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A Breath of Heaven (El Camino Real Book 1)

Page 6

by Sable Hunter

  Cade had to hold on to the fence with both hands. He wanted to insert himself in the middle of the action but he held back, ready to intervene if necessary. The man holding the female kept her straight, as he should. When a stallion first mounts a mare, if he is inexperienced, he can put more weight on the mare than she can support, causing her to sway or fall. It’d be up to the one handling the stallion to make sure this didn’t happen. Abby. His Abby. The stallion outweighed her more than ten times. Dammit to hell!

  Abby hadn’t worked with Caesar before. She didn’t know his disposition. If she let him have his head and he started thrusting without rhyme or reason, the mare could become agitated and reject him. When that happened, the stallion could lash out at her or the handlers in his frustration. Using all her strength, she guided the horse into place. When he reared up, ready to copulate, he covered the mare. His front hooves were very near Chris’s head. “Back up, Chris,” she warned. He did, but only after narrowly missing a blow to the head. “I should have insisted you wear a helmet.”

  “What about you, you little fool?” Cade muttered under his breath. “Your head is hard, but not that hard.” His heart was in his throat. It was a good thing she couldn’t hear him or she’d be royally pissed. That was okay. He was going to give her a piece of his mind if she survived this fool stunt. If she belonged to him, he wouldn’t put up with this shit for a minute. He could see some changes were going to have to be made – because he fully intended that she would belong to him soon.

  “That’s it!” She sounded triumphant. The stallion hit his mark.

  Cade couldn’t believe it. She crooned to him, praising him while the big horse bent the mare to his will. If he hadn’t been so out of his mind with worry, the sheer eroticism of the sight would have moved him. Both horses quivered with pleasure and the stallion tried to nip the mare in his excitement, but the handler slapped his nose. With a tremendous jerk, the act was over and Cade let out a sigh of relief.

  It was damn difficult, but he bided his time while Abby led the two men into her building to sign whatever papers were necessary. To get out of the cold, Cade went into one of the side buildings where she kept smaller animals. The heaters were on in there and he checked out a couple of dogs housed in comfortable cages awaiting her attention. After a few more minutes, he heard the trucks start up. The horse owners loaded up and left. Okay, now it was his turn.

  Abby studied her appointment book. It was just her luck. Missy, her assistant, hadn’t come in on this extra cold morning. There was a message on the answering machine saying she had no electricity and would be staying home for the day. It was just as well. She didn’t have much to do anyway, except wait for the owners to come pick up two dogs she’d spayed the day before. Other than that, she was free. Dang it.

  Abby was dreading the wedding. At least she wasn’t in the wedding party, which was no surprise, since she and Pam didn’t see eye to eye on anything. If her parents and brothers weren’t coming home, the whole thing would be unbearable. And then, there was Cade…

  She was headed back to check on the dogs when Abby ran into a solid wall made of hard, sexy man. Oomph. “Where did you come from?” she asked breathlessly, her hands grasping at his forearms.

  Cade didn’t say a word. Instead, he hauled Abby against his chest and captured her lips in a kiss. She didn’t have the time or the inclination to protest. Overwhelming pleasure swamped her as Cade devoured her mouth. Her hands betrayed her and crept up to his shoulders. He cupped her bottom and literally picked her up off her feet. Abby had no choice but to link her ankles behind his waist and hold on. Cade kicked the door shut and moved forward until she felt her bottom bump the counter. Once he’d settled her safely on the surface, she thought he’d let her go – but he didn’t. Cade framed her face, held her steady and ate at her mouth like he was starving to death.

  He wasn’t thinking. Cade was reacting. His body was so on board that his brain had a hard time catching up. Abby wasn’t fighting him. In fact, she was kissing him back. God, he was in trouble. He slid his mouth to one side, kissing her cheek and allowing them to catch their breath. Her little pants made his rod hard as rebar.

  Then he remembered the important business he had to conduct. Pulling back, Cade took her by the shoulders and gave her a piece of what little mind he had left. “What in the hell did you think you were doing out there? Don’t you know you have absolutely no business trying to manhandle an animal that could kill you in a heartbeat?”

