Book Read Free

The Seer

Page 48

by Kirsten Jones

  ‘What a waste of time! Why don’t they just speak one version?’

  ‘Ah, but which one Mistral? It becomes a matter of pride you see.’

  ‘How ridiculous.’

  ‘I agree, however, the point is that at the moment only French is taught as a second language in the Council School because of the Rochforte connection, but the elven population on the Isle has grown to such an extent that they now hold two seats on the Council are starting to have more influence in Council matters –’

  ‘Which is only right, since the Isle was created to be haven to Arcanes as well as Mages.’ Phantom interjected in a righteous voice.

  ‘Anyway.’ Phantasm continued briskly. ‘Since the debacle of the interpreter who got bored and propositioned a foreign delegate on behalf of one of the elves, the need to be able to speak elven without relying on a translator has become a fairly urgent matter.’

  Mistral sighed while she mulled over the reason for the meeting, ‘So, to summarise, Castledine wants elven on the curriculum. Riveting. But what’re we doing here? It’s hardly a matter that requires the services of a Seer and two mind controllers is it?’

  ‘Are you kidding? Teaching Mage children an Arcane language? It’s a bold suggestion, and it’s going to meet a lot of resistance! I’m sure Mage Grapple will want to know who feels adversely towards the proposal, and I have no doubt that’s why we are here –’

  ‘You are quite correct.’

  The twins instantly rose to their feet as Mage Grapple swept into the room. Noting their response Mistral also stood up to find herself looking straight into the disturbing mismatched gaze of the Head of the Mage Council.

  ‘Lady De Winter, I understand congratulations are in order.’

  ‘Er, thanks.’ Mistral managed to mumble, thrown as ever by the intimidating directness of his stare.

  Fabian and Leo had entered the room behind Mage Grapple and were now stood on either side of him. Looking unusually relaxed, Fabian smiled at her and reached out to take her hand, drawing her to his side before he turned to speak to Mage Grapple.

  ‘Thank you for agreeing to hold your meetings here Eximius. I appreciate the inconvenience that it will cause you.’

  Mage Grapple shrugged lightly, ‘It does not matter to me where the meetings are held, only that the right outcome is achieved from each.’ He swung around and began to pace the floor with his hands clasped behind his back. ‘Castledine’s proposal will be met with disapproval by some of the other Council members present at today’s meeting; however I want the proposal to go through.’ He turned to fix Mistral with his cold stare. ‘There are four eligible to vote today and I hold the deciding vote. What I need to know from you today, Lady De Winter, is which of those four is least disposed towards the proposal and why. We will break for a late lunch before the vote is cast and you can inform me of your findings then.’ He continued to pace the floor with his head bowed in thought before halting in front of the twins and giving them their instructions. ‘I want you to advise Lady De Winter of the identities of each of the Councillors present today and inform her of any other details you feel are pertinent.’

  Mistral gritted her teeth, not only was it was the third time that Mage Grapple had called her by that stupid title, but he’d also just given Phantom leave to fill her head with inane Council gossip for the duration of the meeting. She felt Fabian squeeze her hand slightly and glanced at him to see a smile lifting one corner of his mouth.

  ‘Do you wish us to influence the outcome of the vote?’ Phantasm asked.

  Mage Grapple gave him a cold look, ‘No. The right outcome will be achieved through reason, not through deception. Your role here today is purely to advice La –’

  ‘Mage Grapple!’ Mistral broke in before she could stop herself. ‘I really, really would rather you called me by my first name.’

  ‘And would you like to call me by mine?’ He asked in return.

  Mistral hesitated while she considered being on a first name basis with the austere, scarred figure of the Head of Mage Council, ‘Thanks, but not really. It just wouldn’t feel respectful enough.’

  ‘Precisely my answer Lady De Winter. You are the Ri’s Seer, the only one on the Isle in fact, and married to sole survivor of one of the most distinguished families in Mage history. I hold you in the highest esteem and as such, shall refer to you by the title bestowed upon you.’

  Mistral sighed. It looked like she was never going to win that one.

