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Escape from Buggery

Page 6

by Bradley Stoke

  “The pupils are evaluated according to a number of factors which include physical appearance, physical fitness, academic brightness, good behaviour and sexual performance. The top pupils are granted special privileges such as a more generous food allowance, exemption from certain of the daily humilities such as arse-licking and orgy practice. The lowest pupils would almost consider such humilities as privileges. They can be, and are, treated badly by all pupils with the teachers leading by example. They are to be shat on, pissed on, buggered, beaten up, whipped, etc. The justification is that this is to encourage these pupils to pull themselves together. Instead most leave the school altogether and some kill themselves. This is not considered to be a cause for much regret or sorrow.

  “As teachers we are obliged to conduct the daily humiliations, which include random buggery, cold showers and the ritual tearing up of pupils’ clothes. Any excuse for punishing the pupils must be taken enthusiastically, and punishment will only stop after the requisite amount of blood has been shed. Pupils try to avoid punishment because if their physical beauty is impaired in any way they may drop a grade and begin the long slide towards the bottom.

  “The reason for all this humility is to show respect towards the King. This is best illustrated during the festivals on national and local holidays, which can be quite frequent when the country is deemed to be doing particularly well at the war. Otherwise, they mostly mark birthdays and anniversaries associated with the Royal Family. For each festival, there is usually a specific ceremony or rite which must be performed. In many cases these are just species of orgy. In some cases, pupils have to demonstrate their sexual skills to other pupils, which may include being buggered by fellow pupils or giving blow jobs to members of staff. One not very pleasant ceremony to mark a victory over the Sodomites in the last Sodomite War involved pupils eating each others’ turds and drinking their piss. There was a lot of illness the following day; and inevitably some of it was fatal.

  “The King is praised during formal ceremonies at five intervals during the day. On arrival at school, the pupils must close their eyes and masturbate the pupil nearest to them to show their desire for the King. The next occasion is when the pupils listen to a Television Broadcast given by a representative of the King which outlines any new duties and responsibilities. They must meditate on this. The third occasion is the arse-licking ceremony where after cleaning their bottoms, they must lick clean the arse of another pupil. This demonstrates the need for thorough arse-cleaning. Some pupils are not popular for the state of their arses. The fourth occasion is the school orgy, where selected pupils have sex with each other and the rest of the school observe. This is important for the pupils, as their grading depends on their sexual performance. The fifth observation at the end of the school day is to kiss the penis of the statue of the King outside the school as they leave. Some to show their greater love, will, of course, insert their anuses or vaginas over the penis.

  “The academic classes are much like those in the schools in your country I imagine, though the pupils are obliged to take their clothes off in Regal Studies, Physical Education, Sex Education, Games and Biology. Regal Studies is where they learn about the events in the King’s life, the history of the Royal Family and are taught about his great wisdom and sayings. During this class, the students have chains attached to their cunt-rings which are attached at the other end to the teacher’s cunt-ring. I can tell you this is a very uncomfortable lesson for me to have to teach.”

  “The contrast with the Royal Academy where I teach couldn’t be greater,” smiled Chrysanthemum. “The girls, (and they are all girls) are taught to worship the King, but are not taught humiliation. Merely obedience. The world the Academy girls are told about is one like that of the Buggery Broadcasting Corporation TV programmes. In fact, the only place that I know of where life at all resembles that shown on television is at the Academy. All the girls at the Royal Academy are groomed for future work at the Royal Court and consequently they are amongst the few people in this country who stand much likelihood of ever seeing His Majesty in the flesh. As opposed to on the many billboards and in the form of officially approved statues and portraits.

  “According to the strict Eugenic practices of Buggery society, enforced rigidly from birth, only the best girls are ever likely to go to the Royal Academies. Even the primary schools they attend are segregated from the rest of the country. The girls in the Royal Academy know nothing about the rest of Buggery, beyond what they see on television. I don’t think they’d like it if they did see it, but it’s unlikely they would ever miss it. The school grounds where they live are very large and very beautiful. Most people in Buggery never get to see such beautiful woodland, fields, lakes and gardens as those surrounding the Academy. And although the girls are prohibited from passing through the Academy’s perimeters, very few of them are ever likely to be tempted to do so.

  “School at the Royal Academy is made as pleasant as possible. The girls are kept innocent of many things that might seem bizarre to you foreigners. They know nothing about clothes, and as you can see from watching television they wouldn’t know about clothes from there either. They all have very long hair and they all shave their pubic hairs. Only the very few pupils of black or oriental origin shave their heads (and this is mandatory) but they are not discriminated against and are treated very kindly. If not indulgently.

  “The girls are taught academic subjects, physical education and Regal studies just like at other schools in Buggery, but Sex Education is always only conducted between themselves. That is, the girls are expected and very much encouraged to make love with each other. The incentive for this is a certain competitiveness to gain prestige and a good reputation, but this is not reflected by any difference in how the girls are treated. Certainly not in the brutal way they are at Primrose’s school. The black and oriental girls are particularly popular for sex games because of their curiosity value.

