No Justice_A Croft Mob Family Book
Page 34
Sitting up, she went to remove her sports bra.
He stopped her.
“Leave it. I’m going to rip it off of you. I’m the victor, and you’re the spoils.”
That made her wet.
Wetter than she’d been in her entire life and with any other man. All sanity went out of the window, and all Nikita could think of was this tattooed Marine.
She checked out his body, the art, and how she wanted to explore every inch of him. After that first lap dance, she was hooked. She could feel him beneath that suit, and she didn’t think it was the body armor that made him hard.
Now she could see she’d been right.
The man was built like a wall, and she wanted to climb him all-night long.
It was time for some sexy cardio.
When he moved toward her, he flipped off her sneakers, and then pressed her into the bed.
When her hands were above her head, him trapping her, he whispered in her ear.
“I like a rough, wild fuck.”
She swallowed before she could even begin to form the words. That’s why she’d tracked him down.
Nikita raced into the storm.
He was a wild one.
“Me too,” she whispered back.
It sent shockwaves through his body.
Oh, Heath figured as much. Giving her no warning, he bit her on the side of the neck, leaving marks.
She moaned in pleasure.
That set the pace.
It was going to be a wild night.
Heath eased up, giving her enough room to move so that she was able to wrap her legs around his hips.
When he pushed off from the bed, she went with him, until he was holding all of her, and she was clinging to him.
His hands went to the front of her sports bra, that held her very full breasts.
He ripped it down the middle.
“I apologize,” he stated. “Honestly, you look better without it, princess.”
She didn’t speak.
Nikita couldn’t.
Had any other man called her princess, she would have put a bullet in his head. With this one, it made her want to be that woman she knew she’d never be.
For him.
There was something about Heath. Instead, she waited until he turned his head and gave him that exact same love bite.
He moaned, and his erection, that was trapped between them twitched.
Then throbbed.
Yeah, what was waiting for her was so much better than anything else in the world. She was going to be riding one hot soldier into the night.
Nikita took something for herself. Her mouth found his, and the kiss nearly took the big man to his knees.
It was hot.
Heath moaned, as he pulled her hair, to control the kiss. It was frenetic, it was wild, and there was going to be carnage.
Nikita showed him what she had. She did battle to control the kiss. When she pulled on his hair, too, he moaned in absolute pleasure.
“More,” Heath muttered. “Give me all you have,” he ordered, his tongue doing battle with hers.
He was going to burn up. Her body was wrapped around his like that creeping snake. She was in position, and she was going to take him down.
Heath didn’t care.
This was exactly what he needed.
“Let’s fuck,” Nikita said, nearly cumming from his hands all over her body. The only barrier was her shorts.
They were wet, and they needed to go.
Heath got it.
It was time.
“Set me free.”
Nikita did just that. She unlocked her legs, sliding down his body to her knees. Heath moaned as she blew warm breath across his dick.
This was one hell of a sight.
When she took him in her hand, he grabbed her by the back of her head and began fucking her mouth.
He offered no mercy.
He’d won.
The battle had been his.
Now, this was what he wanted.
It was wild.
Nikita didn’t fight. Instead, she swallowed him whole. As Heath watched, his dick became slick with her spit.
“Jesus,” he muttered, as she worked him hard. His balls actually ached, begging to get some relief.
Yeah, this wasn’t school teacher sex.
And he was glad.
“Yeah, princess, give it to me,” he muttered, the tingle shooting up his spine as his legs quivered.
He was on the edge.
While he wanted to cum down her throat, Heath knew he wanted his dick somewhere else.
It was time.
Heath needed to take her.
Yanking Nikita up, he stared into her eyes. This was going to be epic.
“I’m going to make you cum and scream my name,” he said softly, as his hand trailed down her torso to her girly parts.
She held her breath as his fingers wandered.
Then, he struck.
Heath ripped the shorts from her body as she shook in need. Nikita wanted him in the worst way.
That fire was unquenchable without him.
“Beg me, princess,” he said, feeling that wet heat that had pooled between her legs. It told the tale.
Now she’d do the dance.
After all, he’d won this.
“Please,” she begged. “I need you. Do it.”
It was as if she was reading his mind. That was exactly his plan. He was going to do her all-night long.
Heath knew there was only one place suitable for what he had in mind. That bed was going to be bronzed when this night was done.
It was going to be memorable.
It was going to be chaos.
Shoving her back, Nikita tumbled onto the big bed, and stared up at him.
“Later, I’m going to eat like a king. Now I’m going to fuck like an animal.”
