To Sir with Love [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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To Sir with Love [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Tara Rose

  Nando pulled her close and simply held her. “You are home,” he said softly. “And Graham and I will never, ever let you go again. We’ll take care of you, and protect you, and help you put this horrible incident where it belongs. In the past. You’re safe now, Leta. And you always will be.”

  It was over. She’d told them both the entire story and survived doing so. And they were still here. She was empty, but it wasn’t the sensation of being drained. She felt like she could sprout wings and fly right now if she wanted to. She was free. Free from the past and the humiliation she’d lived with over that incident for close to thirteen years now.

  “The trust you showed us last night blows me away.”

  She glanced toward Graham at the tone in his voice, so full of awe.

  “After what that asshole put you through, that you’d let us restrain you like that…”

  “She and I have worked a long time on getting her comfortable with restraints,” said Nando. “But until tonight, I never understood how much it actually meant.” He kissed her forehead gently. “Thank you, pet. I know that was difficult to get out.”

  “You’re welcome, Sir. Thank you for listening.”

  “Oh Leta…” He pulled her closer. “There isn’t anything you could tell me that would change how I feel about you. I wish you knew that.”

  “Same here,” said Graham. “And as for that douchebag’s comments about you being fat, it’s bullshit. You’re beautiful. I wish you knew that, too.”

  She didn’t say anything, but she did give him what she hoped was a grateful look.

  “That one will take some work,” said Nando, “But at least now I understand why. And I promise you both that we will work on that. On making sure Leta knows how beautiful she is.”

  Chapter Ten

  Nando’s limbs shook badly, but not from fear. He’d never been so angry in his life. He finally understood what people meant when they talked about seeing red. The more he thought about it, the worse the images running around his brain became.

  He wanted to find that asshole and kill him, or at least hurt him so badly he’d never be able to humiliate another sub again, but he was stuck here on this damn rock. Or was he?

  Estevan and Liam had gone into the ocean to save Santos Augustine last month. The police sergeant had become trapped in a concrete storm drain while trying to rescue a group of stupid teens near the cemetery on the west side of the island. After the hurricane had swept over the island, flooding had unearthed a number of coffins, and as the teens tried to loosen others, they got swept into the drains.

  No one knew what it meant that those two had been able to go into the ocean and free Santos from the drain, but Nando needed to know now. Had the curse been lifted and all these decades none of them knew it? Had it ever been real at all? Were the deaths of their great-grandfathers nothing more than a freakish coincidence?

  “You’re a million miles away.”

  Graham’s words snapped him out of his reverie, so he shared his thoughts with them. As soon as he began asking if the curse might not already be lifted, Leta crawled off him and gathered up the food and drinks.

  “Pet, please sit down and just listen. I promise you I’m not about to wade into the ocean tonight.”

  “Sir, I get really freaked out talking about that curse.”

  “I know you do. Just hear me out. They walked underwater for close to two hundred feet. That’s two-thirds the length of a football field. It’s farther than three of our ancestors got before encountering a jelly fish, a shark, and a freak storm.”

  “So what are you saying? That you and Graham intend to try and fly to Mississippi just to prove the curse isn’t real?”

  “No. I don’t think I’m quite that brave. Not without investigating this a bit first.”

  She finally took her seat again, tucking her legs underneath her body. It was a gesture that indicated she was still uncomfortable with the subject matter, but also that she wasn’t going to bolt anytime soon. “Hasn’t it been investigated for decades? And still no one knows anything about it.”

  “There are clues,” said Graham. “But we tend not to share them. I’m not really sure why.”

  Her eyes grew wide and she shifted in her seat. “What clues?”

  Graham gave her a grin that sent a quick wave of jealousy through Nando. He tamped it down. This wasn’t the time for that. He’d just promised Leta that they would try and make this work. “If we tell you, you’re sworn to secrecy forever.”

  She moved her legs out from underneath her body and leaned forward. “I swear it. Please tell me.”

  “All right. My grandmother, Shona, gave my father her diary before she died, and he gave it to me years ago. It’s filled with stories she began writing about the curse from the time she was a teen. That’s why I know where all the clues are, and who has them. But it doesn’t only contain the clues. It also has stories she’s heard from both families.”

  “How far back does it go?”

  “To her death five years ago.”

  “May I see it?”

  “Sure. I’ll bring it over next time I’m here.”

  “Thanks. So, are you allowed to tell me about some of the clues?”

  He winked. “I think it’s safe to tell you about a few of them. Taj has a piece of parchment that he found in his grandfather Mendo’s things after Mendo died. Based on the syntax and sentence structure, we think it was written in the mid-twentieth century. But the thoughts are convoluted and scattered, as if whoever wrote it was trying to get them down quickly. Like they wrote it during a vision, or while trying to recall a vivid dream before it faded away.”

  “Who wrote it?”

  “We don’t know. And here’s the creepiest part. The text goes on to talk about the natives of this island asking a demon to put a curse on the original four of our ancestors who settled it. But when the text gets to the part where the demon asks for a boon in return, the language changes in mid-sentence, and no one can read it.”

