Tech's Change (Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Book 5)

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Tech's Change (Wild Kings MC: Dander Falls Book 5) Page 10

by Erin Osborne

  “I’m sorry. I simply can’t take care of this baby knowing he’s part of a monster. I’m not ready to be a mother or want a part of a man so evil, he’s willing to sell his own son to sick individuals to use as they see fit. Please forgive me,” he reads aloud while I snuggle the baby close. “What are we gonna do now?”

  “I’m taking him back to the clubhouse with me. This baby has been abandoned and I want to make sure he has a good home. I’m not sure what kind of person leaves a note with an abandoned baby, but I’m betting they’re not going to come back looking for him. This little peanut can’t be more than a few days old,” I inform him, walking toward my car with him in my arms. “I don’t have any way to get him back to the clubhouse. What are we gonna do?”

  I’m beginning to panic now. I don’t want this little guy to go into the system because his mother doesn’t want him. From the sound of it, she knows who his father is and doesn’t want this little guy around the man. If we take him to the hospital or anything else, he’ll be taken away without a second thought. There are some good foster homes out there, but there are also some horrible ones. I’m not sure if I can take the chance he’ll end up in a bad place.

  “Able, can you drive my car back? I’ll make sure you get your bike once we get back there,” I plead with him.

  “I’m gonna call Tech and let him know I’m drivin’ you back. He’ll be able to call Doc and make sure he’s there when we get back. Hopefully, he’s not at the hospital workin’ or anythin’,” he informs me.

  Nodding my head, I get in the passenger side of my car with the little one in my arms. Once my seat belt is on, I shift him back to a comfortable position. Yeah, I know we’re not supposed to do this, but there’s really no other option right this second. It’s definitely too chilly for him to be outside. He’ll end up sick as hell and that’s also not a risk I’m willing to take with this little one.

  Able gets in the car and buckles up as he lets me know Tech is waiting and he’ll make sure Doc is there to take a look at the baby. Pulling out of the spot along the road, we make our way back to the clubhouse compound. There’s no more communication as we head there. I’m focused completely on the baby in my arms.

  He’s still looking for something to eat. None of the ol’ ladies at the clubhouse have any babies, so it’s still going to be a while until he can get some formula. Plus, it smells as if he needs a new diaper and I’m thinking we don’t have any there, either. I’m not sure what we’re going to do about making that happen immediately. For now, I have to get him checked out by Doc so we can make sure he’s okay.

  Pulling up to the clubhouse, Tech is outside with Doc. Tech is holding a bag in his hands. He rushes to my car once Able pulls to a stop. Opening my door, he helps me get the seat belt off, so I can get out without letting go of the baby. Doc is also at my side in an instant. He wants to take the baby from me; I can see it in his eyes. However, he stops himself from reaching out. Instead, he ushers me inside with Tech hot on our heels.

  We don’t head downstairs like I thought we would. Instead, we head to Tech’s room. Tech opens the door for us. I go in first, taking a seat on our bed while Doc stops right in front of me.

  “What happened here?” Doc questions, pulling the blankets away from the little guy.

  “I’m not sure. We were leaving the diner in town. When I got to the alley where those men hurt me, there was a whimpering noise. I went to investigate and found this little peanut,” I inform him, not taking my eyes off the baby. “Able has a note that was with him. It doesn’t sound like his mom is coming back for him. I don’t want him to end up in a home.”

  Tears pour down my face as I think of him being all alone in a home where he’s not given the love and attention he deserves or needs. Looking up at Tech, I can see the determination on his face to make sure that doesn’t happen. He promised to give me whatever I wanted to keep me happy and I believe he’s about to make good on his word. I’m not sure what that will entail, but he’ll do what he can to make sure this little one is not going to end up someplace bad.

  “Can you lay him on the bed, so I can check him over thoroughly? I need to determine if anythin’ is wrong with him or if he’s goin’ to need a visit to the hospital,” Doc states, letting me know I have to give him up for right now. “There’s a bag with diapers and formula Tech has. Why don’t you go make him a bottle while I do this? It looks as though this little guy is hungry.”

