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Sweet Justice

Page 6

by Vanessa Vale



  "While I'd like to stay abed for the remainder of the night...hell, the remainder of the week, we can't stay here."

  It was the first chance I had to look at the room. It was plain, only a bed and a dresser, the walls painted a plain white. The quilt we were sprawled upon was a mixture of dark fabrics—blood red, royal blue and even some dark heather. It was striking and very bold, perhaps matching the personality of its owner.

  Now that my anger and ardor had both cooled, reality set in.

  "Oh God," I groaned, tossing an arm over my eyes. Perhaps if I couldn't see Wiley, he couldn't see me.

  Mr. Easton's—no—Wiley's fingers began to fiddle with a long lock of my hair, tugging on it gently. After he'd pulled himself from my body, he'd fallen to his side and pulled me into him, his arm and leg thrown over me as if trying to keep me from escaping. If he made me feel that amazing not once, but twice, I had no interest in going anywhere.

  He was so different from me; the hair on his leg tickled my smooth thigh, his arm was corded with muscle and his hand, just simply cupping my left breast, was large and his fingers long. Our size difference was obvious now, for I felt small and dainty beside him. Remarkably, he had been gentle with me; his hands and mouth and even his cock had been patient and somewhat restrained. That was, at least, until I uttered the word "harder." That single word was a signal to him to unleash whatever control he'd held and then he hadn't been gentle.

  His hands had gripped my hips tightly, and his cock had slammed into me as it rubbed and slid over incredible places inside that had my eyes practically rolling to the back of my head. It had gone from sweet to carnal in an instant. The sound of our joining, flesh slapping flesh, filled the room. I couldn't help the little sounds that had escaped my throat and they seemed to only build Wiley's intensity. Fucking—the word he'd used for what we'd done—was wet and dirty and wild...and I loved it. He'd been right to make me trust him, for he certainly knew what he was doing.

  "What's the matter, sweetheart?"

  I refused to look at him. "What you must think of me!"

  He pulled on my arm, lowering it from my face so I could see the very satisfied look on his face. "That you're wild and wanton and very, very sexy?"

  "Wanton, definitely. Brazen." My body was relaxed and sated, yet between my thighs, my flesh was hot and tender. Deep inside, I ached, a combination of the end of my virginity and being filled so completely by such a large cock. He was large; if he hadn't been so diligent in his early attentions, I would have been fearful. Well, I had been fearful, but more so. I'd forgotten about the reasoning for our marriage. I'd forgotten about my family and their demise. I'd forgotten everything but Wiley.

  "You're mine now and there's no going back."

  True. I could feel his seed seeping from me.

  "You're not bothered by my...boldness?" I asked, fearful of his answer.

  "Your boldness in bed pleases me. Your boldness in charging into a brothel bothers me a great deal." Catching me by surprise, he easily maneuvered me onto my belly.

  "Wiley, what—"


  His hand came down on my bottom, and I heard the loud sound before I felt the sharp sting.

  "Wiley!" I cried, whipping my head around to look at him, pushing up onto my hands and knees to get away.

  "Good, just the way I want you." He came up on his knees beside me and gripped my hip firmly. "Don't move."


  "What are you doing?" I squealed as his palm struck a different place on my bottom.

  "Spanking you for your blatant disregard for your safety."


  "You went to see a whore on our wedding night!"


  "I was working."

  "Yes, interrogating someone in just her underthings. It seems your tact is to strip her naked," I countered, thinking of how we'd been forced to wed in the first place. "Good thing you were in a brothel otherwise you might have to marry her as well!"


  "You are intentionally swaying the conversation from the reason for this spanking. You will not put yourself in danger."

  Each word of the sentence was punctuated by a hard spank.

  I gripped the quilt tightly as the sting settled in and turned to heat. After one last spank, Wiley smoothed his hand over my sore bottom. "There. Have you learned your lesson?"

  I wasn't contrite, not in the least. While I found his point valid, his punishment did not make me reasonable. "Will you stop meeting women in brothels?"

  "This brothel? Once word spreads that my wife came and shared her ire, I won't be able to show my face here again."

  I narrowed my eyes at him. The nerve of the man! "You spanked me for following you to a brothel so no other woman could have you and that's your response?" I started to move off the bed but he stopped me.

  "No, my response is this." He slipped his fingers past my sore bottom and between my thighs to slip inside of me. When I groaned, he continued. "I love that you're possessive and so my fierce bride shall have a reward. For while this pussy belongs to me, my cock is yours, sweetheart."

  I arched my back like a cat, pushing my hips back into the movements of his hand, making his fingers plunge deeper. "Wiley!" I cried, knowing now how the pleasure filled me and filled me until I overflowed.

  "My cock is yours," he repeated. "Of that you should have no doubt."

  I glanced at him over my shoulder. He grinned, showing off straight white teeth. He was so handsome and when he smiled, it was almost breathtaking. His hair was tousled and he appeared quite pleased with himself. His was quite adept and both of us most definitely reaped the benefits. "From the look on your face, you don't believe me, but I think we'll both enjoy proving those words."