  ‘Mage Grapple?’ Phantasm cut in before he could continue. ‘If the outcome of the vote goes the way you wish, won’t the other Councillors just assume that we have used our gift to influence them under your instructions and claim the decision as null and void?’

  ‘I agree that would be the case, should you be present during the vote. However you will not be.’

  Phantasm frowned and looked about to speak but a sharp look from his brother stopped him, ‘Of course,’ he demurred quietly. ‘We will retire from the meeting once you have all broken for lunch.’

  ‘Then unless you have any questions, there are no further points I wish to cover before the meeting begins,’ he paused and looked expectantly at the twins who shook their heads. ‘Good, then Master Sphinx and I shall go and summon the Councillors and elven delegates from the delightful surroundings of The Cloak and Dagger.’

  Mistral blinked, she was certain she had seen the hint of a smile cross the ravaged features of Mage Grapple’s face.

  ‘Nice easy one then!’ Phantom declared the moment the door closed behind Mage Grapple and Leo.

  ‘Oh, don’t be so lax brother. We need to keep Mistral informed of who’s who. Now, let’s just go over a few details together before they arrive –’

  Leaving the twins gossiping about the Council officials, Fabian led Mistral to the fire at the other end of the room.

  ‘Are you staying for the meeting?’ She asked, half wanting him to and half not. To have him there would undoubtedly be a distraction, but not to have him there would probably prove even more distracting.

  ‘Yes, Bryden Wolfsnare is one of the elven representatives. He’s requested that I attend the meeting to act as a mediary between the Mage and Arcane races.’ He paused by the fire and turned to face her, gazing at her with velvet eyes so soft she felt her heart skip a beat. ‘You look beautiful today,’ he murmured, glancing down at her dress.

  ‘Oh!’ She instantly blushed and tugged self-consciously at the neckline. ‘It’s a bit low. I’m not sure what Eudora was thinking.’

  ‘I know what I’m thinking –’

  So did she and her heart proceeded to perform a series of erratic somersaults, ‘So why are you going to leave me and take this Contract then?’ She blurted and instantly could have kicked herself for ruining the moment.

  He cupped her face in one hand, pulling her gently towards him to kiss her lips, releasing her with a smile to murmur softly in her ear, ‘I haven’t taken the Contract Mistral. It is not mine to take.’

  ‘You know you’ll be one of the winning warriors Fabian. No-one can ride like you.’

  Fabian laughed quietly, ‘You are perhaps a touch biased when it comes to my abilities Mistral. A trait I adore you for, but I assure you that there are other warriors in the Ri who ride far better than I do, you for one.’

  ‘Huh, I’m banned from entering, or had you forgotten?’

  He tilted his head and ran his eyes down her dress, stopping at the burgeoning swell now apparent at her waist, ‘How could I?’ He asked softly.

  Mistral sighed, ‘You know the twins have threatened to teach me French if you go.’

  ‘I am sure you will be an excellent student.’ Fabian smiled. ‘And if I go, it will only be because you are willing. I would not leave if you felt unsafe and did not wish me to.’

  ‘Unsafe? From what? Being bored to death? And of course I don’t want you to go, but that’s because I’m selfish and anyway, I don’t want you to stay, I want to go with you!’

‘Well you can’t, but,’ Fabian was suddenly serious, ‘you know I would not leave unless I was convinced of your safety, in every way.’

  ‘My safety? In every way? What do you mean?’

  He gave her a half-smile, ‘Since we have returned to the Valley several of the matters that were causing me some concern have been assuaged.’

  ‘Yes, you do seem to have relaxed a bit, care to tell me why?’

  ‘Mainly because you and our son are both unaffected by the traumas my stupidity led you to endure in France. If either of you had been hurt it would have destroyed me.’

  She gazed into his sombre eyes and saw again a shadow of the despair that had haunted him on the journey back from France, ‘We’re fine, all three of us ... well, twelve if you include the unicorn herd.’

  Fabian smiled suddenly and it was like the sun breaking out from behind rain clouds, ‘I know. And nothing gave me greater joy than to hear Cain telling me how strong our son’s heartbeat is.’