There was her warning.
Heath shoved her legs apart and forced himself into her body. The saliva on his dick helped him slide home as he buried himself to the base of his dick.
Her eyes were huge.
Yeah, she was filled.
“Well, princess?” he asked, holding his breath. While he was a beast in bed, he wasn’t an animal. He cared.
He couldn’t help it.
“God! Take me!”
That was all he needed to hear.
Heath had to do this. It was as if his whole life depended on it too.
He had to take this Russian killer for a ride.
As he began moving, his hips found the perfect rhythm—the long, deep strokes destroying her over and over again. He was pounding into her, and she was helpless beneath him.
That was exactly what he wanted. Heath didn’t want a woman he had to baby. He wanted a fellow soldier he could rough it up with, and get off.
Nikita fit the bill.
Still, he worried about her. Holding on, he moved her closer and closer to the fall. As she got closer to the edge, he knew what he wanted.
Heath wanted all.
The second she came, he pulled out of her to get her into his favorite position.
He wanted to really enjoy this moment.
Nikita came so hard, the whole room spun. Then she realized she was being manhandled by the big guy.
That worked for her.
She found herself pushing through the fog of pleasure as she knelt on the bed.
She wiggled her ass.
He actually moaned.
“Princess, don’t tease. I’ll fuck you there too.”
As she struggled, Nikita could feel the nudge to her ass. Heath didn’t hesitate. Before she could tell him yes, or no, he drove himself home.
He shouted in pleasure at the tight grip her body ha
d on his.
“There’s my dirty princess,” he muttered, as he tried not to cum. It wasn’t easy. He’d been jerking off thinking about this for weeks. One lap dance, and she’d destroyed his control.
Nikita couldn’t move.
She was on her knees, but his big hands on her hips held her still. He was driving the bus, and her ass was his.
She didn’t mind.
She wanted more from him.
She struggled to breathe through the pain and pleasure that sent chills across her body.
“And now we fuck like animals,” he warned right before he struck.
When he grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her off the bed and into the upright position, he continued pounding himself into her body.
Heath’s body was against hers as his hips pistoned into her body. He was like a runaway train. Nikita could just let him do his worst.
When his big hand held her to him, and his other found her clit, she purred just for him.
She was trapped again.
It was the hottest thing ever. She couldn’t move away from him, and she loved it.
“Cum for me, princess,” he whispered in her ear, his breath labored as his body begged for relief. Only, Heath wanted more.
He never wanted this to end.
She came again, this time against his fingers.
Heath loved the way she shook. It turned him right on, making his dick even harder.
How was that possible?
Was she a witch?
“Moya dusha!” she whispered, as she came again.
Heath didn’t understand Russian. Hell, he barely understood when Dimitri talked, but he was desperate to remember those words.
He’d look them up later.
“One more time,” he said, his dick throbbing uncontrollably. “One more time, princess.”
Then the ride began.
Bending her over, his dick was impaling her, his body was pressed against hers, and his hand…it landed on her ass with a sound that reverberated through the room.
Yeah, here was his dirty girl, and he loved it. This was exactly what he needed.
She wanted this—and him. Heath couldn’t be happier than in that moment.
When she moved back and into his body, slamming his dick home, he moaned.
“Harder, princess. Make me cum!”
She gave him what he wanted.
They rocked that bed.
Heath knew he wouldn’t last long. Finding her clit, he pinched it, and she came again.
He was right behind her.
“Cumming,” he moaned, as he buried his erection in her one more time to the base.
His dick throbbed.
They both shuddered in release as Heath poured into her body in a tidal wave of lust and need.
Unable to stay upright, Heath toppled like a wall onto the bed. Nikita beside him.
Neither spoke.
The entire time, as he regained his composure, he thought about the woman beside him. She’d fought hard, and he loved it. This was exactly what he hoped Vegas would bring.
From the tattoos across her back to the red handprint on her ass, he knew he was home.
Sin City called him home, and he was at peace.
When she rolled over, she cuddled into his side, and it did something weird to his heart.
It flip-flopped in his chest.
He knew what it meant.
She was the key.
Heath pushed it out of his mind, needing more of her and less thinking.
“Where are you staying?” he finally asked.
She could barely register what he was saying. There was still that pleasure, and he was playing with her breasts. His big fingers were teasing her sensitive nipples.
She looked up at him.
“A hotel across the boulevard,” she finally stated. “Why?” she asked.
“Stay with me until you decide what you’re doing.”
It sat there.
Heath held his breath, almost expecting her to pull a school teacher and tell him not until she was married.