  “As a teacher I am expected to make love to the girls. This I have to do several times a day: usually outside in the gardens and always with other girls watching. I also have to make love with the male members of staff. These are the only men the girls ever meet. The men are not permitted to have sex with the girls and are solely there to demonstrate heterosexual sex, without which the girls would really have no idea what to do when they attend the Royal Courts. I have sex with a man, in a variety of different positions, at least twice a day, with the girls watching and clapping. Unlike Primrose’s school, there’s not much anal intercourse but I do have to provide the occasional special performance. Although the men are not permitted to have sex with the girls, they are expected to have sex with each other as well as the women teachers. I can’t complain about the men. They are all very attractive and they are all very good at making love. They are not allowed to do anything else, and they sleep well away from the girls. The reason for this is that the girls must be technically virgins: at least in the sense that their maidenheads must remain intact when they leave the school and go to the Royal Court.

  “It’s a very pleasant life for the girls at the Royal Academy. I really cannot complain about the privilege I have of working there. It’s also of course the kind of school I went to. I don’t know what happens to the girls when they get to the Royal Court, but they are certainly well-groomed for the status they are expected to maintain.”

  “It’s not so nice at the fucking Police School,” commented Tiger Lilly. “Not at all so fucking nice. Not even as nice as Primrose’s pissing nancy school. The pupils, girls or boys, come straight from primary school and then we make them. We give them a body they’re going to be fucking proud of,” she flexed her own muscles, “we teach them respect for the King and how to get others to respect the King.

  “When I’m in the classroom, the pupils have to do what the fuck I tell them. If that means a few bones get broken or your skin gets torn, well fuck it! The pupils have to accept I’ll fuck them whenever I went, wherever I want, whether they’re boys or
girls.” Tiger Lilly waved her plastic truncheon which Sharon could now see was in actual fact a double-ended dildo. “I expect a good fuck from each of my pupils. There are no fucking grades at Police School. You’re either in or you’re fucking out and fuck you!

  “We show them how to be good police. The ways to fuck people and fuck them up if they’re any fucking trouble. We show them torture and we teach them the law.”

  “It’s by having a brutal police force,” Primrose explained reassuringly, “that people in Buggery learn how to support the Royal Government. You put a toe out of line and you’re tortured, mutilated and, if you’re lucky, killed.”

  “Fucking right we’re brutal,” agreed Tiger Lilly proudly. “No fucking bastard can say no to me. I’ll fucking tear out his or her genitals and eat them in front of them. I’ve done that before now. I’ll shove this thing so high up their rear end it pops out their fucking mouth. I’ll kick them and beat them so fucking hard and then get them pleading for more. You can’t keep people down without a bit of brutality.”

  “Don’t worry about Tiger Lilly,” smiled Chrysanthemum. “She’s not going to torture you two, but, on the other hand, if she wants sex with you I wouldn’t argue.”

  “Too fucking right you won’t!” Tiger Lilly agreed.

  “There are other kinds of schools,” elaborated Primrose. “There are schools for actors, which are much more like Chrysanthemum’s school than mine. There are schools for tourism. In fact, there’s one not far from Pederasty where you were, which teaches all the boys there how to do their trade.”

  “What happens,” wondered Sharon, “to these boys if they didn’t feel like having sex with a tourist? You know because they feel a bit off or something?”

  “I’d be surprised,” said Primrose a little grimly, “if there are many occasions they actually do want sex with a tourist. It’s just what they’re trained to do and if they don’t do it well then they’re out.”

  “What happens to them then?”

  “Nobody knows. I don’t know what’d happen to me if it was decided I couldn’t teach anymore. All we know is that people eventually vanish. They get arrested by police, they go to the breeding centres, they get called up to fight in whatever war there is, they go to hospital. And then they never come back. We don’t know what happens, but all the rumours are fairly unpleasant.”

  Sharon didn’t like the sound of any of these accounts of life in Buggery, She glanced at Tracey, who was nervously clasping and unclasping her fingers, and looking rather depressed. Her head was down and her eyes seemed to be focused on the ragged edges of the rug on the cottage floor. Sharon faced Primrose, who she thought was the most sympathetic to the girls’ plight. “What are we going to do?” she pleaded.

  “You’re not fucking staying here,” said Tiger Lilly bluntly.

  “I’m afraid that’s true,” agreed Primrose. “You’re going to have to get moving. And soon! It’ll be dangerous though. If you get caught by the police you’ll almost certainly be as good as dead so you’ll have to avoid being seen by them at all costs.”

  “Should we go disguised as something?” Tracey asked. “Are there people who can wander anywhere in this country?”

  “Well, yes,” considered Primrose. “The Sodomite Pilgrims can wander anywhere in this country and they’re never troubled.”

  “So, should we dress as Sodomite pilgrims?”

  “What a fucking joke!” chortled Tiger Lilly.

  “I wouldn’t,” shuddered Chrysanthemum. “Sodomite Pilgrims come from Sodom. They come here to visit the sites in this country which are considered significant in the history of Sodomy. This is usually as a result of their various wars with Buggery over the centuries. I don’t know much about Sodom. And I don’t think anyone in Buggery does. Sodom doesn’t even have the tourism you find in this country. But if the Sodomite Pilgrims are anything to go by, Sodom is probably an even more unattractive country than this.

