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Hidden Pleasures

Page 10

by Brenda Jackson

  “And if I miss a call?”

  “You’ll know it and you can call the person back once you leave the restaurant. Was it someone you couldn’t call back later?” In a way she didn’t want to know. What if it was a woman he was interested in?

  “It was Mercury being nosy.”


  “My brother.”

  She nodded and tucked her legs beneath her on the sofa. She noticed his gaze followed her every movement. “You have a brother named Mercury?” she asked.

  “Yes, and before you ask, the answer is no, he wasn’t named after the planet or that Roman god. He was named for Mercury Morris. Ever heard of him?”

  “Of course. I’m from Florida. He was a running back for the Miami Dolphins in the seventies, during the time they were unstoppable, undefeated one season.”

  She watched him smile and wanted to roll her eyes. Did men think they were the only ones who knew anything about football?

  “My father was a huge Dolphins fan while growing up,” he said. “He still is. In fact, he got drafted right out of college to play for them, but a knee injury kept that from happening before the start of what should have been his first season.”

  “How sad.”

  “Yes, it was for him at the time.” He paused a moment and then said, “Okay, I get the ‘no cell phone in the restaurant’ rule. What’s the other?”

  She shifted in her seat when his gaze drifted down to her breasts and she wondered if he’d noticed her hardened nipples through her blouse. “The other is tooth picks. I didn’t see you use them and I’m glad for that, but several others in the restaurant did. You don’t stick a toothpick in your mouth after finishing a meal.”

  “We had ribs.”

  “That makes it worse,” she said.

  “But they’re on the table.”

  “I noticed. Usually there’re at the cash register on your way out. There’s nothing nice about a person using a toothpick to pick their teeth at a restaurant, especially when others are still eating. You should take the tooth pick and use it in the privacy of your own home.”

  He leaned forward in his seat. “And you know all this stuff, how?”

  She smiled. “I studied it in college. I got a degree in history, but I took every course offered on etiquette and even saved my money for Emily Post Finishing School a couple of summers.”

  He nodded and stood up, and her gaze traveled the length of him. He was tall, well over six foot, muscular and his body was honed to perfection. He had an abdomen with a six-pack if ever there was one. She was so enraptured by him that she barely heard him say, “So I read on the Internet.”

  She raised a brow. “You looked me up on the Internet?”

  He smiled. “Of course. You said you had a business and I wanted to check it out to make sure you were legit. I was impressed. So now I know for sure that you know what you’re talking about.”

  He glanced at his watch. “I have some things to do in my garage. You can decide on dinner when I return in a few hours,” he said as he was about to move away.

  “Wait,” she said. “Is that it? That’s the manners lesson for today?”

  His gaze then swept over her and she felt the heat emanating from the dark orbs wherever they touched. A sardonic smile then touched his lips when he said, “Yes, but there’s always tonight. You can get prepared for whatever manners you want to go over with me then.”

  She lifted her chin. “That sounds like a proposition.”

  She saw irritation flash in the depths of his green eyes. “The proposition was made days ago. You accepted and as a result you’re here under my roof. Mine for seven days to do as I please. And nothing will please me more than to have you naked in my bed beneath me every night while I breathe in your scent and make love to you until we both reach one hell of an orgasm.”

  She gasped at his words and she suddenly felt breathless. Her knees weakened and she was glad she was already sitting down or she would have fallen flat on her face. An image of her naked in bed beneath him flashed through her mind, and she was filled with a wanting she’d never known before.

  His voice had deepened to a husky tone and he’d spoken promises he intended to deliver. He evidently didn’t believe in holding back on anything, even words that a true gentleman wouldn’t say, words that put her out of her comfort zone. She’d never dealt with a man like him before. He not only stated what he wanted, but he was letting her know he intended to have things his way.

  And maybe that’s exactly what she needed.

  A man who was arrogant, sure of himself, a pure alpha male through and through. One who had manners when they counted and refused to display them when they didn’t. She fought the inclination to cross the room and kiss him, which at that moment seemed the most natural thing in the world for her to do. Her, of all people. A woman who before meeting him would never have considered doing such a thing.

  But Galen Steele had a way of pulling something out of her, and like Nikki, she was now convinced if there were hidden pleasures lurking somewhere beneath her surface, she would know about it before she left his home seven days from now.

  She slowly stood up and placed her hands on her hips, tilted her head back and gave him what she hoped was one hell of a haughty look. With a man like him, a woman needed to be able to hold her own. “Talk is cheap, Galen. We’ll see later how well you are on delivering.”

  She inwardly smiled. The effect of her words was priceless. Although he tried to keep his emotions in check, she read the look of startled surprise in his eyes. He hadn’t expected her to goad him.

  Brittany pulled in a deep breath when he began walking toward her, but she refused to step back or move away, although her heart was beating a wild rhythm in her chest. He didn’t need to know her hands were trembling on her hips and heat had gathered at the juncture of her legs.

  “You’re right, Brittany, talk is cheap,” he said when he came to a stop in front of her. The sound of his deep, husky voice made those already-hardened nipples get even harder.

