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A Breath of Heaven (El Camino Real Book 1)

Page 4

by Sable Hunter

  “I did.” Soon he needed to tell her he was retiring and coming home, but not tonight. He dreaded telling her, not sure why, unless he was afraid she wouldn’t be as happy about it as he needed for her to be. “So, this wedding, how do you really feel about it? Be honest.” Poke. Poke. He hid a grin, knowing what was coming.

  He wasn’t disappointed. Curse words turned the air blue. “It’s a mistake, a horrible damn mistake. I can’t believe Jase is going to marry that wicked, no-count, lily-livered excuse for a woman. She won’t treat him right. Hell, she won’t even cook for him. She’s a freakin’ vegan!”

  Cade roared with laughter. “They can hire a cook, Abby. Your brother is rich.”

  “Yea, that’s why the money-grubbing, fake-boobed, bleached blonde bimbo is marrying him. For his money, not because she cares anything about him.” Abby fumed as she viciously cut up her chop. “If I were marrying the man I love, I’d treat him like a king.” She said that – not realizing the pun she’d created with her own last name.

  Chuckling, Cade was amused and touched. “Being treated like a King is a good thing, I can attest to that fact.” But hearing Abby talk about how she would treat a man she loved made him ache with the need to be that man.

  Abby didn’t seem to be listening to him. She kept suffering over her future sister-in-law. “She eats garbanzo beans and seeds and crap. Heck, they can’t even have a normal wedding cake! It has to be gluten free and be made without eggs. I had to put almond milk in it for Christ’s sake!”

  “Why are you making the cake?” Cade asked in a conversational tone, knowing he was just getting her more worked up.

  “Because I wanted it done right,” she fussed.

  “Brat.” He couldn’t resist.


  Abby’s smile was so cute, Cade’s toes curled in his boots. “What did you do?” He wouldn’t put anything past her. She was diabolical. He ought to know.

  “The last time she ate over here...I put real butter in her mashed potatoes and honey in her carrots.”

  Cade roared. “You’re so evil. I love it!” Damn, he enjoyed being with her. They fought and carried on, but they seemed to feed off each other’s energy. It was exciting as hell. Feeling mischievous, he decided to really piss her off. He loved to live dangerously. “I thought I heard somewhere you decided to become a lesbian.” Cade watched her eyes widen and her cheeks grow pink, then she frowned at him like she’d love to dump a sack of cow fertilizer on his head.

  “Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Girl on girl action. You ass. But no.”

  “Hmmm, okay. And what do you know about girl-on-girl action anyway.” When she refused to answer, he continued. “It’s just a mystery to me why you’ve decided to live the way you do. You certainly sent me packing without a backward glance.”

  He licked butter from his fork and Abby swallowed hard. “It’s no mystery, Cade. I’m just not interested in good-looking men.” She cleared her throat. That hadn’t come out exactly right. She hadn’t meant to compliment him – even though it was the God’s truth. “I’m happier alone.” Which was a lie.

  Her unintentional compliment wasn’t lost on Cade. “Aha! So, you do think I’m good-looking.” They locked gazes again. Her eyes were sparkling, probably with anger, but that was okay. Fuck! She was so beautiful and smart. Abby was sweet to everybody, but him. And she was damn sexy. If no one was enjoying her delectable little body, it was a crime against nature, a terrible crime. “Let me ask you something,” he sobered, needing an answer. “We’ve never talked about it. And I need to know. What changed your mind about us? Why don’t you like me anymore, Abby?”

  Uh-oh. Careful, Abby Grace. “I don’t dislike you, Cade.” She paused, thoughtfully. “I just don’t like you very much.” No, she didn’t like him. She loved him with her whole heart.

  “So, you’re ambivalent toward me. You have no feelings for me at all? Or are you secretly in love with me and wishing you could lick jalapeno jelly off my six-pack?”

  “Grrrrrr...” She considered pouring ice tea over his head. “I‘d probably get sick from narcissistic poisoning.”

  “If you feel nothing for me, why are your nipples so big and hard? They’re playing peekaboo at me through your sweater.” He stared at them. He couldn’t help it. “Do you even have on a bra?”

