I Met Her On the Balcony
Page 9
“It had to have been more than that surely?” He asked Jolie, who just shrugged and looked sharply at Lucy, before walking away.
“Explain, please,” He enquired, looking at a rather mortified Lucy, who shook her head.
“No, I won’t, but I want to know what time we are leaving.” She stubbornly tried to change the subject, and he let out a sigh.
“Fine, early on Saturday morning. We’ve got a short drive, then a plane trip, and...”
“Wait a minute, where does a plane trip fit in?” Lucy interrupted, staring at him in incredulity.
“Well a ten hour drive, or an hour drive and a plane.” Ash said with a casual shrug.
“No way! I’m not letting you pay for that.” She protested with a splutter, which made him roll his eyes.
“Have you really forgotten who I am already?” He said to her quietly, and she let out a sigh.
“No, of course not,” she muttered, as she frowned at her milkshake, before scooping some chocolate chunks up to munch on. “If we are getting on a plane, then why do we have to leave so early?”
“For me. I have to get into disguise, of course.” He sent her a cheeky wink.
“Right, I can’t wait for that,” she replied with a snort. “Okay, what car are we taking?”
“Um… I have to go back with the question of who am I?”
“Something lavish then.” Lucy looked at him seriously, waiting for an answer, as she watched him take a sip of his milkshake. She found it strange that everything he did grabbed her attention, and made her not want to look away from him
“Um, it’s a limo. I organised a driver as well.” He stated casually, and Lucy's jaw dropped open at his words, before she spluttered crazily with laughter.
“Are you seriously trying to hide? In all truth now, if you bring a limo into this town everyone will want to know why. There are only two reasons you will ever see a limo here, one is a wedding, and the other is our formal dance night, and that’s it.” Lucy slashed her hand in the air, almost tipping over her milkshake, which Ash quickly grabbed and righted.
“Geez, you’re right, I didn’t even think about that. Alright, I’ll get Joel to meet us at the airport, and drive us into town.” Ash mused.
Lucy’s phone rang, disrupting their conversation. He smirked at her when he realized that she still had his song as her ring tone. Lucy smartly poked him in the arm, before dragging her phone out of her bag. Ash listened as Lucy stood up, and paced around their table. It seemed that their weekend plans had hit another snag. When she finished, she sat across from him, and poked at her chocolate rather angrily.
“That was Mum. Her sister’s son just came down with the chicken pox, so staying there is now a no go,” Lucy told him, as she shoved the straw into the depths of the drink, while frowning deeply.
“There is somewhere else we can stay, but we will have to be a bit careful of coming and going from there,” Ash said nervously.
“And that is?”
“My apartment. I never wanted to suggest it, because I thought we could find a hotel, but everything is booked out.” He told her, biting on the inside of her lip. He didn't want her to think that he was being presumptuous or planning anything untoward. Lucy raised an eyebrow at his words, but said nothing, as she mulled things over.
“Okay, but how exactly do I explain this to my parents?” She agreed, before trailing off into a mumble.
“Just tell them my parents will be there.” Ash assured her.
“And will they?”
“No, but it’s the only option that I’ve got left open.” He told her, as he did that hand through his hair thing that she was starting to adore.
“Alright, just don’t get any big ideas, okay.” She told him firmly, while pointing a chocolate ice cream covered straw in his direction. Just before it dripped, she managed to catch it, making him smile.
“Belle, it’s a three bedroom penthouse. You can have any room you want.” He assured her. She choked on his words, and tried to cover it by slurping on her milkshake.
“It will work out better that way, Sally and Mark can meet us there to get ready.” Ash mused to himself.
“Sally and Mark?” Lucy asked when she had regained her equilibrium over his previous statement.
“If you don’t laugh then I will tell you,” he waited for her nod, but he knew that she wouldn’t be able to stop herself. “My stylist and my hairdresser.”
