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I Met Her On the Balcony

Page 25

by Sandra Corton

Before long, his father arrived and they sat at one of the table. His father seemed like a very serious man. His forehead looked permanently creased with wrinkles, while his salt and pepper hair was decreasing in mass. His father at least greeted her politely, and told her to call him Nicholas.

  The conversation barely moved, with his mother constantly telling him to change, while Ash refused. Eventually, Lucy couldn’t stand it any longer, and excused herself for the bathroom. It was when she was returning that she heard their argument. She couldn’t help, but stop and listen in for a moment.

  “She is not good enough for you,” Farrah said sharply, while Ash just let out a snort.

  “Maybe, if you acted a bit more polite…”

  “A girl like her is just after your money.” Farrah interrupted him.

  “It’s a good thing that I signed her up as my Next of Kin then, isn’t it, Mum?” Ash said calmly, while gasps where heard from around the table.

  “What have you done?” The words came out of Lucy’s mouth, as she stepped up to the table.

  “It’s simple, Belle, you inherit everything of mine, if anything happens to me.” Ash told her concisely.

  Lucy felt her mouth drop open, as the other occupants of the table turned ballistic. She knew that she couldn’t accept this. It was not only far too much, but it was utterly ridiculous.

  “You know what, Ash, the credit card was a bit much, but I could deal with it,” she handed over the rectangular piece of plastic “This though… you can’t do this.” She protested.

  “Can and done, Belle.”

  “Then go and undo it.” She demanded, staring down at the calm golden eyes that looked back at her as if everything was as it should be.

  “I refuse to do that. Sitting here and watching the way my mother has treated you, when she didn’t even get to know you, tells me that she doesn’t deserve a single cent.” He slashed his hand through the air angrily, as he looked over at his mother.

  “What about Nick?” Lucy butted in, but his mother continued to splutter in rage.

  “I’ve left stuff for Nick, he’ll be looked after.” He assured her.

  “This is just wrong.” Lucy sat down in her chair, and forced herself to breath. Ash rubbed a hand reassuringly on her back, while he sent his mother a glare.

  “Why would you do this, Ashton?” Farrah asked through clenched teeth.

  “It comes down to trust, Mum. I trust Lucy. She wants nothing from me, except that I’m happy. She loves me…” His mother let out a snort. “She loves me, not Martin James. She loves Ash, who’s not perfect and stuffs up sometimes.” He told his mother abruptly, and Lucy cringed at the intense heat of his words. He just told his parents that he didn’t trust them. She bit her lip as Farrah’s glare rested on her.

  “What?” Lucy snapped at Farrah when the older woman refused to look away. An ugly, gleeful smile filled the woman’s face, and Lucy’s felt dread fill her.

  “You truly think that she loves you?” Farrah’s voice was soft but deadly.

  “No, I know she does.” Ash answered honestly, and his mother laughed haughtily.

  “Do you really think a thief could love you?”

  Farrah raised an impervious eyebrow, and Lucy gasped, her face paling, as she fell back in her chair at his mother’s harsh words. She knew, she knew about Lucy’s past. Her chest clenched tightly, and it wasn’t until Ash’s hand wrapped around hers firmly that she was able to focus.

  “Lucy’s not a thief. I gave her a credit card with fifty thousand dollars on it today, and she didn’t spend a cent.” Ash defended her.

  “What the hell?” Lucy muttered.

  “See, you could have bought heaps of sparkly boots.” He teased, trying to ease her anxiety, while she shoved his shoulder. She shook her head at him, a grin returning to her face.

  “I see,” The older woman’s arched brow told Lucy that she didn’t believe Ash’s words “In that case, we will be leaving now. Be at the house by five this afternoon.”

  With that, his parent’s left, and Lucy let out a breath. She chuckled to herself when she realised that they had left Ash with the bill. It certainly showed who was used to paying for things in his family. It seemed they had high expectation for their son. She looked over at Ash, who still seemed stressed. She leaned her body closer to his, and decided to leave their argument about his money for another day.

