s words. Before he knew it, Penny had pushed him out the front door, with Lucy following along behind.

  “You need to go! When you get home, you need to look up Crystal Weinberger. If you still think Lucy's anything like that, then I wouldn’t bother coming back here.” Penny told him sharply, as she shoved him towards his car.

  A few hours later, Ash felt drained. There was no way Lucy was anything like her mother. Ash did exactly as Penny had suggested, he began by looking up the name, and felt astounded by the information that had popped up.

  It seemed that anyone even slightly famous hated Crystal Weinberger. She had a huge number of pending court cases against her, but nothing seemed to stop her.

  Ash had never met her, which left him feeling grateful. She chased famous actors and actresses, more than she chased musicians. He turned off the computer in frustration. How could he ever make it up to Lucy for accusing her of being anything like what her horrendous mother appeared to be?

  “I’m sorry, Lucy.” He sent a quick text, but wasn’t surprised when there was no reply.

  He knew that he would have to do something far more substantial than a simple text. He had probably said the worst thing to her that he could have. An idea struck him, as he strummed his guitar, and for the first time since early that morning, he was able to smile.

  It was later that afternoon, and Lucy was still pacing her room. She went from intense anger to sadness, and then back to fury, which she directed solely at one gorgeous idiot of a guy. How could he accuse her of being like her mother?

  Not that he really knew who her mother was. That was the only way she could understand his reaction. Reporter was not a word that most famous people liked hearing, she could understand that, but he hadn't bothered to listen to her.

  She was nothing like her mother, and she had promised herself that she never would be. Just thinking about that woman sent shivers of dread down her spine. Lucy had detested every minute that she had to spend with her over the years.

  Crystal hated her; it was that simple. She adored Daz, but Lucy was a mistake, which her mother had constantly told her. Lucy being born had stolen her chance at fame and glory. Anything that went wrong in Crystal's life, Lucy had taken the blame for, even if she hadn't been there.

  She realised that her mind was going in circles, so she sat on her bed, and flopped back with a groan. Everyone had left the house, which Lucy figured was to avoid her temper. Everything was quiet, but that only swept fearful memories into her mind.

  She cursed as she thought of her spiteful, selfish mother who would stop at nothing to get her name out there. She always looked perfectly presented with excessive Botox, so that she was barely able to form
a grimace, let alone a smile. Her blonde hair beautifully styled, her figure as trim as she could get it, and overly enhanced breasts always on display.

  The dark fear of her early childhood reared in her mind. Lucy absently rubbed a scar on her leg, and shivered. She wrapped her arms around herself, and whispered softly, so she wouldn't faint.

  The sound of a softly playing guitar stopped her thoughts completely. The fear fled, and hope pierced her heart, before she forced the anger back to the forefront. She looked out of her open window to see Ash standing beneath it.

  A soft sweet melody streamed from his instrument, enticing Lucy more than she would like. Determinedly she crossed her arms over her chest, and sent a glare down to him. Then of course, the arse had to start singing, making her realise that he written a song just for her.

  Belle your laughs as sweet as the finest candy

  Your hairs so bright like a fire in my night

  I take back all the words I said

  I never meant to hurt you

  Belle there’s nothing cuter than your smile

  You brighten up the cloudiest day

  And all I can say is that I’m sorry

  So please forgive me, give me one more try

  I don’t want to let go, and I don’t want to lie

  I want you to know me for who I am

  So please, please forgive me

  Give me one more try.

  He finished singing, and Lucy felt tears sting her eyes. Nobody had ever done anything so wonderful for her. She wasn’t going to let him off quite that easily. He had said the most insulting thing to her that he could have, even though he didn’t realise it.

  “You still know that you deserve an arse kicking, right?” She called down to him, but he just looked up, and smiled in relief.

  “Truly? Well, I’m all yours,” he told her honestly, and she couldn’t stop the smile that bloomed on her face.

  “You know you can’t write me a song every time you stuff up,” she reasoned with him sternly.

  “Why not? It seems to have worked quite well,” he teased, before his face went serious “I am really sorry for what I said, Belle. I can see that you’re nothing like her. I really hope you can forgive me. I brought chocolate, just in case a song wasn’t enough.” He enticed. She was downstairs, before he could even figure out where he had left the box.

  “You are forgiven if you give me chocolate,” she said resolutely. “But don’t you dare think that this will work again.” She warned him, but he just smiled to himself. It seemed that he had found her weakness.

  “Of course not.” He replied casually, as she snatched the box out of his hands.

  “Sucked in Penny! No chocolate for you.” Lucy chortled to herself, receiving an affectionate smile from Ash. She managed to eat at least half the packet, before remembering that Ash was still there.

  “I’d offer you some, but there’s not enough for both of us.” She told him innocently, which he couldn’t help but chuckle at.

  “Belle, there’s another layer underneath.” He told her, as he tried to lift the packaging to show her. She shoved his hands away, thinking that he was trying to steal it from her, which just made him laugh.

  “Right, you are officially forgiven.” She told him in a muffled voice, as she ate a few more pieces.

  “For chocolate?” He asked in surprise, as he followed her back into the house.

  “No, not just that!” She slapped him across the chest with her free hand.

  “I know you’re not like your mother.” He repeated his earlier words seriously, making her turn to face him, before sitting down on the couch with her.

  “Yes, I know, but I don’t want to talk about her anymore.” Lucy shook her head, feeling her much better mood drop with even the mention of that woman.