  Mistral frowned, ‘Cain never said that.’ She could only recall nearly falling out with Cain over banning her from doing anything more strenuous than getting dressed in the morning.

  ‘He came to see me the next day. For some reason he felt that you would probably be disinclined to discuss the details of your examination.’

  ‘What is there to discuss?’ Mistral looked non-plussed. ‘I’m fine, the baby’s fine.’

  Fabian laughed, ‘And that is exactly why Cain came to see me. Anyway, he alleviated the largest concern I had. The discovery of Pierre and Etienne’s joint demise was another.’

  ‘Why? Now all I can do is read Golden.’ Mistral pulled a face.

  ‘But that is precisely the point Mistral! You can read Golden, and she has aligned herself with the new head of the Rochforte tribe, Christophe, who is blessed with far less cunning than his departed cousin!’

  ‘So, you’re glad Etienne is dead?’

  ‘Of course I am! My only regret is that it was not by my hand! He has tried to abduct you three times now; once with Putreo’s assistance, then using his uncle and finally he was very nearly successful with his own plan at the quayside. I wanted nothing more than to end his life the second he appeared, but I knew that it would be a pointless waste of my own when I have so much more to live for now.’ Placing his hands gently around her waist, Fabian smiled. ‘All my fears are met Mistral. You are well, our son is well. Etienne is passed, the Rochforte tribe will reassemble under a new leader, but he is by no means the devious creature his cousin was. Oh, I am certain he will orchestrate further attempts to attain a position of power within the Isle, but we have an unwitting spy in their camp now.’

  Mistral’s eyes widened as the realisation hit her. Golden had no idea that Mistral had ever read her. Fabian was right; they had an unwitting spy in the camp.

  ‘And I have the chance to earn us enough money for me not to have to work for the rest of your pregnancy. The Contract to herd the unicorns would ensure that, and I could leave knowing you were completely safe. Eximius will be here for the duration and has assured me that he will protect you.’

  Ignoring the frankly disturbing bit about Mage Grapple looking over her shoulder, Mistral replied tartly, ‘That’s all very well, but I will still miss you.’

  ‘It will be a short two weeks, I promise you. Besides, you will be under the tutelage of the twins, who I am sure will make you work every moment you are not asleep or eating roast boar.’

  Mistral suddenly looked more animated, ‘Do you think that’s what’ll be for lunch?’

  Fabian laughed and led her back to her seat at the other side of the room where the twins were still hotly debating some piece of half-remembered gossip about one of the Councillors.

  ‘Shh! They’re coming!’ Phantasm cut his brother short and instantly composed his face into an expression of polite indifference as the door opened and the four Council officials filed into the room.

  Mistral instantly recognised Mage Castledine from his luxuriant beard, but not the corpulent Mage bobbing along behind him.

  That’s Mage Rosenberg... larger than life …

  Mistral listened to Phantom providing a name for the fat Mage sporting a heavy moustache that gave him an unfortunate appearance of an overweight walrus.

  Mage Green … prone to getting a bit uptight …

  A thin, balding Mage with a harassed expression entered the room in Mage Rosenberg’s considerable wake.

  And Mage Castledine Junior … the younger and slightly less hairy brother …

  Mistral bit the inside of her cheek to stop the smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. The younger Castledine brother didn’t just look less hairy; he looked like he should still be at school. He blinked nervously and scurried into the room to hastily take a seat next to Mage Green.

  The elven delegates entered the room next.

  Chieftain Wolfsnare … you know him …

  Mistral gazed dispassionately at the regal features of the elven chieftain. She had mixed feelings about him but would not let them interfere with the job she was here to do today.

  Chieftain Greenoak …

  Mistral watched Castor, the elven chieftain from the mountain settlement in the north of the Isle enter the room and assume a seat beside Bryden.


  Well, I wasn’t expecting that!

  Mistral closed her eyes to prevent her irritation from showing and signalled in code for them to be quiet; meaning the reverse.