  Nando swore he actually saw Leta shiver. “What do you mean no one can read it?”

  “I mean Taj has had experts examine the language and no one knows what it is.”

  She glanced toward him. “Have you seen this paper?”


  “Is that the only clue?”

  “No. Kade has an amulet containing Ouanga. That’s a charm used to poison an enemy. It contains the poisonous roots of a maudit tree from the West Indies. You know who Phyllis is, right?”

  She nodded. “The lady who runs the voodoo shop downtown.”

  “She told Kade it had been blessed for protection instead of cursing. Kade found it in Javel’s house after he died. He was one of Iago’s sons, but Phyllis wasn’t able to confirm whether or not it was Javel’s to begin with.”

  “And Kade thinks it’s connected to the curse somehow?”

  Nando shrugged. “No one knows, but why else would one of our ancestors have an amulet for protection?”

  “I don’t know. Are there other clues?”

  “Estevan has a medallion he showed me once,” said Graham. “Allegedly, it contains the name of the demon who placed the curse, but like the paper that Taj has, no one can read it. And he can’t touch it with his bare skin. If he does, he has terrible nightmares. Also, if you get close to it, you can hear it hum, like a seashell will give you the illusion of having the sound of the ocean inside it.”

  “If he can’t touch it, how did he get it in the first place?”

  “It hangs on a chain blessed by Phyllis. Emilio, Asa’s father, gave it to Estevan when he was younger.”

  “Why didn’t he give it to Asa?”

  Nando shook his head. “Asa doesn’t believe in superstition. He believes in cold, hard facts and dollar signs.”

  “Is that all the clues?”

  “No. I have one.”

  She stared at him as if she’d never seen him before. “Here? In this house?”


  “Why didn’t I know that before now, Sir?”

  “Because this creeps you out and I never wanted to upset you with it. But now that we’ve gone down this road, would you like to see it?”

  She hugged herself. “I don’t know.”

  Graham smiled and rose. “Come on. Let’s go inside and have a look. We won’t let anything harm you.”

  “Have you seen it?”


  “Will I be able to sleep afterward?”

  Nando gave her that look. “Really, pet? You’re worried about that? I think between the two of us, we can figure out a way to help you sleep tonight.”

  * * * *

  Leta opened her mouth but nothing came out. She glanced from Nando to Graham and back again while her arousal level reached a fevered pitch. Just like that, with one sentence, he’d taken away any trepidation she had about seeing this clue she’d never known was in the house, and he’d solidified the fact that both men intended to repeat what they’d all done together last night. She certainly hoped this was real, because if it was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up.

  She picked up the tray with the pitcher and glasses on it, and Graham picked up the tray with the food. “Lead the way, Sir.”

  Once inside, they put the food and drinks in the kitchen, and then Nando led them to the room he used as an in-home office. He removed a painting she’d done for him from the wall. It was a still-life, depicting a large sailboat on the private lake behind Phoebe’s Playthings. Leta hated the painting, saying it lacked emotion, but Nando had loved it and kept it up.

  She knew it covered the wall safe in this room, but she’d never known what was in there. He opened the safe, then dug around inside and pulled out a leather pouch that tied closed with a string. The pouch was worn and faded, and she wondered how old it was.

  He removed a plastic sleeve and placed it carefully on his desk, then turned on the lamp. “I don’t take it out of the plastic, but you can still read it.”

  “I could if I knew what it said.”

  “No one knows. It appears to be the same language as the parchment Taj has, at the part where it changes from English to this.”

  Leta took a couple of steps back as the hair on her arms prickled. “How do you know that?”

  “Only by comparison. Since we can’t read it, we really don’t know if it’s exactly the same. But we identified several words that are alike, so we assume it is.”

  “Where did you get it, Sir?”

  “From my father, who got it from his father, Jaden.”

  “One of Agapito’s sons, right?”

  “Yes. All of the clues were passed down from Agapito and Iago, so I think they’re the key to all this.”

  She swallowed hard and hugged herself again, even though the house was the same temperature it always was. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I think if we dig a bit deeper into their past, we might find a real answer.”

  “I won’t stop you, but I don’t want to help. Sir.”

  He smiled and put the plastic sleeve back into the pouch, then placed the pouch in the safe and locked it again. As he replaced the painting on the wall, he told her she didn’t have to help if she didn’t want to.

  “I don’t mean any disrespect, Sir. It’s just that this whole curse thing really creeps me out.”

  Nando put his arms around her and pressed close. She sighed as his bulge ground into her lower abdomen. “I know it does. But I wanted you to see the clue I have. We won’t talk about it tonight any more, okay?”

  “Okay. And just so you know, I can’t watch you two get on a plane. If you decide to chance it and fly to Mississippi, I’m going with you.”

  Graham moved into her line of vision, frowning. “You would do that? You’d risk your own death?”