She spluttered, as she tried to keep in her laugh. Seriously, he had a stylist and his own hairdresser. What was this crazy world coming to when a guy had a stylist? She couldn’t contain her laugh anymore. Around her laughter, and Ash’s dry look, all attention in the café returned to them.
“Oh, Lord, I can’t wait for that.” She giggled as she spoke.
“Are you going to laugh the whole time at my expense?” He asked her grumpily.
“Hell, yeah,” she agreed with a grin, and he sent her a disgruntled look. When that didn't work, he tried his cutest little forlorn puppy dog look. “Fine, only when you look the most ridiculous.”
“You do know that the greatest never look ridiculous, right? You have no reason to laugh at me, ever.” He told her, as he poked his nose in the air to try to appear snobby.
“We’ll see.” She snorted at him, which only made him shake his head at her.
Ash stretched and looked around the room. He took notice of everyone watching their table intently. Panic hit him for a second. Had they said something that would give him away? He swore quietly under his breath, before turning back to Lucy. She was in her chocolate heaven world, and oblivious to the stares.
An insistent beeping came from Lucy’s bag, and she looked at her milkshake sadly for a moment. She pulled out her phone with a cute little grumble, which Ash loved. He watched as she scooped more milkshake in rather desperately, and he could only wonder why. It was only when Ren and Col walked into the room that he received his answer.
“You are such a chocolate fiend, Lou,” Ren said with a shake of his head.
“Hey, Ash, are you coming for a game this afternoon?” Col asked, as he reached towards Lucy’s milkshake with a grin. Lucy slapped his hand, before it even got close.
“Sure, when?” He asked the guys.
“It was supposed to be now, but we are waiting for this one, as usual,” Col just chuckled, as a fist flew in his direction from Lucy.
“Alright already, I’m coming,” Lucy huffed at them.
They trailed out of the café, and left a sea of curious people behind them with many unanswered questions. Ash had forgotten about their stares, as he had fun playing a game of touch football. He’d forgotten to wonder about what they had heard, and to cover his tracks. He had forgotten for that tiny splinter of time that he was Martin James in hiding. All he had considered was Ash’s world, and the great people that he had found in it.
Chapter 9 – Style time
The trip to the city on that gloriously sunny Saturday morning went quick. Unsurprisingly, luxury surrounded them all the way. From the car that picked them up, and drove them to the airport, to the private jet that awaited them, Lucy felt as if she was in a different world to her own.
Arriving in the noisy crowded city normally made her feel sick to the stomach, but not today. A limousine had been waiting for them, leaving Lucy nothing but gobsmacked. She sat there staring around her with wide eyes, while Ash wondered if maybe this was too much of his lifestyle, far too soon.
“You okay, Belle?” Ash asked quietly.
“Yeah, you live a very cool life,” she finally said with a grin.
“It might seem that way, but it’s not really. Everyone thinks that they can have a piece of you, and some of them wait at your door to take it. There’s no privacy, and people can tell lies about you that get splashed around as truth,” Ash emphasised, as he looked out the window. “It looks great from the outside, but sometimes you get trapped in there. You feel alone and that the only person who you can trust is
“I never thought of it that way.” Lucy said seriously.
“I’m not saying thag I don’t have some great perks or anything, but sometimes you just crave anything that is normal. You are my normality, Belle.” He told her, as he reached out to touch her hand gently.
“Me?” She asked in astonishment.
“Yep, you. I know we’ve only known each other for a couple of weeks, but you give me…. You’re not going to lie to me. If I’m doing something stupid, then you’ll do that little snort of laughter. You tell me things straight….”
“I do not snort.” Lucy interrupted insistently, which just made him laugh.
“Yes, you do, and it’s really cute.” He replied with a grin.
“Sir, where would you like me to pull up?” A distinct voice came through the intercom.
Ash looked out the window and sighed. He was incredibly thankful for the darkly tinted windows, especially with all the people trying to peer in at them. This was why he didn’t like coming here much. A crowd of loyal fans always wanted desperately to see him.
