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Hidden Pleasures

Page 15

by Brenda Jackson

  The only problem she saw—and it was her problem—was how she would handle it when she returned to Phoenix and ran into him with another woman. She knew they didn’t have any hold on each other; they weren’t even dating. Their agreement was for her to live with him for a week and she was only two days short of fulfilling her terms. But she knew leaving here would be the hardest thing she’d ever had to do.

  Because she’d fallen in love with him.

  Every time he touched her, made love to her, she fell deeper and deeper in love with him. Emotions washed over her and they were emotions she had no right to feel where Galen Steele was concerned. He hadn’t made any promises, hadn’t alluded to the possibility that he felt anything for her. To a man like him, sex was sex. When their affair ended, his affair with another woman would begin. Her heart ached at the thought, but she knew it to be true. She had fallen in love with him, but he hadn’t fallen in love with her.

  She pulled in a deep breath. That was the story of her life. None of the couples wanting to adopt a child had found her worthy, either. But deep down she believed she had a lot to offer a man. That man just wasn’t Galen.

  She lifted her chin as she proceeded to rub lotion on her body. As far as she was concerned it was his loss and not hers.

  “Have you told Brittany how you feel?”

  Galen glanced up at Eli. He had stopped by his brother’s office to sign papers for SID. “No, I haven’t told her.”

  One of Eli’s brows rose. “What the hell are you waiting for?”

  Galen leaned back in his chair, thinking Eli’s question was a good one. The only excuse he could come up with was that the last few days with Brittany had been perfect and he hadn’t wanted to do anything to mess them up. He had no idea how she would react to such an admission on his part, especially because she seemed content with how things were now.

  In the mornings she was over at her place taking care of her mother’s belongings while he worked on perfecting Sniper. Then in the afternoon she would arrive home and they’d spend time together. One afternoon they’d gone hiking, another time they’d shared his hot tub, and still another day he’d given her lessons on how to properly use a bow and arrow. He enjoyed having her in his space and spending time with her.

  And at night he enjoyed sleeping with her. Making love to her under the moon or the stars overhead. She was so responsive that they had to be the most intense lovemaking sessions of his life. Even the breathless aftermath made him shiver inside just thinking about it.

  He also enjoyed waking up with her wrapped in his arms every morning, and making love to her before either of them started their day. And they would talk. She trusted him enough to share her secret with him about Mr. Ponder and why making love to Galen had been a crucial step to overcoming her inability to enjoy sex.

  He was well aware that Brittany assumed that in two days she would be leaving, walking out of his life, and he hadn’t a clue how to break it to her that that was not how things were going to be. “Galen?”

  He glanced up to find Eli staring at him. “What?”

  “When are you going to tell Brittany how you feel about her? Doesn’t she leave in a couple of days?”

  “Yes, but she’ll be back.”

  “Back to Phoenix but not to your place. She thinks when she leaves here Saturday morning what’s between the two of you will be over.”

  Galen pulled in a deep breath, not surprised Eli knew as much as he did. Brittany had sought him out to handle a couple of legal issues regarding her house. She was trying to get the area rezoned to open the headquarters for Etiquette Matters.

  “Nothing between us will be over. I love her,” Galen said.

  “Then maybe you ought to tell her that. She needs to know she’s worthy of being loved.”

  Galen ran his hand down his face. Over the last few days, even though he’d warned them to stay away, his brothers had revisited anyway and had grown attached to Brittany. They were now her champions and wanted to make sure he would do the right thing by her, although he’d told them from day one what his feelings had been.

  “She’s never been part of a family and I want so much for her to feel a part of ours.”

  “Then tomorrow night will be perfect. Thursday-night dinner at Mom’s.”

  Galen’s head jerked up. Damn, why hadn’t he thought of that? Eli was right. Galen had never brought a woman home to meet his mother before. None of them had. She would have to know the importance of that, wouldn’t she? And if she didn’t, he would explain things to her.

  “That’s a good idea.”

  Eli grinned. “Thank you.”

  Galen eyed his brother suspiciously. “And just what’s in it for you?”

  Eli’s features broke into a serious expression when he said, “Your happiness.”

  Galen held his brother’s gaze and then nodded. He and his brothers might have inherited Drew’s horny genes, but they’d also inherited Eden’s caring genes, as well.

  “Okay, there’s no way after tomorrow night Brittany won’t know how I feel.”

  Once Galen had left his brother’s office and slid behind the steering wheel of his car, he pulled out his cell phone and punched in a few numbers.

  A feminine voice picked up on the second ring. “Hello.”

  “Mom, this is Galen. And I’m keeping my promise that you’d be one of the first to know.” He couldn’t help but smile. His brothers had been the first to know, but there was no reason to tell Eden Steele that. “Know what?”

  “There’s a woman I’m interested in.” He shook his head and decided to go for broke. “I’m in love with her and I’d like to bring her to dinner tomorrow night.”

  Chapter 18

  Brittany checked her lipstick again before putting the small mirror back in her purse. She then glanced over at Galen as he drove to his parents’ home for dinner. “Are you sure I look okay?”