  Sorry … that’s the chieftain from The Velvet Forest tribe… relationships have been a bit strained with them since Konrad offed one of their kinsmen …

  Chieftain Larch…

  Mistral focussed on the tall, fair-haired elf. His face was carefully composed but Mistral could see that his aura was full of mistrust. She blinked and broke the vision but not before her eyebrow had twitched in silent agreement with him. His kinsman had been used by Malachi then killed by a Ri apprentice. She could see exactly why he was unsettled at being in the headquarters of the Ri.

  Ah, of course, Chieftain Silverside. The reserve the unicorns have been allocated lies within his territory in the Dawn Forests … inviting him was a most auspicious move by Mage Grapple …

  Leo Sphinx entered the room next, striding importantly down to the end of the table where Fabian was already sitting to assume the seat one along from him. Mage Grapple finally entered the room and took his seat at the end of the oval table between Fabian and Leo. Whether intentionally or not, all of the elven representatives were sat along one side of the table facing the Mage Councillors, the end of the table nearest the fire was taken by Mage Grapple, Fabian and Leo; leaving the end near to where Mistral and the twins were sat completely empty.

  Do you think we smell?

  Mistral hid a smile at Phantom’s thought but she guessed that nobody wanted to sit too close to a Seer and two mind controllers for fear of coming too easily under their influence. It was almost laughable that they would assume that distance affected their gifts, although it was apparent that they thought so from the fact that Mage Grapple had requested them not be present during the voting; a mistake that the twins did not seem too eager to correct him on.

  ‘Thank you for attending today.’ Mage Grapple began in a clear voice. ‘Mage Castledine, please outline your proposal – ’

  Ah, straight down to business as usual …

  Have you seen Mage Rosenberg Mistral? He looks like a balloon in those red robes!

  Mistral fought the urge to roll her eyes. It was going to be a long meeting if she was going to be inundated with their inane drivel. Quickly deciding to shut the twins out of her mind and get on with the job she was being paid to do, Mistral played eeny, meeny, miny, moe amongst the four Mages and was presented with the challenge of reading the nervously twitching Mage Green first. She cleared her mind and focussed on the shiny bald patch of skin in the centre of his head. Concentrating hard she was quickly rewarded with the colourful cloud of his aura, barely pausing
to register the myriad of emotions swirling there, she pushed her mind on to See –

  The meeting passed by in a blur for Mistral. She occasionally registered the sound of a raised voice and someone banging their fists on the table to emphasise a point, but it was all background noise to the sighing whispers that filled her mind.

  Mistral …

  .... MISTRAL!

  She blinked and turned to glare irritably at the side of Phantom’s head.

  Its lunchtime!

  His lips twitched with the faintest of smiles. She turned to look at the table and saw that the delegates had all risen from their chairs and were walking out of the door, holding murmured conversations between themselves. Mage Grapple remained seated, speaking quietly with Fabian. Mistral was so attuned to reading minds that she could instantly hear them, dipping automatically between their two minds to hear their conversation.

  Green has a point, if elven is taught, then should not all the Arcane languages be taught?

  I agree De Winter, however we must be realistic about how much time there is in a school day. If all of the Arcane languages were to be taught on the curriculum there would be little time to learn anything else …

  Make them optional then … a subject to be studied in their own time …

  Realising that she was actually listening in on something that had the potential to bore her to sleep, Mistral shook her head to dispel the sound of Fabian’s softly spoken words and turned to look at the twins, ‘What’s for lunch?’ She asked brightly.

  ‘You telling us what you just heard!’ Phantom said, his green eyes glinting with typical impatience.

  ‘No chance until I’ve eaten something! I’m starving! Seriously, what is for lunch?’

  ‘Boar for you I should think. I haven’t seen you eat anything else for about two weeks! Maybe you should try Mistral; Cain did want you to vary your diet after all.’

  ‘How do you know about that?’ Mistral eyed him narrowly; suddenly suspicious that Cain announced the details of her last examination to the whole Valley.

  ‘Mage De Winter has been leaving instructions in preparation for his possible absence.’


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