  “But I won’t be doing much talking and neither will you. I believe in action.”

  She swallowed. “Do you?”

  “Very much so. And just so you know, I want you. I wanted you in New York and I definitely want you now. And I’ll give you fair warning. Tonight is taste-you night. I want the taste of you in my mouth, all over my tongue and embedded in my taste buds when I wake up in the morning.”

  Brittany’s stomach clenched. This man of Steele was making her hot merely with his words. He hadn’t touched her yet. And now he would taste her? Just the thought was filling her with more desire and longing than she’d ever felt before. She suddenly became fully aware of something that was new and exciting to her. Carnal greed.

  She swallowed. “Like I said. Talk is cheap.”

  He smiled in a hungry way. “And like I said, I’m a man of action.”

  Then he leaned in and captured her mouth, not giving her a chance to stifle the moan that immediately rose in her throat. His arms wrapped around her, and his hands stroked her back at the same time his tongue stroked every inch of her mouth.

  She had long ago decided his kisses were unique, full of passion and capable of inciting lust. But she was also discovering that each time they kissed, she encountered a different effect. This kiss was tapping into her emotions and she was fighting like hell to keep them under tight control where he was concerned. This was all a game to him. Not for her. For her, it was about finding herself in more ways than one. Discovering her past and making headway into her future.

  He deepened the kiss and she felt his hands move downward to cup her backside and pull her more fully against him. She groaned again when she felt his hard erection press into her at a place that was already tingling with longing. Unfamiliar sensations were floating around in her stomach and she was drenched even more in potent desire.

  And then he suddenly broke off the kiss and took a step back. She watched him lick his lips
as if he’d enjoyed kissing her and then he thrust his hands into his jeans pockets, looked at her and asked, “Did I make my point?”

  Oh, he’d made it, all right, but she’d never admit it to him. “Kind of.”

  She quickly scooted around him. “I think you should get to work now. I plan on setting up my laptop and answering a few e-mails. And then I plan to work on tomorrow’s manners lesson for you.” She headed toward the stairs. “Brittany?”

  She stopped and turned around. “Yes?”

  A smile touched both corners of his mouth. “I like you.” His face lit up as if the thought of it was a revelation to him or something.

  She rolled her eyes. “Should I be thrilled?”

  He gave her an arrogant chuckle. “The thrill will come later.”

  She turned back toward the stairs and damn if she wasn’t looking forward to her first orgasm ever.

  Chapter 11

  Galen shut off the lamp on his worktable. Surprisingly, he had gotten a lot done once he’d been able to put Brittany to the back of his mind.

  He liked her.

  He had told her that earlier and had meant it. There were no dull moments with her around. Just when he thought he had her figured out, she would do or say something to throw him off base, literally stun him. His Miss Manners was becoming a puzzle he needed to put together, but there were so many pieces, he wouldn’t know where to start. One thing was for certain, she was definitely keeping him on his toes.

  Just like he had plans to keep her on her back starting tonight.

  He smiled at the thought and leaned back in his chair as he recalled their meal at the restaurant earlier today. There was nothing like a buffet that included mouthwatering ribs and the best corn bread you’d ever want to taste. Jennie’s Soul Food drew a lot of truckers, businesspeople and just plain everyday folks. Brittany hadn’t been bothered by the mixture of clientele. The last woman he’d taken there had complained all through dinner, saying she’d felt out of place. That had been their first and their last date. He hadn’t looked her up afterward, not even for a booty call. Personally, he didn’t like women who whined or who felt they had a reason to complain about everything. Brittany was definitely not that type of woman.

  He glanced at his watch. It was six already, which meant he’d been holed up in his garage for at least four solid hours. He’d still managed to get a lot done while anticipating tonight’s events. He wondered if Brittany had taken his advice and was prepared. Probably not. He had pretty much spelled things out to her earlier. Laid them on the table, so to speak. Given her the real deal. If there had been any doubt in her mind just what his proposal had been about, now she knew. But he was certain she’d known all along that her being here was not just about teaching him manners. Oh, he was enjoying her little tidbits and would certainly keep them in mind, but manners weren’t all he intended for them to cover over the next seven days.

  He wondered where he would be taking her for dinner. Wherever they went he wanted to make sure she again ate well because she would definitely need her strength for later.

  Galen stood to stretch his body and immediately felt his erection kick in. He was hard. He was ready. And it was time to find his woman. His woman? Okay, it had been an unwitting slip. He didn’t think of any woman as his. But in a way Brittany was his—at least for the next seven days. After she left, his life would get back to normal. He was sure of it.

  It was a romantic setting straight out of a movie. Brittany drew in a deep breath as she glanced around the bedroom. She’d taken all the advice the Internet had to offer. After checking e-mails from her staff, she’d searched several Web sites on what to do for a romantic night. Then she’d put the bedroom together.

  She had every reason to believe Galen would deliver tonight and if he did, it would be her first orgasm ever. She wanted more than just the bells and whistles; she wanted drums and several trombones, as well. She would have a lot to celebrate after twenty-eight years, and she just hoped and prayed things came through for her. The thought that she was emotionally damaged from her teenage trauma was a lot for her to take in.