  Without taking his eyes off the road, he said, “You look great. I love that outfit, by the way.”

  She smiled. “Thanks. Nikki and I went shopping yesterday and I bought it then.” She had introduced him to Nikki a few days ago. She had been helping her with packing up her mother’s things. She felt so very blessed having her best friend back in her life.

  “So this is a weekly event for you and your brothers with your parents?” she asked.

  “Yes. Just for our family. No outsiders.”

  Brittany frowned. Then why had she gotten invited? She shrugged. Evidently Galen felt he would lack manners if he were to not include his houseguest. She felt bad knowing the only reason she’d been invited was because he’d felt compelled to bring her.

  “What time do you fly out Saturday morning to return to Tampa?” he asked her.

  “Eight.” She couldn’t help wondering if the reason he was asking was because he was eager for her to leave. Her heart ached at the thought.

  “Well, here we are.”

  Brittany glanced through the window and saw the huge house whose exterior was beautifully decorated for the holidays. It was twice the size of Galen’s home. “And this is the house you lived in as a child?” she couldn’t help asking.

  “Yes. We moved in here when I was in the first grade. My parents knew they wanted a lot of children and went ahead and purchased a house that could accommodate a large family.”

  Brittany nodded, thinking that made perfect sense.

  Galen brought the car to a stop among several others and she said, “Looks like your brothers are here already.”

  “Yes, it looks that way.”

  She felt relieved. Over the last few days she’d gotten to know Galen’s brothers and truly liked them. She wouldn’t feel so out of place with them around. She could just imagine what Galen’s mother was going to think when she walked in with him.

  “Ready?” Galen asked, glancing over at her.

  She released a deep breath and said, “Yes, I’m ready.”

  Brittany took a sip of her wine thinking it od
d that Galen’s parents hadn’t asked how they met or how long they’d known each other. It seemed the moment she and Galen had walked in and all eyes turned to them, she’d felt a strange sort of connection to his mother. It was as if beneath all her outer beauty was a heart of gold. Someone beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. And Eden Tyson Steele was beautiful. She didn’t look as if she should be the mother of six sons. The woman didn’t look a day over forty, if that. And it was plain to see her husband simply adored her.

  It was also plain to see that although Galen and his brothers had their mother’s eyes, the rest of their features belonged to Drew Steele. The man was tall, dark and definitely handsome, and Brittany could just imagine him being a devilish rogue in his day, capturing the hearts of many women but giving his heart to only one.

  She’d asked Galen how his parents had met and he’d said his father owned a trucking company and was doing a run one night from Phoenix to California, filling in for a sick driver, when he came across Eden, who’d stowed away in the back of his truck at a truck stop, in an attempt to get away from an overbearing agent.

  The moment Brittany had walked in with Galen, Eden had given her a smile that Brittany felt was truly genuine and the woman seemed pleased that Galen had brought her to dinner with him. Galen’s father was kind as well, and it was quite obvious that he loved and respected his sons and were proud of the men they’d become.

  Brittany had never been around such a close-knit family.

  “You okay?”

  She glanced up at Galen and smiled. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  He’d rarely left her side and when and if he had, one or all of his brothers had been right there. Except for the time his mother asked if she wanted to see how she had personally decorated the courtyard for the holidays.

  Brittany had figured the woman had wanted to get her alone to grill her about her life and discovered that had not been the case. They had talked about fashion, movies and things women talk about when they get together. Brittany found herself talking comfortably, and had told Eden about the home she’d inherited from her birth mother. She had found it so easy to talk to Galen’s mother and a part of her wished things were different between her and Galen. Eden would be the type of mother-in-law any woman would want to have. But she knew she would never be hers because she and Galen didn’t have that sort of relationship. For some strange reason, though, Brittany had a feeling his family thought otherwise.

  “So what do you think of my parents?” he leaned close and asked her.

  “I think you are blessed to have them. They are super.”

  “Yes, they are,” he agreed. “And what do you think of my mother’s courtyard?”

  Brittany grinned. “If I wasn’t in the holiday spirit before arriving here, I would definitely be now.”

  Galen threw his head back and laughed, and Brittany couldn’t help herself when she joined in with him. His mother’s courtyard looked like a Christmas wonderland. Beautiful as well as festive.

  “Christmas is her favorite holiday,” he said, placing an arm around her shoulders and bringing her closer to his side.

  She lifted her glass to her lips and smiled before taking a sip of her wine. “I can tell.”

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see his parents were taken with Brittany, Galen thought. From the moment she walked into their home, Drew and Eden had begun treating her like the daughter they’d never had. Galen could tell that at first Brittany was overwhelmed, didn’t know what to make of such an overflow of love and kindness, but then he figured she assumed that’s just the way his parents were. Not really.

  He would be the first to admit his parents were good people, but even he had noticed how solicitous they were toward her. And his brothers were no exception. They flocked around her like the caring brothers they would become once they married. He had thought of that word a lot lately and he knew he truly wanted to marry Brittany. He couldn’t imagine his life without her.

