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Lily's Dream (Unexpected Lover Series)

Page 4

by Collins, Lea

  At that moment Andre walked in and said, “Come along, Lily. I have been waiting for you.”

  “Calm down, Andre. It’s not every day that a girl is on the cover of the Society page of the newspaper and is told she can become rich, as well. She’s in a state of shock, I think,” said Jacqueline.

  She handed him the newspaper article which he obviously had not seen and he was impressed and pleased for Lily. “Congratulations, Lily. This is really something! I am honored to be escorting such a famous designer. Good picture, too. Now let’s go touch up that color so you’ll be beautiful tonight, as usual.” He took her hand and they walked over to his salon.

  “What is this about becoming rich?” he asked. She showed him the check Jacqueline has just given her. “This is for the last five dresses.” Andre’s eyes widened at the amount of the check. “I see what you mean. I’ll come a little early tonight and we’ll talk about it then.”

  Lily was dressed in the white dress adorned with red beads and embroidery when Andre arrived. He had her model the dress and liked the addition of the embroidery together with the beads. “Not your usual style but I like it,” was his verdict.

  “I had no idea you were getting so much for your dresses. What have you been doing with these big checks?”

  Lily responded, “I opened a bank account at the bank down the street and am depositing them. I don’t spend much money so I am accumulating more each week. I think I need a financial plan but I don’t know where to go for advice. I have never had so much money in my life. Right now, I’m the current popular designer but that could change. Sales could drop. But for now, things are looking good.”

  “You are smart to start with a financial plan now. I am very pleased with my financial consultant. He has handled my money and property for many years. I gave him a call this afternoon and told him to expect you so tomorrow you need to go by and get his advice. I recommend him and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. If the demand for your dresses continues and the price stays stable, you will indeed be a rich woman one of these days. Assuming, of course, that you can keep putting out the product.”

  Lily said thoughtfully, “Thanks so much Andre. I will see him tomorrow. I also realize that I need help in keeping the product coming, as you put it. Do you have any idea how I can find a good seamstress to hire?”

  “Not right now but I know who to ask. Marko has so many relatives that he probably knows several. I’ll walk down to his bar and ask him tomorrow. Now, let’s get ready for a party.

  Chapter 4

  “One of my clients, Marcella Devereaux, called and invited us to a small gathering at her penthouse. Of course, she wants to meet you as she has heard about you. Marcella’s idea of a small gathering is probably a few hundred people but you will be interested in her apartment and probably meet some new people. I have been doing Marcella’s hair for years and she is a nice, gracious lady. I think you’ll like her,” Andre replied. “They are very wealthy and her husband is a collector of antique artifacts with some very unique things. Their apartment is like a museum.”

  As it turned out, the apartment building was on Miami Beach. “This is a lovely location. I’ve never been to the beach. My parents always went to the mountains on vacation,” exclaimed Lily. “We almost never went on vacation, though. Jenny wanted to be where there were people around, not trees.”

  Lily gasped when she saw the apartment. It looked like a museum with artifacts everywhere. Some were in cases, on stands and beautiful tapestries hung on the walls. Lily was looking around taking it all in when they were approached by their hostess. “Welcome to you both. I am Marcella and you must be the talented Lily with, of course, Andre.”

  Lily was surprised that Marcella was an overweight woman in her late 40’s or early 50’s. Her hair was artfully arranged by Andre and colored a light brown. Her clothes, however, were very unflattering to someone with her shape. She wore a tight black long velvet skirt, flowered blouse with a jacket of black velvet. Lily wished she could design a flattering dress for her. She had a bad habit of designing clothes in her mind, she thought.

  Andre hugged Marcella and said to her, “Yes, this is Lily. I told her she would enjoy your apartment since it’s most unique and filled with precious objects you and your husband have collected over the years.”