  “Would you like dessert?” Ash asked her quietly.

  “Am I a country girl wearing boots?” She sent back, and he finally smiled.

  “That’s a yes. Sorry about them.” He sighed, and she put her fingers across his lips.

  “I’m having pecan pie, and we are not talking about them again.” She told him sternly, and his smile grew broader.

  He ordered their desserts, and watched her as she ate it. He had no qualms about giving Lucy everything he owned. She made his life complete, unlike his back stabbing parents. She reached up, and almost without thought, she massaged the tenseness from his shoulders. It helped to melt the fury away that she knew him so well.

  He was now an adult, and there was no way in hell that he was letting his parents be in control of his life again. Everything was now his; he had made sure of it this morning. His parents had no idea of the papers they had signed. They had thought that the lawyers would always be backing them, and now were they wrong. He had a feeling he might actually enjoy this party tonight, especially if he got to one up his parents at last.

  Chapter 24 – Party on

  To annoy his mother, Ash arrived late. When she pointed out that he still needed to change, he just grinned at her. Mark hustled into the room, ignoring the tension in the air, and pulled Ash aside. Lucy followed, not wanting to be alone with Farrah.

  "Tsk, tsk, why do you leave things to the last minute, Martin?" Mark accused, while Lucy let out a snort from behind them. “Don't let me start on your choice of dress, young lady." Mark gave her a stern look.

  "I'm the last person that you need to worry about here, Mark." Lucy chortled to herself.

  She followed them through so many halls and corridors that she could only wonder about their final destination. The huge mansion hadn't really surprised her; she had almost expected it.

  When Mark opened a set of French doors, and marched out into the huge back gardens, she could barely catch her breath. They walked around the hugest pool that she had ever seen, complete with a waterfall and a spa.

  Her eyes bulged when they reached their final destination. There was a cottage hidden in amongst the trees, and away from all the bustle of the main house. Nobody would have known it existed; it sat tucked away so well. Lucy sent Ash a raised eyebrow, and he grinned at her.

  "This is my place." He told her, while gesturing to the building.

  "I kind of gathered that already." Lucy answered him with a grin, as he held out a hand to let her enter first.

  The similarities between the interior of this place and his other homes struck her. Compared to the mansion they had just walked through, it was like night and day.

  Everything there had seemed stuffy and pretentious. The mansion had looked decorated for the off chance that someone would photograph it for a magazine. Nothing was out of place, and perfection seemed to be the key. Here there was an edgy casualness, an underlying glimmer of who Ash was.

  "Are you thinking of going into the interior design business," Lucy asked, turning to him. He sent her a puzzled look, and shook his head.

  "Why would you think that, Belle?"

  "I've now seen three of your places, and they are decorated different... but they are all you." She tried to explain, and Ash raised a brow.

  "I choose all the furnishings and stuff, pick the colours but I hire people to do the rest," he said with a shrug.

  "Enough chattering you two, we have work to do," Mark swished a hand between the two of them impatiently.

  "Don't let me stop you," Lucy chortled. "Steer me to the shower, and I'll be out of your way." Ash pointed d
own the hallway.

  "Second door on the left."

  She picked up her backpack and headed in the direction he had pointed. She let out a sigh at the huge bathtub in the corner. How she would've loved to have the time to use it, but instead she went to the glass enclosed shower.

  She pulled out her toiletries bag, and lined them up on one of the shelves on the marble counter top. That was when she noticed the packet of condoms sitting on a small ledge above her.

  She blushed to herself for a minute, and then jealousy sliced through her. What had he been doing the last time that he was in this house? The worst question that went through her mind was, and with whom?

  Through her whole shower, she couldn't push the thoughts from her mind while her doubts kept increasing. It brought back all the old insecurities that she wasn't good enough for him, after all, he was a superstar, and she was a country bumpkin.

  She dried herself off, but couldn't take her eyes from the offending box. She threw on her jeans and a blouse, no longer feeling like dressing up. Her insides clenched tight, while her mind swarmed with questions.