  “ARG!” Abby crossed her arms over her breasts, cupping the tip of each one in her palm. “Stop looking at me! And yes, I have on a bra.”

  Cade took a big sip of tea. “How many times have you turned me down?”

  “I don’t remember.” Standing up, she cleared their plates, hoping he would change the subject. “Do you want a piece of torte?” She sat the decadent chocolate dessert between them. “I’ll cut you a big piece if you’ll change the subject.”

  Cade considered his options. He wanted answers, and he’d get them eventually. He was nothing if not persistent. Right now, he wanted chocolate. “Cake.”

  She looked satisfied and cut them both a serving. “Good choice.”

  “Can I have some milk to go with it?” He asked innocently and sweetly. “Please?”

  “Yes. God, I can’t believe I’m waiting on you.” Abby huffed as she got up and poured him a brimming glass full. “Don’t expect this type of treatment all week, Tallbull.”

  “Ah, you love it, you know you do.” Cade watched her eat for a moment, studying her beautiful face. “I think you ought to at least date, Abby.” He spoke around a mouthful of the best cake he’d ever put in his mouth. “Dang, this is good stuff!”

  She snatched his plate out from in front of him. “You were supposed to change the subject.”

  “Not so fast.” He grabbed her hand and gently reclaimed his dessert. “You can break my heart, but you can’t take my chocolate.”

  Abby laughed. “I can see where your priorities are.” Then, she realized what he’d said. “And I didn’t break your heart. No way.”

  Cade let it go. No use having salt rubbed into his wound. “Why won’t you at least go out on a date, Abby? Trevor told me you haven’t gone out with a guy in years. A girl like you needs to be married. You’re pretty enough.” He reached over and snagged a long dark curl of her silky hair, twisting it around his finger. “Beautiful hair, big dark eyes. You’re almost a double for that girl Rachel on the television program Suits. You know the one?”

  “I don’t watch much TV.” Abby felt uncomfortable, her heart was pounding in her chest. How was she ever going to survive him being here? “But I don’t want to marry. I’m too busy to date.” There, that was a good answer. “My practice is growing, my hours are unpredictable and I prefer the company of animals to people. Besides, I hear marriage is overrated. Once the honeymoon’s over, it’s all downhill from there.”

  “All depends on the chemistry, Abby. For a lucky few, the honeymoon never ends.” Or at least that’s what he’d envisioned with her. Cade took another bite of dessert. “You’re cynical. Are you hiding something from me?”

  He stared at her so long that Abby began to fidget in her seat.

  “Hiding something?” Hell. Was he psychic? ”I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “What do you do for sex?”

  Whoosh! The air left her lungs. “Pardon?” She can’t believe he asked her that question!

  “What do you do for sex?” He repeated, looking at her breasts again. “You’re sexy, Abby. A little prickly, but a man would have a helluva good time taming you. Do you think I ought to give it another whirl?” Cade was on a mission, make her angry – then she’d jump him and he would ravish her while she was in her arms. Yea, sounded like a plan.

  By now, Abby was quivering from a combination of anger and arousal. Cade was dynamically attractive, sensual as sin and putting off some type of pheromone that was driving her slap-dab crazy. He was flirting with her, by-God! Was he serious? Usually they just sniped at each other. They’d never exchanged these veiled sexual innuendoes before – and some not
so veiled. Oh, well, it didn’t matter. Even if he was, she could never, ever let anything come from it. “I think you’d be taking your own life in your hands if you try.”

  “Oh, really?” He stood up. “I’m not really afraid of you, Abby. Tell me, what do you do when you’re aroused?” He laid down his napkin. “Do you touch yourself?” He took a step or two toward her end of the table.

  Abby stood up, panic washing through her bloodstream. “Don’t you come anywhere near me, Cade Tallbull.”

  “Do you run your hands over that sweet little body?”

  He was coming closer, stalking her. Abby retreated. “Excuse me, I need to do the dishes. Why don’t you watch television, or better yet...” She brightened. “Why don’t you go take a dip in the stock pond? I put some testicle eating fish in there especially for you.”