  “What do you think would be worse for me, Sir? To die with you two, or to watch you get on a plane, and then either watch it fall into the Gulf or find out it crashed before it reached the airport on the mainland?”

  Graham looked at her with so much tenderness that her heart skipped a beat. Nando brushed a finger along her face, and when Graham strode toward her, Nando released her and watched while Graham pulled her close and kissed her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Graham found kissing her tonight even more erotic than last night, because she wasn’t tied up and blindfolded. She knew it was him kissing her this time, and she responded by moaning into his open mouth and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He didn’t even care that Nando was right there, watching them. He only knew they’d let him into their lives despite what he’d done early this morning, and he wasn’t going to blow it again. No way.

  Nando moved behind her, and brushed his hands down her back and over her ass. Her moans grew louder and she deepened her kiss, making Graham’s dick even harder than it had been before. He glanced over her shoulder into Nando’s eyes, relieved to see a smile on his friend’s face.

  They locked gazes for a few seconds only, but in that brief time Graham knew that Nando was all right with this. Whatever had happened today between these two had changed Nando’s reaction from the one he’d glimpsed last night while holding Leta during aftercare. He wasn’t going to ponder it or try and analyze it. He was simply going to go for it, and thank his lucky stars that the three of them were here right now.

  Graham released the kiss and nuzzled her neck. “I’ve never fucked in someone else’s office before.”

  She giggled, and his heart soared. “Neither have I, come to think of it.”

  “You’re kidding. You mean there’s a room in this house you two haven’t christened?”

  Nando chuckled softly. “There are a few.”

  Graham pulled off Leta’s top, mainly to see what they both would do. She gave him a look filled with lust, and now his damn cock was actually painful.

  When Nando unhooked her bra and removed it, tossing it across the room, he also reached around and grasped her breasts. “Aren’t these the most gorgeous fucking tits you’ve ever seen? I mean honestly…tell the truth.”

  “Goddam beautiful.” Graham brushed aside Nando’s left hand and bent his head to take that nipple into his mouth. Leta cried out in pleasure, burying her fingers in his hair.

  He was only dimly aware that Nando removed her Capri pants, panties, and sandals because he was too busy alternating sucking and gently biting her nipples. He’d always loved full breasts, and Leta’s really were exquisite. In high school, he’d had more than one wet dream where those breasts had hung down in his face for hours while he pleasured them. Now that he had them in his hands and his mouth again for real, he couldn’t even process the sensations.

  When he released them, he gaped at her naked form, mesmerized by her curves. He’d seen her naked last night, but this was different. She had a vulnerability to her tonight that tugged at his heart. Whether that had been brought on by her revelation of what that pig of a wannabe Dom had done to her in Oxford, of by them talking about the curse, he wasn’t sure. Maybe both. But regardless, he was determined to clear her mind of all that and only give her the most decadent, exquisite pleasure he could.

  “You really are beautiful,” he said. “I wish you knew that.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she whispered. Then she glanced toward Nando. “I should call you both ‘Sir,’ right? Is that what you want?”

  He smiled. “Yes, pet. That’ll be easiest. And he’s right. You are beautiful.”

  “I love your collar,” said Graham.

  She touched it with one finger, tentatively. He wondered if most days she even remembered it was there. He hadn’t seen her without it for three years. The delicate gold chain was classic enough that it looked like any other necklace, but the lock and key that hung down just below her collar bone told everyone how special and unique her relationship with Nando was.

  “Tell us what we can do tonight to make you believe it,” said Nando.

  “I don’t know…”

es you do.”

  As Graham watched the two of them communicate this way, almost without words, a pang of jealousy shot through him, hot and sharp. But he pushed it away just as quickly as it surfaced. They’d been together a long time. This was something he’d have to get used to.

  And in time, he and Leta would develop a closeness as well. This night was a huge step forward. He had to remember that and stay in the present. Otherwise, this would never work.

  “Just make love to me, Sir. Please. Both of you. Right here in this room if that’s what you want. Make me yours.”

  The breathy, desperate tone of her voice unleashed the last of the emotions he’d kept bottled up for this amazing woman. But before he could reach for her again, Nando picked her up and carried her to one of the leather sofas. He laid her gently on it, and then he glanced toward Graham. “We need condoms and lube. I’ll be right back. Keep her busy, okay?”

  Graham let out a sound halfway between a sigh and a gasp, and then he crawled on top of Leta and kissed her again. Fireworks went off behind his closed lids as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. He ached to fill her, but he knew he had to wait until Nando returned with condoms, and that only increased his need for her.

  He licked her nipples, then trailed his tongue down her abdomen and spread her legs. When he flicked her clit with one finger, she cried out again, so he slipped two fingers into her pussy and bent his head to suck on her clit.

  She came within seconds, and his ego took a powerful trip to the moon because of it. She cried out his name and bucked her hips into his face, and still he kept licking and sucking her. He finger-fucked her until his hand cramped, and when he finally released her, she sat up and hugged him, whispering his name over and over. “Oh Graham, thank you. Thank you so much.”


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