  Ash couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with Lucy when she came back into the room. She seemed upset, doubtful, and when Sally walked in, she marched silently over to the window to look out at the gardens. He swished off Sally's annoying advances, and went straight over to Lucy.

  "What's wrong, Belle?" He reached out to touch her arm, and she pulled away from him.

  "Why are you with me?" She whispered, which made him frown.

  "Are you kidding me?" He enquired in shock. "What happened? What brought this on?"

  "You could have anyone in the world why me?" She whispered again, while he racked his brain to try to figure out where this was coming from.

  "Martin, your parents are waiting, you really need to get organised," Sally interrupted condescendingly, as though Lucy was worth none of his time.

  "Get out Sally," he demanded in a low voice.

  "Don't be silly, Martin." She chuckled to herself, until he pointed firmly to the front door.

  "Get out. I will wear what I want to my own birthday party so I no longer require your assistance," he told her firmly. He watched as her face fell before she meekly followed his instructions. "Talk to me, Belle." He said into the silence, as he clasped his hands around her shoulders.

  "It's just this place... condoms in the bathroom... someone... they must have come here before me." She stuttered through her explanation, while blushing profusely.

  "Condoms? What the hell are you talking about?" He asked, his tone completely bewildered, which only seemed to set flame to her anger.

  "What am I talking about?" She clenched her teeth together, and stormed down to the bathroom. Once Ash joined her, she pointed fiercely to the packet sitting innocently on the shelf.

  "Dammit, I'm going to kill Nick," Ash said angrily "Now I have to change the sheets. God only knows what he was doing."

  "Wait, so these aren't yours?" Lucy asked hopefully.

  "No, Belle, I've never invited a girl back here, except you. Even Yolanda only ever saw the big house."

  "What about Sally?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "I didn't invite her, my mum sent her here." He said on a groan.

  He had told his family when he had this built that this was his place. He had insisted they don't send people back here, or be in here without him, and it showed how long that had lasted.

  He let out a sigh, and focused on Lucy who seemed uncomfortable. He went to shove a hand through his hair, but she stopped him, instead, she took his hand, and looked at it intently.

  "Sorry," she whispered, as she clasped his hand against her cheek.

  "No problem, Belle. I probably would've hit the roof too if I found those in amongst your stuff,” he assured her.

  "Ugh, now I feel like such an idiot." She muttered, as she leaned her head against his chest.

  "Not so. I've had a lot of rumours against my name over the years, so I can understand why you would freak out about something like this." He said solemnly.

  "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours." She said with a cheeky grin.

  "Really? Well I'm all ears." He sent her an indecipherable look, as she lifted herself to sit on the large bathroom counter.

  "Okay, first attempt was a guy named Jake Radcliffe. We went out for a few weeks, shared a few kisses, but nothing too dramatic. He was driving me home one night, and just stopped the car in the middle of nowhere.

  "It was all a bit sudden for me. I guess I wasn't really that prepared, but when he got to dropping his pants, I knew that I had to say something. I didn't really mean what I said, it just kind of came out." She stopped talking, as laughter clutched at her.

  "Do I want to know?" He asked dubiously.

  "Yep, you want to know, because you are going to laugh yourself stupid," she spluttered, so he rolled a hand at her to continue, and she took a deep breath to stop the giggles. "I told him 'is that it? I'm pretty sure my brother's is bigger.'" She collapsed into laughter. Ash looked shocked, before he succumbed to laughter.

  "Remind me not to drop my pants around you,” he finally said with a shake of his head “You know there’s no rush with us?” He waved an arm between the two of them, and she bit her lip.

  “I know, but it makes me wonder why. Every other guy I’ve known has been a bull at a gate.” She looked away from him for a moment.

  “Belle, we are special together, and I sure as hell don’t want to wreck what we have by rushing into anything.” He told her seriously, as her turned her chin back to face him.

  “Do you even want to?” She whispered, as she swung her legs back and forth nervously.

