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Tech's Change (Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Book 5)

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by Erin Osborne

  Tech’s Change

  Wild Kings MC


  Erin Osborne

  Copyright 2020© Erin Osborne

  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in book reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Designer: Erin Osborne

  Cover Photo: DepositPhotos

  Cover Design: Erin Osborne

  Editor: Jaquelyn Ayres

  Tech’s Change Blurb

  Chris ‘Tech’ Stevens

  My club was always enough for me. Past events in my life made me turned off to the whole relationship thing. When I had an itch to scratch, I’d find a woman for a night. No one ever got more than a night from me.

  Now, I’m working with another club. One like none I’ve ever seen or been involved with in any way. I have one main contact with them. She gets all of my secrets and is my main friend besides Fury. Until she pushes me past my limit and does something I never thought I’d do. One night changes everything for me.

  Ashtyn Banks

  My life has been dictated for the longest time. It wasn’t always that way. Things change. I’ve also always been alone. No friends or anyone to have my back. Part of that’s my choice because I don’t trust anyone. I’ve learned to not have any trust in people. They’re out for what they think they can gain from you and that’s it.

  One chance encounter won’t leave my mind. It’s not something I’ve ever done, and he makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. I’m not sure what it is about him. However, it’s also not something I can explore for my own reasons. Especially once my past comes back to get me. Now, I have a few decisions to make. Ones that will cost me everything.


  This one is dedicated to everyone who has been there since the very beginning. Thank you will never be enough.

  Character List

  Full Patch Members

  Brock ‘Gage’ Wilson: President

  Brent ‘Crash’ Evans: V. President

  Dominic ‘Trojan’ Martin: SAA

  Ethan ‘Steel’ Stone: Treasurer

  Chris ‘Tech’ Stevens: Secretary/IT

  James ‘Shadow’ Patrick

  Old Ladies

  Darcy Quinn: Crash and Trojan

  Riley Adams: Gage

  Harley Stone: Steel

  Renee Jackson: Shadow

  Ashtyn Banks: Tech


  Wayne Anderson

  Mike Evans

  Able Mathews

  Kitty Kat Lounge Dancers

  Addison: Manager

  Harley: Addison’s Assistant



  Club Girls



  Ashley – new

  Club Businesses

  Kitty Kat Lounge – Strip Club

  King’s Bar – Bar and Grill

  King’s Ink – Tattoo Parlor

  Country Corner – Diner

  Table of Contents

  Tech’s Change

  Copyright 2020© Erin Osborne

  Tech’s Change Blurb


  Character List

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen




  The past

  THE WILD KINGS MC is my only family in this world. It’s been that way since I was eighteen years old. I’ll be thirty-five in less than a month. Yeah, I have a mother, grandfather, and used to have a baby brother. My brother, Dean, was my best friend in the entire world. Even after we were separated, he still was. It didn’t matter if we didn’t get to talk or see one another, he was always on my mind.

  Our mother, Carrie, isn’t a bad person. She’s just so involved in herself to the point where no one else matters. Dean and I didn’t when we were growing up. All we saw was a revolving door of men. They would always leave for one reason or another: my brother and I were too loud, she wasn’t good enough, they were married—the list never ends. Things changed when she started leaving us alone. I was only seven while Dean was four.

  One of our neighbors called Child Protection Services on her. My grandpa, Judson, wasn’t able to take us in because of his health issues. Our case worker wouldn’t let him have us. So, we were put in foster care. Dean and I ended up in separate foster homes because no one had room for both of us. I thought Dean’s placement was a blessing because they adopted him almost immediately. Yeah, our mom had to sign her rights away because she wasn’t willing to change for us. That’s the day our grandpa disowned his own daughter.

  I was bounced from one foster home to another. Various reasons were given I was weird because I wanted to be alone, fighting in school, getting in trouble for hacking into the school’s system when I was in middle school. When I wasn’t in school, I was tearing their electronics apart. Again, the list was never-ending. It didn’t bother me as long as Dean was okay.

  Everything changed for me the day I learned of his death. My baby brother was killed by his adoptive father because he flew off into a drunken rage about my brother not doing his chores good enough. Rage consumed me from that day forward. I was difficult to live with because I gave up caring. My sole reason for living was gone, so there was nothing left for me.

  That’s until I found the Wild Kings MC. Pops met me while I was out boosting cars. There was no particular reason for me doing it other than I was bored. I wanted to make enough money to get a computer, so I could get back into hacking and pulling up dirt on the scumbags who don’t deserve to live.

  One of the cars I attempted to steal was Pops old Dodge Charger. Instead of beating me or calling the cops, Pops took me out for dinner. We sat in an old diner. After scarfing down my food because it had been a while since my last meal, Pops got down to business. He asked me what I thought I was doing by stealing cars. I didn’t hide away from him or try to lie. The truth of the matter was, I wanted money for a little bit of food and a good computer system.