  Cade shook his head. “Nah, I saw ice on the pond when I drove up. And believe me, you want me to keep the boys safe.” He rubbed his package. “You might find a use for them someday soon.” Cade took another step closer to her. “But we could shower together.” This was fun. “Stop fighting it, Abby. Stop fighting me. You know you still want me. Admit it.”

  Abby wasn’t admitting a damn thing. She glanced over her shoulder, measuring how far it was to her bedroom door. She needed a path to a fast get-away. “The dishes can wait till tomorrow. I’m tired.”

  Cade wasn’t giving up. “When you touch yourself, do you ever think of me? When you rub your little clit and pinch your nipples, do you ever call out my name? Cade, oh, Cade, I want you, Cade.” He mimicked her voice.

  He was about three feet away and aroused, heavily aroused. Abby could see the outline of his cock through his jeans. She stared, mesmerized and confused. Was that for her? “Me? Call your name? Never!” Lie. Lie. All lies.

  “So, you do masturbate, don’t you? At least I admit that much.” He reached out for her.

  And when he did, Abby turned and ran like the devil himself was after her. She sprinted across the room, down the hall, into her bedroom and slammed the door. And locked it. Then, she leaned back against it, clasping her heart, trying to catch her breath. She wasn’t scared of Cade. She was scared of herself.

  Abby Grace King wanted Cade Tallbull more than she wanted life.

  But she couldn’t have him. Ever.

  She was just about to step away from the door when she heard him…

  “Abby?” Cade’s whispered voice came from the other side of the door. She jumped. “Abby?”

  “Go away, Cade.” She begged, desperate to have him – desperate to keep him at arm’s length.

  “I’m going to be in bed just on the other side of the wall, thinking about you. Listen for me, Abby. You just might hear me moaning your name when I cum.”

  “Oh, God,” she whispered. “I’m gonna kill him.”

  She heard him chuckle as he turned and went to his door.

  “Goodnight, Abby,” he called. “Dream about me.”

  Chapter Two

  Cade walked into his room with a swagger. So far, his plan was working. He was getting to her, he could tell. Of course, he always could. This time seemed different somehow. If he wasn’t terribly mistaken, he’d seen hunger in her eyes, a sexual hunger directed straight at him. God, he hoped he was right.

  Reaching into his pocked, his fingers came into contact with something smooth and cool. Dang, the necklace! He’d forgotten to give it to her. Pulling it out of his pocket, he cupped it in his hand. She was going to love this. Maybe he’d slip it on her himself. Yea, that’s what he’d do.

  Shedding his clothes, he ambled toward the bathroom. A shower would feel good. As he walked, he stripped, leaving a trail of clothes. By the time he was standing next to the tiled shower, he was naked. Opening the glass door, he flipped on the water and directed the shower head toward the back wall. While the water temperature adjusted, Cade checked his reflection in the mirror, trying to decide if he wanted to shave tonight or in the morning. Hell, morning sounded good to him. He smiled to himself as he flexed, not really seeing his reflection. Being with Abby again was wonderful, even if they did bait one another at every opportunity. Oh, he wanted more – but this was good, a good start. Man’s favorite sport was women and Cade was ready to play. Only this wasn’t a game with Abby and he didn’t intend to lose – this was real and the prize was a future together.

  “Tonight’s the night,” he sang, remembering an old Rod Stewart song. “Spread your wings…” Every word out of his mouth conjured an image of lying Abby down, stripping her of whatever little nothing she wore to bed and opening her thighs so he could come inside. “Fuck,” he groaned, running a soapy hand over his throbbing cock. Leaning his head on the tile wall, Cade stroked himself, rubbing his balls and pulling on his hard length as he imagined pushing deep into Abby’s tender pussy. “If only…” he muttered.

  For a few seconds, he gave in, pumping his cock in his fist. “So close,” he whispered and he wasn’t referring to an orgasm, he was thinking of the object of his desire – she was almost close enough to touch.


  Removing his hand, he rinsed and shut off the water, stepping out of the shower with his cock rock-hard and strutted. He had better plans for this erection other than jerking off under the spray. If he had to touch himself for satisfaction, the least he could do was be as near to her as possible.