  “Why are you asking me such dopey questions today?” He muttered.

  He gave her no chance to escape, as he pulled her up tightly against him. She saw the want in his eyes and could feel his need for her. When he kissed her lips softly, she felt surprise that he held himself back so much. She let out a tiny moan, as he moved away slowly. He kissed her nose, and sent her a warm, melting smile.

  “Of course I want to, but I’m willing to…” His phone began ringing, and he frowned.

  With a grumble, he marched out of the room and Lucy let out a sigh. Sometimes he astounded her with things he said and did. This was most definitely one of them. She could hear his voice from down the hallway sounding increasingly frustrated, so she went to find him.

  With his black hair flying around his face, and his bright green eyes filled with anger, she watched him. She tilted her head a little to take in the many sides of Ashton Martin James. Honestly, she still preferred the way Ash looked, but Martin was certainly growing on her.

  At least now, she could look at him without flinching when he was in disguise. She could touch him without feeling as if he was a stranger to her. He gestured into the air angrily, so she walked over to try to calm him down.

  “You know what, Mum, I have to go now, and I’ll turn up when I damn well feel like it.” Ash shouted into the phone harshly, he hung up, and took a deep breath.

  His hand was twitching, and Lucy knew it was from him wanting to run a hand through his hair. With a small smile, she grasped his hand, and placed it against her own hair.

  “There is always mine, you know,” she teased lightly, hoping to ease his anger. He threaded his fingers into her hair gently, before ducking down to kiss her lips lightly.

  “Your hair is way too beautiful for any harsh treatment like I give mine,” he told her, feeling himself calming down, as he let the strands sift through his fingers.

  “Really, it’s normally a crazy frizzy mess.” She said with a snort that got a smile out of him.

  “Alright I had better get dressed, and get this night over with.” He tugged on her hand, and she followed him without thinking.

  “Hey, I thought you were now terrified of dropping your pants in front of me.” She teased, as he led her into his bedroom.

  He turned t
o her with a broad smirk, as he pulled his shirt off over his head, and threw it behind him. She couldn’t help her stare, as she sucked back the sigh that wanted to come forth. When he undid the button on his jeans, she felt herself tense and heat up.

  “Are you really doing a Radcliffe?” She squeaked.

  “Nope, but it was fun to mess with you.” He said smugly, as he raced towards the bathroom door with a laugh.

  Lucy stood completely still, which gave Ash his chance to escape. The slam of the door startled her, and she was livid when she noticed that he was gone. She ran over, and hammered on the door, demanding he get out there to face her, while all she could hear where peals of laughter.

  “You are so dead when you walk back out of that door, Ash.” She threatened, but heard nothing from beyond the door.

  She plonked herself down on his very cosy bed, feeling a little disgruntled without knowing why. She closed her eyes, only to open them when the bed dipped next to her. The only thing he had changed was his shirt, from a t-shirt to a collared button down shirt. Lucy felt overwhelmed with how good he looked, and forgot all about his earlier mischievousness.

  “You sure you want to hurt little ole me,” he asked with his best pouty face, and Lucy found it hard not to smile.

  “Perhaps not, because I still haven’t heard any of yours,” she said pointedly about their previous conversation in the bathroom.

  “There’s only two anyway, believe it or not. I know all of the rumour mills reckon I’ve had dozens of girlfriends, but the truth is it was only ever two. I had the same thoughts about that, as I had about drugs.” He told her, as he rolled her against his body, so he could hold her closer.

  “What a coincidence.” She muttered with a frown.

  “What is?” He asked distractedly, as he ran his thumb over her lips and chin, to trail down her neck delicately, making her shiver.

  “We both had two.”

  “No, technically you had one, unless that Radcliffe guy could ever get over the humiliation of your words.” He chuckled, so she slapped him on the shoulder.

  “He pretty much drove me home, and never spoke to me again,” She let out a snort of laughter, as she threaded their fingers together. Ash’s phone began to ring again, and he let out a groan “I guess if the phone rings, we must answer the call.”


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