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Mail Order Bride: Westward Christmas Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides, Book 11)

Page 7

by Linda Bridey

  Sasha watched him, fascinated by the exposed V of male flesh above the napkin. Ben glanced at her and then again when he saw the awareness in her eyes. Sasha took her own napkin and tucked hers all along the neckline of her dress. Ben’s eyes followed every movement she made, and he was jealous of her fingers because they were able to touch her soft skin and he was not.

  Ben forced such thoughts away, concentrating on their meal instead. He poured both of them a little more wine.

  Sasha began to cut up her chicken. She took a bite and the tangy, rich flavor of the sauce tasted incredible to her. The chicken was tender and slightly spicy. She looked at Ben as she smiled and chewed.

  Ben had waited to see what her reaction would be. “Judging by the look on your face, it’s edible?”

  She said, “Edible is an enormous understatement, Dr. Walker. Superb is more accurate, but not adequate.”

  Ben took a bite and nodded. “It’s close to Mr. Carrini’s, but I’m afraid his cannot be duplicated. I’m very happy that you like it.”

  “Mmm hmm,” Sasha said as she began eating her garlic bread. She was suddenly famished and began twirling her spaghetti and taking rather large bites. After a few, she suddenly felt the need to burp. Sasha knew it wasn’t going to go away, so she tried to let it out quietly. It was no good, however, and it was audible in the quiet kitchen.

  Ben looked at her and his mouth curved up at the corners. Sasha couldn’t prevent the second burp that came out. Sasha covered her mouth and flushed in embarrassment.

  “Thank God you did that, because I’ve been trying to keep that in check myself,” Ben said, and let out his own burp.

  Sasha began laughing and more burps came out. “I am so sorry.”

  “Not to worry,” he said and chuckled.

  They didn’t talk much during the rest of the meal. Rather, they ate heartily and burped and laughed all throughout dinner. It was a meal they would never forget. Halfway through, Sasha became bold and she felt it must have been the wine, but she told Ben that she would like to see his brachial arteries again. Immediately Ben rolled up his sleeves and Sasha’s heart began to do a funny little dance.

  Ben saw the desire in her eyes and he had to keep his own under control. She let her eyes rest on his arms and then travel up over his shoulders to finally look into his eyes. There’s that she-devil again. Doesn’t she realize what looking at me like that does to me? he thought as his hand tightened around his knife a little.

  He cleared his throat and it broke the tension in the room. They finished their meal, both of them groaning over how much they had eaten.

  “Dr. Walker, I can’t remember ever eating such a delicious meal, especially prepared for me by a man,” Sasha said.

  “It was my pleasure,” Ben said as he rolled down his shirt sleeves. He noted that they had wrinkled, but he didn’t care. He decided against putting his tie back on. It wasn’t as if he needed to look perfect to go to the Watering Hole.

  Sasha sighed loudly as he covered up his arms again and Ben asked, “Is everything all right?”

  “Oh, yes. Fine,” Sasha said. “Just very full.” She hadn’t known that her sigh had been audible until Ben had noticed it.

  Ben laughed. “I know what you mean. We’ll work it off, though. Someone’s sure to play music, so we can dance.”

  Sasha said, “That sounds like fun. I haven’t been dancing in, well, since before I was married.”

  “Then I’d say it’s time to get back on the dance floor,” Ben said as he rose from his chair. “Do not worry about all of this. I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”

  “All right,” she said. Ben held out his hand to her and she stood up.

  Swiftly Ben pulled her close and brushed his mouth over hers. Sasha let out a shaky breath and ran her hands over his chest before his lips firmly claimed her mouth. Ben tasted of wine and sauce and Sasha would have been content to keep kissing him, so intoxicating a combination was it.

  Sasha couldn’t keep her hands off Ben and he didn’t seem to mind her exploration of his chest and shoulders. Ben curved a hand around the back of her head and increased the pressure of his kiss, and Sasha let out a little moan. All of a sudden, Ben felt her undo a couple of his shirt buttons and slip her hands inside against his bare skin.

  A ripple of desire ran through him, but he made no sudden movement for fear that she would stop. Sasha wanted him, craved him like nothing else she’d ever craved in her life. That fear rose within her again and she withdrew her hands from his hard muscles.

