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A Breath of Heaven (El Camino Real Book 1)

Page 12

by Sable Hunter

  “They do?” Again, he didn’t think they were talking about a cedar or a pine.

  “Yea, to be brought into a home and given a place of honor, dressed up in finery... oh, yeah, not every tree is so lucky.” She stopped at one growing next to a fallen log. After a few circles and a lot of hmmmms, she announced, “I like this one. What do you think?”

  Cade made a show of inspecting the cedar. About eight foot tall, it had a nice shape, was pretty full... uh-oh...until he walked to the back and saw a gap wide enough to house a good-size raccoon. But knowing her criteria, he figured this flaw made the cedar even more impressive and worthwhile to her. “Looks good to me.” He held up the hatchet. “So, is this the one?”

  Her eyes were alight with joy and as she clasped her hands tightly together and proclaimed. “Yes, let’s go decorate it! Then, we’ll sit in front of the fire and look at the lights.”

  As he chopped it down and loaded it up, he knew what he wanted to do under the tree. “How about if you look at the lights and I look at you?”

  * * *

  “Hold on, let me pick you up.”

  Abby gasped as Cade held her up so she could place the star in the top of the tree. “Beautiful!”

  “Yes, you are.” He deliberately let her slide down his body. By the time her feet hit the floor, he had her mouth under his, her bottom cupped in his hands and his cock was hard as a rock between them. “I want you, Abby-girl. This has been one of the best days I can ever remember. I can’t think about anything but loving on you.”

  “You can’t?” Despite his newfound sweetness, their history of joking around had made her wary of taking him literally. They’d had a good time stringing lights, hanging balls, arranging a thousand bits of tinsel at just the right angle and on just the right branch. And all the time he’d worn the Santa Claus duster, with his hat and spurs that jangled as he walked. He didn’t realize it, but the time and attention he was giving her was the most incredible gift she’d ever received.

  “Oh, yeah.” He skated his lips down the side of her neck and nipped her on the soft flesh next to her collarbone. “Will you let me?”

  Her breathing became labored and her blood pressure spiked. “Let me freshen up real quick, okay?” Before he could answer either way, Abby sped away.

  “Hurry back. I’ll be waiting.” Impatiently, he thought. While she was gone, he set the stage. Digging in the closet, he found a soft blanket and a few throw pillows. He dimmed the lights, put an extra log on the fire and lit a few candles. Then he shucked his clothes, laid down on the blanket and waited.

  Meanwhile in the bathroom, Abby stared at herself in the mirror. “You know, Abby, if we’d known you were gonna get this much action, we would’ve stocked up on some sexy sleepwear.” All she could come up with was a short black nightgown with spaghetti straps. At least it was cut low in the back and front. Maybe she looked okay. Now, if he’d just go along with the rest of her plan. “I wish I had courage pills.” Abby checked in her medicine cabinet, but the closest she could come up with was Midol and that wouldn’t help a whole lot. “Oh well, here goes.”

  She was nervous. Like a teenager, she ran down the hall and skated into the living room. He was gone. “Dang, he escaped.”

  Cade chuckled from under the tree. “Escaped? Do I look stupid to you?”

  Abby grabbed her heart. “God, you scared me.” She stepped closer to the couch and peeped over it. “Nope, you look naked.” God, he was naked. And handsome. And hung.

  “Get over here, Abilene.” Cade felt his heart pounding. She’d never know what this meant to him. He’d loved her for so long. And she loved him, or at least she loved him enough to save his life. That had to count for something.

  Cade was an eyeful. Abby couldn’t stop staring. Just surveying his big body sprawled out on the rug made her weak in the knees. God, he could be a centerfold for Playgirl. She’d always loved the way he looked. His Native American blood only made him more attractive in her eyes. His skin glowed golden in the firelight. Eyes black as night bore into her heart with a heat so intense, she felt as if her whole body was on fire. “Can I be on top?” She had spent part of the day on the computer, figuring out positions they could make love in safely, ways to touch and be touched without revealing what she needed to hide.