  Abby was stunned. One moment he was practically making love to her and the next he was reading her the riot act. “Stop! This is my job, Cade. I know what I’m doing!” She bit the words out at him.

  “There was a damn grown man standing there who owned the fuckin’ horse. Let him put his life on the line. Not yours! I know you want to keep them from marking one another. Everyone knows ugly scars lessen an animal’s value, but there’s no use for you to be stupid, taking foolhardy chances!”

  Abby grunted and jumped off the counter, putting distance between her and Cade. The few feet didn’t seem to be far enough. A wave of sorrow swamped her. He had no idea, but he’d just confirmed everything she feared.

  Ugly scars lessen value.

  She had ugly scars, therefore she had no value.

  Abby let out a long, harsh breath. She was almost thankful he’d reminded her of a truth she’d almost let herself forget. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing you aren’t around very often. It wouldn’t do for you to see me dehorning a cow or castrating a bull.” As if the words gave her an idea, she glanced down at the big bulge beneath his belt buckle.

  “See something you like?” he drawled, his breathing as labored as hers.

  Pinning him with a stare, she challenged Cade. “Actually, no. I see something that needs snipping.”

  “Snipping?” He laughed. God, she was something else. “You’d be cutting off your nose to spite your face. One day you’re gonna crave what I can give you.” Cade stepped into her comfort zone and wrapped a hand around the nape of the neck. “And I’m gonna give it to you hard.”

  Even though what he was saying made her tremble with need, Abby couldn’t stand to hear another word. “I don’t think so.” She ducked out of his arms and took off for the door as fast as she could.

  Cade grabbed her by the hand, pulling Abby back against him in one smooth move. “Hold on, Abilene. I’ve decided you need a keeper.” Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pushed Abby’s hair off her shoulder and bent over, nuzzling her neck and nipping at the collarbone, much like the stallion had wanted to do to the mare.

  In her vulnerable state, she deliberately misinterpreted his words. “I’m not a keeper,” she whispered, trying to find the will to fight. He was too good at this and she was absolutely aching for his touch.

  Cade didn’t understand why she turned the phrase on him like that. “I think it’s time we had a long talk, Miss King.”

  “Talk?” Alarm bells were ringing in her head, and then she realized it was the phone. “Don’t hold that thought.” Carefully, Abby extricated herself and reached for the land line. “Dr. King.”

  “Doctor King…” he drawled behind her. “You ought to answer ‘Abby Grace in your face’ like you used to when you were a little girl.” In many ways, he missed those days – their closeness, the way she depended on him. The way she looked up to him.

  Abby threw a box of cat wormer at him and he laughed.

  “Abilene, this is your mother speaking.”

  Oh, Lord. “Hello, mom.”

  “How are you?”

  Abby loved her mother, but she never changed tunes. It was always second verse, same as the first. ‘Are you dating anyone?’ ‘When are you going to make me a grandmother?’ “I’m good, how was your flight?”

  “We didn’t fly. Didn’t you hear? Shiloh picked us up. He was in Montana delivering one of his prize bulls and drove through Georgetown to keep us off the plane. With that big double cab dually and those wide tir
es, he said we’d be safer. I think he was right. Have you talked to your brother?”

  “Which one?” She loved them all, but she tried to keep her distance as much as possible. Even though they looked out for her, her siblings tended to meddle in her business.

  “Shiloh. Abby, I’ve never seen him so sad. I’m worried. And he won’t tell me what’s wrong either. Will you talk to him, please?”

  Wonder why? He was probably feeling as boxed in as Abby. “I don’t know if he’ll confide in me, but I’ll try. Shiloh’s my favorite brother.”

  Her mother laughed. “You say that about every one of the boys.”

  Abby had to smile. “Yes, I do.” Except Cade, he was so much more. “Trevor and Trace sent me a text message. They’ll be driving in from Austin in time for the party and Justice may be here by now. He hasn’t been home since the PRCA National Convention. When he left Vegas, he went out to California to meet with a breeder.”