  I nod my head and set the baby down on the bed. Once I’m sure he’s not going to fall off the bed and Doc won’t leave his side, I make my way over to Tech. He pulls out a bottle of water, can of formula, and several small bottles. Tech also pulls out diapers and wipes.

  “Where did you guys get this stuff so fast?” I question him, knowing it didn’t take us more than ten or fifteen minutes to get here.

  “We have some stuff downstairs. You never know what you’re gonna run into. Doc packed up some stuff, so we’d have it until we can get to the store,” he lets me know.

  Grabbing a bottle, I make my way to the kitchen so I can wash the bottle out. I’m not about to give this little peanut a bottle that’s not been washed yet. You never know what’s in there or what will happen because of not taking precautions. I’d like to sterilize everything, there’s no time for that. So, washing it all out will have to work for now. I’ll simply use the hottest water they have in the kitchen to help.

  Once the bottle’s washed, I make my way quickly back to Tech’s room. He’s holding the door open for me. My gaze wanders to the bed where Doc is still examining the baby. I make my way over to Tech’s extra-large desk and begin to prepare his bottle. As I’m doing this, I listen to what Doc is saying to Tech. Not that I can exactly hear much, since these men know how to have virtually silent communication whenever a woman is around.

  Finally, Doc is done doing his examination of the baby. Standing up, he looks at me with a soft smile on his face.

  “He seems to be in good health. I’m goin’ to guess he’s no more than a few days old, at most. His umbilical cord hasn’t fallen off yet. I’m not sure if he’s goin’ to need anythin’ extra, but I’ll keep a close eye on him. I know you will too, Ashtyn,” he states. “For now, I’ve changed his diaper, put some diaper rash cream on him because he was a little red. Keep an eye on it. I suggest you take a trip to the store, so he has some clothes, a crib or playpen, and other stuff he’ll need.”

  “I’m on it,” Tech assures him. “I don’t anticipate Ash wantin’ to let him out of her sight anytime soon.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  Doc and Tech laugh as he collects his belongings before making his way out of our room. Tech is gathering up the formula and a fresh diaper before leaving the room. Instantly, I have the little man in my arms again. Sitting down on the bed, I feed him. We really need to give him a name, so we’re not calling him “he” or “him.” For as long as we have him, anyway.

  Tech comes back in with an infant car seat and a pair of pajamas in his hand. Must be something one of the ol’ ladies had left over from their little ones.

  “Finish feedin’ him, and we’ll head out. I’m gonna take you two out to the store you and Able were plannin’ on goin’ to. We’ll find anythin’ we need for him there,” he informs me as I stop feeding the baby for a minute to burp him.

  “What about him getting his bike?” I question Tech.

  “He’s headin’ out with us. More hands to load everythin’ we buy at the store. I know you need stuff and this little one here is gonna need a bunch of shit. Might as well make it all in one trip,” he states, laying the pajamas down on the bed next to me.

  “We need to name him, Tech. There’s no way we can keep calling him baby or he,” I say, looking up at him.

  “You got anythin’ in mind?”

  “Not really,” I answer, thinking as I look down at him. “What about Bryce?”

  “Bryce Judson?” he asks.

  Nodding my head, I fall in love with
his name. I know Judson is from his grandfather. He’s actually putting someone he loved and cares about in this little one’s name. I’m crying once again because this shows he’s going to do what he can to ensure this little one stays close to us. If he can’t remain with us, he’ll be with someone close so we can keep an eye on him.

  After taking care of the baby, I put him in the pajamas Tech brought in. Bryce does not like getting dressed. He cries and screams as I put the outfit on him. His little body is completely red from his fit while getting dressed. Once I’m done zipping him up, Bryce calms down and falls back asleep. This is going to be fun every time we have to change his diaper or bathe him.

  Tech, Able, Bryce, and I head into town. Able grabs his bike before following us to the store. We’re in Tech’s truck since we’ll need the room for everything we’re going to buy. I’m trying to make a list of everything we’ll have to get for Bryce, and I honestly have no clue if I’m even thinking right. Only time will tell.