  Her question from out of nowhere made him laugh. Didn’t she know he could deny her nothing? “I’m at your mercy, Abby. Consider me at your service.” She came to him hesitantly, moving closer. Long graceful bare legs drew his touch. He ran his hand up her calf and cupped the back of her knee. “You’re so soft.” Cade felt his cock fill to bursting. Since he’d strolled through her door a few days ago, he’d been a walking erection. He sat up and drew her down, anxious to taste her lips.

  Abby was lost in the sensation of his mouth on hers, his palms gliding up her bare back, sending shivers through her body. “Help me. Show me how.” She couldn’t think, she could only feel.

  “My pleasure.” Cade arranged her on top of him. “I’m so much bigger than you. You can just lay up there and play all you want.”

  He was right. Abby felt free. The curves of her body fit perfectly into the planes and angles of his. She settled herself, connected to him from breast to thigh, her legs lying in between his. Placing her hands on either side of his face, she stared into his eyes. The glow from the embers gave her just enough light to see his expression. If she didn’t know better, she’d say it was filled with love, but that would be a complication she didn’t know how to deal with. Second chances at love weren’t granted to everyone, only a lucky few, and luck had never been her strong suit.

  For an unfathomable amount of time, he let her kiss him. Every lick and touch and caress tugged at his heart. She was gaining confidence, taking her pleasure while giving him more than he ever thought possible. When her lips began blazing a trail down his neck to his chest, he knew he had to get in on the act. “Sit up, just a bit.”

  She did, and with shaking hands he pulled the straps of her gown down over her shoulders so he could cup her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her taut nipples. She dug her fingers into his shoulders and closed her eyes, better to savor the pleasure he was so generously bestowing. Chills skated over Abby’s body as the arousal began to rise. Unable to just take, she wanted to give, so she dipped her head to kiss him, still leaving room for him to tease her tits.

  “You are so delicious, Abilene.”

  Abby shivered in delight and gratitude. She was beginning to like her name. It sounded so different on his lips than it used to. “I don’t think I can wait, Cade. I’m super excited.”

  Her husky voice and sweet confession made him desperate to be inside her. “Lift up; I don’t want you to expire on me.”

  She giggled and he laughed. God, he loved having a good time with her. The black gown was bunched around her waist, hanging to about mid-thigh. He was careful to preserve her modesty, he just wished he could tell her that whatever she was hiding didn’t matter a hill of beans to him. Taking his cock, he held it up, so she could impale herself. “Oh, I love the way you feel.” She sighed and closed her eyes at the pleasure. “You do Texas proud, Big Boy.”

  Cade laughed. “I love you. You realize that, don’t you?” She didn’t answer, but he excused her because she was working her way down his shaft, taking him inch by inch and the look on her face made him damn glad he was a man.

  She’d heard him, but she must not have heard him right. There was no way she was interpreting him correctly. This was sex talking. She didn’t know what to say in return, so she just chose to stay silent. Except when she couldn’t…“Cade, Cade, Cade,” she prayed his name. Being filled to the brim, stretched to the max was ecstasy.

  “Are you all right?” He held her hands, their fingers entwined.

  “Much, much better than all right,” she breathed as she threw her head back and luxuriated in the eroticism of the moment.

  “That’s what a cowboy likes to hear.” Cade’s tone was te
asing, but in reality - he was hypnotized. The woman had no idea, but she was a fuckin’ goddess. Her elegant neck was lusciously exposed, those perfect breasts were tilted up and her hair was cascading down her back and tickling his thighs. “Are you ready, Rodeo Queen?”

  “More than eight seconds, please.”

  Cade laughed at the slightly smug look on her face. “Is that a little dig at the fact I came in my pants earlier.”

  Her eyes flew open. “No! I enjoyed what we did. Please don’t think that. It was like we were going steady or something.”

  Cade wasn’t really embarrassed. To tell the truth, the only time he’d been even half as turned on with a woman as he’d been with Abby this morning, was the night before when he’d taken her for the first time. “No problem, Doll, I’ll accept that challenge. How many orgasms do you want?”