  In a few minutes he was through, dried and in bed. Stretching out, he listened. Hot damn, the walls were thin. Cade could hear her moving around. This could be fun…

  “Shoot, shoot, shoot,” Abby grumbled. How in the world was she going to survive this week? She loved Christmas, but it was stressful even at the best of times. Heck, she didn’t even have her tree yet. Add the wedding to the typical holiday madness, spike it with her extreme dislike of Jase’s choice of bride…why, she’d be lucky if her hair didn’t fall out from sheer nerves. And now that Cade was in the picture and underfoot, insanity sure to be just around the corner. It was obvious he was going to do everything in his power to torment her.

  Jerking her sweater off, she shed her jeans and underwear as she walked. Abby stalked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Turning to pick up a towel, she caught a glimpse of her body in the full length mirror on the back of the door. A spike of shame and sorrow pierced her heart. Most of the time she could forget, but Cade made her feel things she’d spent years trying to bury.

  Needless things. Things she could never have. Like a husband, a family and a sex life.

  “Don’t even go there,” she chastised herself. “There’s no use.” Quickly, she went through her bedtime routine. To get her mind off what couldn’t be, she went over her schedule for the next day. Bryce Adams was bringing his prize stallion to mate with one of Chris Farnsworth’s mares. Many breeders were using artificial insemination, but Bryce preferred the old fashioned way. He thought letting nature take its course kept his stock healthier and happier. Abby couldn’t help but agree. She knew she’d be healthier and happier if she let nature take its course, but she couldn’t—she just couldn’t. Cade must never know she pushed him away because she couldn’t afford to pull him close.

  Sighing, she got out of the shower, toweled dry, and went to her chest of drawers, pulling out a pair of sleep shorts and a night shirt. Straightening what remained, her fingers touched a framed photo. When he’d been asking where his picture was, she hadn’t told the truth…it was here in her room – in her dresser, so she could take it out and look at it anytime she wanted to. Many night she’d slept with it beneath her pillow or held close to her heart. Pulling out the eight by ten, she held it up, running her fingers over his image. It was a shot he’d given her mother. Abby had stolen it, not that Amelia was fooled. She knew her daughter too well. She knew what Abby had given up and exactly how she felt about Cade. Smiling sadly, she studied his face. He was so handsome, so dear. “God, help me,” she sighed. “You’ll never know how much I love you.” Tenderly, she kissed the glass, leav
ing yet another smudge, for she did this often – most every night.

  Replacing the photograph carefully, she covered it up, then pulled on a pair of sleep shorts and a nightshirt. Padding to the bed, she glanced at the clock. It was only ten, a little early to go to sleep, but she could read a while or…something. Spending another moment with Cade when he was in such an aggravating mood was impossible. Throwing back the covers, she plumped her pillow and yawned. Crawling on all fours to the middle of the bed, she plopped down and stared at the ceiling.

  Then she heard it.

  “Abby Grace…Abby Grace…”

  Cade’s slightly sing-song saying of her name made her jerk.


  She pinched her lips together and pulled the pillow over her head.

  “Abby, I can hear every move you make…from you slapping the pillow, to the bed creaking, to those sweet little sighs you make as you nestle down into the covers.”

  Abby turned over. If she ignored him, maybe he’d go away.

  “Abby, can you hear me?”


  “Oh, okay.”

  She heard him chuckle.

  “Go to sleep, Cade.”

  “I’d rather talk to you.” She heard his bed creak. “Let’s play a game.”

  Oh, Lord. “What kind of game?”

  “Let’s have phone sex without the phone.”

  “I’ve never had phone sex!” Abby tried to sound scandalized, but she only managed to sound intrigued.

  “Awww, you’ve been missing out.” Not that he had phone sex often, but it had happened. When he’d hook up with a buckle bunny and move on to the next town, sometimes Cade would keep the relationship going long distance until it got boring. As much as he adored Abby, he hadn’t been a monk. For years, he given up – but now, now he wasn’t taking no for an answer. He knew what he wanted and he knew that no one else did it for him – only her. If he couldn’t have her, he wanted to at least know he’d done everything in his power to try.


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