  “Sodomite priests are almost all women but some are men. They wear no clothes but chains which are threaded into their noses, genitals and other places. Their heads are shaved and they have tattoos on their faces which seem to indicate their status. They travel from town to town, village to village begging for food as they go. When they arrive at a place of worship they lie face down to the ground with their bottoms to the air. They then invite passing people to bugger them or to insert things into their anuses.

  “Sodom must be a very brutal country. The women have their vaginas sewn together so that nothing can enter them, and when they piss it squirts uncontrollably down their legs. Many of their rituals seem to involve drinking each other’s urine and eating their faeces which they mostly do when people are watching. No one has ever heard them speak because they all have their tongues torn out, and in certain cases they have their hands removed so that they only have stumps at the end of their arms. It’s thought that this is done so they can’t tell anyone what they’ve seen in Buggery (and if they can write, not to write it down), but of course it also means they can’t tell anyone in Buggery or elsewhere about Sodom.

  “They seem to have a cult of violence. They always seem to be beating and whipping each other. If it wasn’t for the baldness, tattoos, nudity and chains, a Sodomite pilgrim would be identified by the broken nose, broken teeth, missing fingers and toes, and all the horrible scars. Many of the scars seem to be on the buttocks which they seem to be very enthusiastic about beating with whips and sticks. They often seem distressed when people from Buggery don’t bugger them when they are covered in blood, piss and shit.

  “So, I wouldn’t recommend you cut out your tongue and so on to pretend to be a Sodomite Pilgrim. Nor, for that matter, would I suggest visiting Sodom. Not many people cross the border except Sodomite Pilgrims and I think they do because however awful Buggery might be, Sodom must be much worse.”

  “You’ll have to dress as an ordinary citizen from Buggery,” recommended Primrose. “This means we’ll have to do something about your hair and I’m afraid you won’t be able to wear any jewellery except a single cunt ring.”

  “What’ll happen to all our bangles and rings?” wondered Tracey, who despite the pain they’d given her today had grown rather fond of them.

  “We’ll keep them,” announced Tiger Lilly brusquely.

  “I’m afraid we will. They’re no use to you. And you don’t want anyone finding them on you.” Primrose concurred.

  After dinner, Sharon and Tracey sadly discarded their jewellery, leaving a row of small holes in their nipples and labia. Primrose let the girls keep the blouses she had lent them, but she still insisted that they take not put them on yet. These had been left to her by school pupils who had been demoted and therefore had no further use for them. Chrysanthemum brushed their hair to a less wild state and attached a little chain to a small plain ring she threaded into the vulva. The two girls were given cloth bags to carry their few possessions in, which Primrose said would be much was less conspicuous than their beach bags.

  The reason neither girl was allowed to put on their clothes was because Tiger Lilly was insistent that she had sex with the two of them. Chrysanthemum and Primrose agreed to watch, but said that they’d had too much sex already that day to feel inclined to participate themselves.

  “I’m so sore!” complained Chrysanthemum, “otherwise I’d fuck you like a real expert.”

  “I am a fucking expert,” snorted Tiger Lilly proudly.

  “But a bit rough, dearest!” complained Primrose. And Tiger Lilly was indeed rough. Far more so than the boys at home. She slapped them about the face and buttocks. Pushed her fist right up their cunts. Pummelled their anuses with thrusts of her muscular middle finger. Bit the nipples on their breasts so hard that the girls wondered whether they might be bitten off. All the while, Tiger Lilly grinned and occasionally plunged her fingers into her own moist and cavernous cunt. Except for the odd grunt and the occasional barked command, she said nothing to the girls: especially nothing that cou
ld be construed as comforting. Then she tied the dildo around her waist and buggered the two girls so hard that they were pleading for her to stop.

  “Fuck no!” Tiger Lilly retorted. “I’ve only fucking started.” And indeed she had. When she had finished, Sharon’s nose was bleeding and one eye was swollen with the start of a bruise. Tracey’s bottom felt so red and sore, that she wasn’t sure how she could ever sit on it. The girls were then tied to a tree outside the cottage, just by the well, near the goat who was desultorily chewing on some hay. Their hands were tied together behind them and their arms pulled up to a branch. One end of a flexible rubber dildo was pushed unceremoniously into each girl’s cunt and their feet were tied together. It was cold outside, but the girls had to stay in this uncomfortable position for an hour or so. They were told to keep their tongues deep inside each others’ mouth on pain of being hit. By this time, they were so bruised and battered that they gladly engaged in tiring tongue kissing just to avoid the physical penalties which Tiger Lilly was so keen on.

  Eventually, Primrose came out of the cottage. She smiled weakly while she untied them and then brought the two girls into the house. She nursed their wounds and kissed the girls tenderly. “Don’t worry about Tiger Lilly. She’s used to being a bit rougher than that, but if she hadn’t liked you I don’t think you’d be alive now.”


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