  “Good, neither do I.” He answered, feeling relieved that she could forgive him for his insulting accusations.

  “You know it's weird that my parents haven’t come back yet,” she mused around another chocolate, until she saw the sheepish look on Ash’s face. “Right, what did you do?”

  She sent him a stern look. He returned her expression with his cutest face, which made her roll her eyes. Unfortunately, it worked on her far too well, and she knew that she would forgive him, whatever he said.

  “Nothing, really. I just asked them if they would let us have the house to ourselves for a while. I also thought that there would be a lot more yelling. Look at it this way; you would have got less chocolate if they were here.” He teased.

  She frowned at him, before jabbing him painfully in the ribs. He moved away smartly rubbing his side, and gesturing in agony. She just rolled her eyes again at his dramatics, and poked him again.

  “Ouch, Belle! Stop being so mean,” he whined.

  “You know her name is Lucy, right?” Daz asked, as he walked in from the kitchen with a sly look on his face.

  “Yes, of course, I know that.” Ash answered smartly.

  “Just go away Daz; you have your own house, you know,” Lucy grouched at him.

  “Good to see things worked out.” Daz said, as he walked out the front door and left them in peace.

  “Is he checking up on me?” Ash asked, while quickly snatching a chocolate when Lucy had her guard down.

  “You-did-not-just-do-that!” Lucy exclaimed, emphasising every word.

  She sent him a fierce look, while he just watched her nonchalantly. He quickly put the chocolate in his mouth and started chewing, barely able to contain his humour at her horrified face. She calmly placed the box on the coffee table, and it was only then that Ash felt worried.

  There was a gleam in her eye, and she looked beyond annoyed, as she knocked him off the couch. To his surprise, she had him in a headlock almost instantly.

  “I’d say you gave her chocolate, and then tried to steal one right?” He heard Bill chuckle, and looked up to see her family watching them, with laughter in their eyes.

  “He not only stole it, but he ate it too,” Lucy told them affronted, while tightening her grip on him.

  “But it was only one piece! It’s not like I tried to eat the whole box,” Ash tried to reason, which only made her family laugh harder.

  “Let him up, my girl, I want to watch the news,” Bill told them, making Lucy reluctantly let him go.

  Ash stood up, and teasingly reached towards the chocolate box again. Lucy quickly snatched it from his hands, and glared at him with increasing ferocity. He couldn’t help it, as another chuckle escaped him. She was unbelievably adorable.

  In the next second, she had jumped on his back, holding the box enticingly under his nose. He grabbed onto her knees to pull her onto his back properly, and wasn’t complaining when she nestled her head against his back.

  “Mush! And I might let you have another chocolate,” Lucy demanded, making him laugh harder at her silliness.

  “Will you two get out of the lounge room; you are being nothing but pests,” Bill told them with a frown.

  “Are you staying for dinner, Ash?” Belinda asked, as she headed for the kitchen, while Penny ran upstairs, giving them a happy smile on the way.

  “Tell her yes.” Lucy whispered in his ear, as she rested her chin comfortably on his shoulder.

  Ash answered in the affirmative, when Lucy realised exactly where she was. She suddenly felt strange that she was so comfortable with Ash, especially when she had only known him for a few weeks. She was actually willing to share chocolate with him, which she wouldn’t do, even with those closest to her.

  The fact that she forgave him for his earlier comments without even a blink astounded her. If anyone ever compared her to her mother, she would have fought brutally until that person relented, but not Ash. He gave her a song and chocolate, making her putty in his hands.

  She breathed in the citrusy tang that surrounded him and relaxed. She felt the heat of his hands against her knees, as she gestured for him to carry her to the rumpus room.

  She had been goi
ng to point to her room, but thought better of it when her father gave her one of his compelling looks. It wasn’t often that her Dad was anything but a happy go lucky guy, but his anger was something she avoided at all costs.

  The rumpus room was as messy as ever, but it had always been her and Penny’s retreat when they were younger. All their old toys, a cosy lounge and a small television filled the room. Ash looked around, and felt comfortable in the room; everything looked lived in and loved.

  Lucy didn’t want to move when Ash stopped in the room, but she reluctantly let him go, and slid down off his back. She sat down on the old blue corner couch, and looked over her chocolates greedily.

  “Belle? You can say no if you want to, but will you consider going to the premiere with me?” Ash asked, shuffling his feet, and glancing at her hesitantly.

  He looked darn cute, and Lucy knew that she would agree, although she knew she should refuse. She glanced at him again, to notice that he appeared vulnerable and unsure, and she sighed. She knew that her mother would probably attend, but she would have to risk it.

  “I’ll go,” She answered, and he rewarded her with a huge grin.

  “Thank you,” He said happily, as he sat down next to her.

  “Do you have to go as him? I can’t do that… but I’ll see the movie.” Lucy informed him firmly.

  “Yeah, I’ll have to walk the red carpet, but you don’t have to be involved with that.” Ash explained, and Lucy shivered fearfully just thinking about it.

  “So, have you thought about how we are getting there? It’s about a ten-hour drive from here. How are you going to be him? Your hair won’t grow that quick in a week.” She threw her questions at him nervously, as she ate another chocolate.

  “Yeah, I guess, I didn’t think about that. Do you think your family will mind if you stay overnight? I’d book us separate rooms.” Ash said with a frown.


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