  Pops listened to me without interrupting, judging me, or thinking I was bullshitting him. He didn’t berate me for wanting to get a little bit of money in my pockets or try to hurt me in any way. Instead, he asked how old I was. It was my eighteenth birthday the day I met him. Since I was officially of age, Pops took me with him.

  That was the day I became a Prospect for the Wild Kings MC. When the club moved, I moved with them, since I didn’t have a reason to stay behind. Other than my grandfather, that is. He followed as soon as I had enough money to move him to a different place closer to me. My grandpa lived long enough for me to earn my patch in the Dander Falls chapter of the club. Knowing I had a new family, my grandpa passed away in his sleep with a smile on his face. It killed me to lose him, but at least I knew he was proud of me.

  I became the IT guy for the club and was given the
road name Tech because of my skills. It’s my job to do background checks, set up any security measures anyone in the club needs, and use my skills to help find answers we need regarding our enemies. Anything my club needs me to do, I’m there. The Wild Kings MC is my life and all I need.

  After watching my mother go through men like I change my underwear (well, if I wore them), I don’t want anything to do with a relationship. I’ve seen couples make it work. There are plenty of ol’ ladies in the club who I love and adore. It’s just not something I’ve ever been interested in for myself. I get a piece of ass, when I need it, at the clubhouse from the sweet butts or I go out and find a piece of strange for a night.

  My club is my life. I’ve never wanted or needed anything other than my brothers, the ol’ ladies of the club who take care of us, and the sweet butts when I need to take the edge off. Watching everyone else settle down and begin to have the second generation of our club didn’t make me want to run out and find what they have. I’m perfectly content in my life as it is now. No sense in making any changes.

  Chapter One


  FURY, MY BEST friend and younger brother of Crash, is the only person I confide every personal detail about my life to. He and I share women on occasion, but it’s not needed by either one of us to get off. I think he wants something like his brother and Trojan have with Darcy. Darcy is an amazing woman who happens to find herself in the most horrible predicaments sometimes. Especially if Wood from the Phantom Bastards is around. Poor woman can’t catch a break with her clumsiness.

  Lately, I’ve been working with a woman named Siren. She’s a member of a motorcycle club called Deviant Angels. It’s an all-female MC and I love what they do. Their entire club works with anyone who is a victim of Domestic Violence. They get them out of the situation and help get them back on their feet. It doesn’t matter how they do it, or what these victims need, the Deviant Angels are there for them. Another thing they work on is stopping human trafficking. As soon as they get wind of something, they’re on the move. They can do things government agencies can’t, and with the permission of my president, Gage, I help out all I can. Everyone in my club is on board with me helping them.

  I’ve been working on a horrible case with Siren. For once, things are calm with our club, so I’ve had the time to help her out. We’ve been searching for a missing teenager for close to two weeks now. Every single time we get a lead that seems solid, it falls through. It’s beyond frustrating because this girl is barely thirteen and we’re not convinced she isn’t going to be auctioned off in a new sex trafficking ring.

  Tonight, I told Siren I’m taking a few hours off. I need to let loose and blow off some steam. Fury wants to go to King’s Bar, our club owned bar, and I’m going with him. The sweet butts here aren’t going to do anything to take off the edge for me. There’s no point in trying when they’re all used up and loose. Most of them are new girls for the club, but they do absolutely nothing for me. I guess I’m getting too old to want to stick my cock in someone the rest of the single guys here have already fucked seven ways to Sunday.

  “You ready to head out?” Fury asks, busting into my room without knocking, as usual.

  “Yeah. Let me grab my cut and I’m ready.”

  “You took a shower this time; I’m impressed,” he jokes with me because when I get lost in work, I forget things sometimes.

  Never once have I forgotten to take a shower, though. Every single day it’s the first thing I do. Most of the time, it’s also the last thing I do. After living with my mother and in the different foster homes, showering is almost an obsessive need for me. I realize it’s weird, but I don’t give a shit.

  “Funny, fucker,” I ground out, making sure I have my wallet, cigarettes, keys, and bandana.

  Sliding my cut over my shoulders, we head out of my room and I make sure my door is locked. I’ve got too much shit in my room for any of the sweet butts to get in there and fuck with things. It’s happened in the past, so we all make sure our rooms are locked. Better safe than sorry. Fury and I walk into the common room to see Darcy sprawled out in the middle of the floor. Papers, boxes, and the contents of her purse litter the floor around her. Neither one of us laugh at her because it’s not a funny situation.

  “Sis, what the fuck happened?” Fury asks his sister-in-law.

  “Well, I was bringing all this stuff in. I must have tripped over something because before I knew it, I was flying through the air to land gracefully where you find me.” she responds, barely able to contain her tears as the sweet butts in the room laugh their asses off.