  She glanced at the clock on the nightstand and wondered how much longer Galen would be working in his garage. A couple of times she had started to go find him, but figured he might not appreciate the interruption. Besides, she’d needed to prepare for tonight.

  Deciding she wouldn’t be kept a prisoner, she had scribbled him a note and given him her cell-phone number so he would know how to reach her. And she’d taken off to shop for everything she needed for tonight. Because he hadn’t tried reaching her, chances were he hadn’t known she’d left.

  In addition to purchasing scented candles, she’d also bought a bottle of wine and a dozen red roses whose petals she’d strewn over the bed. Then there was the racy new outfit guaranteed to escalate her seduction.

  She felt a deep surge of nervousness as she glanced down at herself. Talk about being bold. She’d never owned a pair of stilettos until now. And red of all colors. She had paid good money for them, although she figured she wouldn’t get much use out of them after tonight. According to the online article, men wanted sex frequently and they liked seeing their women looking sexy—preferably naked and wearing stilettos.

  Brittany had decided she could go with the stilettos, but she would definitely not be naked. Instead she’d purchased the short red dress she’d seen in one of the stores’ window. Like the shoes, it was a first for her. She had the legs to wear a hemline halfway up her thighs, but she worried that if she were to bend over in this dress, Galen wouldn’t miss seeing much. Including her new red lace panties.

  She drew an unsteady breath, wondering if perhaps she’d gone a little too far. But then she had to remind herself there was a reason for her madness. Not only had she gotten her mother’s home out of the deal, but she would also find out tonight whether she was frigid.

  She shuddered at the use of that word but knew she had to call it what it was or could possibly be. According to the research she’d done on the Internet today, that word described any woman who didn’t have a sex drive. She fit into that category.

  However, she believed all that would change tonight. Already she felt a deep attraction to Galen and he had been able to get her juices flowing, literally. But the last thing she wanted was for him to question why she was so eager to become intimate with him now after she’d resisted his offer initially. He didn’t need to know that in addition to wanting her mother’s home she had a hidden motive for accepting his offer. A secret she’d shared only with Nikki and one she would take to the grave with her.

  In addition to turning his bedroom into a seduction scene, she’d made a pit stop at the grocery store after discovering his pantry bare. Another rule of manners he’d broken. She wasn’t Rachael Ray by any means, but she didn’t do so badly in the kitchen. And just in case the sex thing with her was a total flop, at least she’d have the meal as a consolation prize.

  Her ears perked up when she heard the sound of a door closing and figured it was Galen coming out of the garage. She nervously nibbled on her bottom lip knowing at any moment he would be coming up the stairs for her. She knew what happened after that would determine her fate.

  Whatever it took—even if it was every ounce of resolve she had—she would get through it. No matter the outcome.

  Galen sniffed the air the moment he closed the door from the garage. He had to be at the right house, but couldn’t remember the last time he’d encountered the smell of food cooking.

  He walked into his kitchen and glanced around. He’d been living here for four years, and this was probably the first time his stove had earned its keep. And the only thing his refrigerator had been good for was to chill his beer because he ate out one hundred percent of the time. Getting a home-cooked meal at his parents’ place was one of the reasons he actually looked forward to Thursday nights.

  He glanced over at his table. It was set for two with elegant china, silverware and glasse
s. He then glanced back at the stove and saw all stainless-steel pots. He could only assume all this kitchenware belonged to him. Was it a house-warming gift from his mother when he’d first moved in? Now that he thought about it, he was sure of it.

  Whatever was in those pots sure smelled good and he couldn’t wait to get into it. But then he frowned. If for one minute Brittany assumed a home-cooked dinner would replace the sex they were to have later, then she had another thought coming. He could get a meal from just about anywhere.

  Galen turned toward the stairs, bracing himself for what he figured would be opposition to keeping her side of their agreement. She had been the one who’d tossed the “talk is cheap” challenge out there, and he was so looking forward to hearing her give one hell of an orgasmic scream. He could just imagine his hard body intimately connected to her soft one, her arms wrapped around his neck or her hands gripping his shoulders. All that mattered was getting inside her, thrusting in and out. His penis, which had gotten hard from the moment he’d finished working that day, seemed to have taken on a life of its own. If he didn’t know better he’d suspect it had Brittany’s name written all over it.

  He’d never been this hard up for a woman. Each step he took up the stairs, closer to her, made his erection surge in anticipation. The lust that had been eating at him, nipping at his heels, from the first time he’d set eyes on her had overtaken his senses, was devouring his control and intoxicating his mind.

  Galen wasn’t sure what he would do if he’d discovered Brittany had reneged. He didn’t expect her to be already naked waiting for him in his bed, but he didn’t expect for her to come kicking and screaming, either.

  He moved toward the hall that led to his bedroom, not sure what he would find. It wouldn’t surprise him if he found her sitting with her laptop still working on her e-mails. He knew there hadn’t been any food in the house, which meant she had gone to the grocery store at some point. No doubt she wasn’t happy about doing that.


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