  Laughing with happiness, she bent and kissed him lightly. “As many as you can give me, Tallbull.”

  She smiled at him, something warm and gentle blazing in her eyes and he growled. “Damn. Hold on, Abby. This is gonna be a wild ride.” Cade took over, lifted her and started pushing up. As he helped her find her rhythm, he began thrumming her nipples, massaging her breasts, reveling in the little mewls and whimpers coming from her lips.

  Abby braced herself on his chest as she rocked back and forth, over and over. The sweet friction intensified the building tension humming in her pussy. “Feels so good,” she whimpered. He pumped up hard and she began to lose her mind. Two strokes later she came so good, her hoarse cry echoing in the room.

  Cade never let up. Instead, he took her by the hands and pulled her forward, changing the angle so he could increase the rhythm. “Again. Cum for me again, Abby.”

  Never let it be said she let Cade down. He was taking her with incredible passion, touching places within her she hadn’t even realized were there. “Damn.” She panted as tremors of pure fire tingled through her body.

  “Good?” He prided himself in his stamina, but Lord this woman excited him. He held her tight as he hammered into her, determined to throw her over the cliff one more time.

  “God, yes.” She gasped as she lost control for the third time.

  The fluttering grip of her sheathe on his cock triggered his explosion and Cade held her tight as he pushed up, emptying himself within her. He pressed his face into her neck, breathing in her scent, loving the little sounds she made. There was no doubt; this was the best damn time of his life.


  “Sleep with me, Abby.” He held her tight, her head resting on his shoulder.

  The lights from the tree dancing in the darkness made the room look as magical as she felt. Looking up into his eyes, she was surprised to see a dreamy expression on his face. “I thought that was what we just did.”

  “No, we made love.”

  His quiet declaration stole her words. The sound of rain falling gently outside set the stage. This was the most romantic moment Abby could ever imagine. “You want to sleep in my bed, Tallbull?”

  Every night. “You stayed in my bed last night, I’ll stay in yours tonight. I promise I won’t hog the covers.”

  “I’d like that.” Abby agreed. Cade stood and held out his hand. Abby’s tummy dipped at the sight of his beautiful body. She rose to her feet, but instead of sedately going to him, she jumped into his arms and he caught her – lifting Abby and spinning her around, both of them laughing at nothing more than being happy with one another. She hugged him hard, getting lost in the haven of his arms.

  “I have to say, I’m enjoying being friendly with you, Abby Grace,” he drawled. In answer, she kissed him all over his face, loving the freedom of touching him as she wished. Cade was gazing at her in a way that made her feel cherished, his eyes full of wonder and joy and Abby understood that she’d put that expression on his dear face. Her heart melted and her insides clenched.

  She soothed his cheek with her finger, “It is an improvement, isn’t it?”

  “A vast improvement.” He grinned, his eyes twinkling. “Let’s go.” He turned with her in his arms and headed for her room.

  Abby hoped she was reading him correctly. Already she was planning. Would he want to continue their relationship? Maybe when he came to visit they could pick up where they left off. At least until he found someone else, grew serious and married. Her heart sank at the thought. And who was to say he’d want to? With her rules of only in the dark, no touching below the waist…what man would want to put up with all of that for very long? “Which side of the bed do you want?” she asked, trying to be a good hostess.

  Cade snorted. “I plan on sleeping so close to you that we won’t need but one side. Let’s just start in the middle. What do you say?”

  “Sounds good. As long as you don’t snore.” She teased, wanting to keep things light and fun.

  “Did I snore last night?”

  “Just a little.” She confessed with a grin.

  Cade laid her down, trying to find a way to broach a subject he knew had to be dealt with – she had to know that he knew the truth and that it didn’t matter. “Abby, I need to tell you something.”

  Abby felt a sense of impending doom. She didn’t know what he was about to say, but his face looked too serious for it to be good. “Let’s not spoil our time together with talk – she gave him what she thought was a seductive smile. “Wouldn’t you rather take advantage of our being in a bed, almost naked? We only have a few more nights before you have to go.” She took her hand and boldly caressed him.