  “You guys got a fuckin’ problem?” I ground out, leveling them all with a glare. “Get the fuck over here and help her pick her things up. You don’t ever fuckin’ laugh at an ol’ lady. This shit will be brought up to Crash and Trojan—her men.”

  The six women in the room scurry to help pick up papers, the boxes, and other debris. Fury and I help Darcy up and sit her at a table as her men come striding through the door with more boxes in their arms. I’m not sure what the hell is up; it’s not my business. Crash and Trojan take one look at the mess and shake their heads with smiles on their faces.

  “What happened, darlin’?” Trojan asks, setting his stack of boxes down on the table she’s at.

  “You know, my usual calamities when I try to do anything,” she responds, trying to laugh as her men look her over for any injuries. “I guess I’m lucky Wood isn’t around right now, so he wasn’t involved this time.”

  “Are you okay, baby?” Crash asks, kneeling down and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Where you guys goin’?” Trojan asks us, noticing Fury and I getting ready to head out.

  “King’s Bar,” Fury answers him. “Darcy, you okay?”

  She nods her head.

  “By the way, you may want to watch these bitches. The only reason they’re helpin’ her pick things up is because I yelled at them. They were sittin’ over there, laughin’ at her,” I let them know. “And that’s my cue to leave the clubhouse now.”

  Fury and I head outside to our bikes. We can hear Crash and Trojan yelling at the sweet butts from outside even with the door shut. I’m glad we’re not in there right now. Sucks to be those bitches.

  We start our bikes up and make our way to the bar. It’s on the opposite end of town, so it takes a few minutes to get there. I’m enjoying the freedom of the ride, my bike rumbling under my ass, and the wind wrapping around me. Everything else melts away as the miles stretch out before us.

  Pulling up to King’s Bar, the parking lot is packed. It bodes well for finding a piece of strange for the night. I’m definitely in need of finding someone tonight. We park our bikes at the back of the bar, where we all usually park, so we can get in and out quickly in case shit goes down. Fury and I shut off our bikes and place our helmets on the handlebars before making our way through the back door—an entry point reserved for members of the club.

  Walking in, I spot a woman sitting at the bar alone. There isn’t any other women or men sitting near her as she sips the bottle of beer in her hand. Her hair is fire engine red and full of riotous curls. I can tell she’s short as hell, since her feet barely reach the bottom rung of the stool she’s sitting on. I can’t see anything else about her from here with customers moving around and her back facing me.

  I make my way to the bar next to her and tap my knuckles on the top. Preston, our normal bartender nods his head at me before handing me a shot of Jack and a beer to chase it down with. Turning my attention toward the woman sitting next to me, I take in her generous curves, freckles splattered across her nose, and large tits. Don’t judge me; I’m a man who likes a large, real set of tits.

  “Hey, darlin’,” I say, motioning to the seat next to her. “Anyone sittin’ here?”

  “No,” she responds curtly, letting her hair fall in front of her face.

  Taking the stool, I ask her if she wants another drink. Nodd
ing her head, I get Preston’s attention. She orders another beer and shot of Jamison. I’m impressed. Never met a woman to shoot Jamison or anything else straight.

  For the next hour, we talk. She opens up the more she drinks, and I nurse my beer without having another shot. I want to be able to ride tonight when I’m ready to head home.

  I’ve managed to find out she’s twenty-five and her name is Ashtyn. She just moved to Dander Falls and doesn’t know anyone here. Ashtyn is a loner and spends most of her time cooped up in her small apartment. Innocence oozes from this woman and I want a taste of it.

  “You wanna get outta here?” Ashtyn asks, shocking the shit out of me.

  “You know what’s gonna happen if I leave here with you?” I question her, so we’re both on the same page. “I want you somethin’ fierce. I’ll understand if you say no. That also means I won’t be leavin’ here with you tonight.”

  “I know what I want to happen. I want you to fuck me,” she responds, seeming to have sobered up in the last half hour.

  “Let’s go.”

  I’m not taking any chances of her changing her mind. Ashtyn gives me her address, which is two blocks from the bar. Getting on my bike, I pull Ashtyn’s body as close to me as possible. My cock is already hard in anticipation of sliding into her warm, wet pussy. I make the ride as quick as hell to her place, with her fingers running across my abdomen.

  Ashtyn rushes me into her apartment once my bike is parked in the small parking lot of her complex. There are only four apartments here. They need to be updated, repaired, and taken care of better than they are. A slumlord owns the building and only cares about collecting his rent. We’ve tried to buy it from him for years but he refuses to sell. Other than not taking care of the place, he’s clean as hell.

  As soon as her door shuts behind us, I push her up against it and ravage her mouth with mine. Ashtyn wraps her arms around me, giving me back as good as I’m giving her.

  “Bedroom,” I growl out after pulling my mouth from hers.


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