  It didn't take me long to come again, this time I screamed and the ladies in the kitchen must have heard. While his cock had been so big and thick and filled me so deeply, Wiley's fingers moved at a gentle, leisurely pace and were able to curl and rub over hidden, secret places inside of me.

  "Yes, it feels so good," I moaned, collapsing down onto the bed and catching my breath.

  Wiley stood, naked and incredible looking, to grab his clothes.

  "That scream certainly redeemed my manhood," he told me and I tossed a pillow at him. He ducked and grinned again. "Now we may leave the room."

  "Oh?" I asked. I was content to remain abed, although my bottom stung.

  "You wish to spend the night in a brothel, sweetheart?"

  I shook my head from the languorous feelings that made me so relaxed and sated. I did not wish to remain in a brothel, especially when I knew Ethel would most likely be returning. While I might be wanton and brazen, I did not need another confrontation with the woman; Wiley had fucked any reasoning out of my head.

  "I believe your dress is still worthy for wear." His voice was scratchy and rough, yet deep and surprisingly soothing.

  "Why would it not be wearable?" I asked.

  "You had your hand on my cock, Piper. I could not be held accountable for my actions in my haste to strip you bare and make you mine."

  I climbed into the garment and began doing up the buttons, which seemed to be all intact, Wiley watching me the entire time. "One of these days I will not show as much restraint at the start," he growled.

  His words had my inner walls clenching. "Promise?"

  He came over to me and stroked the back of his knuckles down my cheek. "Oh, I promise, sweetheart."

  "What did the ladies at the brothel tell you?" Wiley asked, taking over doing up the buttons on my dress. The feel of his knuckles brushing over my breasts had me losing focus.

  "They told me how to rub your...cock so you liked it." My cheeks were on fire and I looked at the buttons of his shirt.

  His hands paused which had me glancing up at him. "You will have to show me later. My question was about Miss Carter. What did they tell you about her?"

  I think m
y cheeks reddened even further at the misunderstanding. "Oh, um...she used to work there with them, but left about six months ago. They couldn't say exactly, but it was winter. They believe she headed to Carey."

  Once all the buttons were done up, he tapped the tip of my nose. "Then we're off to Carey."


  I spent the ride to Carey thinking about Piper and my cock pressed painfully against my pants—riding a saddle is not the place to be with a cock stand—and my balls ached with the need to come. I couldn't help but remember how she felt in my arms once we returned to the hotel. I'd stripped her bare once again and held her all night. I didn't touch her nor make any forward advances. She had to have been sore from having her maidenhead torn and I hadn't been gentle. While she'd readily enjoyed herself, coming not once but twice, she was unused to my cock and such vigorous attentions. When I'd slipped my fingers into her after I spanked her, she'd been so incredibly tight. I'd been careful and tried to be gentle as I made her come because of the telling sign of her virgin blood and my seed coating my fingers.

  It had taken all my willpower not to take her in the tall grasses as we let the horses drink from a nearby creek. I'd fought the urge to pull her toward me as we rode side by side to kiss her. I'd struggled to just...wait.

  The sky was a mixture of clouds and sun, making the air cooler than the day before. We were alone on the vast prairie, the sound of the wind blowing through the tall grass the only sound. "Tonight I will search the brothels for Miss Carter."

  Her posture stiffened even more. How she could ride in that confounded corset and breathe was beyond me. "Do you really need to go to another brothel?"

  My eyebrows went up beneath my hat. "Oh? Don't trust me, sweetheart?"

  She turned to look at me, her face shadowed beneath her bonnet. "We barely know each other."

  I grinned. "I know what color your nipples are. I know what you sound like when you come. I know how tight your pussy is. I know what you taste like."

  She flushed prettily. "That is not what I meant and you know it," she replied primly. "How would you feel if I went into a saloon to find a man that was wanted?"

  My jaw clenched and my eyes narrowed. The very idea had me furious and livid. "Don't even think about it, sweetheart." This time the endearment was laced with a little warning.

  She held up one hand. "It was just an example. Now you know how I feel about you going in a place like that. The women there, they expect...things."

  "They do. I told you last night, I'm only going to be giving those...things to you."

  She shook her head. "It doesn't matter. What happens if they force you?"

  I laughed, rich and loud. "Force me?"

  She pursed her lips and realized her question was a tad ridiculous.

  "I do not like it," she said simply.

  That statement gave me pause, for it had more weight than anything else she'd said. "I want to bring the woman to justice, Piper. I want to bring closure to the entire case, to let those who were murdered rest in peace. Hey," I said, getting her to look at me. "Your possessiveness is very appealing. I like that it bothers you."

  She frowned. "I should just go in there for you."

  I pulled on the reins of my horse and stopped. She had to turn around so we could continue our conversation, this time facing each other. "What the hell do you mean by that?"

  "You're a man. A bounty hunter. What woman is going to give information to you?"

  "A woman who wants money."

  She shook her head. "If Miss Carter is there, she's not going to just let you take her. If you go around and ask questions she'll get suspicious, or even learn you're there to arrest her and flee."