  “Please enjoy yourselves. There is a large upstairs balcony with orchestra for dancing and a buffet and bar,” said Margo. “My husband and son are around somewhere. Ah, here is my son, Andre and Lily, this is my son, Julian.” Lily looked up into the most arresting masculine face she had ever seen. He was handsome with very black hair and sharp dark eyes. The description tall, dark and handsome certainly applies to him, she thought. He politely greeted Andre in his charming French accented voice and then turned to Lily taking her hand, kissing it, “I am honored to meet the beautiful Lily who is so talented. My mother has told me of the beautiful dresses you make. We are delighted you are here tonight. Perhaps you will save me a dance.” Lily didn’t know how to answer him so she just smiled. .

  She and Andre walked around the large salon admiring the various articles from many countries of the world. Andre was very quiet and Lily knew he was not happy at the interest Julian had shown in her. This was one situation, however, that he could not control without offending their hosts.

  She was very interested in the display of Egyptian artifacts they were looking at. “It would be nice if someone were here to explain the story behind these objects. It would be very interesting, don’t you think?” Andre just answered with a terse, “Yes.” I sure hope I don’t have to spend the evening with a pouting Andre, she thought. Julian probably was just being nice and says that to all the women present. When she glanced toward the doorway, Julian and Marcella were greeting guests but Julian was standing where he could watch Lily. He glanced at her when he wasn’t greeting guests.

  Lily suggested they go out on the balcony where she could hear the ocean and was enthralled with the smell of the ocean, the beautiful star-filled sky and swaying palm trees. The moon was at its fullest and hung in the sky over the water. “Isn’t this the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen?” asked Lily. “Yes, beautiful,” agreed Andre but he was looking at Lily. “Please get over your annoyance at our host. I had nothing to do with anything he said or did,” Lily asked. “He’s probably charming to all women.”

  “Sorry I have been acting annoyed. He came on so strong. He was practically making love to you standing there with his mother present.” Lily started laughing when Andre made this comment. “Let’s forget it, okay?” she asked.

  “I’d love to go swimming in the ocean sometime. Could we do that?” she asked.

  “Of course. I should have thought of that myself. We’ll go this week if you want and, of course, if we both can take off from our work,” replied Andre.

  They walked onto the penthouse balcony which was very crowded and saw several people they knew. After all these parties, Lily thought, it was nice to see familiar faces. “Do you suppose there is champagne?” asked Lily. “I’ll go see,” replied Andre and returned with two glasses of white wine. Lily sipped her wine and was pleased to see four of her dresses among the crowd of dancers. There was such a large crowd of people that she realized Marcella’s idea of a little gathering meant exactly what Andre had predicted.

  Suddenly standing next to her was a man she had noticed staring at her earlier. “My name is Jay Johnson and, although we haven’t been introduced, I know you’re Lily. Would you dance with me, Lily?” he asked.

  Predictably Andre immediately said, “She is with me.” Jay raised an eyebrow and responded, “And that means she cannot dance with anyone else even if she wants to?” She could see Andre was getting very annoyed and to avoid a scene, she replied, “I’m sorry Jay but I promised this dance to Andre.” Jay looked skeptical but said, “Another time then” and walked away. Leaving her glass of wine on a table, she and Andre walked onto the dance floor.

was annoyed with Andre but assumed if they were pretending to be an item, it wouldn’t have been appropriate for her to dance with Jay. She would be angry if Andre danced with another woman. She needed to keep that in mind. On the other hand, how would she be able to meet someone to date? She wanted to have a relationship that wasn’t pretend. She and Andre had started this charade and she was presently stuck. She thought about this a lot lately. For obvious reasons she couldn’t fall for Andre and it would be so easy to fall for him.

  As Andre danced with her, he realized she was annoyed. He wondered if she was attracted to Jay. She was keeping him at a distance and he didn’t like that. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Nothing,” she replied. “Yes, there is something. You are mad at me about Jay, aren’t you? Did you want to dance with him? He is still over by the balcony staring at you. You are not to have anything to do with him, period. If you had danced with him, you would be out on the balcony with his tongue down your throat right this minute.”