  Ben sensed the shift in her. He slowly released her and ended their kissing. He smiled into her eyes and said, “I think we should go downstairs,” even though he would much rather stay where he was with her.

  Sasha nodded. “I, um, think you’re right,” she said and backed away from him. She lowered her gaze as he buttoned his shirt again.

  Ben said, “I’ll get your coat for you.” He needed to move away from her for a few moments and he guessed that she could use the space, too. As he retrieved the garment, he heard music coming from downstairs and smiled.

  Sasha took several deep breaths to clear her mind of the passion Ben brought out in her. She turned then and went into the large parlor. Smiling at Ben, she took her coat from Ben, but didn’t put it on.

  “We can go down the inside stairs,” Ben said. “That way we don’t have to go out in the cold. It’s also quicker.”

  Sasha thought that the cold air would have been welcome at that point, but she smiled and said, “All right.”

  Ben opened up a different door than the one she’d come in and led her down a staircase that came out down the hall behind the bar area. While the new Watering Hole had been set up on a similar design as the old, it was much bigger, more stylish, and had a larger stage area.

  Noise immediately enveloped them. Clinking glasses, Jake hollering at customers, talking, laughing, whistling, singing, and stomping all assaulted Sasha’s ears. Ben took her hand and took her over to the bar.

  “Hey, Jake,” he said. “This is Sasha McCall. Sasha, this is my brother-in-law and Joe’s business partner, Jake Henderson.”

  Jake wiped his hands on a bar rag and extended his right one to Sasha, “Nice to meet you, Sasha. Ben treatin’ you right?”

  “Yes. He made us a lovely meal,” she said with a smile. “I’ve never been in a saloon before.”

  Jake laughed. “Well, then you’re in for an education, Sasha. The best thing to do is just jump right in and get your feet wet right away.”

  “Okay, I’ll do that,” Sasha said with more assurance than she felt.

  Ben said, “Do my ears deceive me, or is that Joe singing?”

  “Nope, it’s him. Why?” Jake asked.

  “Has he been betting on anything tonight?” Ben said.

  Jake gave Ben an annoyed glance. “I’m out here, Ben. I can’t see what he’s doin’ and I don’t care what he’s doin’ as long as he sings. Why?”

  “Because we have a bet going that he can’t keep from gambling for a week, until next Monday,” Ben said.

  Jake let out a shout of laughter. “How the hell did you convince him to bet like that?”

  “It was poetry in motion,” Ben said.

  “I’ll bet it was,” Jake said. “You’ll have to ask Sammi or Reckless. They’d know.”

  Ben nodded. “I’ll do that.” He took Sasha’s hand again and said, “Come with me, sugar. I’ll introduce you around.”

  They pushed their way through people and stepped into the barroom, where the noise became even louder. Sasha fought the temptation to cover her ears. The song that Joe and his gang had been playing was finished and Joe spotted Ben at the same time that Reckless crept up on the doctor.

  Joe turned his gaze to Wendell and told him the next song he wanted to sing. He looked back up in time to see Ben almost go down as Reckless struck. Strong hands grasped Sasha around her arms and pulled her away from Ben and the brave. Sasha let out a squeak and then looked over at
a tall, blonde woman wearing a brown cowboy hat.

  “Hi,” the woman said, “I’m Sammi. You must be Ben’s girl, huh?”

  “Um, yes, I suppose,” Sasha said. “It’s nice to meet you, Sammi. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Sammi laughed. “It’s all true. Nice to meet you, too. Oh boy. Ben is mad as hell. Reckless better look out.”

  Sasha turned back to the two men and said, “How can you tell he’s…angry?” It was the first time she’d ever heard a woman cuss like that.

  “Watch his shoulders,” Sammi said pointing. “See how he gets ‘em all bunched up? That’s where he focuses all his anger, ready to punch you senseless. Not only that; the set of his jaw gives it away. Does he have surgery tomorrow?”

  Sasha said, “I don’t know. It didn’t come up. Why?”

  Sammi’s grin was broad as she said, “If he doesn’t, he’ll keep fighting. In that case, we’re in for a treat.”

  Sasha looked up at Sammi. “Does he fight you like that?”