  They needed to talk, he knew, and he’d start that conversation in earnest when they returned to his place. Now he crossed the room to where Brittany stood talking to his parents and brothers.

  “Time to go, sweetheart,” he said softly.

  She smiled over at him. “All right.” She then turned to his parents. “Thanks so much for having me here tonight.”

  Eden beamed. “And we look forward to you coming back.” She then shifted her gaze to her oldest son. “You will bring her back, Galen, won’t you?”

  Galen grinned. “Yes, whenever she’s in town. If I come, she’ll be with me.”


  Galen noticed on the way back home that Brittany seemed awfully quiet. He knew for sure something was bothering her when they arrived back at his place and he saw her lips quivering. She was mad about something. What? He found out the moment he closed the door behind them.

  “How could you do that, Galen?” she asked angrily.

  “How could you let your parents assume I meant something to you and I’d be back to have dinner with them again when you don’t want me? Do you know how that made me feel?”

  Yes, Galen thought, leaning back against the door. He knew precisely how she felt. She had gone through life assuming no one wanted her. In her eyes, she had been the flawed baby no one wanted to adopt. Not worthy of anyone’s love. Well, he had news for her and he might as well set her straight right now and not while making love to her later tonight as he’d planned.

  He moved away from the door and crossed the distance separating them. When he came to a stop in front of her, he saw the tears she was trying hard to hold back and promised himself that he would never let her shed a single tear for thinking no one wanted her.

  “It should have made you feel loved, Brittany, because you are. My parents treated you the way they did tonight because they knew what you evidently don’t. Granted, I’ve never said the words, but I’d thought my actions spoke loud and clear. I love you.”

  He could tell she didn’t get it for a moment because she just stood there and stared at him. And then she spoke. “What did you say?”

  He had no trouble repeating it. “I said I love you. I love you so much I ache. I believe I fell in love with you that day in New York when you saw me at my worst. And when I saw you again here in Phoenix, I knew I would do whatever it took to have you with me, even concocting a plan to bid on the house you wanted just so you’d stay a week here with me. Of course I didn’t think you would go for it, but I wanted you to have the house anyway. In fact, when you get back to Tampa you’ll have the packet Eli sent giving you the house free and clear before you decided to take my offer.”

  Brittany blinked. “But, if that was the case, then why did you still make me think I had to stay here for a week?”

  He gave her an arrogant smile. “Because I wanted you in my bed. I’m a Steele.”

  She just stood there and stared at him for a long moment and then a smile trembled on her lips. “Your conceit is showing again,” she pointed out.


  “I’m not. I love you just the way you are. And I do love you, Galen. I was so afraid you couldn’t love me.”

  Another smile touched his lips, this one filled with care, concern and sincerity. “You are an easy person to love, Brittany. If there is any way I could redo your childhood, I would. But I think you’re the person that you are because of it and the challenges you had to face,” he said, reaching out and caressing her cheek with his thumb.

  “But for the rest of your days, I will make up for all the love you didn’t get. I will love you and honor you.”

  “Oh, Galen.” Tears she couldn’t hold back streamed down her face.

  It was then that Galen swept her off her feet and into his arms to carry her up the stairs. “I told my brothers how I felt about you that day they met you and advised my parents yesterday. Tonight they treated you just as they should have—as a person who will soon become an official member of our family.”r />
  He looked down at her and paused on the stair. “Will you marry me?”

  Brittany smiled up at him. “Yes! Yes, I will marry you.”

  Galen grinned as he continued walking up the stairs to his bedroom. “Just so you’ll know, I’m having your ring specially designed by Zion.”

  Brittany’s mouth dropped open. “I’m getting a ring by Zion?”

  Galen threw his head back and laughed when he placed her on the bed. “Yes.” He knew any jewelry by Zion was the rave because Zion was the First Lady’s personal jeweler.

  She beamed. “I feel special.”

  “Always keep that thought, because you are.”

  Galen glanced down at the woman he had placed on his bed. His soul mate. The woman he would love forever. The thought nearly overwhelmed him. “And just so you’ll know, I’ve cleared my work schedule. I’m going with you back to Tampa.”

  Surprise lit her face. “You are?”

  “Yes. I don’t intend to let you out of my sight.” He dipped his knee on the bed. “Now come here.” When she lifted a brow, he added, “Please.”

  Brittany chuckled as she moved toward Galen and when he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her, she felt completely loved by the one man who had discovered all her hidden pleasures. “How could things be this way for us this soon?”

  He understood her question and had a good reason for what probably seemed like madness. “My mother has always warned her sons that we’re like our father in a lot of ways,” he said. “We’re known to be skirt chasers until we meet the one woman who will claim our hearts. You are that woman for me, Brittany. I realized just how empty my life has been until this week while you were here with me. I love you.”

  She fought back tears in her eyes when she said, “And I love you, too.”

  And then Galen kissed her and she knew a lot of people would think their affair had been rather short, but she knew it had been just like it was meant to be. Now they would embark upon a life together filled with romance and passion.


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