  Lily gasped. “That’s crude, rude and unnecessary. Tears started to appear in Lily’s eyes and then roll down her cheeks. Andre was looking down at her and gently pushed her cheek down on his shoulder. “Aww Lily, honey, I’m sorry. I’m an ass for saying that to you. I was jealous. I thought maybe you wanted to dance with him and it made me jealous.” Lily looked up at him. “You were jealous?” she repeated. “Yes, I was jealous. I’m so sorry I hurt you. You can hit me if you want to.” She laughed and promised to hit him later. “Forgive me?” She pretended to think about it but smiled and said she’d think about it.

  They visited the lavish buffet and settled down at a table to enjoy their food. Once finished, Lily commented that she saw a few of her dresses on the women present. Adrian walked up to their table and told them his mother had instructed him to chat with the guests and dance with all the women. “Lily, may I have this dance?” he asked.

  Lily did not give Andre a chance to say anything. She stood up and Adrian led her onto the dance floor. He looked into her eyes and commented that he had noticed her crying earlier. “What upset you?” he asked. She hesitated before replying and then decided to tell him. “Andre was upset because a man named Jay asked me to dance. He wouldn’t let me and said some inappropriate and nasty things.”

  “Now my curiosity is aroused. What did he say that caused tears?”

  “He said that Jay would have me out in a dark corner of the balcony with his tongue down my throat before I knew it. I thought it was ridiculous and he was making up things just to be nasty,” she replied. Julian looked puzzled and told her, “He was concerned that Jay would get you in a dark area and kiss you in an intimate way. If I were in love with you, I wouldn’t want you in that situation either. He should not have spoken to you that harshly, however. You should be treated like a delicate flower.”

  “That would be very nice,” said Lily with a smile.

  “You have an air of innocence about you that is very appealing, Lily. How long have you and Andre been having this affair?”

  “We aren’t actually having an affair. It’s all pretend. Our relationship is like a brother and sister. Julian looked very surprised and commented, “This conversation is getting more and more interesting. Why are you having a pretend affair?”

  “I honestly don’t know. Andre agreed to escort me to parties to show off my Lily line of dresses but for some reason he wanted to pretend we are having an affair when actually we have a brother and sister relationship. Yet he is jealous if any other man shows me any attention. I don’t understand at all,” Lily replied.

  “I truly am sorry this dance is about to end. It has been most interesting. From a man’s point of view, it sounds to me like Andre didn’t want to get into a real relationship and set the rules at the beginning but has found himself in deeper waters than he anticipated.”

  He led her back to the table where Andre waited impatiently. Julian kissed Lily’s hand and thanked her for the dance. “I have to return to France tomorrow but I look forward to seeing you again when I return to Miami.”

  Marcella appeared at their side and asked if she and Lily could talk privately. “Of course, Mrs. Devereaux.” Lily replied. “Please call me Marcella since we are friends. Let’s go into the salon. Andre will wait for you,” instructed Marcella.

  “I see the beautiful dresses you design for slim young woman such as yourself. Women my size look so dowdy and unattractive. Do you think you could design an evening dress for me that would make me look less fat and maybe a little attractive?” Marcella had a very vulnerable yet hopeful expression on her face as she asked this question and Lily realized it wasn’t easy for her.

  “Of course I can. I will be happy to design something for you that will be beautiful on you and you will feel so good wearing it. Come by Jacqueline’s in a week and I will show you the designs and take your measurements. Call and make arrangements and I will meet you there.” Marcella smiled happily and agreed to meet her next week. “I can hardly wait,” she exclaimed and hugged Lily.

  When Lily rejoined Andre, he asked, “You have certainly been popular tonight. What was that all about?” Lily explained Marcella’s request and he raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Marcella is very wealthy and would be a feather in your cap but how are you going to get all this done?” “She only asked for one design which will be easy to do.”Lily responded. “I already have it designed in my head with a few variations for her to choose from. She’s so sweet; I want to do it for her. I’ll manage it.”