  “Oh yeah. He’s a tough opponent. It’s fun,” Sammi said.

  “Fun?” Sasha’s eyebrows rose high on her forehead.

  “Uh huh. Get ‘em, Ben!” she shouted, making Sasha jump. “Kick his ass!”

  Sasha stared open mouthed at Sammi.

  Joe was waiting to see what was going to transpire. He didn’t stop singing until it was apparent that Ben wasn’t going to call a halt to the sparring. Joe stopped the band and shouted, “All right folks! Looks like we got us a match tonight! Who’s gonna come out the victor? The Deadly Doctor or Reckless the Rogue? I am not at liberty to gamble tonight, however, that doesn’t mean that ya’ll can’t. Get your money up to Wendell, pronto! Gentlemen, continue.”

  Ben had some pent up energy to get rid of and using Reckless as a punching bag would be a good way to do it. Besides, he could tell that the brave wasn’t going to leave him alone tonight until he’d goaded him into fighting. He saw that Sammi was standing with Sasha and knew that there wasn’t a safer place for her.

  If Reckless had been dangerous at seventeen, at twenty-years-old he was tenfold as deadly. Ben knew better than to let his guard down for one moment with Reckless. The brave knew the same of him. Both of them blocked out the cheering and clapping of the crowd that surrounded them. Green met black eyes and their deadly dance began. They circled warily, until Reckless gave Ben a slight smile. The doctor nodded in unspoken agreement and they came directly at each other.

  Reckless went high and Ben went low and they each scored blows on the other. It was something they’d developed to break the ice. Sasha had a flashback of Jack’s fight with Panther and she jerked a little as Reckless swung and connected with Ben’s shoulder. Ben’s fist rammed into Reckless’ stomach and the brave grunted. Ben followed it up with a hammering blow to Reckless’ lower back.

  Reckless went to his knees, but he was far from done. He rolled, grabbed Ben’s legs, and brought him down to the floor with him. Before Reckless could get his legs around Ben’s middle, Ben drove his fist into Reckless’ right thigh, shocking the muscle group that helped control straightening the leg.

  Reckless growled as he felt his upper leg go numb and he got up awkwardly, giving Ben the advantage. Ben knew he had Reckless where he wanted him. He could finish it, but Ben found that he didn’t want to. He circled Reckless like a tiger closing in on its prey. Reckless frowned in confusion. Why doesn’t he come after me? Now’s the best opportunity for him. Reckless tried to step on his numb leg just the tiniest bit, but it hadn’t recovered yet so he kept his weight off it.

  The whole time, Ben kept circling him, watching and waiting. He saw something in Ben that he’d never seen before and wondered at its cause. Usually it was just friendly fighting with a lot of laughing and some clowning around, but there was no humor in Ben at the moment. Did I make him that angry? No. He gets annoyed, but never angry. Reckless dropped back and shook his head, their signal that he was done. Ben didn’t heed it, however, and kept forcing Reckless to move.

  Joe watched and knew something was very wrong. Reckless’ face registered his apprehension and Joe couldn’t ever remember seeing that expression on Reckless’ face. Sammi saw what was happening and got her brass knuckles out of her pocket.

  “Stay here,” she told Sasha.

  Sammi entered the circle and shoved Reckless out of the way. A cheer went up from the crowd at the change of opponents. She’d seen Ben like this one other time and hoped she could snap him out of it again. Dropping him in front of everyone didn’t appeal to her, because there was nothing worse for a bouncer than for a crowd to know they had really gotten beat. They lost credibility.

  Ben resettled his gaze on Sammi. He really didn’t care who his opponent was at this point. Anyone would do. She gave him a friendly smile and said, “C’mon, Ben. You don’t wanna do this. Not here, not now. Let’s just give them a friendly little fight and call it a night, huh?”

  Ben didn’t smile, he didn’t laugh, and Sammi knew the situation was heading south quickly. “Ben, knock it off, okay? Whatever’s goin’ on, you need to come out of it. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to,” Sammi said. She rolled her shoulders and got a better grip on her brass knuckles.

  Sasha was deeply afraid for Sammi and didn’t understand what was happening. That fierceness in Ben seemed to be fully released at this point, and it worried her. And yet there was a tiny part of her that reveled in it. Sammi watched Ben unbutton his shirt and take it off. This was another strange move. Ben never did that.