  “I can’t wait to see all my boys, including Cade. Is what I hear true?”

  Until now, he’d been standing against the wall, one foot propped up behind him, arms folded, staring at her. She’d been doing her best to ignore him, but he was magnetic. Her body wanted to move in his direction of its own volition. Damn him. “Cade? What about Cade?” Had someone seen them kissing?

  “Did your hard work for his nomination come through?”

  Oh! The nomination. “I haven’t heard, Mom. Keep your fingers crossed and don’t say another word. He’s standing right here.”

  “Oh, he is?” Her mother made those three words sound like fingernails on a chalk board.

  “Yes, he’s just about to leave.” She glared at him as he smirked and winked.

  “Hmmm, I always told your daddy the two of you didn’t hate each other nearly as much as you pretended to.”

  “Mother.” She tried to speak volumes of warning with her tone.

  “When are you going to give me grandchildren, Abilene Grace?”

  “Oh! It would serve you right if I just went out and got myself knocked up by some random man at Home Depot.” She huffed with exasperation.

  The snort from across the room echoed the snort from over the receiver. They knew her too well. “Don’t tempt me, Abby. I’m considering trying to find you a mail-order groom from the Ukraine.”

  “Sorry, Mom. I’ve got to go.” She’d had all she could handle.

  “Will I see you tonight?” Her mother asked in a hopeful tone.

  “Yes, I’m coming to Jase and Jaw’s, I mean, Pam’s party. I wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Be nice, Abilene.” Her mother warned.

  “ARG!” She hung up the phone with a little more force than she intended.

  She didn’t catch a break either, because Cade spoke right up. “Two questions. First, what were you saying about me? But more importantly, do you need a baby-daddy, Abilene?”

  He pushed off from the wall and she couldn’t be still. “None of your business and ‘no’. If I want a child, I’ll adopt one.”

  He smiled, his handsome face melting her heart and heating her core.

  “Doing it the old-fashioned way is a helluva lot more fun. Didn’t seeing that big ole’ stallion mounting that filly get to you, Honey? When I wasn’t worrying about you getting killed, my cock sure perked up and took notice.”

  “Don’t be vulgar.” She huffed, her whole body tingling at the thought.

  “Oh, I can promise you, you’d like my dirty side.” Cade’s mutter was low with promise.

  How did he get between her and both exits? Cade blocked her way out from behind the counter. God, the man covered the ground he walked on. “I…” Damn, she forgot what she was gonna say.

  “Cat got your tongue?”

  He moved closer, not touching, but she felt him in every pore of her being. “No.”

  “I know where I want to put my tongue,” he spoke with a low, nipple throbbing growl. “Between those pretty little thighs. Would you like that?”

  Abby trembled, literally trembled. How was she going to survive this? He didn’t realize he was killing her. Again, her answer was, “No.” Actually, she didn’t know whether she’d like it or not. She dreamed about what it would feel like to have a man bury his head between her legs and lick…but that would also mean… “No!”

  “Okay. Enough.” Cade took her by the shoulders and pulled her flush against him. “I want you. I want to have sex with you. And you want me. I didn’t fall off the turnip truck yesterday. So, what’s it going to take, Abilene? Let’s negotiate.”

  Good Lord. Abby shut her eyes. “I can’t.”

  “Can’t or won’t?” Cade was damn confused.

  “Can’t.” She hung her head.

  “Explain.” Seeming desperate, he ground out the word.

  Bam! The door opened, letting in a blanket of frigid air and a cloud of cloying perfume. “Abby? Abby Grace?” The voice was grating and then it turned suspiciously amused. “Oh, my! What do we have here?”

  Abby had to smile. This was the first time she’d ever been glad to see her future sister-in-law. “Nothing, Pam, not a thing. I was just considering putting down a bothersome polecat.” The polecat chuckled. “Cade was helping me decide.” She met his hot stare. “Excuse me, Cade. The bride needs me. We’ll have to talk another time.”