  Once in the limousine, Lily sat quietly on her side of the back seat thinking about the dresses she’d seen that evening. Suddenly Andre said, “Don’t have anything to do with men like Jay Johnson or Julian Devereaux.” It took Lily a few moments to take this comment in. “Why? What’s wrong with them? I thought they were both very polite and nice.”

  “Because they are both seducers of women, particularly naïve ones like you. And definitely don’t have anything more to do with Julian Devereaux. What were you talking about while you were dancing with him?”

  Lily was beginning to become very irritated. “So you think if I danced with Jay, he would seduce me? And I guess you think Julian was trying to seduce me, too? He was a perfect gentleman and I am tired of being quizzed by you. We were talking about having affairs and intimate kissing.”

  Andre looked shocked and asked, “Lily, why were you discussing affairs and intimate kissing with Julian Devereaux?” She replied, “He asked why I was crying earlier so I told him.”

  Andre was becoming aroused with thoughts of kissing Lily and shuddered to think how easily either of these men could seduce innocent Lily. He realized she is becoming annoyed because he didn’t want her to dance with any other man and that it was inevitable that other men would show an interest in her. He determined to squelch his attraction to her. He did not want to become romantically involved with any woman, even Lily. He reached the end of his patience with this line of thought and was becoming uncomfortably aroused. “Let’s drop this discussion,” he said abruptly.

  There was silence in the car until they reached their apartment building

  When they walked up to the door, Louis said to Andre, “Mr. Andre, a couple of hours ago a woman asked me to let her in Miss Lily’s apartment. She said they are sisters. I told her I couldn’t because it was against regulations. She was very insistent and got real mad. Did I do the right thing?”

  Lily gasped and Andre assured Louis he did exactly right and not to let anyone in the building unless he had instructions to do so.

  When they reached Lily’s apartment, Andre said, “It looks like she is stalking you. You were right to be scared. Until this is resolved, please do what I tell you. Don’t go out alone, I will take you anywhere you need to go. Will you do this, Lily?”

  “Yes, Andre.”

  “Good. If you need me, call on the house phone but you are perfectly safe if you stay in your apartment. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Lily kicked off her shoes and
curled up on the sofa and thought about the events of the evening. She was surprised that Andre had been jealous. She could understand him not wanting her to dance with Jay because of the charade they were acting out. But jealous? That implied he actually cared for her…considering their brother and sister relationship, that didn’t make sense. She decided to go to bed and think about it tomorrow. It looked like she had Jenny to worry about and the uncertainty of Jenny’s behavior did frighten her. She would do as Andre asked and be very careful.

  Chapter 5

  Staying in the apartment all day was not so bad since Lily had asked Molly to come earlier than usual to keep her company. They had an enjoyable day talking and getting to know each other better. Lily asked Molly if she would consider accompanying them to the next social event she and Andre attended. Molly replied, “I might if there were dancing. I love to dance. Let me know and I will go with you.”

  Lily was absolutely delighted and told Andre as soon as he appeared that evening. He, too, was pleased and told her, “It so happens there is a party with dancing this weekend. It is another charity event so it will probably be crowded but I would love for Molly to accompany us. Tell her it’s Saturday evening and if she wants, I will style her hair for the event.”

  Saturday evening couldn’t arrive too soon for Lily who had stayed home all week. She wore one of her creations and was curious to see what Molly would have on. When Molly arrived, Lily was truly surprised how beautiful she looked. Molly wore red chiffon with thin straps and a full skirt. Lily exclaimed, “Oh Molly, you look absolutely gorgeous. Molly laughed and said, “It’s just the surprise of seeing me in anything but pants and tees. It’s old fashioned but I have always liked it. Thank you for the compliment. You look gorgeous, too.”


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