  "I can handle one woman," I countered. Her words had my manliness in jeopardy. Besides, my ire at Miss Carter was enough where I could certainly handle her.

  "It would be easier if I did it for you."

  "How?" I had an idea of what she was going to say, but I wanted to be sure before I made conclusions.

  "I will go in seeking a job as a prostitute."

  I laughed, but this time her words weren't overly humorous. "You just fucked for the first time last night. I don't think you'll be mistaken for a whore."

  She shook her head. "Doesn't matter. I can easily play a woman fallen on hard times. A virgin, or almost virgin. I should fetch a fair price."

  I didn't want to think about the men circling around her eager to get their hands, and other parts of their anatomy, on her.


  I spurred my horse into movement.

  "Why not?" she called from behind me.

  "Because I'm your husband, and I forbid it." I wasn't thinking logically. If it were anyone else, the plan had merit, but I couldn't let Piper into a place like that, with men like that, expecting her to fuck or do other dark things. No way in fucking hell.

  "You thought I was guilty of murder just the other day and now you're protecting me?" She trotted her horse up next to mine.

  "You were innocent of the crime and I'm protecting you because you're my wife. You're mine. When you showed up in Ethel's room last night you chose to be mine. I didn't make you. It was your decision. You grabbed my cock, sweetheart."

  There was no question who she belonged to, and she was not going to go to that brothel. No way in hell.


  I was not going to let Wiley go into another brothel. The temptation of the other women was too great. Did he get a good look at Ethel? She had breasts and hips and lips and was so pretty and certainly knew more about fucking than I did in my little finger. I couldn't compete with her in any way. Why Wiley had chosen me over her was obvious. I'd had my hand on his cock and I was free. I was his wife and he could use and fuck me any way he wished. It sounded harsh, but it was true. He was so handsome, so...virile, that he could have any woman he wanted. He hadn't wanted to marry me, so why should he change his ways?

  He'd said he didn't want another, but it was hard to believe him. It was hard to believe any man, especially after the way my family had betrayed me, lied to me and used me. If my own family treated me that way, then Wiley was certainly going to as well. He'd end up with another woman at some point, but he wasn't going to do it when I knew about it, when I could do something about it.

  We rode into Carey as the sun was setting. It was smaller than Banning so it wouldn't be hard to find the local brothel. I feigned a headache and Wiley had been gentlemanly enough to secure us a room at the hotel before taking the horses to the livery. Once he rode off in that direction to have the animals tended for the night, I ducked out and worked my way to the brothel. It was much more obvious to me now than when in Banning, for it seemed they were all the same. Slipping in through the back door, I was greeted with a similar arrangement than the night before. Two women were eating at the table dressed solely in their undergarments. An older woman was cooking at the stove, the scent of baked bread and stew filling the warm kitchen.

  All three women looked me over. While I swallowed down my fear and nerves, I was fortunate to have experience to know what to expect. I assumed a little naiveté only helped my act. While I knew Wiley would miss me when he returned, hopefully I could get some information out of some of these ladies like I had the night before, and then slip out.

  "Hello, I wanted to ask...I mean, do you think I could—"

  "Lookin' for a job, honey?" the cook asked. The same question was asked by the ladies in Banning. It seemed women came to the back door for work with such frequency they expected it. "If not, you get yourself right on home now."

  She waved a spoon at me but I did not retreat. I held my ground. This wasn't as easy this time. I couldn't just ask her after Miss Carter, for all I knew one of these women could be Miss Carter and she was supposedly quite dangerous. While I doubted she kept a gun in her corset or drawers, it didn't mean she wasn't deadly. I could leave and let Wiley do his job, but I didn't want him anywhere near the likes of these women. But then I thought of my husband and
remembered how he'd spanked me when I'd just shown up in a brothel, not getting a job in one. I didn't have to worry about Miss Carter doing it; he'd kill me himself


  I swallowed and shook my head. "No. No thank you," I replied before fleeing out the door.

  I all but ran back to the hotel and up the steps. When I pushed open the door to our room, Wiley stopped his pacing and turned to me. "Where the hell have you been?" His voice boomed in the small space.

  "I couldn't do it," I replied, trying to catch my breath. My hand was against my chest and I felt my heart pounding.

  He narrowed his eyes. "Do what? Leave me?"

  "What? No. Why would I do that?"

  He shook his head and repeated, "Where the hell have you been?"

  "I wanted to find out about Miss Carter so you didn't have to go to another brothel."

  He approached me and put his hands on my upper arms. His hold was firm, his touch warm. ""

  I swallowed. "I...I went to the back door of the brothel."

  "After I distinctly told you not to?"

  "You were going to go there after I distinctly told you I didn't like it," I countered.

  "It's my job!" he replied.

  "I'm your wife!" I shouted.

  Before I could even realize his intentions, his mouth was on mine and I was pressed up against the door. I felt hard wood at my back and solid muscle and hard male at my front. His tongue plundered and tangled with mine, his big hands gripping my arms. It was all heat and energy, the kiss. I didn't need to breathe when I had Wiley kissing me. I could live off his kiss.


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