“Wow, you were right about the underwear throwing,” Lucy said with a chortle.
“Yes, I’m afraid so,” he replied with a groan.
“You know if you said ‘hi’ to them then they might leave you alone.” Lucy advised.
“I tried that, and it only encouraged them.”
“Sir?” The intercom buzzed again.
“Damn, sorry, inside the parking garage, please, Joel,” Ash answered the intercom, before turning back to her with a rueful look in his eye. “I hope you’re ready for my crazy life.” Ash just sighed again.
“I’m ready for anything, as long as I get to avoid my mother.” Lucy told him, with a reassuring grin and Ash nodded.
Lucy felt astounded, as she looked out the window. There were literally girls and women of nearly every age lining the driveway. She had to wonder if Penny would be in amongst them if she were standing here in front of what was Martin James’s apartment building.
They had to drive slowly to avoid knocking anyone over. It was hard to believe that the Ash she knew really was Martin James sometimes, but this definitely made it stick in her mind.
They made it through the gates, and drove down into the garage area. Ash finally relaxed, as the darkness of the underground garage took over them. They stopped near a fancy looking lift, and Lucy watched, as people appeared to grab their luggage, and escort them to the lift.
She felt a bit uncomfortable, as they stared at her curiously, but never said anything beyond pleasantries. She sent them a smile, and the woman in the group smiled back rather hesitantly.
The ride in the lift became an endless and silent experience. Lucy was certain she even felt her ears pop. When the doors opened, she felt relieved, until Ash opened the elaborate door in front of them.
She was sure that her mouth had gaped open, as she let out a funny, squealing noise. This level of luxury and opulence appeared unbelievable in her eyes. It seemed like one of the ads on television, from the extravagant lounge chairs, to the lighting, everything looked perfect. It also looked liveable, inviting her in to enjoy the surroundings, which she appreciated.
“C'mon, Belle, don’t just stand there gawping.” Ash told her cheekily. She smartly thumped him in the chest with her elbow, making him let out a pained groan.
“Oh, my God! You’re kidding me, right? That’s your view?” Lucy raced over to stare out of the floor to ceiling windows that showed the city in all its glory.
“Geez, maybe I should have brought Rachel, she might have freaked out a bit less.” He teased.
She turned to him with all the joy gone in her expression; her eyes were intent and fierce, which worried him for a second. He raised his hands up in surrender, just before she jumped at him, and knocked him over. Her knees were across his chest holding down his arms, as she glared intently down at him.
“What did you just say?” She asked, barely able to contain her fury.
“I was kidding, Belle, okay.” He said with a small chuckle.
He had actually found her reaction rather interesting. His last girlfriend had thought the view from here wasn’t good enough to even rate. She had looked aghast at the way he had decorated, and had felt that it was beneath her to stay here.
Lucy was a breath of fresh air in comparison to that. Her shocked expression when he opened the door, right up to when she stared out of the window with excitement. He felt that she was perfect for him, more than he could have ever imagined a girl would be.
“Don’t kid about her, ever,” Lucy interrupted his thoughts with her pensive statement, and he could only wonder at her anguished expression.
“I’m sorry, Belle. I will never mention her again,” he said softly. “Let me up, and I’ll give you the tour,” he said to try to cheer her up, which worked incredibly well.
She got up and offered him her hand to help pull him up. He walked her from room to room, and she felt impressed by everything. When they came to one of the bedrooms, she flopped back on the bed.
“This one’s mine, it’s so comfy,” she murmured dreamily, making him smirk, as he collapsed down next to her.
“Only if you want to share. This is my room, you know,” he told her, but she just rolled over and poked her tongue out at him.
Ash let out a groan. She was rolling around on his bed, being so damn cheeky, and it was incredibly hard for him to resist her. He reached out his hand to touch her face, so gently almost as if he feared that she could break. Her eyes brightened, as she leaned into his caress.
She felt warmth spread through her, seeping into her very bones, as he lowered his head to brush his lips softly against hers. He pulled back to look at her, and her sweet smile melted his heart.