  By the time we’re done shopping, Tech and I have taken a sizeable chunk out of the money in my account. I don’t have any problem with that at all. Tech wanted to pay and got mad when I refused to let him. No matter what happens with Bryce, I want this little boy with my whole heart. Tech doesn’t have to do anything with him if he doesn’t want to. It’s not like we ever talked about the future and having kids of our own. Or if we’re gonna make it that far.

  “Tech, I need to figure out what I have to do to make sure I can keep Bryce. I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. I know I’ll be a good mom to him,” I tell him as we’re heading back toward the clubhouse after his truck has been loaded to capacity.

  “I figured as much, Tiny. You let me worry about all that. I’ll make sure he doesn’t go anywhere. We’re gonna raise him as our own.”

  I’m completely floored. Never did I believe he would want to help me with him. However, I learn something new about this man each and every single day. Tears silently spill down my face as I look at Bryce in his car seat, sleeping. I’ve got a bottle prepared for him in case he wakes up again. For now, I lean back and think of all the ways my life is changing now. Good things are happening, and I don’t want to wait for the other shoe to drop as I normally do. For the first time in my life, I see nothing but positive ahead of me, including Bryce as our son.

  Chapter Fourteen


  WHEN ABLE CALLED to let me know Ashtyn found a baby and was bringing it home, I already knew what the outcome was gonna be. We were gonna have this baby in our lives one way or another. I’m not surprised she wants Bryce as her son. It doesn’t scare me or make me feel trapped like I thought it would. Instead, I feel myself falling even more in love with her. Ashtyn truly is an amazing woman after all the shit she’s been through.

  We’ve had Bryce with us for three days now. No one has come looking and I’ve been searching the dark web with Siren’s help. No one is looking for a newborn baby. There hasn’t been any chatter on the web about a missing child or anything else. Every new day we have with no one searching for him I breathe easier because I don’t have to break Ashtyn’s heart. She’s already in love with our boy.

  Ashtyn is an amazing mother. She’s immediately at his crib when he begins crying. If he’s crying while getting a bath, another thing he hates right now, she sings to him to calm him down. It’s not nursery rhymes or any bullshit like that. Ash sings him Chris Stapleton songs. The second her voice begins floating around him, Bryce stops crying.

  He’s a handsome baby, too. Bryce has large blue eyes with golden blond hair. I’m not sure if either of those things will change or not. Personally, I don’t care what he looks like. Ash and I love him more than anything. These two are showing me what truly loving another person is all about. It sucks in one way because I realize how little my own mother loved Dean and me when we were with her.

  Ash certainly laughed her ass off the other night. Fury helped Able and me bring everything inside. When we started putting things together as she washed all of his bedding and new clothing, we apparently put on quite the show. There was swearing, grunts of pain, tossing stuff to the side, and all sorts of other shit going on. It took Fury and I almost four hours to put the damn crib together. I’ve never had so many problems with a piece of furniture in my life. I’m pretty sure Ashtyn even recorded some moments of that night, too.

  By three in the morning, we had everything put together and crammed into our room at the clubhouse. This is not going to work long-term. So, I’ve already bought a piece of land from Gage behind the clubhouse and the contractors are breaking ground in the next few days. Ashtyn doesn’t know a single thing about it. I’m hoping to surprise her once it gets almost completely finished. It’s going to be large enough for us to have a master bedroom with walk-in closets and our own bath. Bryce will have his own room. There will also be extra rooms for any other kids we have in the future. Yes, I’ve been thinking about it hard as fuck since Bryce came here. Now I want to see Ashtyn round with our baby growing in her.

  I’m brought from my thoughts by my phone ringing. I’ve been lounging in bed this morning later than normal since Bry had a rough night last night. We were up almost all night with him crying. He didn’t want to eat, didn’t have a dirty diaper on, he simply cried and fussed all night long.

  “’Lo?” I question, not having looked at the caller id before answering.

  “What’s up, daddy-o?” Siren questions through the phone.


  “Rough night?” she asks.