  She didn’t make any facial expressions indicating surprise, however. Sammi centered herself. There was no way she was making the first move. Let Ben come to her. Then Ben’s right eyebrow rose and he winked at her. If she wasn’t as adept as she was in keeping her composure she would have laughed. He was messing around. Ben was fine. This was purely for the crowd’s benefit.

  Sammi slipped the brass knuckles back into her pocket and faced Ben bare fisted. Joe saw the movement and began to relax. The two bouncers came together in a clash of fists and feet and it was hard to tell who was winning. Sammi’s style of fighting was straightforward and relied more on countering than attacking. She knew that she lacked the brute strength Ben had, but she was quick and understood torque and angle.

  She also used humor to distract her opponent. Ben got her in a headlock and when her countermove didn’t work, she tickled Ben’s armpit. He couldn’t help but twist away from her and she jabbed a quick elbow into his unprotected side. Ben grunted and laughed. Reckless saw Ben laugh and realized that Ben had tricked him. The brave threw his hands in the air and shook his head.

  Sasha saw the sudden playfulness and smiled. Suddenly she got caught up in the fight and found herself routing for Sammi. A shot of whiskey was pressed into her hand and she looked up to see Seth grinning at her.

  “Drink up!” he shouted.

  Sasha smiled and tossed the whiskey back and promptly choked. Seth laughed and patted her back.

  “Seth! You should be ashamed of yourself,” Maddie said as she came to stand by her husband.

  “Aw, c’mon, honey. She’s all right. Gotta break her in. I wasn’t expectin’ a fight tonight, but I’m not complainin’,” Seth said.

  Sasha said, “I’m fine, Maddie. I just haven’t drunk hard liquor in a while.”

  “Okay,” Maddie said. “Did you place your bet yet, Sasha?”

  “No. I wasn’t planning to bet,” Sasha said.

  Maddie said, “You have to back Ben. He’s your man!”

  Seth laughed. “You wouldn’t think it, but she loves these fights. I brought her to one as a joke and she’s been hooked ever since.”

  Sasha said, “No, you wouldn’t think it. Of course, I can understand how she feels. There’s something…primal about it.”

  “I guess there is at that,” Seth said as he watched Sammi land another blow on Ben’s back.

  Ben struck back with a kick that took out Sammi’s legs. He never struck Sammi
in her pelvic region for fear of damaging anything pertaining to childbirth. Legs, arms, and such were fair game, but in his mind, anything to do with her hips was off limits. Reckless felt the same. If Sammi knew they sometimes gave her preferential treatment regarding this, she’d be furious.

  She landed hard and rolled away from Ben, who followed her closely and got ahold of one of her legs. Sammi kicked out with the other one and caught Ben’s rib cage with it. His breath left him for few moments and then he got her shirt collar and dragged her onto her feet. She laughed and hit him on his ear.

  Ben recoiled from the blow and punched her shoulder as he shook his head to clear the ringing in the offended ear. Sammi backed up as she rubbed her shoulder and Ben rubbed his ear. Both shook their head at the other and the fight was over. They came together in the center of the circle and hugged as they laughed together.

  Cheers and groans went up because it was Ben who won, since he’d taken on two opponents and was still standing. Those who had backed Sammi were dismayed to have lost money since they’d already lost money on Reckless. It was one time Joe was glad he wasn’t betting. Ben picked up his shirt as Reckless came over to him.

  “That was very sneaky, Ben,” he said with a smile. “I won’t fall for that again.”

  Ben grinned. “You’re not the only one who can be creative, you know.”

  Reckless shook a finger at him and went back to work.

  Ben found Sasha standing with Seth and Maddie. He’d been worried about her reaction to all of the commotion. She bounced up and down a little and grinned at him.

  “Look at what you won me!” she said, holding up a fistful of money.

  Ben laughed. “You bet on me?”

  “Of course! Well, I wasn’t going to bet at all because I’ve never done that, but then Maddie showed me how and now I’m rich,” Sasha said with a laugh. Never would Sasha have dreamt that she would go to a saloon and bet on a fighting match. She felt alive and didn’t want it to end.


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