She surprised him when she reached up to run her fingers into his hair to drag his mouth back to hers. Her fingers tightened, as he teasingly kissed across her cheek, loving the feel of her softly freckled skin against his rougher, stubbly texture. She let out a murmur of protest, until his lips settled on hers again.
At the insistent ringing of his doorbell, Ash looked away from her with a frown. He wanted to just lie here, and kiss her for the rest of the day, but the real world seemed determined to interfere. The doorbell pealed again, and with a groan, Ash moved away from her.
For a second, he stopped and stared at her, unable to focus on anything else. Her bright, blue eyes seemed to pierce his very soul, while that inviting smile of hers was almost too much to take. He leaned back in for another all too short kiss, before pulling away with a grumble.
He left before Lucy could object, and she wanted to rather fiercely. Instead, she laid back on the comfortable bed, and let out a girly giggle, which was rare for her. Ash was a great kisser, and they hadn’t done half the amount of kissing that she wanted to. She stayed staring giddily at the ceiling, until she heard a panicked voice that she had never heard before.
Curious, she walked out into the large lounge room, and could barely contain her laugh. Ash stood protesting fervently to a tall well-dressed man with hawk like features, but with an easy smile. The man gestured wildly into the air, which only made Ash argue more. Lucy couldn’t even understand half the conversation. The man touched Ash's hair, and Ash looked horrified, making the laughter peal out of Lucy non-stop.
“Really, Belle?” Ash turned to her with a wry expression.
“Sorry, I've, uh, honestly got control of it,” Lucy spluttered, as she leaned against the wall trying to contain her mirth.
“And this would be?” The strange man asked, as he peered at her oddly.
“Hi, I’m Lucy McConnell.” She spluttered, as she walked over to the man and stuck out her hand.
With a raised eyebrow, and a confused look to Ash, he accepted her hand, and shook it heartily. As she went to pull away, he frowned at her. He pulled her palm up to look at it, and Lucy felt her need to lash out, at how uncomfortable he was making her feel.
“This will never do,” the man said in a scolding voice, as he stared at her hand.
“Hey, do you mind?” Lucy yanked on her hand. When he didn’t let go, she reached up and flicked his ear as hard as she could.
“Ow! Now that was uncalled for.” The man whined, as he let go of her to place a hand over his ear.
“Was not! Don’t go snatching at people, and you might not get hurt.” Lucy answered with a growl.
She turned when she heard Ash laughing from behind her. His hilarity appeared uncontrollable, as he covered his mouth with his hand. She put her hands on her hips and sent him a glare, but even that didn’t stop him. She marched over to him, and delivered a quick jab to the ribs. He stopped instantly, but the laughter still radiated from his eyes.
“High five, Belle! I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone react to Mark like that before,” Ash teased the older man, as Lucy slapped him a high five.
“Thank you, Martin,” Mark said affronted, as he straightened his waistcoat. “Well, Miss McConnell, I am Mark Highbridge. I was only trying to give you some cream for the rough skin that I felt on your hands. I apologise if it was seen as anything other than that,” Mark told her astutely, and Lucy found that she liked his forthrightness.
“Sorry for hurting you, and call me Lucy,” she smiled at him, and he beamed back at her quite happily.
“May I ask how your skin is so rough? A young girl such as you should have soft, supple skin.” Mark insisted, and Lucy rolled her eyes.
“I live on a farm and ride horses.” Lucy answered with a shrug, which made Mark only raise his eyebrows, but say nothing.
“I see, well back to you, Martin.” Mark turned away from her, and Lucy mouthed the word ‘Martin’ at him with a grin, but he just shook his head.
“I still think that we should dye your hair.” Mark restarted what was obviously their original argument.
“No, you can’t do that, he still has to go to school on Monday as Ash.” Lucy piped up, causing Mark to look at her in surprise.
“As Ash? What is that supposed to mean?” Mark asked in confusion.