  “You could say that. Wouldn’t trade it for anythin’ in the world, though,” I tell her, sitting up in bed. “What’s goin’ on?”

  “Got some papers coming through to you. You’re gonna want them as soon as possible,” she informs me.

  Getting out of bed, I make my way over to the computer. Ashtyn and Bryce aren’t in the bedroom right now. I’m sure she’s out in the common area, eating her breakfast while letting me get some extra sleep. I’ll repay the favor in a little bit. She needs sleep just as much as I do.

  Turning on my computer, I see the email she sent me. It’s always through an encrypted server so whatever we share can’t be traced back to either one of us. Opening it up, I see it’s not only a birth certificate for Bryce with Ashtyn and I listed as his parents, but a marriage license for Ash and me. I’m stunned speechless she did this for us.

  “Why?” I question as I print out the documents.

  “Knew Ash wasn’t giving up that baby. Easiest way to make everything complete was to go this route. It’s done and over with now. You don’t have to worry about anyone trying to take him from you. Plus, you’re married to the woman you want without all the fanfare. I know neither one of you want all that shit. I also know the ol’ ladies there won’t let it stand without throwing you two a massive shindig. Now you’re legally married and only have to worry about having the party afterwards,” she lets me know matter of factly.

  “I don’t know how I’m gonna repay you for this,” I respond, still somewhat speechless.

  “You already do. Every single time you help us out with our cases.”

  Siren hangs up, letting me think about what she’s just said. Instead of waiting for Ashtyn to come back in our room, I grab the papers and head out in search of her. Walking into the common area, I see her sitting at a table with Fury and Darcy. She’s got Bryce cradled to her chest. I stop in my tracks and take in my family. The light is shining through the windows just right and it casts a halo above her head as she looks down at our son. She looks absolutely stunning as I pull out my phone and snap a picture. Yeah, I’ve turned into that guy. The one who takes a million pictures of his family. I don’t even care. Ashtyn is the same way, too.

  Walking up to the table, I set the papers down in front of her before grabbing Bryce from her arms and cradling him to my chest. She looks down at the papers in front of her and gasps when she finally realizes what she’s looking at.

  “How?” she stutters out, looking from the papers to me and back repeatedly.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Fury asks, concern filling his face.

  She hands him over the papers I brought out. He looks them over and stands up, calling for everyone’s attention. There’s not too many members in here, just enough for word to spread like wildfire in the club.

  “It’s fuckin’ official. We’ve got two new members of the Wild Kings family! This is cause for a celebration,” he announces to the room.

  Everyone begins cheering and clapping as Darcy takes her turn looking over the papers.

  “He’s right. It’s party time. Let me call Riley and the girls. Do either of you want anything specific?” she asks us.

  “I have no words right now,” Ashtyn murmurs, looking at me before her gaze shifts to Bryce asleep in my arms. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  My wife—always worrying about everyone else and what they want or need.

  “Already told you what I want. Now, it’s up to you to decide if I’m the man for you. If Bryce, you, and me will be a family for the rest of our lives,” I state, keeping our gazes locked on one another.

  “I do. I want this for my life. You’re definitely the man I want in my life. Bryce is our son and we’ll raise him with all the love, strength, and support neither one of us ever had,” she states, flooring me.

  “Don’t forget about all his uncles. And aunts,” Fury demands, walking around the table to take Bryce from me.

  Fury is all about his nephew. He’s always holding him when he’s here and Ashtyn is out of the room. If he has to wait to get his Bryce fix, he’s cranky and comes to our room. He’s also the only one who knows about the house I’m having built for us, too.

  “You guys relax for a while. I’ve got little man here. I know you guys didn’t sleep good. We’ll have everythin’ sorted before you wake up,” Fury orders us.

  Ashtyn and I head back to our room. Fury already has a stash of Bryce’s things in his room. He’s watched him several times over the last three days. Even though I probably won’t sleep, Ash definitely needs it. She proves it when she lies down on the bed to pass right out. I cover her up and make sure the baby monitor is off before heading out of our room. There are a few things I need to get ready before the party tonight.


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