  Cade shuddered, her touch was too good, she made it hard for him to think. “Vixen, there are things I need to tell you and you make it impossible for me to do anything but feel.”

  “I have another idea of how we can make love…if you want to hear it.”

  Cade wanted to talk, but he could deny her nothing. “You’re not a vixen, you’re a temptress. You do know there is nowhere on this earth I’d rather be than right here with you.”

  “Me either.” No question of that.

  “Okay, how can I love you tonight?” He was recalling his own fantasies. She had starred in them for years, she just didn’t know it.

  Abby had been thinking and if she were on all fours, the part that was damaged would be safely out of sight. No scars would show from the back, so she turned over on her belly and stuck her rear in the air. “Would you want to take me like this?”

  The view was out of this world. Seeing Abby on the bed with her bottom tilted up to him made Cade groan. He felt his lust rise like the tide. “Hell yea, I think I’m up for that.” He wanted her every way he could get her, he wasn’t about to turn any opportunities down.

  “Pull my panties down.” She wiggled her tush at him and heard him growl. “Just remember, don’t touch me in the front.”

  Cade bit his tongue to keep from challenging her. “But I can touch your epic little ass?”

  Abby sucked in a surprised breath when she felt his hands mold her bottom, his fingers tracing patterns on her skin. “Yes, please.”

  “You’re as beautiful from this angle as I expected you to be.” He came down on top of her, hovering so she could feel his heat but not his skin.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  He took his dick in hand and rubbed the thick stalk a few times before taking it and rubbing the flared head up and down the crease of her ass, dipping down far enough to coat himself in her cream. “Cade!” she panted, lying her face down into the pillow.

  Cade was shaking with need, he pressed the tip of his cock to her opening and pushed gently inside – slowly – working his way in as Abby groaned in relief. She wanted to give him better access but because of the way he was holding her, pressing down on her, she couldn’t open her legs any wider. The sensation of him taking her was almost more than she could handle – she was tight and he was big. Cade slowed for a moment, allowing her body to adjust enough to accept him and when Abby sighed, he pushed in deeper, sliding in and out in slow, leisurely pumps.

p; Wanting to see him, Abby turned her face to the side and Cade leaned over to capture her mouth in a deep kiss, licking her lips and sucking at her tongue in tandem to the rhythm of his cock thrusting in and out of her pussy.

  “I want to please you so much,” he groaned. “Let me touch your clit.”

  Abby stiffened. “No, you’ll…” She couldn’t finish, fearing his fingers would venture onto the scar tissue.

  “You do it, then,” he ordered.

  She did as he asked, looking over her shoulder, wishing there was a mirror so she could see him clearly. He was so sexy, driving into her from behind. The sight of him was primitive and emphasized the bliss of his hard cock pounding into her. Abby felt owned, possessed – she couldn’t move, only accept what he gave and want more. When he was inside of her, holding her, claiming her – she could pretend that she belonged to him – that he loved her.

  Abby pushed backward, giving him everything. Cade began to move faster, thrusting harder. He’d always been more careful, not this forceful and she loved it. It felt so good that she couldn’t halt the climax that swept through her, radiating in waves of pleasure from deep within her core out and through every inch of her being. Abby cried out as her body shook in ecstasy.

  Cade couldn’t help but react to her as she flew apart. The feel of her clutching him drove him mad, his thrusts became harder and faster. Every quivering aftershock gave him pleasure and he couldn’t stop the inevitable – he held her hips tightly, pumping inside of her four more times before he exploded.

  Abby treasured the heat of his release as it bathed her sex. She wanted to tighten up and hold him inside, keep him with her as long as possible. She felt him fall forward, collapsing on top of her, yet stabilizing himself with one hand by her head. Abby jumped as Cade sucked at the skin of her neck, scraping his teeth on the sensitive area. He marked her!

  “Are you okay?” he asked gently.

  “Yes, of course,” she answered as he rolled off. Abby eased to one side, making sure the sheet covered the front of her before he could get a glimpse. “I think that hickey might show in the low cut gown I have to wear,” she fingered her neck where he’d placed the evidence of their intimacy.


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