  Abby left with Pam, listening as she talked wedding plans, guest list and last minute problems that didn’t seem to be nearly the crisis that Bridezilla made them out to be. Abby made notes and promised to make some phone calls that would ensure the flowers were perfect and the chocolate fountain ran warm with Godiva. Only once did Pam stop talking and that was when she got a text, a text that unnerved her so much that she stumbled over the only patch of smooth ground they covered.

  “Something wrong?” Abby asked.

  Pam still stared at the screen. “No, just an old friend I haven’t heard from in a while.”

  “Is she coming to the wedding?” She tried to show interest in the woman who would soon be family.

  “No, no,” Pam shook her head. “He won’t be coming. That wouldn’t be a good idea at all. ”

  He? Interesting. “Not everyone likes weddings, they make some people sad.” Abby muttered. Unfortunately, she knew that from experience.

  “My wedding is going to be the event of the season!”

  Abby grimaced. It was her opinion that Pam was more excited about the ceremony than she was about marrying Jase.

  And that was a crying shame.

  Chapter Four

  “Yuck!” The small boy spit out a mouthful of food on the floor. “Gross!”

  As the catering staff hurried to clean up the mess, Abby elbowed Trevor. “Look, even Pam’s nephew doesn’t like the vegan food.”

  “Be nice, Sis,” Jase spoke in her ear and Abby jumped. “Little Harold doesn’t like anything. You can’t judge culinary cuisine by a two year old.”

  “Don’t sneak up on me!” Abby whacked the prospective groom. “I’m trying to be nice.”

  “It’s just so hard for our sister to be nice.” Shiloh sipped his scotch and water. “Is Cade still alive? I hear he’s been rooming with you.”

  Abby kept a poker face. Cade was driving her crazy, but in an entirely different way than normal. “Oh, he’s here somewhere. I haven’t killed him. Yet.” She’d been watching his every move, actually. When he’d gone outside a moment ago, it had been all she could to keep from following him. But she’d gone out of her away to avoid him. They hadn’t talked since she’d made her escape with Pam earlier in the day.

  Jase ruffled her hair as if she were the same age as Harold. “Cade and Abby sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” She tried to elbow him, but he grabbed her in a headlock. “Stop it, squirt. That’s what you get, having six brothers twice your size.”

  “Five brothers, I have five brothers.” She had to make that distinction and she didn’t want to give the reason why a lot of thought at the moment. “And paybacks can be excruciating.” A
bby threatened, and then laughed as Jase turned her loose. Their father was giving them an evil eye. Even though they were all adults, Sam still could quell them with a look. “Speaking of Harold, did Pam tell you her decision?” Abby couldn’t believe her future sister-in-law had refused to let Jase’s German Shepherd be the ring bearer in the wedding. Jase and Scout had been together for twelve years. The dog was well behaved. A gentleman.

  Unlike Harold.

  “Speaking of Harold.” Abby pointed as they watched the wild child streak across the room, screaming at the top of his lungs. The music was at a lull and a whole room full of elegant people stopped to watch the childish spectacle. A wholesale sigh of relief was heard when he disappeared out the front door with his father hot on his heels. “I bet that behavior runs in the family.” She snorted.

  Jase got in her face. “If you don’t sheathe those claws when you’re talking about my bride-to-be and her family, I’m going to tell everyone you and Cade were necking in your office this morning.”

  Abby blanched. “What did you say?” She tried to look affronted while Jase smirked.

  Shiloh roared with laughter, which alerted Trevor and Trace that something was up. “What’s going on? What did Baby Doc do?”

  “Baby Doc is older and wiser than you,” she snarled at the two Greek Gods who just happened to be her baby brothers. She rounded on Jase. “And who told you I was kissing Cade? Pam? Was she spying on me?”

  “Cade? I knew it! You owe me a hundred dollars.” He held his hand out to his brother.

  Trace grumbled, but he got out his wallet, glaring at Abby all the while. “I can’t believe you were swapping slobber with your arch enemy. What is the world coming to? The next thing you know, Justice will be dating Charlee Parker.”

  “Not a chance in hell.” Justice joined his siblings just in time to hear Trace’s comment. “Charlee is hard-headed, opinionated and cold as ice.”


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