It was the story of his life.
Women loved his body, just not the man attached to his dick.
His heart thumped.
Before she could tell him no, he took matters into his own hands.
“Princess, that wasn’t an offer. It was an order,” he said, rolling to pin her beneath him again. “If you want your own space, I have a spare room.”
She stared up at him.
Before she could tell him yes, he stared into her eyes and uttered only one word.
Her heart melted.
This man was a mystery.
This man was moya dusha—her soul.
“I’ll stay.”
He was at peace. There was a part of him that celebrated, but it was overruled by the part of him that wanted her again.
“Good. Let’s shower,” he said, picking her up so she could wrap herself around his body.
Surprise, surprise. He was hard again.
Heath wanted more of her.
“Again?” she teased, the Russian out in her voice as she gazed into his aqua eyes.
“Oh, princess, you have no idea. I’m talking all-night.”
She lifted a brow.
“Yes, seriously.”
He carried her into the shower, and together, they lit up the night.
It was fireworks.
Heath Lerroux was a man of his word.
* * * G R E Y S O N C R O F T * * *
Harold Cline’s
Tuesday Night
He’d never seen his boss so damn angry. The man was pacing, raging, and even giving his employees the evil eye. It wasn’t like they’d done anything to Greyson Croft.
He was a force to reckon with, and Harold didn’t think that Zachary’s anger was placed in the right place.
Focus that at the man.
Not his people.
They did the job, obeyed him, and made sure everything was taken care of for him.
If Croft was coming for them…
WHO saw that coming?
Clearly, not Lipton.
Clearly, not them.
So, as he pulled into his home, after leaving Zachary’s mansion and picking up his groceries, he carried them in and placed them on the counter.
What he wanted was a beer, TV, and to forget that his boss was on a tear.
He was going to put his food away, make a TV dinner, and plop his ass on the couch.
That’s it.
Tomorrow, he’d try to rationalize with his boss so he saw that they weren’t the enemy. They could find a solution. Maybe they could just talk to Croft.
What would that hurt?
A meeting could be beneficial—IF that were possible.
He wasn’t sure but they could try. What wasn’t fair was that the man was flipping his shit all over the employees who kept him safe, happy, and in information.
Well, he could easily leave.
Maybe Harold would do just that.
After all, if Zachary Lipton wasn’t appreciative of his people, that was all kinds of wrong.
Yeah, that was his plan.
Maybe Croft would pay him for his information, and he could retire to an island in the South Pacific?
That would work.
As he headed into the living room with his nuked dinner, he watched some of the news, and tried to settle down for the night. With the three beers in him, he finally began falling asleep.
He didn’t even hear the squeak of the floor behind him.
He didn’t hear the slide of the knife from t
he holster as it was pulled.
Harold didn’t feel the yank of his head until it was too late. The next thing Harold Cline felt was the blade cutting deeply into his throat, severing his carotid artery.
As he stood, blood spurted all over the place.
Then, he saw the man.
His eyes went huge.
And he fell to the floor with the puddle of his life ebbing from his body.
He was dead.
He was out of luck.
This was a really shitty day.
Harold wished he could do it over again.
By not coming home.
To his death.
* * * G R E Y S O N C R O F T * * *
Sky Villa
Dinner Time
Dimitri couldn’t wait to see his kids. He wanted to spend time with them. He also wanted to see if Poppy ran for the hills while he was out working. When they’d headed to the penthouse first, he was panicked.
She was gone.
His heart thumped, and he was ready to chase after her once more, despite what he’d vowed.
Yes, he said he wouldn’t.
No, he wasn’t serious.
Dimitri, while angry, was still happy to have her around. In her absence the last three months, he knew she was the one. His heart knew, and now his anger just had to abate.
He felt it simmering, and he couldn’t work miracles. It had only been two days since her returning, and he was trying to be calm.
He was.
What helped him the most?
When Emma told him that she was with the kids at his place, there was a sense of ease that washed over him.
That meant she didn’t bail.
Day two of baby steps, and she didn’t run.
That was a start.
If he could keep her from bailing, he could stop worrying. If he could stop worrying, Dimitri could stop being an asshole.
That was the key.
When he had a chip on his shoulder, it was clear. He didn’t hide his anger well.
Fear was a powerful motivator.
He didn’t want to hold a grudge, but he was prone to doing it. From here on out, he was going to try.
Plastering a smile on his face, he expected to find her in his condo, miserable.
Only, that wasn’t what he found. In fact, he didn’t know what to say or do.